Your very first easy rhythm on the beginner tutorial guitar – the guitar in 3 days, how is a first guitar lesson going?

How is a first guitar lesson going

Since then, thanks to the feedback from our students, it is improved each year to guarantee regular progression and maximum pleasure for everyone.

Your very first easy rhythm at the beginner tutorial guitar

Kero -level beginner guitar tutorial: your first easy rhythm (video)

When you just acquired a guitar, you immediately want to play lots of songs, and it can be easy to spread a little ! Here is your first easy rhythm on the guitar that you can learn, in order to immediately start learning to play the guitar with pleasure !

You want to go much further ?
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On video to immediately take good habits

How to play an easy guitar pace with two chords

Refer to the video to see the details of the agreements.

We saw in this course 2 guitar chords:

  • The Mi Major Guitar Agreement (or E Chord)
  • The agreement of the major guitar (or a Chord)

The Mi E major on the guitar

An easy guitar agreement to start

Here is the grid of the Mi Major agreement. Always press well with your fingertips to be sure not to touch other ropes without making it on purpose to have the best sound possible. If you want to have much more detail about it to really take good habits you can follow this Free guitar lessons Now with Alexandre.

The agreement of the major on the guitar

A practical guitar agreement for beginners

And now here is the grid of the agreement of the major. This guitar agreement is often considered simple to memorize and play, because the 3 fingers are a bit stuck together at the height of the second box.

If your annular stifles the first rope a little without doing it on purpose, it does not matter at all at the beginning. With a little practice your fingers will find the right position perfect to make this guitar agreement sound well.

The implementation of your first easy rhythm on guitar

And now place to the rhythm ! I detail it in the video, listen to it well in order to assimilate it as much.

Start by singing it to memorize it intuitively.

Here is as this rhythm is written in partition:

Learn to play the guitar with pleasure for beginners

This first easy rhythm on guitar is only the start of the adventure ! I invite you to take all Good guitar habits now in order to progress effectively: we will see the whole basic base necessary to play the guitar.

How is a first guitar lesson going ?

Contact us

The first guitar lesson will be an opportunity for you to familiarize yourself with your instrument. Your teacher will give you keys to be able to work outside the course and will introduce you to the guitar through easy -to -access pieces for the beginner that you are.

First contact with guitar

Before you start playing, you have to Contact the instrument. The first thing to know is the note that corresponds to each rope (half the rein so mi, from the most serious to the acute). As you will have to get into the habit of being always the best granted possible, Your teacher will explain how to proceed. Get a tuner Because exercise requires a good ear: it is likely that you do not manage without.

When you play an instrument, it is good to know how it is formed. Your teacher will thus describe the different parts that make up your guitar, whether acoustic or electric. THE mechanical thus serve grant the guitar, The head and bridge silters delimit the length of the vibrant rope (headset and bristles on an electric). THE frets, positioned on a thin wooden slab (the key) allow you to choose the height of the note (the bass at the top of the handle and the treble at the bottom)). The cash of an acoustic guitar is made up of a table that plays the most important role in the dissemination of vibrations, sidelines (the side), an opening (rosette) and a background. On this box are installed the easel which is the starting point and installation of the strings, as well as the microphones and all the electronics associated with them on an electric guitar: microphone selector (more acute and aggressive on the easel side, more serious and soft handle side), potentiometers of volume and tone, jack to connect the instrument to the amplifier. On some guitars is also affixed a pickguard to protect the table from the mediator.


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First notes

The fingers of the left hand (for right -handers) come to be placed On the handle to choose the notes, while the right hand (which plays the fingers or with a mediator) vibrate the strings with more or less intensity. Once you are ready to use your guitar, you will still need to know how to hold it. It may seem intuitive but Most of the beginners keep their guitar badly And position their hand poorly on the handle. Do not panic, Your teacher is there to guide you. His eye is trained to notice the defects of guitarists and He will take care to correct you Whenever you get wrong. The good technique may seem uncomfortable at the start but be reassured, You will get into the habit And you will realize that your dexterity is increased.

Before the course, Discuss your musical tastes With your guitar teacher so that he can make you work a song you know and enjoy. On the one hand becauseIt is easier to replay a melody already well integrated by the brain, and on the other hand because your motivation will only be greater. You have decided to learn to play the guitar because it pleases you, which is why the role of your teacher is not only to help you accomplish yourself as a guitarist, it is also to maintain your passion and your desire to play.

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Learn to read music

To train between lessons, you will need to be able to read music: indeed, it is unlikely that you will hold everything by heart. Reading music does not necessarily mean reading a score. During a first course, the most important thing is to familiarize yourself with the instrument and you are not going to clutter with music theory. What you will really need is to know how to read a tablature and a agreement.

A tablature Indicates by figures the boxes of the handle on which press, and the strings are represented by 6 lines, that of the lower corresponding to the most serious rope: This is the direct alternative to scores, much simpler. Their only defect is not always indicating the pace, as on the example that follows.


A Agreement diagram is a diagram which represents the area of ​​the handle where playing the agreement, with points (sometimes noted from 1 to 4 to specify the fingers to be used) on the places where pressing. This is the most common form for the rating of agreements. These diagrams will follow you all your life as a guitarist since they show how to play agreements of all the difficulties for guitarists of all levels. During your first lesson, your teacher will show you two or three agreements among the easiest, such as the Mi or the DO. These agreements will allow you to play an infinity of songs : for example, assemble a floor, a Ré, a do and a minor and that’s it: you know how to play Knocking on Heaven’s Door !

Now that you know what to expect for your first lesson, all you have to do is find a teacher to start or to Continue to inform you about the guitar.

My first guitar lesson

The free guitar course ! It’s probably the best way to start. Starts without stress and without pressure from you with the support of MyGuitare and the whole community of myguitarists.

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My first guitar lesson

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The free guitar course ! It’s probably the best way to start. Starts without stress and without pressure from you with the support of MyGuitare and the whole community of myguitarists.

With this Free guitar lessons, You will be able to learn the fundamentals to start the scraper well and to please yourself by playing your first song from the first lesson.

Why did I create this first course ?

Me too, I started the guitar on the internet alone.

And I lost countless hours looking for the right information to go beyond the beginner’s stage and I know how frustrating it can spend more time looking than playing the guitar.

I also know that when we start, we are never really sure that we will love.

Taking home music instrument lessons or individual lessons is relatively expensive and it may be reassuring to have access to a Free guitar lessons To test ourselves and see if we like this instrument.

I gathered here All the answers to the questions we ask ourselves when we start.

By registering for this course, you will have free access to the advice and responses of a professional guitar teacher and pedagogue.

I hope this lesson will save you all the time that I lost when I started and that you will give you a taste for the guitar.

I even hope that he will make you want to go further and join the myguitarists to continue this adventure together and take all the online courses that you will want.

educational goals

In this online course, we concentrated all the questions we ask ourselves when we start the guitar, we organized them in a logical progression and we answered it on video.

The objective of this Free guitar lessons is to transmit everything you need so as not to waste time or not go in the wrong direction.

This course for beginners is completely free (just create an account to access it).

Much more than a simple collection of tutorials, this course is organized as a real guitar method.

We enrich him regularly to best answer all the questions of beginners on guitar, even the most improbable ��

If you still doubt, trust me, I have already helped tens of thousands of guitarists to start the guitar.

With my experience of private lessons and online courses, I can guarantee you that he will teach you everything you need to know.

With this course, you will go in the right direction to start the guitar in learning good things in the right order.

Myguitare functioning

All our online guitar lessons are accessible on computer, smartphone or tablet.

Each video tackles a theme and is presented by Cyrille.

Just create an account for free on MyGuitare to take advantage of it.

Contents of this free guitar lesson

We will deal with all the subjects listed below in the guide “The 40 steps to start the guitar well”:

The fundamentals

  • The name of the six guitar strings.
  • How to grant your guitar with or without tuner ?
  • Good postures to keep your guitar correctly seated and standing.
  • How to press the strings well and position your wrist, your hand and your fingers to get a good sound, without sizzles ?
  • How to keep and use a mediator ?
  • How to use a capo ?
  • How to play your first songs and melodies ?

The chords pave in this free guitar lesson

  • How to read a chord diagram and agreements ?
  • How to play the main guitar agreements ?
  • How to change chords quickly and chain them well ?
  • The difference between minor agreements and major agreements.
  • How to press the strings well and position your wrist, your hand and your fingers ?
  • How to scratch the strings to play chords ?
  • How to play agreements of agreements ?
  • How to succeed in barred chords ?

The minimum music theory (musical theory) ‍

  • How to find your way on the handle of the guitar ?
  • Know the 12 guitar notes.
  • How to read a tablature ?
  • How to read tablatures with guitarpro software ?
  • How to find any note on the handle ?


  • How to have a good rhythm in the right hand and keep it ?
  • How to play rhythms in round, white and black ?
  • How to play silences ?
  • How to scratch the strings to play chords ?
  • How to be accompanied by singing on the guitar ?

Useful techniques to know

  • How to play arpeggios on one or more agreements ?
  • How to work on the independence of the fingers with or without guitar ?
  • Discover the pentatonic range.

Why offer you this free guitar lesson ?

It is a myguitar course designed and optimized for adults

It will allow you to test our unique method. Adults, we don’t learn guitar in the same way as a teenager. We do not have the same brain plasticity and much less time at our disposal. Learning guitar is possible at any age, but pedagogy must be adapted to our functioning.

It’s a structured and progressive course

Our courses are all structured, guided and progressive while remaining very fun with the pleasure of playing the guitar.

This allows regular progress and no drop in motivation.

This is a method that works and has proven itself

And we want to make you discover it. It was first tested for 15 years through private lessons before seeing the light of day in a online course format in 2013.

Since then, thanks to the feedback from our students, it is improved each year to guarantee regular progression and maximum pleasure for everyone.

Cyrille remains discreet on this subject, probably out of modesty or to protect the anonymity of his former students, but some current stars of French song learned the guitar with him and this method.

Legit is a free guitar lesson to have fun while progressing

The concept of pleasure is very important to us, because it is essential for your success.

The goal is to make you autonomous on the guitar and give you enough confidence in yourself so that you can play all the songs you like, accompany yourself to singing and be comfortable with your instrument.

MyGuitare is like private lessons, but with all the advantages of courses on the Internet

In our pedagogy, we wanted to recreate the positive learning experience with a particular teacher.

Our pedagogy adapts to your availability and your progression.

At the end of each lesson, you can self -assess your progress or have your level assess by a teacher (VIP formula).

Your lessons being accessible for life, you can progress at your own pace and without stress.

Our courses adapt to everyone.

In short

For who is this first free guitar lesson ?

  • Beginners on guitar
  • Ultra-deputants (those who have never played any note from their lives on a guitar)
  • Those who want to review the basics or acquire the strongest
  • For all types of guitars: classic, acoustic, folk, electric

Prerequisites to take this course

  • have a guitar
  • want to learn
  • Have or create a MyGuitare account (it’s free ��)

Educational objectives of this course

  • Discover and take charge of your instrument
  • be able to play your first song
  • acquire the fundamentals of the guitar
  • Discover the rhythm and the basic agreements
  • Continue learning the guitar with our other beginner guitar lessons

Operation of this 1st free guitar lesson

  • Access for life to course videos
  • immediate access
  • free access
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