You want to know how much a first generation iPhone costs today?, IPhone prices award: from the first iPhone of 2007 to the iPhone 13

IPhone prices award: from the first iPhone of 2007 to the iPhone 13

L’iPhone 13 pro 1TO is offered at a price of € 1739 while the iPhone 13 Pro Max 1TO reaches the record price of € 1839. A logical evolution finally for smartphones which, from the iPhone X, systematically reach 4 -digit lines for the most complete models. It is however true that now it is the most high -end models, with the most memory, which always culminate at the most prohibitive prices.

You want to know how much a first generation iPhone costs today ?

The auction was organized by LCG Auctions, which specializes in the ” emblematic objects of pop culture »».

A rare collection object

With its 3.5 inch screen, its 16 GB of storage and its resolution of 320 x 480 pixels, the iPhone 2G is pale figure compared to today’s smartphones. If it is not really top in terms of features, this device was considered revolutionary when marketing in 2007. He then had Apple passed in a completely different dimension: $ 1,000 in the company in 2007 equivalent to $ 53,000 today.

The state -of -the -art gadget of the 2000s has therefore turned into a rare collection object, especially when it is still in its original packaging. In October 2022, a first generation iPhone still under Blister sold $ 40,000 during an auction when its starting price was located at 2,500 dollars.

This gave Karen Green an idea, an American who had a still an original iPhone 2G in her original packaging in an old cabinet.

A simple story of operators ..

This tattoo artist was indeed offered the device from her friends in 2007 when she had just obtained a job. At the time, the iPhone 2G was marketed as an exclusive product of the AT&T operator. Client with her competitor, Verizon, Karen Green had not wanted to lose his different lines and therefore never opened his gift.

16 years later, by realizing the value of the first generation iPhone, all the more when it is under Blister, it decided to subject it to an auction of LCG Auctions. The smartphone was sold for 63,356 dollars. “” If I could wait another 10 years before selling this phone, I would probably do it. The only reason I sell this phone is that I need to support this business “She says. She has just opened her own tattoo lounge.

LCG Auctions explains that it has received numerous calls from 2G iPhone 2G holders in their packaging. Search your drawers, in case.

Evolution of the price of iPhone: from the first iPhone of 2007 to the iPhone 13

The latest iPhone 13 were announced this week and they are the first in the history of the apple brand to offer 1TB of memory. A novelty that has a cost since the most high -end model, the iPhone 13 Pro Max 1TO still reaches € 1839. On the occasion of this iPhone 13 outing, back on the evolution of the price of iPhone over time.

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IPhone price: a constant increase since 2007

Woman iPhone

The latest Apple born, the iPhone 13, iPhone 13 Mini, iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max were revealed during the Keynote on Tuesday, September 14. This outing is the occasion for a new price record for an iPhone with iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max models of 1TO.

L’iPhone 13 pro 1TO is offered at a price of € 1739 while the iPhone 13 Pro Max 1TO reaches the record price of € 1839. A logical evolution finally for smartphones which, from the iPhone X, systematically reach 4 -digit lines for the most complete models. It is however true that now it is the most high -end models, with the most memory, which always culminate at the most prohibitive prices.

The 2018 iPhone XS series was nevertheless the peak of Apple smartphones prices since The first price for the iPhone XS 64GB was then € 1159. The iPhone XS Max 512GB model had also caused a lot of ink to flow by displaying a price of 1659 €.

This acme of Apple prohibitive prices then leaves room for a return to “affordable” prices for entry -level models with the iPhone XR also released in 2018 and sold from € 859 for the model in France. Since that date, Apple has reviewed its strategy and now offers iPhone every year that do not exceed the 900 € mark.

The recent Mini series started with the iPhone 12 Mini 64GB was sold at € 809 as is the iPhone 13 Mini 128GB which was also 809 €. Since 2020, Apple even offers the iPhone SE 64GB from € 489.

When the price of an iPhone exceeds the minimum wage in 2018

It was in 2018 that Le Figaro published an infographic taking up in detail the evolution of the price of iPhone since the first model released in 2017. An unequivocal title “Apple: in ten years, the price of the iPhone has doubled” insisted on the exponential increase in iPhone price.

A First iPhone launched at a price of € 399 in France, The opportunity for the daily newspaper to return to the forgotten difficult beginnings of these first smartphone models: “which remembers that in 2007, the year of the launch of the first iPhone, Steve Jobs had announced a price drop of 200 dollars. Launched at 399 dollars (around 399 euros), the first smartphone sold badly and accumulated technical bugs.””

For this release week of the four new iPhones, we have taken over the prices of the different iPhones since their release indicating the monthly minimum wage for comparison:

The evolution of the price of iPhone since 2017 compared to the gross monthly minimum wage

IPhone model Price Release year Brut monthly minimum wage
iphone From € 399 to € 599 2007 € 1280.07 (July 1)
iphone 3G From € 599 to € 699 2008 € 1,321.02 (July 1)
iphone 3GS From € 599 to € 699 2009 € 1,337.70 (July 1)
iPhone 4 From € 629 to € 739 2010 € 1,343.77
iPhone 4S From € 629 to € 849 2011 € 1,365
iPhone 5 From € 679 to € 899 2012 € 1,398.37 (July 1)
iPhone 5S From € 699 to € 899 2013 € 1,430.22 (July 1)
iPhone 6, 6 Plus From € 709 to € 1019 2014 € 1,445.38
iPhone 6s, 6s plus From € 749 to € 1079 2015 € 1,457.52
iPhone 7, 7 Plus From € 769 to € 1079 2016 € 1,466.62
iPhone 8, 8 Plus From € 809 to € 1080 2017 € 1,480.27
iPhone xs and xs max From 1159 € to 1659 € 2018 € 1,498.47
iPhone 11, 11 pro, 11 pro max From € 809 to 1659 € 2019 € 1,521.22
iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, 12 pro, 12 pro max From € 809 to 1609 € 2020 € 1,539.42
iPhone 13, iPhone 13 mini, 13 pro, 13 pro max From 809 € to 1839 € 2021 € 1,554.58

Source: Le Figaro, Apple, Selectra

Until 2017, the price for the iPhone 8 plus 256GB to € 1,089 was still € 400 compared to the gross monthly minimum wage. From 2018, the famous iPhone xs max 512GB at 1659 € cheerfully exceeds the monthly minimum wage at € 1498.47 with 160 € difference.

Since then, the monthly minimum wage has never taken over the most upscale iPhone. The latest iPhone 13 Pro Max 1TO at 1839 now exceeds the minimum wage of almost € 300 ! If we compare compared to 2007 and the maximum price of € 599 of the first iPhone, the minimum wage of the time was equivalent to two iPhone.

The increase in iPhone prices between 2007 and 2021 is 102.76%, which still corresponds to a little more than double the price in 14 years. Apple, the chanel of smartphones ? THE high -end iPhone have increased by the price of 207.01% since 2017, the price of the price (from € 599 for the iPhone 3 16GB to € 1839 for the iPhone 13 Pro Max).

How to buy then an iPhone without breaking the bank ? For a new iPhone, theiPhone SE 64GO is a good option from 489 € or if not the repurchased iPhone are generally even more affordable depending on the models. You can also opt for iPhone recovery or other smartphone brand, allowing you to get a bonus for the purchase of a new phone.

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