Write an e-mail of absence before his departure on vacation | HELLOWORK, 13 Examples and models of absence messages | Exclaim
13 models and examples of absence email messages
Select the option Activated automatic response And specify the start date of activation of the message. By checking Last day, The automatic response will automatically deactivate on the chosen date. Enter your lack of absence in the box provided for this purpose. Note that Gmail offers many options for shaping your text.
Write an e-mail of absence before his departure on vacation
Your office is tidy, your urgent files are curly, as well as your suitcase. You are about to go on vacation and all your colleagues are aware. But have you thought of warning your other employees, customers and partners ?
Before leaving for long weeks, and in order to anticipate misunderstandings and possible emergencies, it is strongly advised to activate the automatic answering machine (or absence manager) of your mailbox. Real brand of professionalism, this formality is not to be overlooked.
But how to do it ? What is the procedure to program an absence email ? We explain how to make this step on Gmail, Outlook and Windows 10.
Prepare a clear message
The message of absence must be concise and limpid. The objective is clear: prevent your absence and indicate the date of your return. If you are too long, the message loses its effectiveness and therefore has no interest. In some cases, it is also possible to offer the contact details of a colleague to contact in an emergency. However, prefer the email to the phone number: the person concerned will be less disturbed. Of course, spelling mistakes are to be avoided.
Example of messages
Bilingual version
If you work internationally, you have every interest in offering a translated version of your message.
Merci pour votre email.
I am out of office from [Date] to [Date] and will not have access to my e-mails.
I will get back to you as soon as i can.
In Case of Emergency, please contact [xxxx] by email [[email protected]].
The personal touch
Being clear and concise does not mean being any and conventional. Depending on your sector of activity and your function, and especially if you deal with customers, you can play the card of creativity and lightness by sliding a nod to your products: ” In my absence, do not hesitate to take a look at our HELLOWORK, HELLOWORKLACE and BDM sites. We can then exchange when I return. »»
Do not leave your phone number in any case. Even if you are not a follower of disconnection on vacation, and that you consult your professional emails from time to time, your correspondents must understand that they should not wait any return from your holidays.
How to activate the message ?
Automatic email on Gmail
To activate the automatic response function, click the notched wheel at the top right and select See all Parameters. In the general tab, top left, go directly to the section auto reply (the last section of the section).
Select the option Activated automatic response And specify the start date of activation of the message. By checking Last day, The automatic response will automatically deactivate on the chosen date. Enter your lack of absence in the box provided for this purpose. Note that Gmail offers many options for shaping your text.
If you want to warn only the correspondents appearing in your Gmail address book, check the box Send an answer only to people in my contacts. Then validate by checking Save changes at the bottom of the page. If you have not checked the box Last day, To deactivate the automatic answering machine, simply return to the tab and select the option Automatic response disabled.
Automatic email on outlook
First of all, check that you have an Exchange account. To do this, simply open Outlook, and check that the message “Connected to Microsoft Exchange” appears on your state bar.
To activate the automatic response function, click the tab File, then click on Automatic responses. A dialog will open, and you just have to check Send automatic responses. The options Start time And End time Allows you to date your automatic message for theSend only during this time.
Then type your message in the tab Within my organization, Or Apart from my organization Depending on the contacts you want to send your automatic response. Validate by clicking on OK.
Automatic email on Windows 10
In Mail, Click at the bottom left on the notched wheel icon. In the tab Settings which is on the right, click on Automatic responses. If several accounts are configured in the application, select the account that interests you in the drop -down list. Then pass the position cursor Disabled has Activated. Enter your lack of absence in the box provided for this purpose.
By checking the option Send answers to my contacts only, You avoid sending the automatic message to diffusion lists. When you return from vacation, to deactivate your absence email, remember to redo the same manipulation.
Photo credits: Suteren Studio/Stock.adobe.com
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13 models and examples of absence email messages
According to Lifewire, 62.86 % of professionals prefer to use emails to communicate for professional purposes. If we add to this the fact that an executive sends an average of 40 professional emails per day, it clearly appears that the email remains the main communication method used in all types of companies.
However, it is not always possible for employees to respond quickly to all the emails they receive. They go on vacation, may fall sick or have other commitments that prevent them from responding to their emails. If you are unable to respond to emails, it is important to set up an “message of absence from the office” (OOO, Out of Office).
What is a message of absence ?
An absence message is an automated response that tells the sender that you are not at your workstation. This means that you will not read or respond to emails as quickly as usual. It is used to inform the sender of the following important facts:
1. The pattern for which you are not available
The most common patterns are:
- Annual/holiday leave
- Disease
- Out -of -site training
- Professional events (p. ex. salons or conferences)
- You work from another place
2. When the sender can hope for a response
Providing a realistic response period is essential to establish the expectations of the sender. If you do not consult your emails for two weeks, it is important to specify it. On the other hand, if you consult your e-mails punctually, tell the sender that your response will take more time than usual.
3. The duration of your absence and your return date
As a rule, this is a specific date. However, this is not always possible, especially if you are on sick leave. If possible, indicate the start date of your absence.
4. That
It happens that a request for information by email is urgent, which is why you must always indicate the contact details of a colleague likely to help during your absence. However, make sure that your colleague is informed in advance.
Additional points to remember
A message of absence must be professional, but cordial. He may also indicate whether the email will be transferred or consulted by other colleagues. It is also wise to reread the text of your message, because the typing faults are similar to a lack of professionalism.
On the other hand, to be really effective, an automated e-mail response must always use professional language . It is important to remember that all those who send you an email will see it. Jokes, moving inappropriate or strange comments do not have to be.
We also recommend that you include a corporate email signature in your absence message. This will allow you to present your brand, indicate your contact details, give you a more professional appearance and eventually highlight marketing content.
Absence messages models
The models below can be used for various circumstances. Just adapt them to your specific needs.
Models of absence messages for vacation/holidays
This is the most common example of the office of absence from the office and this is often the last thing that we do before going on vacation. There is no need to include details such as where you go and if you go abroad. The most important point is that you will not respond to emails during this period:
I thank you for your message.
I am currently absent for leave. I will be back on the [date] and I will not have access to my emails during my absence.
If your message is urgent, please contact [contact name] to the following address or phone number: [E-mail address/telephone number] which will be able to help you. Otherwise, I will answer you as soon as possible as soon as I return.
I am currently on vacation and I do not have access to my emails. I will be back at the office on [Date].
In my absence, please contact [name] at the following address: [e-mail address] if your email requires being treated immediately.
Message model for sick leave
It is not necessary to give too much detail to the sender, but it is important to specify that you will not be available. If this is a long -term disease, you may not be able to specify a return date.
In this case, be sure to provide the precise contact details of the person who takes over in your absence:
I am currently on sick leave and I will not be able to respond to emails.
My return to the office is scheduled for [estimated date].
Please contact [name] to the following address and phone number [E-mail address and phone number] which will be happy to help you in my absence.
Late response models
If you cannot easily respond to emails when you work, clearly indicate it in your lack of absence. This will help define the sender’s expectations in terms of response:
I thank you for your message.
I am currently absent because of [Reason]. I will be back at the office on [Date]. I will consult my emails from time to time, but I will probably not be able to answer you immediately.
If your message is urgent, please contact my/my [college/manager], [contact name] at the following address or phone number: [E-mail address/telephone number], which will be in measure to help you. Otherwise, I will respond to your email when I return.
I thank you for your email.
I am currently participating in a [event] fair [place], from [date] to [date]. I will have a limited access to my emails, which means that I will not be able to answer you for a while.
If you need to contact me urgently, please call me to the following phone number: [phone number].
I thank you for your email.
I am currently on the move to participate in/in the [Name of the event] at [Place]. I will respond to emails as soon as I have the opportunity, but it is likely that my answer will take a little time.
If you go to/to the [Name of the event], do not hesitate to stop on our stand N ° [Stand number] and we can discuss it directly.
Model of absence for holidays
If your business is closed due to a public holiday, most of your colleagues, or even all, will not work. Therefore, a message of absence from the office must indicate to the sender that they should not expect an answer before the reopening of your business.
We recommend that you do not insist too much on the public holiday in your answer, because not all shippers celebrate it, as wishing a Merry Christmas or Joyeuses Easter:
I thank you for your email.
Our offices are currently closed due to [holidays]. We will be back on [Date].
I will answer you as soon as possible as soon as I return.
Internal response model in case of absence
An internal response can use a slightly more informal language, but must not be too relaxed. Remember that all employees, including management members, will be able to see this automatic response if they send you an email:
I am currently in [holidays/holidays/annual leave], but I will be back on [Date].
If you need help, please send your emails directly to [name], which takes care of my/my/my [workload/reception box/projects] during my absence.
In an emergency, you can send me a message to the following phone number: [Telephone].
Message model of absence in the event of maternity leave
Taking maternity leave, and any parental leave, often involves a longer absence than the usual annual leave. However, the messages you use in this automatic response will be similar:
I thank you for your email. I am absent from the office for leave [maternity/paternity/parental] from [date]. My return to the office is scheduled for [date].
I will not consult my emails during this period.
In my absence, please contact [Name] at the following address or phone number: [E-mail address/telephone number] which will be able to help you.
Models of absence messages for generation of prospects and content promotion
Like email signatures, absence messages can be used for generation of prospects and promoting new content. You can easily add a sentence or two with a call for specific action, for example a link to a free trial, an invitation to register for a demonstration or the promotion of a new electronic book or a white paper ::
I will participate in/in the [event] from [date] to [date]. Therefore, I will not be able to answer you immediately.
If your message is urgent, please contact our team [Department/Service] to the following address: [E-mail address] which will be able to help you.
If you want to try our new/new [product], go to our website and register for a free trial [Link to the URL of the free trial].
I thank you for your message.
I am currently absent for leave. I will be back on the [date] and I will not have access to my emails during my absence.
If your message is urgent, please contact [contact name] to the following address or phone number: [E-mail address/telephone number] which will be happy to help you. I will answer all my other emails when I return.
However, you consulted our white paper ? It offers many useful information on [indicate the theme (s) of the white paper]. You can access it here: [Link to the URL of the White Paper].
How to configure an automatic response in Outlook and Gmail?
1. Select File > Automatic responses (absence, out of office) .
2. Click on Send automatic responses.
2. Click on automatic answers.
3. Choose the dates beach during which you want your absence message to be sent and indicate if you want to send different versions for your internal colleagues and people outside your business.
4. Click on OK To save settings.
1. Select Settings > See all parameters.
2. On the general tab, scroll until auto reply.
3. Select Activated automatic response.
4. Once your message is written, you can decide the dates to which you want to broadcast it and people you want to send it.
5. Click on Save Changes.