Wifi 6: how to take advantage of it? | Bouygues Telecom, WiFi repeater: the perfect amplifier for the house | Bouygues Telecom

WiFi repeater: the perfect amplifier for the home

Even more recent, the 6th WiFi and its 6 GHz frequency band allow you to benefit from a still improved speed and coverage compared to WiFi 6 ! The Bbox Ultym with the fiber is already equipped with it, to offer you the best of wifi everywhere at home.

Wifi 6: how to take advantage of it ?

Wifi 6 how to take advantage of it

Faster flow, extended range. Launched at the end of 2019, WiFi 6 promises increased performance. Here is all you need to know. An even faster and efficient wifi than the previous one. Launched at the end of 2019, WiFi 6 is the latest generation of wireless Internet connection standards. A standard with which most of the most recent smartphones are now compatible. Since its creation in 1997, WiFi has undergone many developments, each standard providing new improvements. WiFi 6 (802 standard.11AX) succeeds WiFi 4 which appeared in 2009 (standard 802.11n) and WiFi 5 appeared in 2013 (802 standard.11ac).

The advantages of WiFi 6: speed, multiconnection.

  • a very high flow, up to 40 % faster than WiFi 5
  • the possibility of connecting multiple devices at the same time on your box, without losing flow
  • a more extensive range than with previous WiFi standards, which makes it very effective in large homes
  • A shorter connection time with your connected devices (smartphone, laptop. ))
  • reduced energy consumption for your connected devices, which increases their autonomy

And now, make way for WiFi 6th !

Even more recent, the 6th WiFi and its 6 GHz frequency band allow you to benefit from a still improved speed and coverage compared to WiFi 6 ! The Bbox Ultym with the fiber is already equipped with it, to offer you the best of wifi everywhere at home.

WiFi 6 repeaters for even larger scope

At Bouygues Telecom, we offer a 100% personalized WiFi diagnosis to know WiFi tips and especially to optimize WiFi in your accommodation. You have chosen the Bbox Ultym with the fiber ? Depending on the result of the diagnosis, we can provide you for free up to two WiFi repeaters for even more optimal coverage. In addition, the installation can be done by a technician at your home ! The repeat (s) will then increase the range of wifi emitted by your box a little more: the WiFi that is badly caught on the top floor or in the garage, that’s from the past !

A summer is very high speed

WiFi repeater: the perfect amplifier for the home

WiFi repeator the solution to improve the door of your wifi

Your internet box correctly broadcasts WiFi in your accommodation, except in a few distant rooms, on your terrace or in your garden ? A wifi repeater can help you solve the problem. Here is everything you need to know about this very practical equipment.

How does a wifi repeater work ?

The WiFi repeater is a small electrical box to connect to an electrical outlet. The principle of WiFi repeaters is very simple. They have two parts: one captures the WiFi signal issued by your Internet box, the other generates a WiFi signal with the same power as if you had put your box in this location. As their name suggests, these small boxes only repeat the WiFi signal they receive ! Result: the range of WiFi is extended by several meters, to reach the distant parts of your box, where you had so far difficult to receive the signal. On the other hand, the WiFi repeater is not intended to improve the flow close to your box. If you find your ADSL connection too slow, you can do a fiber eligibility test or discover our 4G box offer.

With which box to use a wifi repeater ?

The use of a WiFi repeater is justified if the signal of your WiFi box does not reach certain parts distant from your modem, or too weakly. The quality of the WiFi signal tends to be reduced with the distance. If your accommodation is large, its walls and ceilings are numerous or thick, or its rooms are distant, difficulties in WiFi may appear. This can also be the case outside your accommodation (terrace, garden, garage.)). All internet boxes (ADSL, VDSL, fiber, 4G box) can be associated with a WiFi repeater. Our Bbox Ultym offer with optical fiber allows you to receive one or two WiFi repeaters for free, depending on the results of the 100% personalized WiFi diagnosis that you can perform from your customer area. For optimal operation, it is recommended to use a repeater of the same generation as the wifi standard of your box: if you have a WiFi 6 box, you should opt for a WiFi 6 repeater.

A summer is very high speed

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