Which charging card to choose for your electric car? Digital, electric recharging – smart bison

Electric charging stations card

The Freshmile terminal operator offers an accessible card giving access to more than 200,000 charging points in Europe. The card is without subscription and costs € 4.99 to access prices deemed to be affordable on the terminals of the same name. As usual, roaming terminals will raise the invoice.

Which charging card to choose for your electric car ?

Indispensable for all owners of electric vehicles, cars as motorcycles, the charging card offers access to the terminals to refuel out of the home. Which one to choose ? Digital offers you an overview of different badges, according to your needs.

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  • How to choose your charging card ?
  • The main charging badges
  • Which to choose ?

If some terminals offer payment by bank card, this solution is unfortunately not the most widespread in France. To fill up on your electric vehicle out of your home, it is generally necessary to have the application of the operator of the targeted terminal, or a compatible badge. Between the manufacturers’ charging cards, universal badges or those restricted to a more local network, you must be equipped before going on a trip by electric car, especially since depending on the formula chosen, the prices can vary for the same terminal.

How to recharge your electric car in a condominium ?

Logically, it would be more difficult to install a charging station for electric car in a condominium than an indivi house.

How to choose your charging card ?

From the outset, it is necessary to distinguish between “universal” badges (Type Charmap Pass) which offer access to a large number of terminals, and operators’ cards that are limited to the brand’s terminals (type Izivia, for example). Depending on the covered electrical load network, your place of residence and the prices charged, it may be interesting to have several to never be caught off guard.

On the price side, there are different formulas. Some charging cards are free, while others are paid. Operators thus opt for a final purchase of the card, others for a monthly or annual subscription formula. To this, it is still necessary to add the costs of use which can be fixed for each recharging, or equivalent to a percentage of the recharge.

More generally, a free card charges additional costs, while a card with subscription offers preferential prices that are additional services such as the ultra -fast load. Finally, paid cards ask to pay a lower cost by recharge without being as attractive as the formulas with subscription. If you recharge mainly at home, a free card can do the trick for occasional needs. On the other hand, the big rollers have every interest in opting for a formula with subscription which can be interesting during the recharges. In any case, it is recommended to always have a universal charging card to deal with the unexpected.

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The main charging badges

ChargeMap Pass



ChargeMap is a free mobile application that indicates the charging stations for your electric vehicle near you or on a given route.

  • Version: 4.7.195
  • Downloads: 70
  • Release date: 08/21/2023
  • Author: ChargeMap
  • License: Free license
  • Categories: Travel
  • Operating system: Android, iOS iPhone / iPad

Certainly the best known and widespread, in addition to offering the precious itinerary planner, ChargeMap offers a badge offering access to more than 280,000 terminals across Europe. To acquire this badge, you have to pay the sum of € 19.90, once and for all; The loadmap card works without subscription. Be careful, however, as many users complain about too high user costs. This is the price to pay to access the majority of territory terminals while limiting the number of badges to have.

My charging card

Solution proposed by Engie, my charging card gives access to a large network of terminals, with more than 270,000 charging points in France and Europe. Available in unique purchase, the card costs 19 € and is very versatile to have access to many terminals.

Shell Recharge / New Motion

Shell Recharge

Shell Recharge

Shell REPHRAGE is a mobile application that allows you to know the locations offering charging points for your electric car. It offers addresses in several European countries, including France.

  • Version: 10.9.0
  • Downloads: 43
  • Release date: 09/18/2023
  • Author: The New Motion BV
  • License: Free license
  • Categories: Travel
  • Operating system: Android, iOS iPhone / iPad

The Shell Recharge, or New Motion card, is a strong universal card of more than 275,000 public charging stations thanks to its roaming network across Europe. If the card is free, however, it is necessary to pay a unit cost of 0.35 €/recharge, whatever the power or the capacity consumed, to be added to the price of the recharge.




Izivia, from the EDF group, invites you to discover its mobility offers and its mobile applications to quickly find the charging stations for your electric vehicle, positioned around you.

  • Version: 60.0.0
  • Downloads: 10
  • Release date: 08/31/2023
  • Author: Izivia – EDF group
  • License: Free license
  • Categories: Travel
  • Operating system: Android, online service, iOS iPhone / iPad
  • Android
  • Online service
  • iOS iPhone / iPad

The operator EDF also has its charging card, Izivia, particularly useful for motorists residing in agglomeration since the majority of Izivia terminals are located in Paris, Lyon, Nancy, Nantes, Bordeaux and their surroundings. The card is offered to individuals at a single price of € 15. Beyond the Izivia terminals which offer an attractive price, the card gives access to 90 roaming networks, thus bringing the total of the terminals accessible to 130,000 in France and in Europe.


The Freshmile terminal operator offers an accessible card giving access to more than 200,000 charging points in Europe. The card is without subscription and costs € 4.99 to access prices deemed to be affordable on the terminals of the same name. As usual, roaming terminals will raise the invoice.

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The Mango operator offers its Kiwhi Pass card to access more than 150,000 terminals in Europe and almost 93 % of French terminals. Two formulas allow you to acquire badge: for occasional rollers, the Kiwhi Pass has the act costs 19 € and requires € 0.70 per load session; The Kiwhi Pass Comfort subscription formula costs 24 €/year (i.e. € 2/month) and lowers charging costs to 0.35 € per session.


More widespread in Germany, Plugsurfing offers a € 9.95 card to which are added around 10 % of the charge price. This is a good card for motorists driving in Germany. Plugsurfing is also a partner with certain brands such as Volvo which integrate the Plugsurfing service into their ecosystem.




You want to take the road with your electric vehicle but you are afraid of breaking down electricity ? Take the road with confidence with the Ionity application !

  • Version: 1.5.0
  • Downloads: 27
  • Release date: 07/09/2023
  • Author: Ionity GmbH
  • License: Free license
  • Categories: Travel
  • Operating system: Android, iOS iPhone / iPad

Coming from the consortium of several car manufacturers (BMW, Mercedes, VW, Hyundai and Ford), Ionity offers numerous ultra-rapid terminals, especially on the motorway network. Although the network terminals are accessible to everyone, only by means of a QR code, Ionity offers its own subscription formula at € 17.99/month to benefit from fast recharging at € 0.35 (against 0, 69 €). Obviously, members of the consortium often offer their customers a specific subscription allowing access to preferential rates. This is a good solution for large rollers who regularly use the priced headband and who need a very fast load.

And tesla ?

The operation of Tesla superchargers is much more transparent. If the recharging is simplified as much as possible for the brand’s car owners, those with a car from another brand can still use the Tesla load network, with certain compatible stations. To do this, you must first download the Tesla application and enter a credit card or a bank account. Before loading, you must select the “Load your non-TESLA” option, then select the terminal chosen on the compatible station. It only remains to connect your car, payment automatically made to the related bank account. However, it is imperative that the application and that all the information is well informed before loading your electric car.

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Which to choose ?

Recharge card Purchase price Subscription Cost of using
ChargeMap Pass € 19.90 About 10 % of the charge price
My charging card 19 € Variable depending on the stations
Shell Recharge/New Motion € 0.35/load
Izivia 15 €
Freshmile € 4.99 Variable depending on the stations
Kiwhipass 19 € or 24 €/year € 0.70 or 0.35 € with subscription
Plugsurfing € 9.95 About 10 % of the charge price
Ionity € 17.99/month

In addition to a possible badge from the manufacturer of your vehicle, it is always more reassuring to have another, more universal, to meet various daily needs. In this little game, it is the ChargeMap badge that seems to convince the most motorists. However, the alternative proposed by Shell/New Motion is quite relevant with a free card whose additional cost of € 0.35/load session is very reasonable.

The very large rollers will opt for a subscription to Ionity Passport which will offer them a preferential rate to recharge very quickly on the highway, provided you have a compatible electric car, without having to deviate from the route.

The application and the ChargeMap site remain essential to plan a route taking into account the load needs of your vehicle. The ABRP (A Better Route Planner) service offers similar services by adding some very useful options. It is thus possible to have a detailed route which takes into account a multitude of parameters such as the car model, the starting load, the battery capacity on arrival, the threshold not to be exceeded at the time of Arrive on a terminal, vehicle speed or weather and real -time driving conditions. A very complete tool to provide its journeys with maximum precision.



A Better Routeplanner (ABRP) is a free mobile application and an online service that allow you to geolocate on your journey, the charging stations for your electric vehicle.

  • Version: 4.6.1
  • Downloads: 117
  • Release date: 12/09/2023
  • Author: Iternio Planning AB
  • License: Free license
  • Categories: Travel
  • Operating system: Android, online service, iOS iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch
  • Android
  • Online service
  • iOS iPhone / iPad / Apple Watch

If you choose to equip yourself with several badges in order to always benefit from the best price, the site and the loadprice application are good allies so as not to have a surprise when connecting the car, the prices are not always clear displayed, unlike those of classic service stations.

Electric charging stations card

The commitments made by the government for the development of the use of electric vehicles are accompanied by a deployment of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles (IRVE) along the National Road Network (RRN), in order to promote use of this type of vehicle for interurban journeys.

In order to support road users in their trips, Bison Futé provides a real -time interactive card listing the charging stations for electric vehicles in service.

This card displays the stations with at least one charging point at 50 kW or more, and located: on service and rest areas of the motorway network and national roads within a radius of 1000 m of an entrance or exit of these roads It lists 2,723 stations and 8,363 charging points (situation on 05/07/2023).

The card presents real -time availability data of the stations, to discover it just click on it.

This card is made and provided by Gireve

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