What profitability for solar panels? Calculation, advice, what is the profitability of a solar panel? | Hellio

Profitability of a solar panel: calculate your damping


Self -consumption is a mode of operation of your photovoltaic installation which consists in directly consuming the electricity produced by your solar panels. In other words, when you install solar panels on the roof of your home, your electricity consumption from the network decreases sharply. You then become more independent. Your reducing electricity bill, you then save significant savings on your annual energy bill.

What profitability for solar panels ? Calculation, advice

Among all the good reasons to switch to photovoltaics, the question of the profitability of solar panels is often the most significant. Yes, in 2022, it is profitable to invest in solar panels to produce electricity. On the condition, however, to opt for the right installation and to meet certain criteria (tilt of the roof, tile forms, sunshine rate, too many shaded areas, etc.))


  1. The profitability of photovoltaic solar panels
  2. A profitability which depends on the different factors
  3. Financial aid for the installation of solar panels
  4. Profitability of solar panels: self -consumption or resale of electricity production ?
  5. Calculate the profitability of solar panels

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The profitability of photovoltaic solar panels

Despite all the information that has been circulating for many years on the profitability of solar panels, the question of the profitability of a photovoltaic installation is still, in 2022, legitimate. First of all because many those who wonder about the profitability of an investment in solar panels on their home before embarking on this project. Then because the Advantages of the installation of solar panels In terms of energy savings are sometimes still unknown. Finally, because the financial aid allocated to households who decide to install solar panels at home have evolved over the years. To reassure those among you who would hesitate to engage in solar panel work, it is then good to remember that solar panels are today a profitable solution In terms of electricity production. An assertion that is only worth preparing for your project.

A profitability which depends on different factors

  • THE yield solar panels (power, installation conditions, sunshine rate of your region, etc.);
  • THE Amount of the initial investment (cost of the installation);
  • THE operation costs.

The type of installation (self -consumption vs sale of electricity production) will also have an impact on the more or less early profitability of your solar panels.

The yield of solar panels

Unable to estimate the profitability of an investment in solar panels without precisely assessing the performance of your photovoltaic installation. In the study of the yield of solar panels, two elements play a decisive role:

  • There solar panel power : expressed in kilowatt-crew (kWc), it defines the maximum amount of production under so-called “laboratory” conditions (the best possible conditions). In practice, the maximum power of solar panels is only very rarely reached but delivers a good indication of the panel yield.
  • THE terms Installation of solar panels: shade, orientation and inclination of solar panels are the main factors to take into account to assess the level of sunshine, and therefore the impact of these conditions on photovoltaic production. Naturally, solar panels installed on a roof exposed facing south and without any element capable of creating a shade area during the day will display a better yield than solar panels installed on a roof exposed west and shaded by large trees for Several hours during the day.

The starting investment

For many French and French, the installation of photovoltaic panels to switch to a self -consumption scheme requires a fairly expensive starting investment. It was true about ten years ago when the first photovoltaic installations were born. This is no longer the case currently with a drastic fall in prices. On average, the cost of a photovoltaic installation is around 2022*:

  • Of € 9,000 to € 13,000 for a photovoltaic installation with a power of 3 kWc;
  • Of € 15,000 to 19,000 € for a photovoltaic installation with a power of 6 kWc;
  • Of € 20,000 to 25,000 € for a photovoltaic installation with a power of 9 kWc;
  • More than € 26,500 For a 36 kWc photovoltaic installation.

All these prices are for a turnkey installation with the professional of administrative procedures, installation, connection and commissioning.

If you are a handyman and you know the electrical circuits well, you can get into the installation of a solar kit, much cheaper to purchase. Be careful however: this does not allow you to take advantage of state aid.

Operating costs

When you decide to install solar panels on the roof of your home (or in your garden), you must add to the starting investment the operating costs of your photovoltaic installation. These are most often summed up:

  • maintenance of your solar panels;
  • At the replacement of the inverter, a part likely to display a dysfunction after ten years and which will therefore be necessary to replace.
  • Payment of Turpe. It’s about Public electricity networks. All particular which sells its production of surplus or which is in total resale with EDF must pay it. Count around 25 to 40 € per year.

Financial aid for the installation of solar panels

In a large context of incentive to investments in renewable energies, the French state accompanies households who wish to embark on photovoltaic installation works. Today there are various devices that can allow you to lower the cost of your solar panels.

The purchase obligation

Any owner of a photovoltaic installation can inject electricity produced by its solar panels on the network. For the Sale of this electricity, Prices are fixed by the State and allow you to perceive, for example, around 10 cents of euros/kWh for the sale of a surplus production for a photovoltaic installation of 3 kWc*.

The premium for self -consumption

Any installation intended for self -consumption of electricity is eligible, under conditions, to a state bonus. Update each quarter, this bonus depends mainly on the power of the installation and the option to resale the surplus of electricity produced. Smoothed over the first five years of operation, it displays an amount* of:

  • € 380/kwc for a photovoltaic installation of a power less than or equal to 3 kWc;
  • € 280/kW for a photovoltaic installation of a power between 3 kWc and 9 kWc;
  • 160 €/KWC for a photovoltaic installation of a power between 9 kWc and 36 kWc;
  • 80 €/KWC for a photovoltaic installation of a power between 36 kWc and 100 kWc.

The reduced VAT rate

The installation of photovoltaic panels is part of the work eligible for a VAT rate reduced to 10 % (instead of 20 %).

Aid from local communities

Relais of the French State, many local authorities offer financial systems to support households in their eco -responsible investments. Before you get into the installation of your solar panels, remember to inquire with your town hall, your general or regional council to get to know any financial help that can be granted to you.

Profitability of solar panels: self -consumption or resale of electricity production ?

It is now possible to make an installation of solar panels in two ways: via self -consumption and/or via the resale of electricity production.

The profitability of solar panels in self -consumption with resale of the surplus

Self -consumption is a mode of operation of your photovoltaic installation which consists in directly consuming the electricity produced by your solar panels. In other words, when you install solar panels on the roof of your home, your electricity consumption from the network decreases sharply. You then become more independent. Your reducing electricity bill, you then save significant savings on your annual energy bill.

The profitability of solar panels via the total resale of electricity production

As the owner of solar panels, you can also decide to inject all of your electricity production on the electrical distribution network. You then do without the advantages of self -consumption to focus on a total sales process, in order to draw from your photovoltaic installation an additional income.

Calculate the profitability of solar panels

The calculation of the profitability of solar panels implies taking into account all the elements mentioned in the previous paragraphs (type of installation, power, characteristics of the house, level of electrical consumption of the home, etc.), but also other factors such as the increase or the drop in electricity prices. A personalized study is therefore very often recommended to best estimate the profitability of a photovoltaic installation. On average, it is estimated that an installation in solar panels is profitable in fifteen years.

Concrete example of profitability calculation

In order to fully understand how to calculate the time it takes to make your photovoltaic installation profitable, let’s take a concrete case. It is a living couple near Grenoble (Rhône-Alpes region), who lives in a 65 m2 house. The roof is tilted at 37 °, oriented south, and has no shade. They chose self -consumption with resale of surplus.

They decide to install 15 400 WC panels for a total of 6 kWc. The installation costs € 15,000. They benefit from aid from the state of 280 €/KWC, totaling 1680 €. This is paid in 5 years. The total cost of the installation is therefore 15,000 – 1680 = € 13,320.

In this region of France, it is estimated that annual production in such conditions is around 1200 kWh per kwc installed. This couple therefore produces about 7200 kWh/year. Their consumption is 2000 kWh/year.

If they had to buy their electricity, they would have spent € 0,1605/kWh, and would therefore have paid an invoice of 0.1605 x 2000 = 321 €.

On the other hand, they can sell 5,200 kWh from EDF OA for € 0.10/kWh. They therefore earn 0.10 x 5200 = 520 €.

Each year, they therefore make a cumulative saving and gain of 841 €.

To make their installation profitable, it takes 13,320/841 = a little less 16 years old. The couple can hope to run their installation for another minimum 15 years since the lifespan of solar panels is 30 to 40 years. They can therefore hope to earn almost € 13,000 additional.

You must still qualify this calculation with the following elements:

  • It will certainly be necessary change the inverter every 10 years. Microwilers have a longer lifespan, around 20 years.
  • There photovoltaic production drops slightly from year to year.
  • The price of electricity increases every year, the savings made by not buying with the network are therefore increasingly large.
  • You should pay for certain taxes, Like Turpe for example.

The installation of photovoltaic solar panels is profitable Between 12 and 18 years old on average. However, the savings of electricity promised by the installation of solar panels should not be the only argument in favor of photovoltaics. In 2022, using solar energy to produce electricity at your home is also a way to participate in the fight against global warming and to be Energy transition actor. This allows you to favor a natural resource (the sun) as the main source of energy.

Profitability of a solar panel: calculate your damping

Calculate the profitability of

The question of profitability of solar panels is often at the heart of an individual’s concerns when he plans to turn to renewable energies. In view of the multiple and sometimes contradictory information circulating on the web, some owners may indeed have to question the financial interest of a Photovoltaic installation, And even to fear a bad investment.

How to determine the exact profitability of a solar panel in 2023 ? Hellio offers you a full panorama and helps you understand everything, thanks to a damping calculation method accessible to all.

Simulate your solar panel project !

  • Profitability, key decision -making factor
  • All the costs of a solar panel
  • All the gains in a solar panel
  • Calculation of yield and damping


Calculate the profitability of an installation: what cost and what and gain ?

One of the main motivations for the purchase of solar panels is the energy saving (as well as the desire to gain independence from the national network, while opting for renewable electricity). The study of profitability is therefore essential in the eyes of potential buyers, more than the aesthetic aspect or the manufacturer.

The question of profitability is simple: after how many years will the savings cover and exceed the initial investment ? To do this, it is “enough” to know two things: what you pay during the purchase, and what you earn every year.

THE Cost/benefit ratio of solar panels is relatively easy to calculate from the feasibility study, and very advantageous in the vast majority of cases. The yield of photovoltaic cells, as well as the amount of government aid or the guaranteed price of EDF redemption, are as many known and reassuring criteria for the buyer.

However, keep in mind that many parameters cannot be anticipated . Thus, the estimated profitability of upstream panels will necessarily vary during their lifetime. Example: Imagine that the electricity prices plunge after you have installed your solar equipment. There would thus be much less interest in producing “free” domestic electricity, since the savings compared to network prices would be less. Rest assured: prices tend to increase, or even explode !

Even if the installation of panels makes you gain autonomy, you are not independent of the network. The connection of the panels is imperative in order to reinject the surplus of electricity produced, or if you have subscribed to a virtual battery offer.

What are the costs generated by a solar panel ?

There profitability of an investment, in a very classic way, is determined by comparing its cost cost and the expected benefits. So let’s start by examining the different Costs of a solar panel, including the purchase price of equipment, installation and maintenance !

The cost of purchase of solar panels

The purchase cost of your installation will depend mainly:

  • Of its global power, expressed in kilowatt-crew (kwc), and therefore the total number of panels to install;
  • Of the Prices charged by the manufacturer chosen;
  • Of the type of solar panels (Polycrytalline or monocrystalline)).

The quotes of the installers include, in general, both the supply of the equipment and the construction of the site. You will therefore find below the Average price for solar panels In 2023, including installation (source: Hello Watt):

  • 8,000 to 11,000 € for an installation of 3 kWc;
  • 11,000 to 16,000 € for an installation of 6 kWc;
  • 17,000 to 23,000 € For a 9 kWc installation.

These prices relate to the so -called “over -dimensions” installation. That is to say that the panels are installed over the roof, without removing anything. Conversely, the pose “in integration” consists in removing part of the tiles or slates to embed the equipment.

Easily calculate the profitability of your project with Helio

A cost reduced by the premium for self -consumption

If you chooseSelf -consuming solar energy, That is to say, consume your own electricity and resell the surplus, the purchase cost will be reduced by “Self -consumption bonus”. The latter, paid in one time by the State (against five annuities in the past), rises from February 1 to April 30, 2023:

No, solar is not too expensive. At least it is no longer ! The preconceived ideas on the prohibitive cost of photovoltaic panels are often inherited from an era when technology, indeed, was still expensive and stammering. Constant innovations then led to a drastic fall in prices: – 80 % in only ten years ! Therefore, it has become much easier to set up a profitable project for your home.

  • HAS € 500/KWC for panels with a power less than or equal to 3 kWc;
  • HAS € 370/kwc For panels with a power greater than 3 kWc and less than or equal to 9 kWc;
  • HAS 210 €/KWC For panels with a power greater than 9 kWc and less than or equal to 36 kWc;
  • HAS 110 €/KWC For panels of a power greater than 36 kWc and less than or equal to 100 kWc;
  • HAS 0 € For panels of power greater than 100 kWc.

For example, an installation with a power of 3 kWc billed € 9,000 will give you a bonus of € 1,500 (500 × 3). Its real purchase cost is therefore only € 7,500.

We see here that despite certain received ideas and dishonest offers, free solar panels are chimeras. A dependent remains is inevitable, even by combining several funding.

1 euro panels do not exist ! Contact Hellio to avoid attempts at solar panels scams.

The cost of installing solar panels

The cost of installing solar panels is already included in the indicative prices mentioned above. These labor costs are generally rising to About 20 % of the total cost of the project (source: renewable energies). To use the previous example of a Photovoltaic installation 9 kWc and a cost of € 19,000, you can therefore consider that the installation costs rise to € 3,800.

As a reminder, the professional’s estimate necessarily establishes the distinction between the cost of purchasing a photovoltaic solar panel, associated equipment (inverter, fixations …) and that of the installation. It is thus easier for you to compare the prices from one installer to another.

The price of a possible battery

In order to increase the self -consumption rate, it is possible to buy a battery, either physical or virtual. The price of these systems varies depending on the storage power, or the type of subscription.

The cost of maintaining solar panels

Good news: theMaintenance of solar panels and their maintenance represent the smallest part of the costs to be borne for the owner of a photovoltaic installation. This means that it will only have to ensure minimum expenses after purchasing and installing the device.

In summary, you should integrate into your budget:

  • The price for using the public electricity network (Turpe), which is an annual tax whose surplus is currently being approximately 10 € If you have opted for self -consumption, and about 42 € If you prefer the total resale of your solar electricity;
  • A Basic cleaning of solar panels Once a year, which you can entrust to a specialized company or make yourself to save money;
  • THE replacement of the solar inverter after a certain time. This type of device costs between 1,000 and 2,000 €, but it is guaranteed 25 years each and workforce with Helio. In other words, replacement is free during this period in the event of a problem. As a reminder, the inverter or micro-lantern transforms the direct current into alternating current. An essential step to operate electricity on the domestic network.

Save energy: produce your own green electricity

What are the benefits generated by a solar panel ?

You will make your solar panels profitable in two different and complementary ways:

  • By consuming your own solar energy – Free – and therefore saving the purchase of this energy from your supplier;
  • By reselling the surplus electricity via the purchase obligation at the guaranteed price of EDF.

Partner craftsmen of the Hellio network are at your disposal to study and install your photovoltaic panels so as to optimize their profitability. Our Dualsun brand panels are distinguished in particular by an optimal yield of 20 % and a high power of 375 WC. These very advantageous technical specifications will save you up to 70 % on your electricity bill.

Savings on the energy bill

What amount will you save every year on your electricity bill by consuming Free electricity production of your photovoltaic panels ? It all depends on your self -consumption rate , that is to say the proportion of the energy produced that you will be able to consume.

Indeed, a household can never consume all of its solar energy, the peak of production typically arriving in the middle of the day when the needs are lower. It is more realistic to target 30 % in most cases according to Dualsun. However in the south, the sunniest area, this rate can increase considerably

For example, an installation of 9 kWc producing 10,000 kWh per year, and a self -consumption rate of 30 %. These 3,000 kWh of solar energy consumed by the inhabitants of the accommodation will therefore not be billed by the energy supplier. Knowing that the price of kilowatt-hour for the EDF blue price price is 0.2062 € on February 1, 2023, this is equivalent to a saving of 618.6 € €.

With the outbreak of energy prices (regulated sales prices), invest in consuming your own photovoltaic electricity will take more and more advantages in the years to come !

Income generated by the sale of surplus electricity

For optimal self -consumption profitability, always choose an installation power in accordance with your needs, and optimize your self -consumption rate by adapting your habits.

L’EDF purchase obligation, or EDF OA, is a contract that allows you to resell your surplus electricity for 20 years at a guaranteed rate. This price is reassessed each quarter. In 2023, it rises to:

  • € 0.1313 per kWh for a solar installation of a power less than or equal to 3 kWc;
  • € 0.1313 per kWh for a solar installation of a power greater than 3 kWc and less than or equal to 9 kWc;
  • € 0.0788 per kWh for installations of a power greater than 9 kWc and less than or equal to 36 kWc;
  • € 0.0788 per kWh For installations of a power greater than 36 kWc and less than or equal to 100 kWc.

To use the previous example, the home does not consume 70 % of its solar energy, or 7,000 kWh, and will therefore resell it to EDF at the guaranteed price of € 0.1313 per kWh. This represents an annual income of 919 €.

Ask for your 100 % free and non -commitment solar study

Calculation of the annual yield and the profitability of a photovoltaic installation

You now have all the knowledge necessary to determine with relative precision the Annual yield of your solar panels. Here is a concrete example that is based on a real site carried out in the Pyrénées-Orientales, with Helio and his partner company CCS Dura .

The initial cost cost

Or an installation of 3 kWc consisting of 8 panels (15 m 2 roof), billed € 8,990. The effective cost after deduction of the premium for self -consumption – € 1,500 – is € 7,490.

Note: the example takes into account an investment premium of € 500/kwc, valid in the first half of 2023.

The benefits expected every year

In view of the ideal sunshine conditions in this department of the south of France, the inclination of the roof, the exhibition of the house and the type of panel, the expected production of the installation is 4,365 kWh per year . Considering the annual consumption of the home and the exceptional housing situation, moreover, the self -consumption rate amounts to almost 80 %.

  • By consuming thousands of kWh of free solar energy each year, the owner spares the purchase of the quantity of electricity equivalent from his supplier, either estimated savings of 3,465 kWh, or € 641 per year With a contract of around € 0.1850 including tax per kWh.
  • By selling the surplus each year, he will also generate an annual income of 900 kWh x 0.10 € = 90 €.
  • As well as the deduction of the payment of the Turpe, approximately 10 euros per year additional compared to a conventional consumer contract.

This is therefore a total annual profit of 641 + 90 – 10 = € 721 .

The profitability of solar panels

With an initial expenditure estimated at € 7,850, and an annual profit estimated at € 721 (which can vary slightly), just make a division to find 7,850 ÷ 721 = 10.89. In other words, the installation will be fully amortized after 10 to 11 years .

Or a rate of Annual profitability of almost 10 % !

The Hallio figure: 80 %

This is the minimum yield guarantee currently offered by manufacturers for their solar panels after 25 years of life. In other words, you have the guarantee of a performance at least equal to 80 % of the initial yield of the solar panel at this deadline. If your panels are amortized after ten years, you will therefore have a long time to take advantage of it in pure benefit !

What is the average profitability of a solar panel ?

Multiple factors come into play to calculate the profitability of photovoltaic solar panels. The yield will not be the same depending on the region, the power of the panels or the type of silicon. Difficult therefore to give global statistics: the best is to simulate your online solar project ! In the best cases, and by limiting expenditure thanks to the premium to self -consumption, you will need less than 10 years to amortize the installation.

The virtual storage system represents a solution for the future to optimize the return on investment: all the energy produced and not consumed at the time T fills a virtual reserve. The cleaning can then draw from this reserve as soon as the panels produce less than its consumption (in particular at night). In other words, this electricity is used “free” instead of being purchased at the price of the supplier.

Conclusion : The profitability of solar panels has experienced considerable improvement in recent decades. You now benefit from both equipment, the price of which has decreased, from the government’s advantageous aid, and from guarantees on the bonus for the purchase of panels as well as the price of resale of energy in surplus.

In addition, some facilities can last more than 30 years ! What to consider the future in all serenity. Before starting your photovoltaic project, make a panel simulation and anticipate the various declarations to be made.

The three key points to remember:

  1. The profitability of a solar installation is obtained in comparing its cost and income that she will generate;
  2. You can consume the energy produced You yourself for maximum profitability, and resell the surplus to EDF;
  3. A photovoltaic installation can today be absorbs entirely in less than 10 years.

Lower your electricity bills with the photovoltaic

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