What is the price in off -peak hours for electricity?, Regulated EDF Blue Price 2023: price per kWh off -peak/base

Regulated EDF Blue Price 2023: price per kWh off -peak/base

Is the EDF blue price the cheapest ? During the energy crisis in 2022, the EDF blue rate was the cheapest on the electricity market thanks to the system of the energy price shield deployed by the state to cap the increase. Reductions of market offers (whether in alternative suppliers or at EDF itself) granted compared to the regulated blue rate have been deleted.

What is the price in off -peak for electricity ?

�� The full/off-peak hour option is profitable ? Calculate the profitability between the off -peak hour and the base option for your accommodation for free
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Total Total Direct Energy

For off -peak hours
less expensive

Find the KWH price grid in full hours and off -peak hours for 2023 and our advice for the various consumption profiles. For what consumers is the off-peak option advantageous ?

2 hours a day of off -peak hours will no longer be triggered between noon and 2 p.m !
Are you concerned ? Is the full hours/off-peak hours change ? To reduce the risk of electricity shortage in France, the State wishes to act on consumption peaks. The decree of September 22, 2022 relating to counting devices on public electricity distribution networks authorizes Enedis to Cut off hour 2 hours a day.
Go to the following link for all questions/answers ! FAQ of 2 hours per day of off -peak hours not triggered and power cut

The price of off -peak hours of EDF at the regulated rate

Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity regulated EDF supplier up to date at 25/09/2023

�� Electricity prices in off -peak hours of EDF and Totalnergies

The full hour off -peak hours option (HPHC) allows benefit from a reduced kWh price during the hours where the demand in electricity is the lowest (generally at night, which explains that the full and off -peak hours price is sometimes called the day / night price). The amount of this reduction varies from one supplier to another.

L’HPHC option is offered by many electricity suppliers. To establish a price comparison, we have chosen two of the main French electricity suppliers: EDF, the historic and total supplier, formerly called Total Direct Energie (which is the leading French alternative supplier with more than 4 million customers, following The merger between Total Spring and Direct Energie). We present below the Online Totalnergies offer and the regulated price of EDF. Note that these two large suppliers offer a wide range of offers. For a comparison of all market suppliers, use our comparator.

The price of the subscription, regardless of the electricity supplier, corresponds to the Fixed share of the electricity bill. Its price therefore does not vary depending on the kWh consumed. Find the pricing grid of the annual subscription for individuals concerning the Eco Totalnergies Hours offer and the blue price of EDF in full hours off -peak hours.

THE kWh price correspond to the variable share of the invoice, it is necessary to multiply by the number of kWh consumed. The table below presents the prices of the KWH of the ONLINEnergies online offer and the regulated price of EDF blue sky in full hours off-peak hours for individuals.

€ Prices for the ECO Electricity Tour of the Totalnergies Supervised Supplier of 25/09/2023

�� The full hour off-peak is a good plan ?

The advantageous off -peak hour option for large consumers.

In 2018, 13 million households had the full hour off -peak option. The average consumption of French is 7,000 kWh/year for those who have the full hours and off -peak hours against just under 3,000 kWh/year for those who are optional basis. It is therefore the biggest electricity consumers who have the full hour option and off -peak hours and this is logical. This is the only case in which the preferential price of KWH in off -peak hours counterbalances the high price of electricity in full hours and the additional cost of the subscription.

Electric cumulus

. which can move their consumption at least 30% during off -peak hours.

For a big consumer, how to know if the off -peak hour option would be competitive according to profiles ? In fact, the option is only attractive for large electricity consumers who can Move at least 30% of their consumption during off -peak hours (therefore, generally, at night).

Concretely, it is therefore necessary Analyze its most energy -consuming uses and see if it is possible to move part of your consumption at night. If the water heater can, for example, be set to operate at night, if the launch of large household appliances (washing machine, dryer, dishwasher) can be programmed to run in off-peak hours, the full hour option off -peak hours can then be competitive. If hot water and heating are not electric, it is not interesting to choose the off -peak hour option since it will be more expensive than the base option.

Tip for user of a hot water tank. Most hot water balloons can be programmable to operate primarily in off -peak hours and make it the full hour and hollow hours option interesting. On the electrical panel, there are 3 positions: forced walk (works at any time), car (only works in off -peak hours) and Cutded food (does not work anymore). It is advisable to activate the auto function allowing the hot water tank to operate only during off -peak hours. During full hours, the hot water tank is stopped.

Demonstration in figures for the competitiveness of off -peak hours for an apartment

80 m² apartment in 6 kVA and with a consumption of 10,000 kWh/year

To obtain personalized advice on the cheapest price option in its case, it is possible to contact the Selectra service at ☎️ 09 75 18 41 65 (Monday-Andrédi 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

Simulations made via the Selectra comparator on the basis of regulated electricity prices in September 2022, power 6 kVA for 80 m² all -electric housing with 2 occupants.

For the full hour off -peak hours option to be advantageous, it is therefore necessary that electricity consumption is to more than 30 % in off -peak hours if you are in 6 KVA.

Apartment of 100 m² in 9 kVA and with a consumption of 12,000 kWh/year

9 kVA: Simulation of annual bills depending on the consumption in KWH and the subscribed option – Round uprights

Household Base (€ TTC) Off -peak hours (€ TTC)
Consumption 12,000 kWh/year Subscription/year Consumption Total Subscription/year Full hours consumption Consumption hollow hours Total
If HP = 80 % and HC = 20 % 170 € 2088 € € 2258 183 € 1767 € 352 € 2303 € €
If HP = 70 % and HC = 30 % 170 € 2088 € € 2258 183 € € 1546 529 € 2259 € €
If HP = 60 % and HC = 40 % 170 € 2088 € € 2258 183 € 1326 € 706 € 2214 € €
If HP = 50 % and HC = 50 % 170 € 2088 € € 2258 183 € 1105 € 882 € 2170 € €
If HP = 40 % and HC = 60 % 170 € 2088 € € 2258 183 € 884 € 1158 € 2125 € €

Simulations made via the Selectra comparator on the basis of regulated electricity prices in September 2022, power 9 kVA for 100 m² all -electric housing with 3 occupants.

For the full hour off -peak hours option to be advantageous, it is therefore necessary that electricity consumption is to more than 30 % in off -peak hours if you are in 9 kVA.

�� How do I know if I have off -peak hours in my accommodation ?

To find out if the subscription is optional off -peak or base option, you have to look at the last electricity bill : in the “Characteristics of your price” section, the price option will be indicated in “base” or in “off -peak hours”.

Electricity invoice off -peak hours

In addition, in the event of a move, it is possible to look at your meter statement (often made on the inventory – learn more and download an inventory). If the consumption index is displayed on a single line, there are no off -peak hours, the subscriber is therefore optional, with a single kWh price. If consumption is displayed on two different lines, it is the off -peak hour option that has been subscribed.

It is also possible to find this information by looking at your counter:

Linky communicating and intelligent meter

For a Linky communicating and intelligent counter, Press the “+” scroll button until the price option appears.

Electromechanical meters

For a electromechanical counter (old metal wheel version): if it has two dials, the off -peak hour option is available, each displays a consumption index (one in full hours and one in off -peak hours). If it has only one, it is the basic option that works, so there are no off -peak hours.

Electronic counter

For a electronic counter : Look how many different indexes are displayed when you press the scrolling button: if only one index is displayed, there are no offshoots. If a second index is displayed by pressing the scroll button again, the off -peak option is activated.

Note: the off -peak hour option is only available from the 6 kVA meter power: 3 kVA subscribers are necessarily optional base.

�� When the night rate applies ?

There is eight hollow hours per day. Until the advent of Linky meters, the exact hours of off -peak hours were fixed according to the municipalities or the districts for large cities. Now off -peak hours are randomly allocated to each Linky counter.

Generally, off -peak hours are in a single block, at night, hence the name of night price which is sometimes associated with them. But, it may happen that they are divided between day (1:30 am at lunch time or in the afternoon) and at night (6:30 a.m.).

It should be noted that it is impossible to choose these hollow hours yourself. These are fixed according to the municipalities. Off -peak hours are indicated on electricity bills, with the other characteristics of the price (often on the back of the invoice). Off-peak hours are also available below in informing his city or postal code, Then by clicking on “know his off -peak hours“”.

Know off -peak hours if I have a Linky counter

The schedules of your off -peak hours are allocated by Enedis randomly. If you already have off -peak hours before installing your Linky meter, the schedules remain unchanged. On the other hand, once the new meter has been installed, you change your price option and you want to take advantage of off -peak hours, Enedis will attribute to you off -peak hours, regardless of your town.

To know your off -peak hours associated with your Linky counter, fill out the following form:

What are the off -peak hours of my Linky counter ?

In order to obtain off -peak hours associated with your Linky counter, we need your PDL number (delivery point).

Know my off -peak hours if I don’t have a Linky counter

Know the off-peak hours of my non-communizing meter

Know his off -peak hours in his town

Enter your municipality or postal code to see its hollow hours: *

  • Allex – 26400
  • Arpavon – 26110
  • Arthemonay – 26260
  • Acelon – 26340
  • AULAN – 26570

Consult the schedules under loading.

EDF invoice find off -peak electricity hours

��´hy ?

If you have a Linky counter, a change of price option (passage from the HPHC option to the base option, or vice versa) is not billed, because It does not require the intervention of a technician. However, if you don’t have the Linky counter yet, An intervention by a technician is necessary and is billed € 60.80 (Enedis prize up to date on September 1, 2023).

Xavier Pinon

After an international business diploma with an energy specialty, Xavier co-crere the company Selectra with Aurian de Maupeou. He wrote a book entitled “The energy retail market, competition in action in electricity and gas” (2015) in collaboration with Thomas Véron. Xavier regularly publishes articles on international news of electricity and comparisons between countries.

Save money on your electricity and/or gas bill compare energy prices with the selectra comparator !
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Regulated EDF Blue Price 2023: price per kWh off -peak/base

Regulated EDF Blue Price

The blue rate is the regulated electricity rate, fixed by the public authorities, which is aimed at private customers and professionals with a counter of a power less than or equal to 36 kVA. After an increase of +4 % in February 2022 and +15 % in February 2023, the price per kWh of EDF is now 0.€ 2276 in 6 kVA base at the regulated blue rate. In February 2024, a new increase is planned, but it should not exceed +10 % according to the Minister of Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire.

For individuals, the blue price of EDF is available in four counting options (tariff options):

Regulated EDF blue rate: the essentials to remember

  • In February 2024, EDF’s regulated blue rate should further increase, But the increase would not exceed +10 % Thanks to the price shield according to the declarations of Bruno Le Maire, Minister of Economy and Finance.
  • In August 2023, the regulated blue rate of EDF increased by 10% including tax (increase in the state, instead of +75 % including tax), after having increased by 15 % in February 2023 and February 4, 2022;
  • Several pricing options:
    • Base option: only one price per kWh for the Blue Base Blue Price;
    • Offpinated hours off -peak hours: two prices per kWh depending on the time of day: the kWh is cheaper 8 hours a day (the night as a rule), and the rest of the time (4 p.m.);
    • EJP option: three kWh prices according to the day of the year;
    • Tempo option: Six prices per kWh, depending on the day and the time of the day:
      • Three types of days : Red (very expensive kWh, 22 days in winter), white (kWh moderately expensive, 43 days a year) and blue (kWh at advantageous prices every other days)
      • a full hour rate and a off -peak priceFor each of these types of day.

      �� Regulated EDF Blue Tariff Grids

      Most French meters are divided into almost equal parts between the base option and the off -peak hour option (different tariff options).

      1. EDF blue price prices
        1. The optional EDF blue price base
        2. The optional EDF blue price Off -peak hours
        3. The optional EDF blue price EJP
        4. The optional EDF blue price tempo

        Graphic: Selectra – Source: Cre

        As mentioned above, the regulated rate in force (TRV) corresponds to the blue rate. EDF is also the only electricity supplier to be authorized to market regulated prices. There remains the most widespread subscription for individuals in France, although it is not the most advantageous subscription. Indeed, since 2007, consumers have the choice between buying their electricity at the regulated blue rate at EDF, or at market prices at the supplier of their choice, sometimes cheaper than the blue rate.

        KWH price of the EDF blue price
        Regulated electricity rate

        3 kVA

        0.€ 2276
        Full hours/off -peak hours : unavailable in 3 kVA

        6 KVA

        0.€ 2276
        Full hours : 0.2460 €
        Off -peak hours : 0.1828 €

        9 KVA

        0.€ 2276
        Full hours : 0.2460 €
        Off -peak hours : 0.1828 €

        Rates € TTC optional Base up to date on September 1, 2023
        In blue: KWH price of the regulated electricity rate (EDF blue rate) in full hours off -peak hours

        Discover the full price of EDF TRVs with the tables below !

        The price of the Blea Blue Price Base: Price grid

        Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity regulated EDF supplier up to date at 25/09/2023

        The price of the Blue Price Optional Off Hour Hugs Hours: Price grid

        Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity regulated EDF supplier up to date at 25/09/2023

        Know the EDF off -peak hours times thanks to your PDL number

        Because its subscription is more expensive than the basic price, the full hour off-peak price is only suitable for users consuming a lot of electricity at night (washing machine / washing machine and programmable hot water tank Night, etc.)). The off -peak hour option is only available from a power of 6 kVA.

        FIND CHEAPER That the EDF blue rate
        Some competitive suppliers of EDF offer cheaper prices. To find out more, contact Selectra at:

        Announcement – EDF Non-Party Service

        The price of the blue price EJP option: pricing grid

        The EJP option is no longer marketed by EDF since 1998. This rate still exists for subscribers who have subscribed before this date and having always kept the option. EDF offers a double price with its EJP option: prices 4 times more expensive for 22 days (spread during the winter) and 2 times cheaper the 323 days remaining.

        Price grid of the electricity regulated prices offer by EDF Option EJP

        Annual subscription price Normal day price kWh Price kWh day ejp
        9 KVA 187.56 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958
        12 KVA 223.20 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958
        15 kVA 259.44 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958
        18 KVA 294.60 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958
        36 KVA 515.52 € 0.1518 € 1.€ 4958

        Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity regulated EDF supplier up to date at 25/09/2023

        EJP: a price again advantageous, the EJP rate is again interesting for consumers in a context of energy crisis where the price of electricity has soared. However, the EJP option is no longer marketed by EDF and some alternative suppliers offer cheaper prices throughout the year. The main drawback of the EJP option is that it requires monitoring if tomorrow is EJP to reduce its electricity consumption and avoid paying too much. Indeed, during the EJP days, the price per kWh is 4 times higher.

        The price of the Blue Price Option Tempo: Price grid

        The tempo option has somehow replaced the EDF EJP option. EDF offers 6 different prices with its tempo option: full and hollow hours for different types of seasonalities.

        Price grid of the electricity regulated prices offer by EDF Option Tempo

        Annual subscription price �� KWH price blue ⚪ KWh price white day �� KWh Red Day Price
        Off -peak hours (HC) Full hours (HP) Hc Hp Hc Hp
        6 KVA 153.60 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
        9 KVA 192.00 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
        12 KVA 231.48 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
        15 kVA 267.60 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
        18 KVA 303.48 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
        30 KVA 457.56 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324
        36 KVA 531.36 € 0.1056 € 0.1369 € 0.1246 € 0.1654 € 0.1328 € 0.€ 7324

        Price in € incl. Tax of the supply of regulated electricity regulated EDF supplier up to date at 25/09/2023

        Tempo: a complex price The tempo price is the most complicated and least widespread prices sold by EDF. It is not recommended for consumers equipped with electric heating. In addition, this option is only reserved for the higher meter powers (from 6 kVA). However, with the energy crisis, the tempo option is among the most advantageous on the electricity market.

        �� What services included in the regulated EDF blue rate ?

        EDF invoice

        EDF offers the services included in the following EDF Blue Price offer:

        • Customer area My EDF account : the EDF personal space makes it possible to manage your EDF contract, to consult your invoices, to make the payment, to download proof of address EDF or to follow its EDF consumption;
        • EDF & me mobile application : this application allows access to your customer area my account on smartphone or tablet;
        • Tool E.quilibre : This tool accessible on the EDF customer area allows saving on the EDF invoice;
        • EDF confidence statement : This tool accessible in the EDF customer area makes it possible to raise your EDF meter and to transmit it to the supplier to pay for consumption in reality.

        �� The General Conditions of Sale (GTC) of the Blue Price EDF

        Like all electricity suppliers, EDF provides its general sales conditions (CGV) online for its regulated blue rate price offer. To consult the CGV of the EDF blue rate, simply click on the button below:

        The regulated blue rate marketed by EDF is a contract without commitment of a period of one year with tacit renewal. Even if the one -year contract is underway, the customer can terminate his EDF Blue Tariff contract at any time, free of charge, without delay and without reason. In the event of termination for a change of supplier while retaining the name of the contract holder and the address, no termination approach is to be carried out with EDF. This is the new supplier chosen automatically and free of charge to terminate the contract at EDF.

        Customers subscribed to blue tariff at EDF can opt for two billing methods:

        • There monthly payment : the customer pays a fixed amount monthly, based on the estimate of his annual consumption in order to distribute the expenses over the year. This billing modality is reserved for customers opting for payment by direct debit.
        • There bimonthly : the customer can be billed either on an estimate or on the basis of his actual consumption by transmitting an auto-receiving at EDF (“Trust of Confidence” option, the equivalent of the autore, CF. lower).

        The payment method is also at the choice of the consumer. Customers at EDF blue rate can pay for their invoice by:

        • Bank card : the customer pays his invoice by connecting to his customer area on the EDF site, or by phone by calling the automated EDF automated vocal server to the ☎️ 0 800 123 333 ;
        • debit : This payment method is available as part of a monthly payment over 10 or 11 months;
        • telepament : each invoice, the customer goes to his personal online space to validate payment by direct debit;
        • check ;
        • TIP;
        • cash : the customer must then create a “mandate counts” at the post office. Do not forget to ask to benefit from the “EDF Count Account Convention” so that payment is made without cost.

        �� An increase in the regulated EDF blue price by 15% capped on February 1, 2023

        The blue rate is set by the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE), a independent public organization. The blue price is set to cover the operating costs of EDF (commercial costs, maintenance and exploitation of the network, but also production costs), or these costs have been increasing for several years. The blue rate has increased each year for 15 years, except for a slight decline in 2016.

        These increases should be extended, since the increases in recent years have not been sufficient to cover the increase in operating costs of the EDF nuclear fleet, whose power plants are aging. Added to this are the costs of upgrading nuclear park following Fukushima events, as well as investments in transport and distribution networks. Finally, we must quote a Energy taxes increase, and in particular the CSPE which notably finances the development of green energies.

        In 2020, the price of electricity (regulated rate corresponding to the blue rate) increased twice by 2.4 % in February and 1.54 % in August, followed by new increases in 2021 of 1.6 % in February and 0.48 % in August. In September 2021, the electricity price has soared on European scholarships. This new increase is explained by many factors: the resumption of activity following the COVVI-19 health crisis, the increase in gas prices of +300 % following the increase in demand for gas plants To produce electricity, the insufficiency of renewable energy production due to poor weather conditions ..

        According to expert calculations, the expected increase In February 2022 was 44.5 % excl, during the biannual revision proposed by the CRE. To help French consumers face this explosion in electricity prices, the government has announced the cap of this increase at +4%. The energy price shield allows consumers not to undergo the high increase in electricity prices, thus making the market offers less attractive.

        Indeed, for the fall-winter 2022/2023, the EDF blue price is the most competitive offer. Many EDF competitors are struggling to compete with the regulated rate blocked until the end of 2022. Some have temporarily suspended new subscriptions. Other alternative suppliers manage to offer identical prices at the EDF blue rate. Some suppliers, however, manage to compete with EDF, such as Mint Energie offering a price per kWh HT 10% cheaper than the regulated rate until September 30, 2023.

        As of February 1, 2023, the EDF blue rate again underwent a cap capped at 15 % including tax (instead of 99.22 % including tax, without the price shield). Despite this increase, this EDF flagship offer remains among the cheapest on the market with the energy crisis. According to the Service-Public website.fr, the increase in the electricity bill is on average € 25 per month instead of 200 euros per month (without the price shield) for households heating with electricity.

        �� How to find cheaper than EDF’s blue price ?

        financial economy

        The blue electricity rate remains the most common. Many consumers lack information on the energy market and do not dare to compete. However, all French people (subscribers at EDF or an alternative supplier) are powered by the same electricity, and benefit from the same technical service (public service provided by Enedis, former ERDF, regardless of the supplier).

        Is the EDF blue price the cheapest ? During the energy crisis in 2022, the EDF blue rate was the cheapest on the electricity market thanks to the system of the energy price shield deployed by the state to cap the increase. Reductions of market offers (whether in alternative suppliers or at EDF itself) granted compared to the regulated blue rate have been deleted.

        However, since the beginning of 2023, certain market offers notably alternative suppliers have offered more competitive prices. Some alternative suppliers indexed their prices on regulated prices by offering flat -rate reductions of X or Y%, thus ensuring the customer to save on his invoice in relation to the blue rate.

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