What is the incognito mode and private navigation?, What is the incognito mode and is it secure ? | Avast
What is the incognito mode ? Is it secure
You can determine if you are using private navigation if the URL/search bar is displayed with a dark theme instead of the Standard Windows Gray.
Incognito and private navigation mode: what is it, and how to use it ?
What is incognito mode and what is private navigation ? In this overview, we explain what is doing and does not do incognito mode, how to sail in private and how the use of a secure browser protects your privacy online more fully than private mode.
First of all, what is incognito mode ?
Incognito mode is a parameter of your web browser that allows you to hide when you browse the internet. The incognito mode works by deleting local data from your Internet browsing sessions. This means that no navigation is saved in your local research history; All cookies that a website tries to download to your computer are deleted or blocked. Other tracers, temporary files and third -party toolbars are also disabled.
What does the incognito mode do ?
When you do not use incognito mode, web browsers save the URL of each web page that you visit and keep this information even after your navigation session. This allows easy access to the same pages afterwards. The browser also stores cookies, which are small text files allowing to save the connection data to the site, to collect information on the pages you visit, and to create web pages and personalized advertisements according to your behavior online.
However, when you use incognito mode:
- The history of your navigation will be deprived because it will not be saved.
- Cookies will be deleted, which will help preserve the confidentiality of your personal preferences.
- You can connect to several accounts simultaneously. For example, you can connect to a professional account in a private navigation window while remaining connected to your personal account on the same site via a normal window.
When using a private navigation tab, your web browsing session is much more private (hence its private navigation name). People tend to use private navigation to protect their personal data or navigation activity from other users of their devices. Private navigation is also an easy way to disconnect websites when using another person’s device – provided you close the browser window at the end of your navigation session.
Since private navigation sessions do not store your cookies once you close your private navigation window, you are less likely to see online advertisements related to websites you have visited when you use the incognito mode (good that this probability of not seeing advertising is relatively low, because your IP address is always traced). In addition, some have pointed out that you could get better prices for hotels and plane tickets by searching in incognito mode. Indeed, some travel sites can display higher prices depending on your geolocation or if you have returned to the site several times to check the cost.
If you are not connected to your Google account, the research you do will not appear in the history of your Google account and will not influence future Google search results. Likewise, if you watch a video on YouTube or another service in private navigation mode, provided you are not connected to this service, your activity has no impact on the recommendations you receive in normal navigation mode.
Is the incognito mode really incognito ?
It is important to be aware of the limits of the incognito mode, because the term “private navigation” can lead people to think that the incognito mode offers more confidentiality than it allows. Although it erases data stored on your PC, your IP address remains visible for others. This means that your Internet service provider, the websites you have visited, your school, your employer or government agencies can always follow your navigation activity. To avoid this, you must use more sophisticated tools that use encryption, such as virtual private networks or VPN.
In addition, incognito mode does not protect you from cyber attacks, such as phishing, malicious programs or viruses. If spy software is already installed on your device, it can always follow your activity and steal sensitive information, even when you use incognito mode. Mozilla has compiled a useful page detailing some of the false common ideas related to private navigation.
Private navigation aims to erase the local traces of the websites you have visited, research that you have carried out, online forms that you have submitted, etc. It is intended to hide your activity to other people with access to the personal computer. That’s all she does.
How to use private navigation ?
So how to use incognito mode ? The different browsers have different names for private navigation. For example, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Apple Safari talk about “private navigation”, while Google Chrome calls it “incognito” and Microsoft Edge “inprivate”. Here’s how you can activate private navigation in the main browsers:
Private navigation in Chrome
Google Chrome’s incognito mode does not record your navigation history, cookies, site data, nor the information you enter in the forms. It will keep the files you download as well as your favorites.
To activate incognito mode on your computer, Android, iPhone or iPad, proceed as follows:
- Open Chrome.
- Click the Tools menu (three vertical points on Mac and on Windows) in the upper right corner.
- Choose “new private navigation window” to open a new private navigation window.
You can also use a keyboard shortcut by pressing CTRL+MAJ+N To open a new private navigation window. You can recognize the new private navigation window at its dark background and a stylized spy icon to the left of the three -point menu. Chrome also reminds users what the incognito mode does and does not do each time a new window is open.
Private navigation in Safari
The private safari navigation mode deletes temporary files (navigation history, form data and cookies) by default when the window is closed.
To activate private navigation on a Mac, proceed as follows:
- Open Safari.
- Navigate in the menu bar and choose “File”.
- Click on the “New Private window” option to open a private window.
To use a keyboard shortcut, press MAJ+Command+N To open a private navigation window in Safari.
Private navigation in Firefox
Mozilla Firefox’s private navigation mode offers additional functionality in the form of tracking against tracking. Thanks to this functionality, Mozilla helps prevent the history of your navigation being collected by third parties.
To access private navigation in Firefox, proceed as follows:
- Open Firefox.
- Access the menu in the upper right corner (three horizontal lines) and click on “New private navigation window”.
- A new private navigation window will appear with a purple mask icon at the top right of the Firefox window.
- You can also use the following keyboard shortcuts: CTRL+MAJ+N under windows or Command+MAJ+N on a mac.
- Your Firefox private navigation window is crossed by a purple strip. From there, you can activate additional tracking on tracking protection.
Navigation inprivate in Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge will not record the pages you visit, forms of forms, nor research on the web. However, downloaded files and your favorites will remain on your computer after closing the Inprivate window. When you close your Inprivate window, Microsoft browsers also deactivate the third -party bars that have been installed as well as extensions.
To access the navigation inprivated on Microsoft Edge, proceed as follows:
- Open Microsoft Edge.
- Right -click on the Microsoft Edge logo in the taskbar and select “New Inprivate window”.
- In Microsoft Edge, select “Settings and Plus> New Inprivate window”.
Microsoft’s browser indicates Inprivate when the mode works: an oval ring of blue color bearing the “inprivate” mention to the right of the address bar is doubled with a fully black screen so that users know that they use a browser private.
You can also launch an inprivate session by right -clicking on a link in Edge and selecting Open in an inprivate window. This option is grayed out when you are already in a private navigation session, but the use of the option Open the link in a new tab Allows you to achieve it if you already use the INPRIVATE mode.
Private navigation in Opera
Opera’s private navigation mode offers the same confidentiality of temporary data as others. In addition, it has a function that allows you to activate its VPN connection, which could further protect your navigation activities.
To activate Opera’s incognito mode, proceed as follows:
- Open the Opera browser.
- Click on the menu in the upper left corner.
- Choose “new private window” to open a private navigation window.
How to go to incognito mode on your phone ?
Incognito mode on Android:
- On your Android device, open Chrome and press the three -point menu button in the address bar.
- A drop -down window is displayed with several actions available, such as starting the page or opening a new window.
- One of the options is “new nav tab. private “. Press it, and Chrome will open a new private tab.
- You will see a spy icon with a fedora and glasses as well as confirmation that “you have passed in private navigation mode”.
- You can switch between private navigation tabs and normal tabs by pressing the tab tool in the address bar. You will only browse in private navigation mode when you use a private navigation tab.
Private navigation on the iPhone and iPad:
With iOS 14:
- Open Safari and press the two square icons at the bottom of your screen (if you do not see the icon, press near the bottom of the screen).
- Press on “” Private “.
- Now press the + icon to open a new site in a private window (you will also see all existing safari windows in Private Navigation).
- When you want to use a standard window, return to the Safari pages manager (two squares icon) and touch again “private” to deactivate it, then touch “finished”.
You can determine if you are using private navigation if the URL/search bar is displayed with a dark theme instead of the Standard Windows Gray.
With iOS 15:
- In iOS 15, open Safari.
- Press the two square icon in the lower right corner (upper right corner if you use the landscape view).
- Press the “1 tab” button (or “X tabs”).
- Choose “Private”.
- Press the + icon in the lower corner.
- You can determine that you use private navigation if the address/search becomes dark.
- Follow the same steps and press “private” again to no longer use this function.
How can I browse the Internet in private ?
A virtual private network (VPN) is a more private option than incognito or private navigation mode of a browser. A VPN hides your IP address, which is the unique identifier attributed to your computer, telephone or tablet on the Internet. VPNs work by encrypting the data you send and receive on the internet, making them illegible for anyone who does not have a decryption key.
Kaspersky Secure Connection offers a sure way to enjoy the Internet without compromising the speed.
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Incognito and private navigation mode: what is it, and how to use it ?
Incognito mode allows you to sail in private. Find out how the incognito mode works and how to use private navigation mode on different devices and browsers.
What is the incognito mode ? Is it secure ?
All modern browsers offer an incognito mode for private navigation. But whether you go into incognito mode in Chrome, Safari, Firefox or any other browser, even with a hat and dark glasses for more discretion, this mode does not mask your traces as you might think. Continue reading to find out what the incognito mode means, how you can always be tracked in incognito mode and why it is best to use a secure browser.
Also available on Android, iOS, Mac
Also available on iOS, Android, PC
Also available on PC, Mac, iOS
Also available on Mac, PC, Android
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Written by Ellie Farrier
Posted on January 14, 2021
Written by Sander Van Hezik
What is the incognito mode ?
Incognito mode is a private window in your web browser: it allows you to browse the web without your history being saved on your device. Once your private navigation session in incognito mode, no cookie or other trace of your session are finished in your browser.
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Using incognito mode prevents the browser data or the navigation history associated with a particular navigation session to be stored on your device. This means that any other person using your device will not be able to see the websites you have viewed or what you have looked for on Google.
But if your online activity is not recorded on your device, the websites you consult, your Internet access provider, search engines and other companies are always able to follow your behavior when you browse In incognito mode.
What does the word incognito mean ?
Incognito means concealing your identity. Online, incognito mode (also called private navigation) is to hide your identity on the device you use, even if your IP address and your navigation behavior will remain visible for third parties.
In other words, Navigation Incognito allows you to hide your activity online from any other person who uses your device, such as your family and friends.
What is the incognito mode ?
The incognito mode allows you to surf the web as if you were a new visitor for each site you consult. When you use the incognito mode, each website you consult will think that you have never come to the site before. This means that no cookie is recorded, that no connection information has been kept and that no form has been pre-filled for you.
The incognito mode means that you do not benefit from a personalized web experience according to your navigation habits, so that the price of plane tickets, for example, or other dear items, does not increase as of your research.
However, if you log into your personal accounts in incognito mode, your data is saved during the session. They will be deleted as soon as you leave the site, but they can help websites and advertisers collect identification data while you are connected.
If you have opened a browser window in incognito mode in Chrome but you have not yet started navigating, you can choose to activate the third -party cookies, which are, if not, blocked by default. By authorizing Chrome to block these cookies in incognito mode, you will see less targeted advertisements, but this can affect the operation of the sites you consult.
Depending on the confidentiality parameters of your browser, the opening of a new incognito window while another window is already open can prevent the start of a second session. Safari treats each private window and each private tab like a new session, but all the incognito windows open in Chrome belong to the same session. This session ends when all open incognito windows are closed or when you leave the incognito mode in one of the open windows.
To better follow all incognito windows, the number of open windows is displayed in the upper right corner of each of them.
New incognito tab in Google Chrome.
How to navigate in incognito mode
Today, most web browsers include an incognito or private navigation mode. Start by opening the browser. Then open a private window. Whatever your default browser, you can sail in private mode:
- Chrome: Discover our complete guide on incognito mode in Chrome.
- Safari: Find out how to use private navigation mode in Safari.
- Firefox: Discover our guide to learn to navigate in private mode in Firefox.
- Internet Explorer: Internet Explorer’s incognito mode is called “inprivate navigation”. You can find the Navigation mode inprivate to explore by going to the settings (icon in the shape of a toothed wheel) at the top right. Then select Security, Then Inprivate navigation.
- Edge: Microsoft Edge’s incognito mode is called Inprivate. In Edge, press CTRL+MAJ+N To launch a private navigation window with a black background.
How to navigate in incognito mode on your phone
Mobile browsers also incorporate private navigation modes that allow you to be in incognito mode on Android and iOS. Here is as proceed:
How to navigate in private mode on Android
- Open Google Chrome and press the Three vertical points top right.
- Then select the New incognito tab.
- You are now browsing in private mode and your incognito search history will not be saved.
How to navigate in incognito mode on an iPhone
- Open the Chrome browser application and press the icon Pages top right.
- Push the button Tabs and select Private.
- Press on Finished to enter Private navigation mode.
To what extent is the incognito mode private ?
In incognito mode, your navigation history, your search history and your cookies are not saved on your device. But if you create a favorite for a site or download a file on the Internet, this item will remain visible for all other users who have access to your computer once the session is finished.
On the other hand, if you normally browse all your browsing history, your search history and your cookies will be saved until you delete them manually or until you use a browser cleaning application that will erase Your navigation history automatically.
And there are other ways to protect your activities online so that they cannot be associated with your device or yourself. With a VPN that completely figures your Internet connection, you are sure that your bank details and your passwords are protected.
The encrypted connection that you benefit from a VPN, for example the Avast Secureline VPN, also masks the identity of your device before connecting to a network, which means that companies, governments and other prying users will have even more difficulty hacking your device.
Also available on Android, iOS, Mac