What is the Bouygues Telecom vocal messaging number?, How to contact Bouygues Telecom messaging?

Contact Bouygues Telecom messaging

The code *# 61# to check the number to which “on no reply” calls are diverted. The code *# 67# to check the number to which the “on busy” calls are returned.

What is the Bouygues Telecom vocal messaging number ?

To reach the answering machine of a mobile line you must compose the 660. And for a bbox offer the answering machine can be reached at 661.

How to listen to your vocal messages with Bouygues ?

To consult your voicemail from your mobile, simply dial 660. To consult your voicemail from your mobile, simply dial 660.

What is number 660 ?

Rest assured the 660 is indeed a Bouygues Telecom number, it is even the number of your answering machine. The call will therefore be free for you, if you are well in mainland France (and not on a foreign network).

What is the vocal messaging number ?

To access your vocal messaging 888 from another landline or mobile phone in France or abroad: compose the +33 6 08 08 08 08. If you have an Orange Open Pro offer, dial the +336 07 07 88 88.

How to consult the 660 ?

What number to do to listen without messaging Bouygues ? The 660 is a free number which allows you to consult your vocal mailbox Bouygues from France. If you are abroad, make up the +33660660001 to consult your Bouygues messaging.

Solutions to various problems in the voice box

Found 31 related questions

How to listen to a voice message ?

Listen or read a voice message

  1. Open the Google Voice application .
  2. At the bottom of the screen, press voice messages. . Non -read vocal messages appear in bold.
  3. Press a voice message.
  4. Select an option: Read the vocal message transcription. To listen to a voice message, press reading .

How to listen to my answering machine ?

Compose the 123 or +33 6 12 000 123, when the answering machine requests it, make up your mobile number, during the answering machine announcement (standard or personalized), type #, then type your secret code followed by #.

Which is 0654185408 ?

Orange messaging on 0654185408 – The opinion of experts

It would indeed be, according to the information we have, of the Orange messaging number, and would be used to indicate the presence of a new message on the answering machine of the customers of the mobile phone company.

How to recover a voice message at Bouygues ?

A voice message is kept 48 hours maximum as soon as it was listened to in its entirety. Unfortunately if this one is deleted we can not recover it.

How to activate Bouygues visual vocal messaging ?

I go to “phone” then at the top right, I press “more options”. I press on “parameters” then on “vocal messaging”. I activate the option “Visual voicemail”.

How to listen to archived messages at Bouygues ?

To consult the archived messages it is the “2” key, be careful however, your messages will be kept: 48 hours if the message has been consulted in full. 2 months if the message is not listened to.

Why vocal messages fade away ?

This problem is caused by a kind of interference between your finger and the multi-touch functionality. This interference can be due to a screen protector or a case. Please remove all accessories from your phone and try this functionality.

What is the code *# 62 ?

– *# 62#: This manipulation to type on your iPhone makes it possible to check if a referral to unavailability is activated. – *# 67#: This code allows you to control whether an occupation calls is activated. – ## 002#: The latter deactivates all call references to your phone.

What is the code *# 61 ?

The code *# 61# to check the number to which “on no reply” calls are diverted. The code *# 67# to check the number to which the “on busy” calls are returned.

Which is 0611060020 ?

SFR messaging since 0611060020 – The opinion of experts

You have received a call from 0611060020 ? According to our database and the positive assessments awarded, everything seems to indicate that this telephone number is that of SFR messaging.

How to display messaging messages ?

Visual voicemail on Android

In the “Mobile” section, click “Use your mobile”, then “enjoy visual messaging”. Then click on “Use the Visual Visual Messaging Application on my Android mobile”.

How to find the secret code of my messaging ?

Recover your secret code by SMS

Dial 0 6 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 from any phone, mobile or fixed. Enter your number at the server’s request then finish with # . Listen to the server and select the choice offering the return of the secret code by SMS.

What is the code *# 43 ?

*43#: allows you to put a call on hold. # 43#: allows you to deactivate the on hold. *# 61#: gives you the list of missed calls. *# 62#: tell you about the number on which your calls are returned.

What is *# 1111 ?

*#0*# – Information menu (does not work on all phones)*#*#4636#*#* – Information menu. *#*#34971539#*#* – Information menu on the camera*#*#1111#*#* – Software FTA version.

What is the number 0695600012 ?

Free messaging since 0695600012 – Expert opinion

In addition, we remind you that to consult your free messaging, you just have to call the 666 or the +33695600012, especially if you are abroad.

Where audio messages are kept ?

The vocal memos are on your home screen in the extras folder. To delete audio clips from the memos vocal application, press the “Modify” button in the upper left corner, then press the red button less next to each clip you don’t want.

How to know if we left a voice message ?

If you have a message on the voice box, a notification will appear in the notification bar at the top of your screen on the left. By sliding your finger from top to bottom of the screen, a notification saying voicemail will be there.

How to listen to your archives vocal messages ?

Restore conversations by SMS, calls or archived voice messages

  1. Open the Voice application .
  2. Top left, press Archive menu .
  3. Press the conversation, call or voice message you want to restore.

Contact Bouygues Telecom messaging


An answering machine is essential to not miss any message. You have voice messages, but you can’t access your answering machine Bouygues Telecom ?

  • You want to access your Bouygues Telecom messaging ?
  • Do you want to consult your answering machine Bouygues Fixed ?
  • How to access my Bouygues messaging from abroad ?
  • How can I manage my vocal messages Bouygues Telecom ?

You will find, below, the different ways to consult your Bouygues messaging from your mobile phone or your Bbox fixed phone.

How to consult my answering machine Bouygues Mobile ?

To access your answering machine Bouygues Mobile, please compose the number 660. Note that you can access the answering machine Bouygues Mobile, whether you are a customer of a sensation mobile plan or a B & you package. You can also listen to your voicemail from another phone. To do this, make up your phone number, then wait until you hear your voice answering machine and press the key #. Then enter your confidential access code and finish by pressing the key again #.

How to access my Bouygues messaging from abroad ?

customer service number

Even if you are abroad, it is always possible for you to consult your answering machine Bouygues Mobile, by composing the +33 6 60 66 00 01, From a mobile phone or from a fixed. Do not forget to personalize the access code to your bouygues answering machine before your departure to be able to take advantage of this option. To access it, call the 660, Press the key 3, Then the touch 2. You can always access this option, even if you have not subscribed to an international package.

If you have forgotten your access code, then you should wait until you return to France. Otherwise, you can request assistance from Bouygues Telecom customer service.

How to access my answering machine ?

To consult your vocal messages from your Fixed Bouygues answering machine, call the 661. You can compose this number, from the fixed line of your Bbox Internet offer or from your Bouygues mobile. If you call from your Bouygues mobile, then you need to enter your BBOX fixed line number, then dial your confidential access code.

You can also access your Bouygues Fixed answering machine without having to identify you. To do this, simply save your mobile number in the voicemail section of your Bouygues customer area.

If you want to activate or deactivate your Bouygues Fixed mailbox, go to your customer area, then in the “Voice messaging” section and select “Televant Services”. Then click on “Activate my Bbox voicemail” or “Disable my Bbox voicemail”.

It is also possible for you to access your bouygues fixed, from another phone, by composing 0981 661 661, Follow -up of your BBOX fixed line number, then enter your confidential access code to confirm your identity.

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