What is the 2G, 3G, 4G, 4G and 5G network coverage of Bouygues?, Bouygues Télécom mobile network: which 4G/5G coverage?

Bouygues and B & You mobile network: flows and extent in 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G

The coverage of the 3G network of Bouygues Telecom and B & You is therefore optimal. If 3G speeds are lower than those of 4G, this mobile network remains a good alternative if 4G is not accessible. However, with the deployment of 5G and the extent of 4G, 3G and 2G withdrawal plans are being discussed in France. For example, Orange provides for the end of 3G by 2030.

Bouygues Telecom mobile network: what coverage and which flows 2G, 3G, 4G / 4G+ and 5G ?

Bouygues Telecom network cover

The deployment of networks is a key concept for telephone operators. Each month, these firms work in fact to make their mobile networks accessible to all French consumers. Although there are still white areas or gray areas in metropolitan territory, Bouygues Telecom can boast of covering 99% of the French population . This puts it on an equal footing with its Orange and SFR competitors.

However, the operator won the 2nd place in terms of covered areas , with mobile coverage in 83% of the territory. First place is occupied by the historic operator, Orange, with 87% of the covered territory.

Bouygues Telecom networks

What is the network coverage of the operator Bouygues Telecom ?

Before subscribing to a 4G package with an operator, it remains essential to find out about its network coverage. By taking this concept into account, it is possible to ensure that your phone will connect to the mobile and Internet network without difficulty. What is the quality of the 2G, 3G / 3G+, 4G / 4G+ and 5G coverage of Bouygues Telecom ? Here are some answers.

Bouygues Telecom: the 2G, 3G / 3G+, 4G / 4G+ and 5G network coverage of the operator

Bouygues Telecom is one of the essential operators in France. With 99% of the population covered by the firm, the operator highlights one of the best covers available in the territory. It is however important to distinguish the 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G network. The latter do not offer the same qualities of service and it is therefore essential to inquire before the subscription of a Bouygues Telecom package.

Bouygues Telecom mobile coverage in summary
Cover type Population Territory
4G cover 99% 83%
3G coverage 99% 93%
2G cover 99% 94%

Bouygues Telecom packages

Read also consult the packages of Bouygues Télécom

What is the 4G / 4G+ network coverage of Bouygues Telecom ?

To be able to take full advantage of the mobile internet, you have to be able to connect to the 4G or 4G+ network of telephone operators. This allows you to enjoy a optimal connection speed. The 4G network is indeed faster than its predecessor: 3G. To know the extent of the coverage of Bouygues Telecom, you must take into account different points such as quality in urban areas, that in rural areas or even that on the different major axes of Metropolitan France.

Bouygues Telecom: the first French operator on 4G coverage of rural areas

If we take into account the entire French territory, Bouygues Telecom arrives in second position with 83% of the territory covered. It places him behind his orange competitor. The operator is distinguished, however, by being the first on rural areas, thus testifying to a real desire to overcome white areas.

If we take into account the number of municipalities covered, Bouygues Telecom arrives 3 rd . The operator remains however first in a total of 11,921 municipalities in France. Note that, throughout French territory, the firm offers 4G coverage at 99% of the French population, which is far from negligible.

In 2019, Bouygues Telecom continued its development with in particular 17,228 4G branches installed on French territory. This allows him to cover an ever wider population and therefore, therefore, to seduce consumers. In 2019, only 2,763 municipalities are not yet covered by 4G of Bouygues Telecom.

Use your 4G phone abroad

Read also to determine if his phone is compatible with 4G abroad

The 4G and 4G+ coverage of Bouygues Telecom on the major French transport axes and ski resorts

Bouygues Telecom also serves certain large axes of transport with its mobile network, thus allowing consumers of take advantage of the mobile network no matter where it is. To define the quality, you must be based on the loading time of a web page in less than 10 seconds.

What is the quality of the Bouygues Telecom network in transport

There are data for Bouygues network coverage in transport.

What is the quality of the Bouygues Telecom network in transport ?

  • On the main roads: in 90% of cases, subscribers can take advantage of the loading of a web page in less than 10 seconds, positioning Bouygues Telecom as number 1.
  • On TGV axes: this rate is reduced to 67%, positioning Bouygues in second position.
  • On intercity/ter axes: Bouygues Telecom is shared first place with SFR. The two firms highlight a rate of 72%.
  • On the RER/Transiliens axes: Bouygues Telecom arrives in 3rd position with a network quality of 80%.
  • On metro axes: here too, the operator arrives in second place, just behind Orange, with a rate defined at 43%.
  • In ski stations: more than 150 French ski resorts are already served by the 4G network of Bouygues Telecom.

How is the deployment of 3G of Bouygues Telecom ?

Although 4G is the most used mobile network and 5G is fast approaching, 3G is not outdone either. Bouygues Telecom is thus working on the deployment of its infrastructure to also make this network accessible. This can for example be A good alternative to wait for the arrival of the 4G network in certain areas of France. With 3G, it is indeed possible to connect to the mobile internet, even if the flows are less important.

Given that the third generation of mobile network has been present for a longer time in French territory, The coverage rate is greater than 4G. On the side of Bouygues Telecom, the figures report:

  • 99% of the French population covered by the operator’s 3G network;
  • 93% of the territory with 3G coverage of Bouygues Telecom.

Only 516 French municipalities do not have access to 3G of Bouygues Telecom

According to the various studies carried out, the number of municipalities not having access to the 3G of Bouygues Telecom is 516. In fact, more than 27,726 cities and villages in France already have access to this third generation of mobile network. Each month, Bouygues Telecom also works to maximize the number of areas of the territory not having access to 3G. Regularly, the ANFR thus authorizes the operator to develop new infrastructures to extend its network coverage ever more.

Bouygues Telecom: is the 2G still topical ?

Contrary to what some might think, The 2G network is always used by consumers, and this in a daily way. Concretely, it is through this network that most telephone communications pass, including calls and SMS in particular. In some cases, it will be possible to talk about a GSM network.

In fact, this network allows you to use your mobile plan, even if neither 3G nor 4G are available. Since the appearance of this network, telephony operators have had time to deploy it, allowing to make an ever more attractive proposal in terms of quality of services.

How is Bouygues Telecom position on the 2G network ?

  • 79% of calls are considered to be of very good quality in France, with a rate of 68% in rural areas.
  • 95% of SMS are received in less than 10 seconds in mainland France. Regarding rural areas, this rate is reduced to 89%.
  • 99% of the population is covered by the GSM network of Bouygues Telecom and only 1% benefits from limited coverage.
  • 94% of the territory benefits the operator 2G network, 10% of which are limited coverage.

Mobile network aid

To read also understand the different mobile networks

What is the 5G coverage of Bouygues Telecom ?

Although 4G and 3G networks are still being deployed, Bouygues Telecom also does not leave aside the fifth generation of mobile network. The operator has already carried out various tests in order to be able to Offer 5G to French consumers from 2020. This date is indeed that where the very first 5g packages should be created in the territory.

The deployment of 5G at Bouygues Telecom

Currently, Bouygues Telecom is experimenting with the new 5G mobile network.

For the moment, he is not Not possible to make an estimate of the 5G coverage of Bouygues Telecom. It is however important to specify that the operator intends to stand out from his competitors, in particular with many authorized experimental stations. After staying number one for several months in the matter, its orange competitor has just exceeded it.

Advice from myLittlePackage

When you want to take out a new 4G package, it is essential to inquire beforehand about the network coverage of the chosen operator. For that, It is possible to take a closer look at the flows offered by each operator, In particular via the MonreseaUmobile site.com.

To offer this data, the ANFR has carried out various 2G / 3G / 4G debit tests in mainland France as well as in overseas. This allows for a clear and fast vision of the available networks and their quality in your town. For virtual operators (MVNO), it will be necessary to take into account the networks which are used to provide the service.

3G / 3G rate test+, 4G / 4G+ and 5G: how to know the quality of the Bouygues Telecom network ?

Bouygues Telecom network coverage is not the only point to take into account. The speed of flows is also essential, in particular to define the quality of 3G, 4G or even 5G mobile networks. In fact, each generation of network has a theoretical speed that it is able to reach in order to provide the best possible quality of service. To find out precisely what it is, you have to look a little closer to the operator’s network coverage as well as its quality.

Understanding the notion of theoretical flow for mobile networks

First of all, it must be understood that the operators of telephony are mainly expressed in theoretical flow. In fact, this is the maximum speed that the network can reach, But this is not always the case in practice, quite the contrary. The notion of theoretical flow is not only valid for 3G or 4G, it is also for Internet networks such as ADSL or even fiber optics. If we had to summarize, you could say that this is a connection speed that the network concerned cannot exceed.

The theoretical flows possible depending on the different mobile networks:

  • 3G: Simple 3G allows you to reach a maximum speed of 1.9 Mb/s, which may seem very slow for many consumers. However, this is already good in the areas of France which are not yet covered by 4G.
  • 3G+: 3G+ promises a slightly larger connection speed that can go, in theory, up to 14.4 Mb/s. This notably allowed operators to offer an alternative solution to consumers while waiting for the arrival of 4G.
  • 4G: With the development of 4G, consumers were able to benefit from an optimal connection speed, directly on their smartphone. In fact, it is possible to take advantage of a theoretical flow that can go up to 100 Mb/s, is much more than what is offered by the ADSL network.
  • 4G +: After 4G, it was 4G+ that has imposed itself in the daily life of consumers with flows that can sometimes reach the 300 Mb/s.

Bouygues Telecom on the way to 5G

Like other telephony operators, Bouygues Telecom is actively working on the deployment of the fifth generation of mobile network. 5G will notably allow the theoretical flows much higher than what is currently offered. In this case, we speak in GB/S, and no longer in MB/S. According to estimates, 5G could, in some cases, reach flows around 20 GB/s. By way of comparison, this is much higher than what fiber optics currently offers.

4G/4G+: What are the flows put forward by Bouygues Telecom ?

In order to precisely define the quality of the Bouygues Telecom mobile network, it is therefore necessary to take into account the proposed flows. 4G being most often used, it is preferable to look in more detail on this point. To do this, websites like Monreseaumobile.en offer Know the 4G/4G+ flows of Bouygues Telecom In different areas of France.

Draft tests have been carried out in several parts of France. For the most precise results possible, it is necessary Take into account four separate zones : rural areas, intermediate zones, dense areas or even tourist areas.

What are the 4G Bouygues Telecom flows observed in the different areas of France ?

  • In rural areas: Bouygues Telecom offers on average 28 Mb/s for download and 7 Mb/s in sending via its 4G network.
  • In the intermediate zone: The average flow noted for Bouygues Telecom is 44 Mb/s for download and 11 Mb/s in sending.
  • In dense zone: The flow tests report 64 Mb/s for download and 12 Mb/s in sending.
  • In tourist zone: The 4G connection speeds of Bouygues Telecom are on average 34 Mb/s for download and 8 Mb/s in sending.

Speedtest 4G

Also read everything you need to know about debit tests

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Bouygues and B & You mobile network: flows and extent in 2G, 3G, 4G and 5G

Bouygues Telecom B & You network cover

Bouygues Telecom is among the leaders of the mobile telephony market. It is a MNO, Mobile Network Operator, which means that it has its own network antennas. As such, the operator and its subsidiary without b & you offer a network coverage extended throughout French territory.

Here is the key information on the Bouygues and B & You mobile network to remember:

  • 6,900 antennas 5G 2.1 GHz.
  • A 4G mobile network covering 99% of the French population.
  • A coverage of 93% of French territory.
  • Bouygues Telecom and B & You mobile network card
  • Zoom on the 5G network of Bouygues Telecom: deployment and number of 5G antennas
  • Cover and quality of the 4G network of Bouygues Telecom and B & You
  • Bouygues Telecom’s 3G: a mobile network still widely used
  • The extent of the 2G Bouygues Telecom and B & You (voice and SMS) mobile network)
  • What is the flow of the Bouygues Telecom and B & you mobile network ?

The content of this page was verified by an editorial expert on the date of 10/25/2022

Changing mobile operator has become usual for many users, but it remains essential to check different parameters to make your choice. Among these parameters is in particular the network coverage offered. By checking this point, the consumer makes sure to enjoy a fast and efficient mobile network. Here is everything you need to know about the 4G/5G Bouygues Telecom and B & you.

Bouygues B & You mobile network coverage

The Bouygues Telecom mobile network and its subsidiary without b & you are 99% of the French population.

Bouygues Telecom and B & You mobile network card

For Check the quality of the 4G and 5G mobile network of Bouygues Telecom and B & You, It is possible to refer to the card below. This card is proposed by the arcep (regulatory authority for electronic communications). This is a powerful player in the mobile telephony sector, which therefore provides reliable, verified and regularly updated information.

Telephone operators also offer their mobile network cards. Thus, it is also possible to turn to the websites of operators directly. In the facts, Bouygues Telecom and B & You offer cards from their 4G and 5G network. Internet users can then find different information relating to the power of the mobile network offered.

Users can choose between several filters, to display certain aspects of the Bouygues and B & You mobile network coverage ::

  • 5G 3.5 GHz;
  • 5G 2.1 GHz;
  • 4G/4G+;
  • 3G/3G+.

It is ultimately enough to play with the filters offered by ARCEP and operators to find out the DEBITS AND COVER OF THE 4G and 5G mobile network at BOUYGUES TELECOM ET B & YOU.

Bouygues and B & You offer the same network coverage ?

B & You is the subsidiary without obligation of the historic operator Bouygues Telecom. As such, she takes the network branches of her parent company, and thus offers the same network coverage as Bouygues Telecom. Thus, B & You subscribers take advantage of the same mobile network as Bouygues subscribers. The difference between these two operators lies only in the management of services. Indeed, B & You is a subsidiary which offers mobile plans without commitment at lower prices.

Zoom on the 5G network of Bouygues Telecom: deployment and number of 5G antennas

Bouygues Telecom is a mno. In other words, this historic telephone operator has its own network branches. This allows him, in principle, to offer a powerful network to his subscribers. What is it really ? What should be known about the 5G network of Bouygues Telecom and B & You ?

All historic telephone operators have invested in 5G network branches. In fact, it was essential for these actors to offer a 5G network to their subscribers. However, Bouygues Telecom is not the operator who has invested the most in the deployment of the fifth generation of mobile network. Indeed, here is Bouygues’ number of mobile network antennas in Bouygues in 2022 ::

  • 3,159 5G 3.5 GHz antennas;
  • 6,900 antennas 5G 2.1 GHz.

Bouygues Telecom’s mobile network is still being deployed, but The operator offers this technology in nearly 12,000 municipalities in France. To take advantage of the high connection speeds of 5G, you must subscribe to a 5G Bouygues Telecom package and have a compatible smartphone.

Bouygues Telecom phone package

Read also Bouygues Telecom mobile packages: Description of offers and prices

Cover and quality of the 4G network of Bouygues Telecom and B & You

The 4G network is today the first mobile network used by smartphone owners. Not everyone has access to 5G and, in any case, this technology is still being deployed. In fact, 4G is the most extensive network to connect to the mobile internet from anywhere in France. Bouygues Telecom and B & You have one of the best 4G mobile networks sector. It covers almost the entire territory and the population.

Bouygues Telecom’s 4G network covers ::

  • +99% of the French population;
  • 93% of French territory.

Regarding the quality of the 4G mobile network of Bouygues Telecom, the data provided by ARCEP indicates that 94% of web pages are responsible in less than 10 seconds and that 89% of the watched videos are in perfect quality for 2 minutes. In other words, Bouygues Telecom’s 4G mobile network is very good since it allows you to surf the internet and watch videos without latency of latency.

Bouygues Telecom: third best mobile network in France

According to an NPERF survey dating from 2021, Bouygues Telecom is appointed third best mobile network in France. The operator loses a place and is overwhelmed by free. The performances offered by Bouygues Telecom are however very close to those of Free.

Bouygues Telecom’s 3G: a mobile network still widely used

Even with the deployment of 5G and the extent of the 4G mobile network, 3G is still widely used by smartphone users. The third generation of mobile network allows in particular to take over when the 4G network encounters a problem, or that it is inaccessible. Moreover, there are still municipalities in which no 4G antenna has been installed. In fact, mobile operators must offer a quality 3G mobile network. Is this the case of Bouygues Telecom and B & You ?

Here is what to remember about the 3G Bouygues and B & You mobile network:

  • The 3G Bouygues network covers + 99% of the French population;
  • 3G extends over 95% of French territory.

The coverage of the 3G network of Bouygues Telecom and B & You is therefore optimal. If 3G speeds are lower than those of 4G, this mobile network remains a good alternative if 4G is not accessible. However, with the deployment of 5G and the extent of 4G, 3G and 2G withdrawal plans are being discussed in France. For example, Orange provides for the end of 3G by 2030.

B & You phone package

Read also mobile b & you: what offers without obligation to choose ?

The extent of the 2G Bouygues Telecom and B & You (voice and SMS) mobile network)

If 5G, 4G and 3G are well known, the 2G network is less so. The latter is indeed less highlighted from a commercial point of view, and yet it allows to make calls and send SMS and MMS. The second generation of mobile network is therefore essential. What is the extent of the 2G Bouygues Telecom and B & You mobile network ?

In France, the 2G mobile network of Bouygues Telecom and B & You covers:

  • 94% of the territory;
  • 99% of the population.

The table presented below returns in detail to the quality of the Bouygues Telecom and B & You mobile network 2G, Depending on the type of area concerned. On the one hand, the percentages represent the call rate maintained for 2 minutes without disruption and, on the other, the SMS rate received in less than 10 seconds.

Bouygues and B & You’s voice network
Zone type Voice (calls) Sms
Rural 81% 86%
Intermediate 96% 97%
Urban 97% 98%
Tourist urban 93% 94%

Towards the end of 3G and 2G ?

Faced with new mobile Internet technologies, many users are asking questions about the future of 3G and 2G. In France, only one operator announced the end of these two mobile networks. This is Orange, which provides for this stop by 2030. In addition, in the United States, the procedure is much faster since the end of 3G is announced there for the end of 2022.

What is the flow of the Bouygues Telecom and B & you mobile network ?

In France, several mobile network zones exist. It is customary to split France into three types of areas, which suppose a different speed: rural areas, urban areas and white areas. Note that the latter designate areas that are not served by the mobile or internet network.

Here is Bouygues Telecom and B & you, Depending on the type of area in question:

The speeds reachable on the Bouygues Telecom and B & You network
Zone type Downward down speed Affignable amount
Rural 30 Mb/s 7 Mb/s
Intermediate 51 Mb/s 14 Mb/s
Urban 83 Mb/s 21 Mb/s
Tourist urban 63 Mb/s 15 Mb/s

The quality of the mobile network of Bouygues Telecom and B & You is generally good, regardless of the location of the subscriber. Whether he has a Bouygues Telecom mobile plan or a B & YOU non -binding package, The user has connection to the mobile internet network with good flows, Even if they are not the best on the market.

White zone in France

To read also white areas in France: cover card and alternatives

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