What are the best Intel and AMD processors (CPU) in September 2023?, AMD or Intel: Best game processor in 2023? | Avast

AMD or Intel: What is the best processor in 2023 


Modern processors (and by extension their performance) are packaged by several characteristics. First of all there is the frequency, most often expressed in GHz. This is simply the number of instructions that your CPU is capable of treating the second. In general, the higher its frequency, the more its gross power is. Be careful however, having the processor with the largest frequency on the market does not guarantee that it will be the most efficient. Architecture, design, number of hearts and threads are all other data to take into account to characterize a processor.

What are the best Intel and AMD Ryzen processors (CPU) in 2023 ?

You are looking for a new processor for your computer and you are lost in this vast market ? Here is our selection of the best processors to fully enjoy your games and applications.

Real heart of a computer, the processor (or CPU) is one of the components whose choice is crucial if you mount your own machine. Long dominated by Intel, the PC processor market has evolved enormously in recent years with the return of AMD to the front of the stage, propelled by its Ryzen processors, on a lower price range. If Intel has managed to partially keep its market share, the choice of a processor is no longer as obvious as it could be in a not so distant time ..

The 13th generation of Intel processors appears

During these 2023, Intel unveiled its brand new generation of Core processors. The 13th generation of fleas goes from the U series to the HX. In terms of performance, you will find at the top the Intel Core i9-13980HX chip with 24 cores within it. For the other Intel ranges, in addition to the performance gain, better autonomy has also been noted. The manufacturer took the opportunity to announce a N range intended for entry -level laptops. For his part, the competitor AMD took the opportunity to lift the veil on its own processors.

If you are setting up a new PC, do not hesitate to consult our other dedicated guides:

  • Guide of the Best Ventirads
  • Guide for best motherboards
  • Guide of the best graphics cards
  • Guide for best PC power supplies
  • Guide of the best ssd nvme
  • Guide to the best PC boxes
  • Guide of the best inverters

AMD Ryzen and high -end AMD processors

Intel Core i7-12700kf: Intel gives the rhythm

After years of stagnation, Intel returns to the front of the stage with an Alder Lake architecture which constitutes a real break with the past. In addition to the passage to 10 nm, it is above all a change of deep philosophy that arrives. Forgotten the identical hearts, the 12,700 k has 8 cores dedicated to performance (P-Cores) and 4 cores favoring efficiency (e-cores). A distribution which is reminiscent of that of the Arm chips.

All these little people rises respectively up to 5 GHz for p-cores and 3.8 GHz for e-cores. Without going into technical details This new approach coupled with ultra fast DDR5 results in a chip approximately 10 % more efficient than the Ryzen 5800 x. A great success that applies as well to video games, a category on which Intel has always been comfortable as on the application.

In return, the 12700K consumes a lot, passing without worries the 250 W bar in charge ! It is a lot and it will therefore take a radiator or a watercooling rather muscular to keep this little world cool.

There remains the fateful question of the price: marketed at 480 euros, the i7-12700k offers a more than solid performance/price ratio. However, it is necessary to count with dear motherboards, for example with a Gigabyte Z690 UD negotiating around 225 euros. RAM in DDR5 is more expensive, but its price becomes more and more accessible. Thus, the 32 GB of RAM in DDR5 are around 200 euros.

Intel makes us a quasi-past-faut, with an innovative processor at the interesting price. There remains a DDR5 platform which however costs a little expensive to our taste, but if you are looking for the best, this is where you will find it.

The advantages of Intel Core i7-12700k:

  • A very powerful processor
  • 8 cores and 16 threads
  • A direct competitor of the Ryzen 7 5800X

AMD Ryzen 7 5800X: The best AMD processor

If the Ryzen 5,5600x is suitable for the overwhelming majority of uses, users more demanding and eager to launch for example in the streaming, will be more inclined to turn to the Ryzen 7 5800 x. On the menu here: 8 cores and 16 threads with a basic frequency of 3.8 GHz which can reach 4.7 GHz in mode boost. Suffice to say that this chip is perfectly suited to the heaviest tasks and that it will obviously do the trick at stake.

Consumption and TDP are still reasonable here, even if you are recommended to invest in a good Ventirad if you want silent operation. We can thank the engraving once again in 7 nm.

This powerful processor will generally be accompanied by at least 16 GB of RAM, but we will rather recommend that you go directly to a 32 GB kit, which will suit the heaviest tasks. If the RGB does not interest you, the Corsair Vengeance LPX remains a good option and are available for 143 euros. Regarding the parent map and with such a processor, the most demanding users can turn to a fairly high-end model like the X570 Aorus Pro of Gigabyte available around 280 euros.

The advantages of AMD Ryzen 7 5800X:

  • Very powerful with a controlled TDP
  • 8 cores and 16 threads
  • A reference for heavy application tasks

More recently, AMD has lifted the veil on its new generation of processors. Ryzen 7, 7 and 9 ranges are available and compatible DDR5 as well as PCI Express 5.0. Competition with Intel creates good emulation since the price of new products do not increase. If you want the cream of the cream, we advise you to invest in the more efficient version, namely the AMD Ryzen 9 5950 x.

AMD Ryzen and Intel Core Core processors

Intel Core i5-13400F: the hot affair of the moment

With the arrival of the thirteenth generation of Intel chips, it is possible to find fleas at the excellent value for money. This new edition brings an appreciable additional power gain and is ideal for low -cost configurations. He excels in particular in the work of multicoors. On the other hand, we regret a fairly not very significant gain in the face of the previous generation in the gaming part.

Not very impressive a priori, but the latter sells for 250 euros. Or a fairly low price difference in the previous generation. Add surprisingly affordable motherboards and you hold one of the best quality/price ratios on the market.

There remains the question of the motherboard and the RAM: DDR4 or DDR5 ? If you don’t need the best and want to save a little, stay on the DDR4, otherwise go for DDR5. With a RAM 16 GB in DDR5 at 61 euros, it is possible to manage correctly.

The advantages of Intel Core i5-13400F:

  • Excellent performance in multicoors
  • 10 cores and 16 threads
  • Accessible in terms of price

If you believe that power gain is not enough, it is always possible to turn to the previous generation of Intel CPU.

AMD Ryzen 5,5600x: the balanced choice at AMD

AMD Ryzen 5 5600X

Among the processors announced by AMD at the end of 2020, we retain here the Ryzen 5,5600x and its 6 physical cores and 12 threads. With its basic frequency at 3.7 GHz (4.6 GHz in boost), it comes to catch up with AMD in play and even if it has fewer hearts than the 5800x, it is more interesting for this use. A little expensive when it comes out, it is now sold much cheaper and therefore constitutes a good option.

We will accompany this CPU of 16 GB of RAM, but we will rather recommend that you choose a 32 GB kit, which will suit the heaviest tasks. If the RGB does not interest you, the Corsair Vengeance LPX remains a good option and are available for 110 euros. Regarding the motherboard, a fairly balanced model like the MSI MPG B550 Gaming Plus will be indicated.

The advantages of AMD Ryzen 5,5600x:

  • Very powerful with a controlled TDP
  • 6 cores and 12 threads
  • Finally in terms of Intel in play

Entry -level Intel and AMD processors

Intel Core i3-12100F: for the reasonable gamer

With its new architecture built around performance hearts and low -consumption hearts, we wondered how Intel was going to equip its entry -level processors. And the surprise is pleasant since the four hearts of this i3-12100f are performance hearts.

And that makes this processor a real little racing beast for players, the vast majority of titles being limited by the graphics card and not the CPU. For this use, it is equal to the 5600x of AMD for 170 € less ! However, it shows its limits for productivity, due to its low number of hearts.

Despite these few limits, the Core 13-12100F instantly stands out as one of the best deals in recent years. If you are looking to save money to succeed in buying a graphics card, this processor is a very good start.

As on the rest of the range, we advise you to go on a DDR4 platform based on B660M. Using an H610M chipset will save you a few euros, but compromises are too important for us. So go on a good motherboard accompanied by 16 GB of DDR4 3600.

The advantages of Intel Core i3-12100F:

  • Controlled price
  • Very good performances in play
  • Reasonable consumption

AMD Ryzen 5,4500: the cheap AMD alternative

With a frequency of 3.6 GHz (4.1 GHz in boost) and six physical hearts, the Ryzen 5 4500 of AMD will manage very well for gaming. The multitasking will not pose any concern either. Often on promotion at less than 100 euros, it really represents a good deal for those who do not want to put a thousand and hundred in a new processor. The fans supplied is more good quality. Please note, it is compatible only with RAM DDR4.

The advantages of AMD Ryzen 5 4500:

  • A really interesting price
  • Good for multitasking

And the very high -end ?

Of course, you may want to offer yourself the best. In practice, this type of processor, embodied by the i9 at Intel and the Ryzen 9 at AMD, are rarely necessary and see their price soar. This is why we do not recommend them specifically, especially for gaming. However, for certain professional uses, including video editing coupled with multitasking or 3D rendering, they can be essential.

The latest dated processors that embody the top of the top in 2023 are, at Intel, the Intel Core i9-13900K, and at AMD, the Ryzen 9 7950X.

Choosing the right processor

Frequency, hearts, use … how to navigate ?

Modern processors (and by extension their performance) are packaged by several characteristics. First of all there is the frequency, most often expressed in GHz. This is simply the number of instructions that your CPU is capable of treating the second. In general, the higher its frequency, the more its gross power is. Be careful however, having the processor with the largest frequency on the market does not guarantee that it will be the most efficient. Architecture, design, number of hearts and threads are all other data to take into account to characterize a processor.

It will therefore be necessary to be attentive to the number of hearts and thread. Hearts can be seen-to schematize-like sub-processors within the CPU. They thus make it possible to perform several tasks simultaneously. Modern processors also use mechanics to softly multiply these simultaneous tasks using thehyper-threading or SMT which allows you to “virtually” create two logical processors per heart.

The choice of a processor must also be made according to your uses and other components that will accompany it. For example, using an entry-level CPU with a graphics card in several thousand euros is often nonsense. The choice of your processor will also depend that of the motherboard, because obviously, all are not compatible with each other. Not to mention the fact that currently, only AMD Ryzen 5000 and Intel 11e Gen processors are compatible with the PCI Express 4 standard.0, allowing in particular to use certain very fast SSDs.

How many hearts do I need ?

The number of hearts required will logically depend on your use. For office automation, 4 cores are the big minimum. This will also be suitable for old or little greedy games, but we are highly recommended to go to 6 hearts. Going beyond six hearts will not be used for the average player, but 8 cores can be useful if you plan to stream.

Choosing a CPU with more than 8 cores will be useless for the vast majority of people, prices explode and uses are becoming more and more specialized. For video or 3D modeling, it will for example be interesting to invest in more hearts.

How to cool my processor ?

Consumption and heating are two very important variables that will condition the choice of your diet and your cooling system. To help you in your choice, the manufacturers specify for each model the thermal design power (TDP, “thermal envelope” in French) which indicates the thermal clearance, expressed in watts, which the chip needs to function properly. The higher this TDP, the more effective the cooling system should be.

Some models are supplied with a small ventirad (fan coupled with a radiator) which will technically. However, it remains interesting to replace it with a more efficient model that will offer you both cooler temperatures and a more reasonable sound level. A processor that does not heat too much will be satisfied with a good ventirad and we will recommend the passage to watercooling for processors that tend to heat more or if you want to start in theoverclocking.

Note that AMD retains one step ahead of Intel in terms of consumption and temperatures.

What is the importance of the processor for video games ?

One might think that only the graphics card has real importance to properly enjoy the latest fashionable video games. However, it would be counterproductive to neglect the processor. Indeed, it must be taken into account that at one point or another, everything goes through your processor. Therefore, if it does not follow the pace, it will limit the performance of your whole system and therefore your graphics card in play.

If the graphics card is obviously used for graphic calculations of the latest fashionable 3D games, the processor will also take great importance on certain titles requiring a lot of calculations such as strategy games for example.

If there is no general rule as to the ideal characteristics of a processor for the game, you still have to know that all games do not necessarily benefit optimally processors with a lot of hearts. It is in particular for this reason that Intel processors and their higher frequencies are generally recommended. Nevertheless, at present and at equivalent range, the Ryzen of AMD are as recommendable as their counterparts from Intel for fun video use.

Which processor to choose for video editing or heavy tasks ?

Assembly software and other gourmet applications in the genre generally fully benefit from the possibilities offered by processors with many cores. It is partly for this reason that the first generations of CPU Ryzen, with their many hearts, were acclaimed when they leave.

Intel having finally caught up on this point, things are a little different today and the two brands will effectively get out of applications like Premiere Pro or Da Vinci Resolve. By staying in reasonable price ranges and outside professional use, you will not really take risk by choosing one or the other of the two brands currently on the market.

Intel or AMD, what differences ?

During your research from the ideal processor, you may have already come across a little barbaric terms like Skylake or Zen, Zen+ and Zen 2. Behind these names are actually hiding the names of the architectures used by Intel and AMD. It is the architecture that defines the internal construction of the processors and by extension their operation.

Intel has been using Skylake architecture since 2015, engraved in 14 nm. Although the names of the different generations have evolved over the years, the base remains the same and we can consider the current generation as a refresh of refresh Skylake. You have to understand by this that the chips have changed over the years, but that the base remains the same.

On the ranges side, Intel breaks down the latter in the same way for many years. We will first find the Pentium and Celeron for the entry level then the Core i3, i5, i7 and i9. These processors will generally take place on motherbox equipped with socket (connector between the CPU and the motherboard) LGA 1151.

On the side of AMD, we will take advantage here of the Zen 3 architecture (latest) engraved in 7 Nm, but also of some always interesting references in Zen 2 (7 Nm). The range consists, in order, of the Ryzen 3, 5, 7 and 9. The latest brand processors have the advantage of being compatible with the PCI Express 4 standard.0 that Intel still can’t stand. Note that just like Intel, AMD uses its own connector on motherboards where it will be necessary to turn to a model equipped with a socket AM4.

How to choose a parent map compatible with your processor ?

When choosing your processor, beyond its performance, you must also be attentive to socket and at chipset with which it is compatible.

THE socket is actually the connector used as an interface between the CPU and the motherboard. AMD and Intel do not use the same sockets And we can even find sockets different within the same brand. The choice of your processor will therefore logically depend on the choice of socket and by extension that of your motherboard. Finally, cooling systems are also dependent on sockets.

At AMD, things are quite simple since all the Ryzen use the same socket : AM4, it will therefore simply be necessary to pay attention to chipset (we come back later).

Intel used the socket LGA1151 since the arrival of Skylake processors, however, the latest generations that we have added in this buying guide now require a socket LGA1200.

If we do not return here to the details of the operation and usefulness of a chipset, This is also very important information to take into account when choosing your motherboard. Indeed, even if the latter has the good socket, This does not guarantee that it will be compatible with your CPU.

Each generation of processor is accompanied by one or more new chipsets whose name is generally made up of a letter and a series of figures. Buy a motherboard equipped with chipset associated with your processor generation will generally guarantee its compatibility. Previous generation mother cards should however be updated, otherwise your machine will refuse to start. Just like for processors, there are several “ranges” of chipsets, sometimes suitable for office automation, sometimes for the game.

This buying guide offers you an adapted parent card for each of the processors listed. Like that, impossible to be wrong !

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AMD or Intel: What is the best processor in 2023 ?

Since AMD has established itself as a major player in the field of processors, the question of choice comes down to comparing Amd and Intel, the AMD Ryzen series giving Intel a serious screw tower. Competition being tough, the choice is larger than ever. Here’s how to find the best processor for your needs. And whatever processor you choose, use specialized cleaning software to keep your computer in perfect condition.

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Written by Anthony Freda
Posted on November 24, 2022

AMD or Intel: What is the best processor ?

The last Zen processor of AMD is the most powerful public chip on the market. And Intel processors offer the best performance at an affordable price. Thus, even if AMD offers the best processor in terms of global power, the range of 13th generation processors of Intel, more than sufficient for most users, offers the best value for money.

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L’AMD Ryzen 9 7950X has redefined market expectations in terms of power and performance thanks to its Zen 4 architecture, its 5 nm hearts and the management of PCIe 5.0 and DDR5. But that does not necessarily make it the best solution. Unless you use advanced 3D rendering software, you will probably not get the best party in this processor, and most users will be put off by its price of $ 699.

L’AMD Ryzen 7 7700X ($ 399), more affordable, offers a better balance between price and performance. But at this lower price level, the AMD chip is exceeded (in multithreading tests) and outpatched (in number of hearts) by theIntel Core i7-12700K. With the release of theIntel Core i7-13700K, which has 16 cores and supports up to 24 threads, Intel is ready to extend its domination in the market for medium -sized enterprises.

Intel I9-12900KS processor installed on the motherboard of a PC

Intel high -end fleas are competing with the Zen processors of AMD.

The title of best processor probably belongs to AMD for the moment. But that does not mean that this is the best processor to YOU. AMD can have the advantage for high -end processors, while Intel can be a better bet in the average range, but it ultimately depends on your needs and preferences.

As part of this fierce competition, the two manufacturers have made rapid improvements in recent years, Intel increasing the number of hearts of its chips and AMD operating major advances in transistors technology.

Unless you are an inveterate player who boosts the frequency of IPS up to three figures, the fleas Intel i7 And AMD Ryzen 7 constitute excellent options, with clock frequencies and almost identical threads. The final decision is often limited to the price, but if you really want to get the best processor for your needs, it’s time to explore the differences between AMD and Intel fleas more deeply.

AMD or Intel: What is the difference ?

Although AMD and Intel are both descendants of Fairchild Semiconductor, the main difference between the two companies is that Intel has much larger sources of income and higher research and development budgets. This financial advantage, as well as the efficiency and sophistication of Intel fleas, often forced AMD to fight to compete.

After providing the microprocessors of the first IBM personal computer in 1981, Intel consolidated its position in the following decades, becoming a mastodon of several billion dollars and the undisputed leader of the processor market. His domination even gave rise to accusations of monopolization of the sector, which resulted in heavy fines and judicial regulations.

AMD managed to innovate and started to compete with Intel despite these obstacles, and their processors shared enough parallels for AMD and Intel fleas to suffer from Meltdown and Specter material vulnerabilities. But in the early 2010s, AMD was so late that the company had to resume its research at zero. Aware of the difficulty of competing with Intel, she has focused her new strategy on economic flea whose performance was aligned with the price.

This has led to an ingenious approach to design that can be easily put on scale, while emphasizing chiplets To reduce waste. In a short time, AMD has released flea of ​​power comparable to that of Intel, but at a price as low as before. The performance gap being reduced, the cheapest option has started to be more interesting for mid -range consumers.

The launch in 2017 of theZen architecture of AMD has radically changed the situation, and today it threatens more seriously than ever Intel supremacy. Although AMD cannot still match Intel speeds in unique thread, the number of hearts and multithread capabilities of its chips increase clock frequencies and gain in efficiency.

Processor game performance

Intel processors generally offer higher performance and better value for money for players than AMD processors. To calculate the complex AI of a video game, you need higher clock cycle (IPC) instructions and clock frequency to a single thread, areas in which Intel Excel. The basic architecture of AMD chips is usually more suitable for multitasking workloads than high performance games.

But AMD fleas are often more flexible than their Intel Overclocking counterparts. If you want to boost your processor to get additional processing power to take advantage of the most recent and most demanding games, AMD is a great choice.

Only Intel processors whose model number has a “K” support overclocking. And these K models, like theIntel I9-12900KS Considered the best Intel processor for games, are not cheap. Of course, Intel clock frequencies are already so high that overclocking is generally not necessary.

Intel I9-12900KS processor, optimized for games and supporting overclocking

Intel’s i9-12900ks is often described as the best processor for games.

If you assemble a game PC, you will have to decide if you opt for an AMD or Nvidia graphics processor. The choice can be difficult. Fortunately, the selection between AMD and Intel for your game processor is a little simpler.

Some AMD processors, such as Ryzen 5800x3d, offer clock frequencies comparable to those of their intel counterparts. So if you find a good deal for an AMD processor, take advantage of it. But in general, if you are looking to optimize a Windows 10 PC for games, the ultra-powerful speed of an Intel processor to a single thread is unbeatable.

Office: productivity, content creation, multimedia

When it comes to video editing and other high intensity multimedia applications, the more hearts, the better. The AMD peak chip currently offers incredible performance in content and productivity creation by dividing the tasks between several powerful hearts.

During video editing, audio and video must be encoded simultaneously. If a single heart performs the two functions, he must constantly go from one to the other, which considerably slows down export. By distributing the work between several hearts And Several threads, Complex rendering work of a 3D model can be done much more effectively.

Multi -category processors can carry out more processes in parallel, to the detriment of the bandwidth of each heart

Multiple hearts allow parallel treatment, but the bandwidth of each heart is limited.

But even if you do not handle advanced video editing software, you may often go from one program to another, especially if you use your PC to execute other content creation or productivity tools. The principle remains the same: multitasking works better when you divide the work. You will have fewer problems if the work is distributed among several processor cores.

AMD has also acquired the reputation of producing the most energy efficient processors on the market, a trend that was confirmed in its latest generation of fleas. This avoids overheating the central unit, even in case of strong solicitation.

Whatever the type of chip you have, it is good to check the processor temperature and avoid overheating of the computer that can harm performance, cause data loss, or even definitively damage your equipment.

You can pay more for an AMD chip and get a lower yield per heart, but when you compare AMD and Intel for office automation or creative applications, AMD remains the winner. Be sure to check the compatibility of the specifications of your PC and your graphics card, and always choose the processor adapted to your needs.

AMD or Intel: prices

AMD was previously cheaper than intel, and you usually had for your money. Today, the two are quite close. If you hesitate between Intel and AMD in 2023, the answer is probably still Intel in most cases.

But if the Intel processors generally offer the best mid -range performance, advanced users who require a lot of their machines and use specialized software should turn to high -end PAURs of AMD.

However, the cost is not limited to the sale price. AMD is proud of the compatibility between generations, which has repercussions on the price of its high -end processors. You must already pay $ 500 to advance a generation; With AMD, this is a punctual purchase that fits perfectly with the last equipment.

Intel products have not always been so adaptable, but their 13th generation processors will be compatible with the DDR4 standard, which means that you can install a Intel i9-13900k On a motherboard of the previous generation. This high -end processor is much cheaper than the Ryzen 9,7950x of AMD, which makes the Intel option a real windfall.

But what about when you add the power in watts to the equation ? AMD emphasizes energy optimization, and the maximum consumption of the latest generation of Intel fleas regularly exceeds AMD equivalents in all areas.

For example, the Core i7-13700K of Intel reaches a maximum power of 253 W, while the Ryzen 7 7700x of AMD is only 142 W. In addition to the advantages of PC performance, this type of energy efficiency differential can allow considerable savings by reducing the electricity bill.

Prices are often complicated. Ultimately, the choice between Intel and AMD depends on your specific needs and requirements. Most buyers will not opt ​​for Ryzen 9 or i9 processors, and fierce competition between AMD and Intel allows you to choose from many high -performance chips in the mid -range.

AMD or Intel: laptop performance

Intel always controls the market for laptop processors, and most laptops are equipped with Intel processors. But AMD began to challenge Intel’s domination in this area also. The two companies offer excellent processors for laptops with similar performance levels.

The best processor for your new laptop can come from one or other of these brands, and it is quite easy to get a laptop equipped with their latest generation of processors. Classic users will be content with Intel or AMD processors of medium level, for example, i5 And Ryzen 5, which will suit all those who do not use demanding or specialized software. Those who live in a video editing room or in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla would do well to opt for a Ryzen 7 Or I7.

The high -end processors of the two companies are more powerful than what most people need. When you compare the difference in performance and price between theI7 and theI9, For example, ask yourself: it is worth spending a few hundred dollars more for only a dozen additional images per second ?

But if you are determined to choose the best processor for your laptop, you are more likely to find a machine equipped as standard with a high -end Intel processor. You cannot be mistaken with a total of 24 hearts in your brand new laptop, and that is exactly what theI9 13900KS.

AMD or Intel: what is ultimately the best option ?

In our opinion, Intel manufactures the best processors for general daily use. High -end workstations are generally a little more efficient with AMD thanks to their number of hearts. Otherwise, Intel probably offers the best chip for you.

Processor resistance tests have spoken, and Intel clock frequencies generally prevail over all chips, except the highest -end. Intel chips also tend to be more flexible and more reliable, according to some criticisms. You should not encounter problems with an Intel processor.

When you buy a processor, search for offers that match your favorite specifications. If you can get an AMD chip that meets your needs at a better price than the Intel equivalent, do not hesitate. The fierce competition between the two companies pushes them both to produce excellent and innovative equipment.

  • Intel remains the processor market leader, offering the best balance between price and performance. Due to their unmatched clock frequency with a single thread, players will certainly opt for an Intel processor.
  • AMD is more and more competitive, And its new Ryzen 9 chip is the most powerful general public processor. With more than 8 cores and a multithread Zen architecture, the new generation chips of AMD are particularly efficient in high -end workstations.

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