Vehicle conversion bonus | Ministry of Energy Transition, 2023 electric car bonus: purchase aid

Electric car bonus: Zoom on state aid in 2023

The procedures for allocating aid for the purchase or rental of little polluting vehicles are defined in items D. 251-1 to D. 251-13 of the energy code you can find here.

Prime to convert vehicles and ecological bonuses 2023

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In accordance with the provisions of article D. 251-13 of the Energy Code, requests for aid must be made No later than 6 months Depending on the date of invoicing of the vehicle or, in the case of a rental, of payment of the first rent.

In the event that the amount of aid granted depends on the granting of equivalent aid by a local community which is slow to be assigned to you, remember to initiate your national assistance request, or to point out your intention to file a , via the contact form, within the 6 -month -old.

The procedures for allocating aid for the purchase or rental of little polluting vehicles are defined in items D. 251-1 to D. 251-13 of the energy code you can find here.


Since January 1, 2023, the scales of aid for the purchase or rental of little polluting vehicles have evolved. The new methods of allocating these aids can be viewed on the following page: https: // www.ecology.gouv.FR/Prime-Conversion-Bonus-Ecologique-Toutes-Aides-en-Faver.

Aid requests for the acquisition of passenger cars, van or 2-3 wheels and quadricycles with an engine billed since January 1, 2023 can now be placed on the teleservice.

As an extension of the Active Bike and Mobility Plan announced by the Prime Minister on September 20, 2022, the strengthening of aid for the purchase of bikes, which was initially to end on December 31, 2022, was extended until December 31, 2023.

Aid requests for the acquisition of electric cycles or trailers for cycles invoiced since December 29, 2022 can now be placed on the teleservice.

L logo

As part of the reception of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris 2024, exceptional help is set up until December 31, 2024 for taxis for the acquisition or long -term rental of vehicles adapted to the transport of people to Reduced mobility and wheelchair users.

We invite you to read the taxi scales here.

The files are to be submitted on a dedicated teleservice: https: //

For any information or request for help, please contact by email at Bonus-Taxi-PMR or by phone at 0800 74 74 00 (free service and call).

Electric car bonus: Zoom on state aid in 2023

Is there still one Electric car bonus in 2023 ? Yes, via many devices, individuals and businesses can receive aid. Conversion bonus, ecological bonus, regional or local subsidies … New or used. Let’s take stock of aid for the purchase of an electric vehicle in France.

Some motorists have not yet been convinced of the use of electric cars, even if these are used to combat air pollution. Indeed, the relatively high price of these vehicles is still an obstacle. However, the state pays Aid to new owners of electric vehicles, This is to encourage the population to abandon their car operating on diesel or gasoline. Here are all the aids at your disposal.

State car bonus: how much in 2023 ?

The premium for the purchase of a new or used electric car depends on:

  • Vehicle value
  • Your place of residence
  • If you have an old car to be rebuilt (conversion bonus)
  • If it is a 100 % electric model
  • If you are an individual or a professional
  • Income (if the applicant is an individual)

Here is the table of the ecological bonus for used or new electric car in force in 2023:

Eligible vehicles Prime amount 2023
Electric car < à 47 000 € (RFR par part >22.€ 983) 5.000 € (max 27 % of the acquisition price)
Electric car < à 47 000 € (RFR par part >14.090 €) 7.000 € (max 27 % of the acquisition price)
Electric car < à 47 000 € (personnes morales) 3.000 €
Used electric car (RFR by share> 14.090 €) 3.000 €
Used electric car (RFR by share> 22.€ 983) 1.000 €
Light electric or hydrogen utility vehicle 7.000 € (max 40 % of the purchase price)
Light electric or hydrogen utility vehicle (Pros) 5.000 €
Hydrogen private car> € 60,000 1.000 €
Used electric car (+ 2 years) 1.000 €

Ecological bonus grid 2023

From 1.000 to 7.000 € of ecological bonus of bonus for the purchase of a new electric car

Allocated since the end of 2007, this Electric car state bonus is part of the measures arising from the Grenelle Environment. If a penalty must be paid by the owners of polluting cars, the ecological bonus of 7.€ 000 € maximum aims to reward holders of new electric vehicles. In a word, if you buy an electric car, its price is lowered by 1.000 to 7.000 € depending on your situation ! However, this bonus must not exceed 27 % of the purchase price including tax of the vehicle. For a used electric, the premium is 1.000 or 3.EUR 000.

Additional conversion superbonus to an electric car: up to 6.000 €

Always within the framework of the Grenelle Environment, a Electric vehicle bonus Additional perhaps attributed to motorists who abandon their car over 15 years old walking to diesel, or their vehicle over 10 years operating in petrol. This is the conversion bonus, which can be combined with the main electric car help.

Reference tax income Electric car bonus
RFR by share < 6 358 € 6.000 €
RFR by share < 14 089 € (gros rouleur) 6.000 €
RFR by share < 14 089 € 2.500 €
RFR by share < 22 983 € 2.500 €
RFR by share> € 22,983 0

Conversion bonus for the purchase of an electric vehicle

As you can see in the table, the income of a particular applicant of this Electric car bonus influence its amount. To benefit from the maximum electric bonus, it is necessary:

  • Have very small income (less than 6.358 EUR per share)
  • Being non -taxable (tax income by share less than 14.089 EUR) and a large roller

300 EUR Tax credit for the installation of a home charging station

Always to encourage motorists to opt for an electric car, the government offers taxpayers a tax credit which corresponds to 75 % of the amount of the installation of a wallbox or a Recharge terminal at home (individual house or apartment) as well as installation costs. The tax credit is nevertheless capped at € 300.

To benefit from it:

  • The installation must have taken place since January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2023
  • The installation must have been carried out by a company “recognized guarantor of the environment” or RGE.

You can take advantage of it at your Principal residence. If you have second homes, you can also benefit from it, but at one address.

The tax credit is directly deducted from income tax. To do this, the taxpayer must mention it on his tax declaration sheet. If the amount of the tax credit is greater than the income tax, the surplus is directly paid to the taxpayer. Keep your proofs (invoice) of electric car charging station in order to be able to prove your expenses to the taxman in the event of questions.

No TVs for companies with electric vehicle fleet

It is not only individuals who are targeted by ecological bonuses and conversion bonuses. Indeed, professionals also have their share of the cake. But to benefit from an exemption from the tax on company or TVS vehicles, the CO2 emission rate of the company of the company must Do not exceed 50 g per kilometer.

Regional “electric car” regional aid in 2023

Many regions and local entities offer their own bonus for the purchase of an electric car. The list may not be exhaustive, since there are permanent changes. We advise you to contact your prefecture or town hall to read the electric car bonuses available in your town.


The region offers aid of 6.000 € for professionals who wish to acquire a light electric vehicle. It can be combined with government aid devices.

Grand Paris

Ile -de -France residents can benefit from aid of 6.000 € for the purchase of an electric vehicle whose price does not exceed 50.000 €. To do this, you must put an old vehicle to rebuild.


When buying or renting an electric car, Normans can benefit from aid of € 2,500.

Electric car help in Occitania

In Occitania, we can benefit from a bonus ranging from 1.000 to 2.000 € for the acquisition of an electric or hybrid used vehicle which does not emit more than 50 g of CO2 per km. Click here to consult full regulations 2023.

2022 electric vehicle bonuses

Here is the former 2022 scale of the bonus to acquire an electric vehicle:

Until June 30, 2022 From July 1, 2022
Electric vehicles (maximum CO2 rate: 20 g/km) less than 45.000 € 27 % of the price capped at 6.000 € 27 % of the price capped at 5.000 €
Electric vehicles (maximum CO2 rate: 20 g/km) less than 45.000 € (legal person) 27 % of the price capped at 4.000 € 27 % of the price capped at 3.000 €
Electric vehicles (maximum CO2 rate: 20 g/km) of 45.000 € to 60.000 € 2.000 € 1.000 €
Electric vans or vehicles operating in hydrogen (maximum CO2 levels: 20g/km) over 60.000 € 2.000 € 1.000 €
Rechargeable hybrid vehicles (CO2 levels between 21 and 50 g/km) of 50.€ 000 € at most and autonomy greater than 50 km 1.000 € 0 €

FAQ Electric car prime 2023

What a bonus for the purchase of a used electric vehicle ?

If the electric car is used, the premium is limited to 1.000 € For people whose RFR per share is greater than 14.€ 089, but less than 22.983 €. Applicants whose RFR per share does not exceed 14.€ 089, assistance in the purchase of a used electric vehicle is 3.000 €. This is the ecological bonus, which can be accumulated with the scrap premium.

How do you get this bonus for the purchase of an electric car 2023 ?

In general, car dealerships already reduce assistance on the purchase bill for the electric car. Otherwise, you apply for the payment of the ecological bonus and a conversion bonus on the public service website.

What are the necessary documents to obtain the ecological bonus ?

The documents to be provided are:
• Home certificate
• Registration certificate
• Purchase invoice for the electric car
These files are to be sent to the Service and Payment Agency or ASP.

Hence the state draws the ecological bonuses to pay to buyers of electric vehicles ?

Via ecological penalty paid by polluting car holders and annual taxes on polluting vehicles.

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