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How to create an application password on Google

Since Google has strengthened its safety, it is necessary to create this type of dedicated password, for example to configure the sending of your camera of your camera (SMTP parameters).

Connect to applications with your Apple identifier using passwords for application

The passwords for application allow you to safely use your Apple identifier to connect to applications created by developers other than Apple. Some applications created by developers other than Apple ask you to connect with your Apple identifier, so that the application can access information such as emails, contacts and calendars that you store in Icloud. To make sure that the password of your Apple identifier cannot be stored or collected by the application, you can choose to create a password for your Apple account to be used only with this application. You use this password for application when the application asks you to connect with your Apple identifier. To generate and use passwords for application, your Apple identifier must be protected by identification with two factors.

Generate a password for application

  1. Connect to the Appleid
  2. In the connection and security section, select passwords for applications.
  3. Select Generate a password for application or select the Add button, then follow the instructions displayed on the screen.
  4. Enter or glue the password for application in the field intended for the application password.

Revoke a password for application

25 passwords for application can be active at the same time. If necessary, you can revoke these individually or overall.

  1. Connect to the Appleid
  2. In the connection and security section, select passwords for applications.
  3. Select the delete button next to the password you want to delete or revoke everything.

Once a password is disabled, the app with which it is associated is disconnected from your account, as long as a new password is not created and you do not connect again.

Whenever you change or reset the main password of your Apple identifier, all your passwords for application are automatically revoked to protect your account safety. You must then create a new password for application for the apps for which you want to continue using this type of password.

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How to create an application password on Google

In this article we will see how to create a Google application password.

Since Google has strengthened its safety, it is necessary to create this type of dedicated password, for example to configure the sending of your camera of your camera (SMTP parameters).

To start, connect to your Google account. Afterwards :

  1. Go to the settings of your Google account
  2. Then go to the “security” settings
  3. Here, in the framework “Connection to Google” check that “two -step validation” is well activated (if this is not the case, activated it following the steps)
  4. Then click on “Applications passwords”
  5. Reconnect
  6. Select an application using the drop -down menu, otherwise customize the box with “camera” for example
  7. Click on “Generate”
  8. A window opens and the password generated is indicated in the yellow rectangle. IMPORTANT : Note this password well because you will no longer have access after.
  9. Click on “OK”
  10. Your application password is created.

Video explanations below.

You can now configure the SMTP function for sending your camera’s photo by e-mail like here.

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