Types of charging stations – which to choose? Total Spring, Quick charging stations (DC) EVBOX | Evbox

Quick charging stations (DC) EVBOX

Almost 85 % of recharges are made either at home or in the workplace.

What type of charging station to choose for an electric car ?

Currently, more and more French people are turning to electric vehicles. Indeed, the number of electric cars registrations in France in 2020 amounted to 110,912, against 2626 in 2011. One of the most frequent questions when acquiring an electric vehicle concerns the recharging of it. For what type of intake should we opt ? What is the right ampérage ? Here are some points to know on the charging stations.

  1. Which charging station to choose for your electric car ?
  2. What circuit breaker does it take for a charging station ?
  3. What is the amperage for a charging station ?
  4. Which charging machine to choose at home ?

Which charging station to choose for your electric car ?

Before choosing your electric charging station, it is essential to know the different types of available sockets, as well as the recharge mode adapted to the vehicle.

The different types of charging stations

Today, there are on the market, Several kinds of sockets charging for electric cars:

  • there domestic outlet : the most simple , but also the most affordable to load the vehicle from the housing electricity network.

To do this, it is enough to bring an appropriate cable, the first end of which has a standard socket, and the second of a connector compatible with the car car. This type of cable is equipped with a protective block which monitors the temperature of the wires and the tension, thus protecting the electric car, but also the habitat of problems, such as overheating or short circuits. This kind of socket is enough to recharge vehicles including the C battery appetizer goes up to 23 kW (kilowatt);

  • there Type 1 recharge plug: A socket that provides load power up to 8 kW per hour. This standard is mainly used for car models in the Asian region;
  • there Type 2 or “Mennekes” charger “ : This is the terminal the most used in the European Union. It can deliver power up to 43 kW;
  • there Type 2 Combo CCCS or Combined Charging System : it allows you to use slow and fast loads;

On the other hand, this socket is different depending on the country. For Europe, a version Combo CCS 2 , whose loading is estimated at 200-500 V / 200 A and 100 kW, is available;

  • there rechargeChademo For MOVE load . This is a fast charge system developed by Japanese industrialists. It allows you to load up to 100 kW;
  • there Blue recharge plug : a standard socket which is mainly adopted by campsites.

Load cables

In addition to the different types of terminals, it is also useful to know the Different charging cables .

There are two kinds:

  • L E mode 2 load cable 2 : It is often included in the manufacturer’s factory kit. It also reloads the vehicle via ordinary socket;
  • L E mode charging cable 3 : the most common cable for connection to load terminals, which are often equipped with a type 2 socket.

Adapted charging mode

The choice of the recharging model also depends on the vehicle , as well as sound use .

Before obtaining a charging station, it is important to Check the maximum charging power of the car :

  • Some cars limit the load to 3 kW , Whatever the power of the terminal. This mainly concerns vehicles hybrid rechargeable;
  • For cars that are 1 00 % electric , Power is limited to 7.4 kW .

Vehicle use also plays an important role in choosing the terminal.

Total notes that if you only use 10 % of your autonomy, it is not necessary to opt for a terminal with high power. A 3.7 kW power terminal is enough to recharge the battery in a few hours.

What circuit breaker does it take for a charging station ?

In order to avoid any problem when recharging a vehicle, it is essential that the charging station is equipped with a circuit breaker.

This allows detect unusual voltages and c ouper the current to avoid overheating or even short circuits. A circuit breaker must protect at least 120 % load.

The choice of circuit breaker depends on the ampérage of the charging station.

It is, however, advised to go closer to an electrician To ensure that you have a security installation.

What is the amperage for a charging station ?

Knowing the amperage of an electric car charging plug is necessary.

Indeed, the more the ampérage of the terminal is pupil , The more it is possible to recharge the vehicle faster . The car just has to be able to receive the power delivered by the terminal.

To calculate this power, it is enough to multiply the amperage, measured in amps (A), by the load voltage, measured in volts (V).

Here are some examples to assess the amperage you will have to choose according to the model of your car.

Electric vehicle models

Maximum power admitted by the vehicle (KW)

Vehicle battery capacity

Recharge time with 30A @ 240V (time)

Recharge time with 32A @ 240V (time)

Recharge time with 40a @ 240V (time)

BMW i3 (120 Ah) 2019

Honda Clarity EV

Hyundai Kona 2019

Mercedes B Class B250E

Nissan Leaf 2011-2012

Nissan Leaf 2018

Which charging machine to choose at home ?

Having a home charging station has many benefits , whether, in relation:

  • ease of use;
  • to energy performance;
  • to economic interest.

Almost 85 % of recharges are made either at home or in the workplace.

It exists many solutions To recharge your electric car at home:

  • there Domestic socket: This solution is economical because it is not necessary to install a new catch. On the other hand, the recharging time will be longer, note Total ;
  • there reinforced : it is designed to be able to deliver 3.2 kW in 14 A for several hours in a row. As for its price, it is affordable, because it is between 120 and 230 €. However, as the socket is very little optimized, the charging time will also be long, for daily use.
  • there Type 2 charging plug: It can also be used to recharge your electric car at home, with a capacity of up to 22 kW.
  • Wallbox: the majority of manufacturers recommend using it to recharge cars at home, due to the security it provides. Indeed, thanks to its Integrated protection devices , But also to the specific electrical installation required, the Wallbox provides additional security compared to a conventional socket.

In addition, recharging on a domestic outlet is limited to an intensity of 10 A in order to avoid the risk of overheating . However, in most cases, the wallbox can recharge in 16 A , Or more, depending on the vehicle model, as well as the electrical subscription.

The main inconvenience of the Wallbox is its price . Indeed, the cost of the terminal is on average 500 to 1200 €. Added to this is the costs of installations which amount between 300 and 600 €, depending on the configuration of the place of installation.

For its part, Total offers solutions to allow you to recharge your electric car home .

The charging station offered by the energy company offers several advantages:

  • she is compatible with any brand and electric vehicle model;
  • she can recharge the car 3 to 5 times faster than a domestic socket;
  • The installation can be done inside or out , wall or on foot;
  • a Integrated programming clock at the terminal allows you to trigger the recharge at any time, especially during super hollow hours.

As for the price, the cost of the charging station and its installation amounts to 990 € TTC .

In addition, during installation, you can benefit:

  • of the VAT with reduced rate of 5.5 %;
  • of a Tax credit for energy transition (CITE) , whose amount is equal to 75 % of the amount of expenses incurred, with a limit threshold of € 300.

To choose an advantageous gas offer, it is important to think about the same criteria as for the electricity , namely the surface to heat, the number of people who will occupy the accommodation, the occupation time as well as the climate. It is advisable to favor a subscription to lower cost, rather than a KWH price lower, since the energy consumption of a second home is not very high.

Quick charging stations (DC) EVBOX

Recharge electric vehicles in a few minutes thanks to quick charging solutions for passing locations.

Evbox Troniq Modular High Power

Evbox Troniq High Power

Our most powerful charging station to date

  • Up to 400kw
  • Service stations / charging operators

Evbox Troniq Modular charging station

Evbox Troniq Modular

The powerful charging station that evolves with your business

  • 90kW up to 240kW
  • Shops and Hotels / Commercial parking / Stations Service

Easy management of your charging stations

Evbox Everon allows you to follow, manage and optimize the recharge of electric vehicles and generate income, all in a few clicks.

Generate income with public recharge

Automatize the invoicing and reimbursement of charging costs and easily generate income by fixing the prices for users of your charging stations.

Manage the terminals from a single platform

Facilitate the optimization of the electricity network, define customizable charging costs and grant users access from an easy -to -use application.

Access advanced load information

Get real -time visibility on load behavior and energy consumption to help you make better commercial decisions.

Automatize your payment flows

We have automated the entire settlement and reimbursement process so that the payment of transactions with employees and visitors is simple and quick.

Advantages of fast recharge


One of the main obstacles to the adoption of the VE is anxiety linked to autonomy and recharge. By offering rapid charging stations, your company will be a catalyst for the adoption of electric mobility.


The DC rapid charging stations load your VE 80 % of its capacity, first at full speed, then more slowly to ensure that your VE battery performance is not affected.


More and more DC quick charging stations are available, VE drivers incorporate recharge into their daily routines (for example, recharge during lunch or during their shopping).


Like their AC counterparts, DC quick charging stations are easy to use: just press to pay, connect, load, unplug and leave.


Because you can recharge everywhere, you no longer have to worry about whether only one load will be sufficient for your whole trip.


With load powers between 90 kW and 400 kW, rapid charging stations considerably increase the charging speeds.

Frequently asked questions

How a DC quick charging station works?

There are two types of charging stations for VE =: AC and DC. It is important to keep in mind that network supply is always AC and that the batteries of VE accept only DC current. This means that at a certain stage, the current must be converted. The difference between AC and DC charging stations is whether this power converter is located inside or outside the vehicle.

AC provides alternating current (AC) to an AC/DC converter on the vehicle.

The DC rapid charging stations convert the alternating current before it reaches the vehicle, providing in place of the DC current (DC) directly to the battery of the.

With the DC load, the converter can be considerably larger because it is located outside the vehicle. Since the current is already converted into direct current when it reaches the vehicle, it can provide more power, faster.

Thanks to this different charging technique, the DC quick charging stations can provide up to 240 kW of power and completely recharge an electric vehicle in 15 minutes (provided that the VE allows it). Due to their rapid charging capacities, DC rapid charging stations are ideal for short stops, recharge of fleet vehicles, for passenger vehicles as well as buses and electric trucks.

How many kilowatts (kW) represents a DC quick charging station?

The power in kW of the DC rapid charging stations varies depending on several factors, including the location, the brand and the model.

In general, there are two different types of DC rapid charging stations: standalone (all-in-one) and Split (several units).

Standalone: consisting of a single unit, autonomous charging stations can generally provide between 50 kW and 240 kW of power.

Split: the “Split” architecture charging stations are delivered with two main units: a user unit and a power unit, and generally deliver between 175 kW and 350 kW.

Evbox offers the two types of standalone and split DC terminals, from 50 kW to 350 kW.

What is the load speed of a DC quick charging station?

There are a number of factors that affect the load speed of a VE with a DC quick charging station. However, as the AC/DC converter is located in the charging station, not in the vehicle, the DC recharging can be significantly faster than a recharge.

The various factors that affect the load speed of a vehicle with a DC rapid charging station include the current battery load, weather conditions (the batteries are more slowly loaded in cold weather), the loading capacities of the battery battery And, of course, the output power.

Current battery load: due to the measures to increase the battery life and guarantee a safe charge, the load slows down considerably for the remaining 20 %. Since the fast load carries the battery of an electric vehicle at 80 % of its capacity in a relatively short time compared to the AC load, then slows down during the remaining 20 %, the time it takes for your battery reaches 100 % can be the same as for the initial load of 80 %.

Weather situation: depending on where you load your VE, the temperature can affect the load speed. Cold temperatures can have a negative impact on load speeds since lithium-ion batteries, those used to supply electric vehicles, are very sensitive to low temperatures.

Battery load capacity: obviously, the output power of the fast charging station will have an effect on charging times. For example, 15 minutes of charging time can give you between 130 km and 480 km of additional autonomy to a power of 100 kW and 350 kW respectively. At 50 kW, one hour of recharging a passenger vehicle will add 278 km of additional autonomy.

In addition, we always say that the vehicle is the “master” when it comes to dictating charging times. Some vehicles can accept more power than others. For example, while Tesla Model 3 can accept 250 kW in direct current (DC), a Nissan Leaf can only accept around 50 kW.

Are DC rapid charging stations compatible with all types of electric vehicles?

DC recharge works with a large majority of passenger vehicles. By default, electric vehicles load their DC BATTERIES (DC), which means that almost all of them accept the rapid DC load. However, the amount of energy that each battery can manage is another story. Some batteries can accept 350 kW while others can accept less than 50 kW, such as the Dacia Spring. In addition, a small part of electric vehicles with smaller batteries do not have the capacity to load with a DC load – for example, the Renault Twingo Electric cannot recharge in DC. To get the most out of DC rapid recharging, it is important to determine if the VE supports the DC charge, and if so, what is the maximum output he accepts.

What type of connector works for fast recharging DC?

Even if almost all passenger vehicles can use DC rapid recharging, the load process may require a different connector from the one your vehicle uses with AC recharge.

At European level, there are two standards for DC – CCS and Chademo load connectors – as well as Tesla’s signature supercharger that you must take into account.

The CCS connector (Combined Charging System) allows AC and DC recharging via the same entry port, while vehicles equipped with Chademo have a separate port for load.

The CCS becomes the dominant standard in Europe and North America and Chademo is gradually suppressed on the two continents.

While there are even more than half a million vehicles equipped with Chademo on the road in Europe, Europe has recently announced that CCS2 would become the standard.

This means that a CCS connector will probably be necessary for rapid DC recharging in the future, at least in Europe and North America.

DC fast recharge cost more than AC recharging?

It is very likely that DC rapid recharging is more expensive than AC recharging. When you pay for DC recharge, you pay a supplement for the convenience of recharging your vehicle quickly.

The price difference depends, however, on where you are in charge and if the charging station invoices per minute or kWh.

Balance the price and convenience comes back to know what is best suited to your vehicle. For example, if the maximum DC load capacity of your vehicle is 50 kW and you take an ultra-fast charging station with a power of 250 kW, then you will pay more (very powerful terminal) while receiving the same charge.

In the end, the answer is yes, rapid recharge in DC costs more than the AC load, but it is important to ask you: “Do I really need to load so quickly or is it more logical to load more slowly ? »». Up to you !

How can I find a DC quick charging station?

The DC rapid charging stations are ideal for commercial and public sites, which means that you will probably find them in stores and hotels, in the car parks of shopping centers, in service stations, on the motorway rest areas and public service providers.

To find a DC quick charging station, Google Maps is a great option or you can always open the EVBOX Load application.

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