Tribor: Wide choice of scooters at cycling!, Trips scooter – French manufacturer of electric scooters

Tribor electric cargo bike

Scooter Great maneuverability
360 °


THE scooter is a cargo (or cargo bike) bike that has 3 wheels: 2 at the front and 1 at the rear. The bike is extended and a box is housed at the front, in which it will be possible to transport children (up to 4 children depending on the model) or the goods. Very present in the Nordic countries as in the Netherlands, Denmark or Germany, the scooter gradually invests France thanks to its practicality and the development of the cycle network. Astonishing during the first laps, it is in fact very stable (2 wheels at the front) and very handy (small wheels). The development of electric scooters makes this type of bike usable in all circumstances: ribs, long journeys, heavy load, etc.

A scooter, what is it for ?

The scooters make it possible to transport heavy bicycle loads while keeping perfect stability at the stop and at low speed. They are perfect for large families or to manage small economic activities. Very versatile, the scooters allow in turn to transport children or shopping and can replace the car in most journeys. For reinforced sustainability, we offer spare parts and accessories for scooters on our site.


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BABBOE CURVE MOUNTAIN electric cargo bike – Back to school

Mountain curve with available accessories (rain tent and set of cushions). 4 -seater tank for.

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BABBOE CURVE MOUNTAIN Electric Cargo Bike lateral view

Babboe Curve Mountain electric cargo bike

A Yamaha pedal engine and a NuVinci hub to easily transport up to 4 children !

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Babboe Flow Mountain electric scooter

Babboe Flow Mountain electric scooter

A powerful and very well equipped cargo bike ! Yamaha pedal engine and enviolo transmission.
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Babboe Go-E electric scooter

Babboe Go-E electric scooter

A scooter class with a box with a very practical lockable door for small passengers !

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Babboe Curve-E electric cargo bike

Babboe Curve-E electric cargo bike

A stable scooter that can accommodate up to 4 children and support 100 kg of load. Rear wheel.

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Video advice

Cycling tips How to choose your cargo bike ? Watch the new video !

Babboe Flow-E electric scooter

Babboe Flow-E electric scooter

A rear wheel engine for this stable and easy -to -drive scooter.
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Babboe Carve Mountain pendulum electric cargo bike

Babboe Carve Mountain pendulum electric cargo bike

The electric scooter which revolutionizes piloting thanks to its pendulum system “Carving” lockable.

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Tribor: a friendly and practical bike

The scooter, by the fact that it allows to transport several children without difficulty, is a real family bike. Children are well installed at the front, facing each other, on two benches specially designed and protected by a 3 -point seat belt. They are delighted with the idea of ​​getting around a scooter rather than a car. It is also an opportunity to make them want to use a balance bike or a child bike.

Driving this type of transport bicycle is very easy, as the center of gravity is very low. Stability is optimal on a scooter, especially when stopped, and the very high loading capacity (up to 100 kg).

Several kinds of scooters exist: the directional wheel cargotrike brings a reinforced handling and more maneuverability. The pendulum scooter allows you to have a behavior between the 2 wheels and the 3 wheels.

Tribor: transport bicycle or utility bike par excellence

Like the twingor, the scooter is designed to withstand intense use: equipped with double -walled rims, effective brakes and robust and durable transmission over time. There are scooters with or without electric assistance.

The scooter is also a great way to develop small economic activities. In all major European metropolises, entrepreneurs have chosen to use a cargo bike as a mobility tool for their professional activity. The scooter turns out to be both economical, versatile, handy and ecological !


Opt for our electric assistance bike for logistics and last kilometer urban delivery.
Our chassis made in France allows you to transport 350kg of useful loads while remaining handy and suitable for deliveries in the city center or pedestrian street.

Professional Electric Trichor Cargobike Velo Cargo

Cargo Trips Pick-Up Cargo Triptor

Facilitate the task with the pick-up scooter !
This robust module equipped with an electric tilting bucket will satisfy you with multiple needs: maintenance of roads, transport of goods.

Electric Pickup Tribor

Cargo Taxi Trips Vélo Triptor

The Taxi Taxor includes comfort, safety and robustness. Perfect for transporting people, this spacious bench will delight passengers.
This scooter is equipped with a walking, a safety ramp of a rear trunk to store personal effects.

Electriciage Taxi Taxi Taxi Taxi

Trip driver Cargo Trips Flat floor

Thanks to its reinforced steel chassis, the flat floor scooter will allow you to transport heavy loads and Europe pallets up to 250kg.
This scooter brings together comfort and ease of use, robustness and ergonomics.

Electriciage Taxi Taxi Taxi Taxi

Food Bike Trips

You want to get started in itinerant catering ? Here is the perfect tool: the Foodtruck scooter !
This mobile kitchen, independent and adaptable, will allow you to settle in any place in order to introduce your kitchen to any type of person.

Electric Pickup Tribor

Cargo Insotherme Vélo Triptor

You want to deliver fresh food products clean ? Green with an insulated box !
Added with cold or hot electric plates, delivery will be made with a smile at a good temperature.

Electric Pickup Tribor

Scooter Great maneuverability
360 °

Pay load 350 kgs
Autonomy up to 30 km or 60 km *with a 2ND battery

0 carbon emissions

Visit our factory and discover our products

Professional electric cargo cargo bikes trips trips

Trips Tribor Electrical Module Kitchen specially designed for itinerant sale or event sales. Its autonomous and adaptable professional cuisine allows refrigeration, cooking and distribution of many products: plancha, fries, burgers, pizzas, pancakes, beers, cafes or your unique products.

Your Trips Tribor Electrique Module Pick-up is equipped as a utility. It allows starts, businesses, industrialists and communities to collect, collect or transport your goods and materials

Your Trips Tribor Electrical Module Cargo is equipped with a trunk. It allows merchants offering home delivery, couriers and transport companies to optimize the logistics of the last kilometer in city centers with an ecological and efficient method of delivery.

Your TaxiL Taxi Electric Triptor Trips is equipped with a rear seat. It allows entrepreneurs, tourism guides and companies to transport your passengers safely and comfort.

Your Trips Tribor Electrical Module Flat Floor is equipped with a tray for the transport of European pallets 80*120cm. Suitable for delivery of the last kilometer in urban areas and industrial park.

Your Trips Tribor Electrical Cargo Cold with high isothermal capacity allows you to transport up to 160 kg of foodstuffs in a volume of 515 liters and in all serenity.

The innovative design of your Trips electric scooter offers a wide range of possible configurations. We can meet specific needs for tailor-made equipment or functions with tailor-made electric trips trips.

Velos Cargo photo gallery

Foodtruck electric scooter bikeFoodtruck electric scooter bikeTaxi electric scooter bikeCargo shipping bike Cargo deliveryElectric cargo cargo ship DeliveryElectric cargo cargo ship DeliveryCargo electric scooter Trips DeliveryCargo Electrical Triptor Bike Trips DeliveryCargo Delivery electric scooterCargo electric shipment bicycle delivery in LyonCargo Electrical Trinting Bike Delivery LyonCargo electric shipment bicycle deliveryCargo Cargobike cargo cargo bikeElectric Pickup bicycle scooterVelo Pickup Electric TriborPickup Triptor Velo Trips ElectricTriptor Pickup Electric Velo TripsPICKUP Bike Trips Trips Trips electric pickup scooter

In order to reduce our consumption and avoid sources of pollution, our cargo bicycle scales are designed to adapt in our environment. Easy maneuver, regulated size, reliability and resistance. This scooter model is therefore the perfect solution for latest kilometers, garbage pickups or transport of people and heavy charges.

French manufacturer of electric cargo bicycle electric

Tript trippers are entirely designed and made in France, they are therefore reliable, practical and adaptable. It is therefore thanks to a know -how of almost 30 years that we have been able to design the Trips electric scooters who will become a lever for your success but also a great pride.

Concerned with an impeccable product quality, each trips is therefore tested at manufacturing and our after -sales service is fully available to follow your scooter during its activity and therefore its design.

Our scooters are part of an eco -responsible approach in order to preserve the environment. We must therefore limit our ecological impacts and focus on electrical transportation means.

Our know-how and the control of production in our factory allows us to adapt to your specific trippers needs. Contact us to share your project with us.

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