Trial Swapfiets Power 1: The Netflix of the Electric Bike – Cleanrider, Swapfiets Power 7: Our opinion on the electric bike for rent

Swerr 7 swapfiets: bicycle test for expensive but efficient rental

You may have already noticed their blue front wheels so characteristic: this is the sign of recognition of the bikes rented by the Dutch firm swapfiets since 2014, which now operates on French territory. The concept is simple: a range of conventional or electric bikes offered for a monthly subscription rate between 12.90 and € 75 per month. A niu scooter and scooter are also part (40 and 119.50/month respectively).

Power 1 swapfiets test: the electric bicycle netflix

Power 1 swapfiets test: the electric bicycle netflix

Bike rental rather than property, but not sharing: here is the recipe for swapfiets, which offers in Lyon, Nantes, Paris, Strasbourg and Toulouse a range of bikes under subscription to the month. A Netflix of the mobility tested here in an electric version.

You may have already noticed their blue front wheels so characteristic: this is the sign of recognition of the bikes rented by the Dutch firm swapfiets since 2014, which now operates on French territory. The concept is simple: a range of conventional or electric bikes offered for a monthly subscription rate between 12.90 and € 75 per month. A niu scooter and scooter are also part (40 and 119.50/month respectively).

The idea is, for a fixed monthly price, to have a bicycle always in good condition thanks to a service that occurs within 48 hours for any repair (even a puncture) or replacement, ordered via the smartphone application of the brand. In the event of theft, a franchise is applied and the bicycle is replaced, at least if it was properly attached with the two anti -thefts provided.

Two types of subscriptions are offered:

  • ” flexible “ with registration fees (€ 19.50), but terminated at any time,
  • ” loyal “, With a minimum of 6 months of subscription.

Many delivery people use the service, but they have to pay a monthly supplement of € 49.10 for their intense use, estimated at more than 1,000 km/month. The order is made on the web on https: // or in one of the physical shops.

Electric and basic

The Power 1 bicycle is the entry -level electric range of the SwapFiets offer, offered at the promo price of € 49.90/month at the time of our test (€ 59.90 in normal times). It is a rather neutral city bike, with a mixed semi-open frame in aluminum, offered in 5 matte colors (you cannot choose it when ordering…) and two sizes, 49 cm and 55 cm.

The 28-inch wheels are mounted with large 47 mm anti-harassment tires. No suspension on the program, but a soft saddle which ensures correct comfort, in conjugation with large tires.

The electric motor is located at the crankset, an asset for an entry level as it generally allows more responsiveness than an engine housed in one of the wheel hubs. This is a Shimano Steps E5000 block, With three levels of electrical assistance ordered from the control module with LCD display on the handlebars. The removable battery is also signed Shimano. It offers a range of 60 to 80 km. A 50 % recharge is done in 1:30, a full load in 4 hours.

So much for the technical sheet of this basic but rather well presented machine, equipped with mudguards, a side crutch, a small front hugs and automatic lights. Obviously, despite the aluminum frame, do not expect it to be a featherweight at this level of range. Swapfiet electric bike weighs 26.6 kg, a substantial mass with which the engine must deal with a single speed. This is the main weakness of this proposal, at least as soon as the land becomes rugged.

On the dish, no problem, after a little latency at start -up, the assistance fills its office and allows you to maintain a speed between 20 and 25 km/h without worry. But beware of the assault on Montmartre’s slopes for example, very long final multiplication will require significant efforts to help the electric motor. Another grievance, braking that usually requires time, with a rather average roller brake and a backbid system at the back, the Dutch, which can easily block the wheel.

Once you arrive at your destination, the integrated double anti -theft is easy to use, with the frame lock which blocks the rear wheel and the chain attached to the frame which allows to be easily attached to a fixed point. It is also necessary to remove the battery to secure the whole and recharge it at home or at the office. What to hope to keep this personal means of transport during his subscription, which should not last too much because in 1 year and a half of rental, we will reach almost the value of such a VAE.

Swapfiets is above all an excellent way to taste easily and at a good price at the joys of electrically assisted bikes, without constraints. An excellent short or medium term solution, to be put into perspective for the Paris region if it is compared to Veligo, limited to 6 months but with, for 40 €/month, a much more sophisticated model.

Good electric bikes

Swerr 7 swapfiets: bicycle test for expensive but efficient rental

Swing Power 7: Test of bicycle trial for expensive but effective rental - Credits: M.LAURAUX/MOBIWISY

If you are in Paris and small crown, you have undoubtedly met these strange bikes with front blue tire. Normal, the service born in the Netherlands in 2014 and founded by 3 students chose to stand out as well as.

Arrived in France in 2019, Swapfiets now offers a range of 4 bikes. Two are muscular, the original at only € 16.90/month and the Deluxe 7 with a high frame and 7 speeds at € 19.90 monthly. In VAE, the Single-Speed ​​Power 1 offers rent of € 59.90/month. We tested the big brother, the 7 -speed Power 7 box and greater autonomy.

Presentation of the Power 7 bike

The swer -7 swapfiets is the high -end service of the service. This electric bike is of Dutch manufacturing, with a Dutch position. This bike is therefore very recognizable, not only for its front blue tire, but therefore by the very high handlebars, the front basket support (option included on our model), and a semi-open frame. In addition, its clay green color adds a little originality in the face of black copies, even on the metal chain housing.

Swer -style swapfiets

Camping on 28 -inch large wheels, the VAE also adopts a Dutch braking. You have to be done at the retropedage to brake at the back, while at the front of the brake (with controller on the right of the handlebars) is also via very effective drum. Everyone has their preferences and their adaptation, but this system is complicated in a Parisian circulation where it is not compatible with frequent and sometimes violent brains.

This model seems adapted to an infrastructure in the Netherlands very distinct from the car tracks, but difficult to use the Shimano N7 retropedatlating between two taxis, or sometimes bancals or non-existing tracks. And an emergency braking in the face of a car has earned us a good fall, a consequence of unbalanced braking. Proof of solidity, the bicycle had nothing and we left as if nothing had been.

On the handlebar of the Power 7 swapfiets

In driving, the bike pushes well via the central shimano e-6100 engine of 60 Nm, combined with three assistance modes. We have noted a correct power, but whose transmission was sometimes uneven. The assistance was abnormal at times, forcing to redouble pedaling, and returning to normal only after restarting the bicycle.

The Shimano Nexus box in the rear hub is also impractical. Very often, the highest speed (7th), even the 6th, asks to reaction the rotary wheel on the handlebars. The reporting is a bit random, which should annoy the many deliveries fond of swapfiets. But we appreciate being able to roll easily beyond 30 km/h if necessary, without pedaling in the semolina.

Swer 7 Shimano E6100 SwapFiets

On the other hand, the bike is very handy despite its large size and the passive position. The handlebars also has a rotating gallows to accommodate in crazy space. Finally, if we do not have the large basket before like us, which would have deserved a little washing before being entrusted to us. In the absence of suspensions, the comfort is poor, making the nests and pavers too felt. Continental tires continental contact more partly absorbed but not as much as the Schwalbe equivalents.

Battery, autonomy and swapfiets recharge

After the engine, the transmission, Shimano also takes care of the battery. Of capacity 504 Wh, it is semi-cylindrical in shape, allowing perfect integration in the framework. Swapfiets chose to implant it under the tube, an unaccomplicated choice to extract it. With little space between the frame and the rear wheel, and the need for a latch to avoid falling, we prefer the batteries at the top of the tube.

Advantages: A center of gravity still low, and taking the rain less (and in this case the sand of the Sahara intervened during our test). Removable, the battery can be recharged on the Power 7 or outside. Anyway, it is not recommended to leave your bike parked with battery, knowing that the load duration at 80% is approximately 5 hours with the 1.8 a charger a. Uncapted, the battery indicator indicates the load level (out of 5) via a number of flashes and not a bar gauge.

Swer -battery swapfiets

In terms of autonomy, Swapfiets promises 100 kilometers. This is the case in mode 2, against 144 in mode 1 and 72 in 3 mode. As you know, autonomy varies a lot depending on the assistance mode, the weight of the user/trice, the elevation, the temperature, etc. In short, on our test, we have traveled 30 kilometers before losing 40% of batteries, in cold temperature (under 10 ° C), frequent stops and a few slopes. In sustained use, we can therefore cover 70 km without any problem.

Screen, application and security

Again Shimano and installed on the right of the handlebars, the “SC-5000” screen is common, visible for example on models type Gazelle. It is very easy to use thanks to the large buttons to go down or go up as a level of assistance. The display is clear, monochrome but backlit, with speed in the middle, a 5 -bars gauge (not very precise for autonomy), the level of assistance with three bars on the left. Below, three information scrolls the small central button: remaining autonomy (varying according to mode), mileage and distance from the current journey.

Swer -screen swapfiets

In the event of a problem, as a mechanical concern, the application can allow a “swap” if it is impossible to go to one of the shops. In summary, you must agree with an appointment where Swapfiets intervenes in 48 hours, with exchange of the bicycle if necessary. For the rest, the rear wheel anti -theft and the chain delivered with the bike allow the flight to be avoided. The chain is also long enough to reach the front wheel, while the rear anti -theft makes the key when opened once. Despite this, SwapFiets charges a deductible even if the bike is stolen with these two anti -thefts attached. (Unlike the Red-Will competitor for example).

We can note the absence of smartphone support, especially since swapfiets is very legion among delivery people. And no GPS tag either like Motto.

Price and comparison of swapfiets

Solid, rather beautiful and well built around Shimano components, the swer -7 swapfiets is not free from defects. And the price is not given in Paris with € 109.90/month, almost double the little brother Power 1 and 3 times the price of a Véligo ! It makes you think, because competition offers much cheaper (see table). We can add that the bike is made in the Netherlands (not too far for the ecological aspect), and the bikes are repaired in shops, or reconditioned/recycled in the native homeland in case of big damage.

Monthly price 3 months 6 months 1 year Commitment
Swer 7 swapfiets € 109.90 330 € 659 € € 1,319 3 months mini
Power 1 swapfiets € 59.90 180 € 359 € 719 € 3 months mini
Veligo 40 € 240 € 6 months
Motto 75 € 225 € 450 € 900 € No
Red-Will 75 € 225 € 450 € 900 € No
Decathlon Rent 920th 90 € 270 € 540 € € 1,080 No

Today, SwapFiets exists in 70 cities in 9 countries in Europe, bringing together 270,000 members. In France, in addition to Paris, Swapfiets extended its service to Strasbourg, Lyon and Toulouse, where the Power tried is more accessible (€ 74.90/month).

Swer sword swapfiets bicycle rental 2022 Swer sword swapfiets drum brakes Swerly anti -theft sword Swer 7 Shimano E6100 SwapFiets Swer -battery swapfiets Swapfiets Power 7 Boutique

Auto editor for 15 years, on the handlebars of a bicycle since he has been standing and regular user of public transport, Matthieu is interested in all forms of mobility. Attached to the environmental cause, he advocates cleaner transport, sober and adapted to each.

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