Top 20 parental control applications to protect your children online, iphone parental control application | IPad monitoring checks | Mmguardian

Protect your children with the ultimate parental control system

Centered on Google products, Family Link presents itself as a dashboard allowing to set time limits for use of applications, approving or blocking downloads, defining YouTube experiences adapted to the age of the child and even to follow the position of the child when it is not at home. It also facilitates the management of the child’s Google account, allowing parents to intervene if necessary to modify personal information or reset the password.

Top 20 parental control applications to protect your children online

While children get a smartphone connected to the ever -younger Internet, children have access to a world of information and entertainment, but also to many dangers. How, as a parent, can you make sure they are taking advantage of the advantages of the Internet while being protected from its potential risks ? THE parental control applications are an increasingly popular solution of parents concerned with the well-being of their children.

From the fixing of screen time limits to monitoring online activities, parental control applications allow you to keep a vigilant eye on the use of your internet children. However, with a myriad of options available, choosing the right application may seem complicated.

In this complete guide, we will help you navigate the complex landscape of parental control software. We will compare the best applications currently available, discuss the features to be sought and you will guide you through the installation and configuration process. In addition, we will discuss essential subjects such as the confidentiality of online children and how to discuss Internet safety with your children.

Protecting your children online is a crucial mission in our digital world. With this guide, you will be well equipped to make informed choices and take effective measures to ensure their safety.

Quick access (summary):

The 20 best Android and iOS parental control apps in 2023

  1. mspy
  2. Eyezy
  3. Google Family Link
  4. Microsoft Family Safety
  5. Parental
  6. Family
  7. Norton Family
  8. Kids Zone
  9. Xooloo
  10. Parents around
  11. Screen Time Parental Control
  12. Mac and iPhone screen time
  13. Questudio
  14. Kpersky Safe Kids
  15. Kids Place
  16. Family
  17. Watcher web
  18. Spyzia
  19. Kid’s Shell
  20. Net nanny


mspy is an Android and complete parental control application that offers parents an effective way to monitor and manage the use of smartphones and children’s tablets.

This application allows parents to protect their children online and ensure that they use the devices safely and responsible.

MSPY: parental control application

Here are some of the main features of MSPY:

  • Geofencing : MSPY allows you to define virtual geolocation areas, and parents receive a notification when their children enter or get out of these predefined areas. This can be particularly useful for the safety of children when they move outside.
  • Furtive fashion : MSPY can operate in stealth mode, which means that the application remains invisible on the child’s device, without icon or indication of its existence. This ensures that children do not know that they are monitored.
  • Application control : MSPY allows parents to block access to certain applications on their children’s phone. This can be useful to limit excessive use of games or social media applications.
  • Text messages monitoring : MSPY allows parents to read the text messages sent and received by their children, even if they are deleted. Parents can thus detect any inappropriate or suspect behavior in conversations.
  • Call follow -up : This feature allows parents to monitor their children’s phone calls. They can see the details of the calls, such as the duration, time and phone number of the caller or recipient.
  • Real -time GPS location : Parents can use MSPY to follow the location of their children in real time. This allows them to ensure that their children are safe and know their position at any time.
  • Navigation history : MSPY saves browsing history on the child’s device, including websites visited and recorded bookmarks. Parents can thus check whether their children access inappropriate or dangerous sites.
  • Social networks monitoring: This feature allows parents to monitor their children’s activity on popular social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp. They can see messages, photos, videos and contacts to which their children have access.
  • Alerts and notifications : Parents can configure personalized alerts to be informed when their children receive messages or calls from certain specific contacts. They can also receive notifications in the event of a change of SIM card on the device.
  • Keylogger : This feature records the strikes carried out on the keyboard of the device, which allows parents to know the tapes, the passwords seized and other important information.

MSPY is a complete application that offers parents the tools necessary to protect their children online, monitor their activity and promote responsible use of mobile devices. MSPY’s features allow parents to take preventive measures and preserve the safety of their children.

2- Eyezy

Eyezy is a smartphone parental surveillance application compatible with both Android phones and iPhone.

Geolocated monitoring on the

Already downloaded on more than 500,000 smartphones around the world, this application has a very complete list of features to control your child’s phone. Here are some of its main options:

  • Location of the phone in real time: it is possible to follow the location of your child and receive alerts in the event of a change of location outside a given perimeter thanks to geofencing.
  • Panic mode: a SOS mode can be triggered by the child if he feels in danger. With this mode, parents will automatically receive the active location of the smartphone.
  • Monitoring of messages from social networks: all incoming and even deleted messages can be accessible. Social media compatible with this feature are as follows: Whatsapp, Kik, Tinder, Snapchat, Skype, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, Line…
  • Surveillance of research history: This feature allows you to verify the recent searches carried out by your children on a search engine.
  • Invisible mode: you can decide to hide the application on your child’s phone.
  • Control of the applications used and for how long.
  • Surveillance of incoming and outgoing calls.

Overview of Panic mode on L

Installation side, Eyezy offers 3 different installation modes (jailbreak (iPhone), iCloud and Via Local WiFi network.

3- Google Family Link

Google, the technology giant, offers a solution to help parents strengthen their children’s safety online with its free Google Family Link application. This intuitive tool aims to be a precious ally for parents in the management of screen time, accessible content and confidentiality parameters of their children.

Google Family Link, L

Centered on Google products, Family Link presents itself as a dashboard allowing to set time limits for use of applications, approving or blocking downloads, defining YouTube experiences adapted to the age of the child and even to follow the position of the child when it is not at home. It also facilitates the management of the child’s Google account, allowing parents to intervene if necessary to modify personal information or reset the password.

However, the application also has its limits. To know the position of the child’s laptop, its device must be on, have been used recently and be connected to the Internet.

Here are the main features of Google Family Link:

  • Definition of rules of use: Limit the time of use, define break times, refer to content adapted to the age of the child, approve or block the downloaded applications.
  • Management of the child’s Google account: Change personal information, reset the password and, if necessary, delete the account.
  • Followed by the child’s position: if the child has his device on him and the latter still has battery, Family Link allows you to know their position.
  • Reception of notifications and alerts: Family Link sends important notifications, especially when the child arrives at a place or in part. It is also possible to ring the device and check the battery life.
  • Management of purchases and downloads on Google Play: even if the child does not need parental authorization to install applications updates, Family Link helps manage purchases and downloads.
  • Access to Google Play, Google Search, Chrome, Gmail and other Google products: with a supervised account, children can access these services while being under parental surveillance.

4- Microsoft Family Safety

Similar to Google Family Link, Microsoft Family Safety is a solution that works on all Microsoft products: Windows, Xbox computer and Android mobile applications.

Microsoft Family Safety, L

Here is an overview of its main free features:

  • Management of time of use on applications and games for Xbox, Windows and Android
  • Establishment of limits for using a device (Xbox and/or Windows)
  • Synthetic presentation of screen times and online activities
  • User notification functionality with user notification
  • Web configuration and search filtering via Microsoft Edge
  • Option to block unparalleled applications and games
  • GPS tracing from family members
  • Monitoring and recording of locations visited by relatives

5- Parentaler

Parental is an application designed to help parents remain informed and ensure their children’s online safety. While children grow up and explore new horizons, it may be difficult for parents to follow their online activities, some of which may be harmful to the child’s psychological health. This is where Parentaler intervenes. Here are the main features of the application:

  1. Surveillance of online communications: Parentaler allows parents to monitor their children’s online activities, including messages, conversations on social networks and emails. This allows parents to detect any potentially dangerous or inappropriate behavior.
  2. Blocking inappropriate content: the application offers the possibility of blocking sites or access to inappropriate content on the Internet. Parents can define filters to protect their children from undesirable content such as violence, pornography or cyberbullying.
  3. Location monitoring: Parentaler allows parents to see the location of their children on a map. They can thus know where their children are at any time and be informed of the places they frequent. This provides tranquility to parents and allows them to react quickly if necessary.

6- Famisafe

Family is an application developed by Wondershare Technology Group Co. Ltd. It is distinguished by its many personalization options, offering up to 30 specific options to help parents monitor and control their children’s digital activity. More than a million children are protected by Famisafe.

Here are the main Famisafe features:

  • Internet content monitoring : The application allows you to access your child’s navigation history, even in incognito mode. You can get reports on applications that have been installed, uninstalled, hidden or deleted, and see the most used applications.
  • Unwanted applications blocking : Famisafe offers the possibility of blocking or filtering applications whose content is deemed inappropriate for the age of your child. You can also control the time spent on these applications.
  • Virtual interactions monitoring : The application allows you to monitor your child’s online interactions, including SMS, MMS and messages on social networks. It can also detect offensive or suspect messages.
  • Creation of white and black lists : You can create white and black lists to filter the content accessible to your child. You can for example put on white list certain websites and words, or add to the black list of inappropriate words.
  • Real -time location : Famisafe offers a geolocation function that allows you to know where your child is at any time at any time. You can also define security zones, such as school or home, and receive notifications when your child enters or leaves these areas.

7- NORTON Family

Norton Family Parental Control is complete software designed to help parents manage and monitor their children’s online activities. Developed by Norton, a leading company in cybersecurity, this tool offers a range of features aimed at guaranteeing a safe and secure digital environment for children.

One of the key aspects of Norton Family is his web filtering capacity. Parents can create personalized profiles for each child, allowing them to block access to websites and inappropriate content. By using a comprehensive database of websites classified by categories, Norton Family effectively restricts access to potentially harmful or unsuitable content to age.

8- Kids Zone

Children’s area is an application that focuses screen time management and management of applications authorized on your child’s smartphone.

9- XOOOLO Parents

Xooloo Parents is a mobile application that provides visibility to parents about how their child uses their phone. A ST report available on the application to consult the screen time.

For its part, the child has access to the Xooloo Digital Coach application which informs him about his use and encourages him to better control his use.

10- Parents around

Parents around offers a full range of features that mainly focus on managing screen time and children’s safety. It offers a web filtering system according to the age of the child, with the possibility for parents to manually complete the list of blocked sites.

It is possible to define time slots of use of the device and a list of permanently accessible applications. Parents also have the possibility of prohibiting the installation of new applications.

A notable feature of this application is that the child can request authorization from his parents to access a specific site or application.

11- Screen Time Parental Control

“” Screen Is an application offering various features intended to regulate the use of digital devices by children. The application makes it possible to set daily time limits, to establish tasks to be accomplished rewarded with additional screen time, and to create periods of inaccessibility to avoid distractions during hours of sleep or homework.

The “instant break” function allows immediate suspension of the child’s device, while the “free game” mode offers a temporary exemption from restrictions, useful during long journeys, for example.

“Screentime” also gives parents the possibility of approving or rejecting new applications downloaded by the child. It provides an overview of the use of children’s applications and web history, thus promoting a better understanding of its digital habits and ensuring its sailing in complete.

12- Mac and iPhone screen time

Did you know that the MacBook and iPhone natively integrate a function allowing to control the time spent on the different applications on your device ? This free native feature allows you to define maximum use time for a precise list of applications.

13- Questio

The application Questio Parental control provides parents with features to facilitate their educational role. Among these features, there are daily screen time limits, social media monitoring, in particular Facebook and YouTube, blocking applications and pornographic sites, as well as the possibility of geolocating the child thanks to a secure mode.

The screen loop allows you to automatically block the device when the predefined duration of use is reached. Parental control, associated with secure mode, allows parents to follow and control the content consulted by their child on the Internet, in particular those reserved for adults.

Finally, the function of family locator with GPS tracer allows you to follow the child’s phone and regularly obtain its geographical location.

14- Kpersky Safe Kids

Kaspersky Safe Kids offers a complete and friendly solution to parents wishing to keep an eye on their children’s online activity. Thanks to this all-in-one app, parents can effectively follow the location and habits for using their children’s devices, restrict access to inappropriate content, manage the time spent in front of the screens, and well Moreover.

Compatible with Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS, Kaspersky Safe Kids operating systems help parents effectively protect their children on all their navigation media.

15- Kids Place

Kids Place Distinguished other applications since it allows parents who share their smartphone with their children to create a space dedicated to children directly on their phone.

When the application is activated, only approved applications are active. It is also possible to make the phone completely disconnected from the internet and the mobile network when the child space is activated.

16- Familytime

Similar to other applications presented in this article, Family also offers a full list of features dedicated to more or less advanced control of your child’s phone. With this software, you can configure sleep hours that will prevent mobile applications from being used at night.

17- Watcher web

Watcher web is a monitoring application that allows you to record and report any activity carried out by the user of a specified mobile phone. As a parental control tool, this application provides a complete history of web browsing activity.

The functioning of Watcher web is based on monitoring all information from the targeted mobile phone, which is then transmitted to a parental account via its monitoring system.

If necessary, the application can provide screenshots of various content, such as:

  • Videos;
  • Pictures ;
  • Text messages;
  • Conversations on WhatsApp or Facebook, etc.

Web Watcher also incorporates an alert function which, thanks to its algorithm, is capable of detecting behaviors potentially at risk. When such an activity is identified, the application immediately sends an alert message to the parental account.

18- Spyzie

Spyzia is a remote monitoring application that allows parents to protect their children even when they cannot be physically present. It offers a range of features such as real -time location monitoring, messages and call monitoring, contacts and browser history. Parents can also define prohibited areas and receive alerts in the event of exceeding these limits. For parents who would like to mask control, Spyzie offers a furtive mode that guarantees discreet monitoring not visible on the child’s mobile.

19- Kid’s Shell

Shell Kids, Also known as children’s launcher, is an application designed to allow parents to create a secure environment on their own phones or tablets. Its main objective is to limit access to only applications and authorized games. This application offering parents the possibility of restricting the functionality of the device and guaranteeing children’s safety when using.

Using Shell Kids, parents can configure their device so that only approved applications can be launched. This means that children will not be able to make calls, send SMS, run unauthorized applications or buy paid applications.

The application aims to provide parents with peace of mind by giving them total control over the content and functionalities to which their children have access to their devices.

20- net nanny

Parental surveillance software Net nanny offers a user user interface, allowing users to easily filter 15 categories of content for adults on the mobile devices of their children. By using this application, it is also possible to restrict access to all other applications that are not included in a predefined list.

Net nanny is particularly effective in meeting the expectations of parents who wish to prevent their children from accessing pornographic sites. In addition to this functionality, this platform offers a number of other options such as the possibility of monitoring the child’s navigation activity and synchronizing parameters with the parental computer for centralized management.

What is a parental control application ?

A parental control application is a software that helps parents supervise and control their children’s online activity.

Parental control applications

These applications are generally used to monitor Internet use, limit access to certain content types, set screen time limits, follow physical location and block or control access to certain applications or games. These tools can also help parents identify and prevent risky behavior such as cyberbullying, inappropriate online meetings and the disclosure of personal information.

These tools can be installed on a variety of devices, including smartphones, tablets, computers and sometimes even game consoles. They offer parents more peace of mind by allowing them to make sure their children make safer and appropriate use of their smartphone and computer.

It should be noted that, although these applications can be very useful tools, they do not replace an open and honest conversation with your children on online safety and responsible use of technology. The purpose of these applications is to provide an additional layer of protection and control in a constantly evolving digital world.

What are the main features of parental control software ?

Parental surveillance applications offer a multitude of features to help monitor and regulate the use that children of their smartphone and Internet do.

Here are the main features you can expect from these tools:

  • Screen time control
  • Access blocking after certain hours
  • Internet
  • Blocking specific sites
  • Visualization of research history
  • Location monitoring
  • Time report spent on applications
  • Incoming messages control

Of course, the precise list of features will vary from one app to another. Most free applications will be limited to screen time features when paid applications will offer a generally more complete panel of features.

How to install and configure a parental control application ?

Install and configure an application of this type depends on the type of device, the operating system used (such as Android, iOS, Windows, etc.), and the specific app that you want to use. However, here is a series of general steps that will help you install and configure such an application:

  1. Choose the software that suits you best: There are a multitude of free and paid applications on the market. To make your choice, we invite you to consult our list of the 20 best above.
  2. Download and install the application: You can usually download these applications from the Google Play Store, the Apple App Store, or directly from the Developer’s website. Follow the installation instructions that appear on the screen.
  3. Create an account : Most of these applications require that you create an account. Make sure to note the username and password you used.
  4. Configure the application: Each application will have different configuration options. Some will allow you to define time limits, block certain sites or applications, monitor activity online, etc. Take the time to review all the available options and configure them according to your preferences.
  5. Install the application on your child’s devices: Depending on the application you have chosen, you will probably have to install a version of the application on your child’s devices. Make sure to follow specific instructions for the application to do this.
  6. Monitor the activity: Once the application is installed and configured, you can start monitoring your child’s activity.

Finally, it is important to chat with your child on the usefulness and purpose of these parental controls. Explain to him why you use them and what are your expectations in the use of the Internet. This will help you prevent conflicts and promote safer and technology use.

Some additional tips for using parental surveillance applications

Educate children on threats and online security

Educating children on online threats is an important task for parents and educators. Here are some steps you can take to help instill in safe and internet user use:

  1. Start early and make regular conversations: Do not wait for problems to argue to talk about online security. Start discussing these questions as soon as your child starts using the Internet. Make sure these conversations are continuous and adapted to your child’s age and experience.
  2. Explain online threats: Make sure your child understands the different types of online threats, including cyberbullying, online predators, scams, identity theft, and inappropriate sharing of personal information. Use examples adapted to their age to illustrate these threats.
  3. Prepare them for the importance of privacy: Teach them to never share personal information online, such as their address, telephone number, full name, or school. They should also understand that the photos and messages they share online can remain on the internet indefinitely.
  4. Learn to recognize and report inappropriate behavior: They should know that they can and should tell you if something or someone makes them uncomfortable.
  5. Discuss the Netiquette: Teach them to be respectful online and not to participate in cyberbullying. They must also understand that everyone is not who he claims to be online, and that they should never agree to meet someone they have met online without an adult of present confidence.

Set appropriate screen time limits

Putting screen time limits for children can be a challenge, because there is no “unique time” for all children or all families. However, here are some general tips to help you establish appropriate limits:

  1. Consider the age of the child: The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends avoiding any screen time other than video chat for children under 18 to 24 months. For children aged 2 to 5, daily screen time should be limited to an hour. For children aged 6 and over, a coherent and individualized plan for screen time and off -screen activities (sleep, studies, physical activities, etc.) can be implemented, in accordance with the development and health of the child.
  2. Establish clear routines: Attach precise schedules for screen time, such as after homework or before dinner. Avoid screen time just before bedtime, as it can interfere with sleep.
  3. Make the distinction between educational and recreational screen time: All the screen time is not comparable. The time spent doing homework or using educational applications can be considered differently from the time spent playing video games or watching entertaining videos on social networks.
  4. Be a good model: Children often imitate the behavior of their parents. Try to give a good example by limiting your own screen time and showing how to balance screen time with other activities.
  5. Encourage other activities: Make sure your child has enough time for screenless activities, such as reading, playing, exercising, and interacting with other children and adults.

It is important to note that these recommendations are general directives, and what works best will depend on your child and your family. It is also essential to be flexible and adapt the rules as your child grows and his needs change.

FAQ on parental control applications

Is it legal to use parental control applications ?

The use of this type of software is generally legal.

As parents or legal tutors, you have the right and responsibility to monitor and control your children’s access to the Internet and other digital media to ensure their safety and well-being.

However, it is important to note that the use of these tools must be balanced with respect for the privacy and the autonomy of the child, and this must be done in an appropriate and respectful manner.

For example, it can be inappropriate and potentially illegal to use these tools to monitor invasive or without consent the online activities of a older adolescent.

In addition, in France, Law No. 2022-300 of March 2, 2022 makes the provision of connected devices, an activated parental control system for free, compulsory.

Can my child get around the parental control application ?

Children and adolescents can sometimes find ways to get around parental control applications, especially if they are technologically competent. Here are some of the commonly used methods:

  1. Application of the application: Some children may try to uninstall the parental control application. However, most modern parental control applications have safety measures in place to prevent or make uninstall without the consent of a parent.
  2. Use of a VPN: A virtual private network (VPN) can be used to bypass certain types of parental controls, especially those that block access to certain websites.
  3. Use of private navigation modes: Private or incognito navigation modes can sometimes be used to bypass online activity monitoring controls.
  4. Resetting the device: In extreme cases, a child can try to completely reset the device to delete the parental control application.

Are parental control applications invasive for my child’s privacy ?

The purpose of this software is to protect children from potential online dangers, but they also have the potential to be invasive to child’s privacy if it is not used appropriately. Therefore, it is essential to find a balance between the protection of your child’s safety and respect for your right to privacy.

Here are some recommendations to use these solutions respectful of your child’s privacy:

  1. Transparency: Inform your child that you use an application of this type and explain why. Explain that this is a protective measure and not an attempt to spy on them.
  2. Minimize surveillance: Use monitoring functions only when necessary. For example, instead of monitoring all your child’s online activities, you could choose to receive alerts only when your child tries to access inappropriate content.
  3. Respect their space: As your child grows, it is important to give him more autonomy and privacy. For example, you could choose not to monitor your teenager’s private communications, unless there are specific reasons for concern.
  4. Open dialogue: Encourage your child to come to you if they encounter an online problem. This can be more effective than simple surveillance and can help strengthen confidence.
  5. Choose an application respectful of privacy: Some parental control applications are more respectful of privacy than other. Look for an application that only collects information than necessary.

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Protect your children with the ultimate parental control system

Proteggi Il Tuo Bambino App Per iPhone/iPad

Characteristics of the mmguardian application for iPhone & iPad


Consult detailed reports on Imessage and SMS messages.
show more

To monitor messages work, it is necessary to install the MMGUARDIAN SYNC application on your own computer or on a personal computer. Once configured, when your child’s iPhone or iPad connects to the same WiFi network that you also use for your personal computer, the application will collect messages from your child’s device. These messages will then be available so that you can view them either in the mmguardian parent app installed on your own phone, or on the mmguardian web portal. For more information, please consult: https: //

Image alerts

Receiving an alert when the application detects that an image stored on the phone may be inappropriate (nudity). Display a copy of the image in the children’s application.

Complete reports

Detailed reports on messages, web browsing and telephone calls allow you to have an overview or immerse yourself in specific areas of interest or concern. The reports are available on the secure parental web portal or in the mmguardian parent app that we recommend that you install on your own phone.

Web filters and secure navigation

Block websites recovery of pornographic or adult content, or any other inappropriate content using the web filter function. Select which categories of websites are authorized or should be blocked, or define specific areas and URLs to authorize or block. show more

Your child must use the MMGUARDIAN application itself to browse the internet. You must use Apple Screen Time to block Safari. When using Mmguardian Safe Browser, the categories of websites that are deemed inappropriate for the chosen age range will be blocked according to the categorization of the website content. The categories include adult, porn, Paris, drugs, phishing and much more. Although everything you need is to select an appropriate age range, you can also personalize which categories will be blocked or authorized. In addition, you can define “crush” to always allow or block specific website addresses regardless of the categorization of the.

Application control

Installation and use of the control application. Pre-select schedules in which all downloaded applications will be disabled or send remote commands to temporarily deactivate the downloaded applications for a defined period of time. show more

The other functions of the application include the possibility of deactivating the App Store to prevent the installation of new applications and defining restrictions according to age on videos and music downloadable from the Itunes store. Application control and blocking programs require an internet connection to your child’s device. If the device is not online during the prescribed time, the order to deactivate or activate the downloaded applications will be activated when the device will once again have an internet connection.


You worry that your child is not in the place where he is supposed to be ? Use the parental application on your phone or web parental portal to find out where your child is right now.

Restrict the functions of the device

Disable the camera, define content classifications for iTunes apps and movies, lock or erase the device in the event of loss or flight.

Current questions concerning the mmguardian application for iPhone & iPad

Yes! However, you will need to install the Mmguardian Sync app on your computer. For more details, please consult: messages for iPhone

The mmguardian synchronization application is different from the mmguardian parental control application. The synchronization application, downloadable from the mmguardian server, is necessary if you want messages of messages from your child’s iPhone and must be installed on your own computer. Once configured, when your child’s iPhone or iPad connects to the same WiFi network that you also use for your personal computer, the application will collect messages from your child’s device. These messages will then be available so that you can view them either in the mmguardian parent app installed on your own phone, or on the mmguardian web portal. For more information, please see: messages for iPhone. The Parental Control application, available on the App Store, is required for other functions such as location, web file and web reports and must be installed on your child’s iPhone or iPad.

Yes ! Install the children’s telephone application mmguardian parental control on your child’s phone and mmguardian parental application for Android on your own phone.

Unfortunately no. This limitation is due to the software operation of the device, the application is currently only available if the child uses an Android phone.

Unfortunately no. This limitation is due to the software operation of the device, the application is currently only available if the child uses an Android phone.

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