Tips to increase the quality of a photo on iPhone, photo test of the iPhone X: solid performance in a compact format

Iphone X photo test: solid performance in a compact format

By way of comparison, terminals like the U11 or the Mate 10 Pro are not afraid to go up to 1600 ISO, a sensitivity which induces more noise but which allows to recover more details in certain scenes thanks to faster shutter speeds. To be sure to produce the image you want in low lights, it is better to disengage the device by hand through a third -party application (read below “simple and efficient application (but sometimes too limited)”) “).

How to improve the quality of a photo on iPhone

If you are passionate about photography, you may have already encountered problems such as the difficulty of taking high quality photos with your iPhone, or blurred and poor quality photos. In this article, we will give you tips to take superb photos with your iPhone and improve the quality of your existing photos.

Improve an iPhone image

Do you like to take pictures ? If so, you may have encountered problems such as:

  • Even by finely adjusting the settings of your iPhone, you cannot take high quality photos as you wish, which can be frustrating or discouraging.
  • There are many blurred photos on your iPhone. Although they can represent precious memories or beautiful landscapes, their resolution can be low or they can deteriorate over time. You may want to restore them so that they are sharper.
  • You may have tried to take screenshots from superb videos to save or share them, but you noticed that the image quality was bad and that the details were blurred. You may want to improve the sharpness and sharpness of the photos.

Effective solutions to settle your concerns above:

Tips for taking beautiful photos with your iPhone

✿ Use HDR mode:

The iPhone HDR (high Dynamic Range) mode allows you to take photos with a wider dynamic range, thus capturing richer details in the dark and clear areas of the photo. To activate HDR mode, go to the camera settings of your iPhone and activate HDR mode.

✿ Avoid using digital zoom:

Digital zoom simply uses an interpolation to enlarge the image, which can lead to a loss of image quality. It is therefore preferable to physically get closer to the object you want to take pictures rather than using the digital zoom.

digital zoom

✿ Avoid low light situations:

If you take pictures in a dark place, the photos can be noisy and blurred. So try to take your photos in well lit places or use additional lighting, such as an external flash to reduce noise.

external flash

✿ Pay attention to the location of the object:

Instead of placing the object in the center of the photo, try to place it diagonally to give depth and movement to the photo. You can also use the automatic focus function which works very well in many situations.

object location

The iPhone has an integrated publishing function that allows you to crop, adjust brightness and contrast, and apply filters. There are also many photo editing applications available on the App Store that allows you to deflect a photo on iPhone.

Improve the quality of a photo on iPhone

If you already have poor quality photos on your iPhone, don’t worry, there are applications to improve their quality. Picwish is an application that allows you to deflect an image without compromising the details and colors of the photo. Follow the following steps to use Picwish:

  • Download and install Picwish.
  • Launch the application and select the “Save” function.

deflect an image


In conclusion

Thanks to these tips, you can take superb photos with your iPhone and improve the quality of a photo on iPhone. You can take high quality photos using HDR mode, avoid low light situations and use the integrated editing function of the iPhone. In addition, he recommends a photo editing application called Picwish to defly the images. By following the advice of this article and using the recommended application, you can make your photos on iPhone clearer and more beautiful.

Iphone X photo test: solid performance in a compact format

Apple has assured the fundamentals for its iPhone X with an image bitter and color management in clear improvement. But it is above all its second camera module and its more compact format that make it a weapon of choice for photographers.

If Apple has lost technical domination in photography in recent years – autofocus, definition, pros modes, etc. – The iPhone remains the favorite terminal of many photographers and enthusiastic. For several reasons: color consistency, iOS ecosystem (the apps are of quality), etc. And since the arrival of the iPhone 7 Plus, for the second camera module. This 56 mm F/2 equivalent.8 gives the advantage to the iPhone in the portrait field in particular.

With its super processor, its OLED screen and a 56 mm optics a brighter hair (f/2.4), the iPhone X is placed in Apple photographic flagship. However, it is not the technique that seduced us at first, but a detail that seems trivial: the dimensions of the terminal.

Finally the double module in a compact format !

Once is not customary for a smartphone dedicated to the photo, let’s not start with image quality, but with hardware ergonomics, a point where the iPhone X shines. Because without being a dwarf, the iPhone X is a more compact terminal than its high -end competitors type Galaxy S8 Plus (and note 8 a fortiori), Mate 10 pro and even its “big” brothers the “plus” all generations confused. The fashion of large screens that have long perverted the top of the smartphone basket. From the iPhone 7, it was necessary to opt for the large “more” version to enjoy the second camera module, a device certainly capable but more bulky and less easy to handle quickly than the “normal” version.

By integrating the best of its photographic know-how in a more compact terminal, Apple will appeal to photographers who like to travel discreet and light. It is a “simple” ergonomic evolution that has a capital impact: as its grip is more pleasant, we tend to get it out more quickly and therefore more willingly, which invites to make more images. For us, it is one of the mass arguments of the terminal that overshadows many technical limits.

A little more heat

As for the iPhone 8 (more or not), the iPhone X benefits from a new color management. Without finding the superb of its 5/6 series, Apple nevertheless returned from the a little too disatuated rendering of the iPhone 7 to warmer, more pleasant colors.

Apple retains the palm of the best color consistency according to the scenes, when certain Asian brands have more difficulty guaranteeing the same quality of interpretation according to the lighting.

Even in low lights, the interpretation of the iPhone X is relevant and produces natural images – never too blue images because of a neon for example.

Good level of details

100% displayed on our 27 -inch 2560 × 1440 pixel screen, the images produced by the iPhone X are more granular than those of the competition. Failure ? Not that much: if we note a more marked use of flattens compared to an HTC U11, for example, in the end, the image rendering turns out to be very good thanks to software processing. Basically, Apple algorithms have found an excellent balance between smoothing, which decreases the digital noise inherent in small sensors and the level of details, very high, by good management of microcontraststes. Applied to a best sensor and better optics, this image processing would be really extraordinary. In the case of the iPhone X, it already makes it possible to produce good images, clichés richer in detail and which have more punch than those of the generation iPhone 7.

Haro on high sensitivities

Apple has confidence in its stabilization (up to 1/4S) while being afraid of climbing in high sensitivities. Fear ? This is the only explanation that we found when none of our night shots exceeds ISO 250 in wide angle and ISO 400 in telephoto lens. Which means that the results are quite variable depending on the stability … of the photographer.

By way of comparison, terminals like the U11 or the Mate 10 Pro are not afraid to go up to 1600 ISO, a sensitivity which induces more noise but which allows to recover more details in certain scenes thanks to faster shutter speeds. To be sure to produce the image you want in low lights, it is better to disengage the device by hand through a third -party application (read below “simple and efficient application (but sometimes too limited)”) “).

Disappropriate natural bokeh, too much flare

If Apple relies on its software portrait mode, we have still evaluated the bokeh, that is to say the natural quality of the background blur of the two optics. And supporting images, you can see that it is a little disappointing: when an HTC U11 and Huawei Mate 10 Pro offer regular transitions and soft outdoor subjects, the two cameras of the iPhone 10 produce rear -plans much greater and much less aesthetic. These limits undoubtedly explain the interest that Apple finds in the software processing of the portrait mode. But in any event, in “natural” mode, the background blurs produced by brighter optics (f/1.7 for the U11, f/1.6 For the Mate 10 wide angle camera module) are of much better quality. No doubt because the optics are of better quality, simply.

This hypothesis of the less efficient optics is verified when you assess its behavior against Flare, an optical defect which generates halos when a strong light source is in the field of vision of the optics. However, in our test, the behavior facing the flare of the last 4 generations of iPhone (6s plus, 7 Plus, 8 Plus, x) is simply identical. See for yourself how the Mate 10 of Huawei reacts: when the iPhone offer a huge drop in contrast and an image invaded by a very powerful halo, the main camera module of the Huawei champion manages it like … a champion. The reason for this domination ? Better optical quality, whether in terms of optical formulation (type of lenses and their layout) and/or more effective surface treatments. We are really surprised that Apple does not progress more in this area.

AF satisfactory, but not dazzling

The iPhone X autofocus is very suitable. Yes, simply suitable: the application launches fairly quickly and the trigger is generally fast. It is these “fairly quickly” and “generally fast” that prevent us from celebrating it. Because if it is very good for ordinary people, Android competition has been exceeded for a little time Apple in the field of speed. The Galaxy S7 and S8 are excited that reacts like a seller under amphetamines – in clear, they almost never miss action – even a terminal like the OnePlus 5 is also more bicycle than the Apple terminal.

The proof in pictures with these two photos above taken on the spot in mode “I take out my device in the pocket and I try to have the scene”. In the case of the man who walks behind the scooter, we triggered just before his leg rises but the aircraft, he, triggered too late and the foot is now placed behind the Vespa. Same thing with the tram: on the outburst, the vehicle’s muzzle is still in my context, but the iPhone X shortly fails the “decisive” moment.

What is quite surprising is that Apple seems to have given up on his bias of the time of the iPhone 4/5 where the brand’s terminals, then the fastest on the market, sacrificed the sharpness to try to have the right one moment.

Simple and effective application (but sometimes too limited)

The photo application of the iPhone has changed recently recently. The sliding menu system with a boost is maintained and Apple is content to add items as they are introduced. Small evolutions concern color filters – you have to press the icon at the top left to choose a filter and click again to make filters disappear – and the different “intelligent” portrait modes (or not, we will see further). This simplicity is a force for a good part of the users – including photographers – until we like wanting to master the beast. And there it is a bit of the drama since there is no way to disengage the parameters such as the speed (to generate voluntary flous of movement, threads, etc.), shutter or ISO. Or go from JPEG to HEVC. Not to mention the video quality that is always adjusted at the bottom of the system settings !

Unlike high -end Android competition, Apple does not offer an application that can stick to the needs of pros and other enthusiasts who wish to go further, therefore based on the community of application developers. It’s a choice.

Portrait “Scene light”: a temporary failure ?



The iPhone 8 Plus and X bring an improved version of the software portrait mode with them, in which the terminal changes the interpretation of the light around the subject in a more or less important way. The most impressive – on paper – is the stage lighting mode that cuts the subject to simulate a studio plug on a black background.

The promotional images are very beautiful, those of the “real” photographers too … But in fact this is not at all what we get in normal situations, evidenced by our test shots. All our test shots. The truth is that the portrait mode is always imperfect-on this children’s toy (see below), the iPhone does not even manage to distinguish the plan where the character’s ear is located. And if we add the “stage lighting” function, the results go from the passable to the draw.

The only solution to obtain valid results is to shoot with a fairly soft light – the strong contrasts induce even more errors – all on a really uniform and homogeneous background. As in a studio in short ..

The iPhone 7 Plus had introduced a “portrait” mode with software support which improved the background blur, a mode which was quite poorly managed and which progressed over the versions. Hopefully it is the same for this new iteration. But in any event, Apple is largely disappointed because of its very strong communication on the subject … and because Apple did not get us used to out of technologies (really) Beta.

The iPhone X is an excellent photographic terminal. But perhaps not for the reasons that Apple tells us about: the level of detail is good without being the best, the autofocus is not the most lively and the portrait mode “stage lighting” is far from being convincing. No, what makes the iPhone X a good camera is first of all its very good color rendering whatever the scene (consistency), a simple and effective application even if it is limited. But it is above all the combination of two camera modules, one wide angle the other small telephoto lens in such a compact format that seduced us: no need to get a bulky “more” version to make beautiful portraits or isolate effectively subjects.
By offering a good photo partition and two interesting focal lengths in a compact device and equipped with a beautiful screen, Apple produces a “photophone” that we can (and wants !) Quickly get out of his pocket to produce images: it’s worth all the technical dominations in the world. But it is a shame that the brand makes it pay for this at a high price.

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