Thermostat for electric radiator & convector, thermostats and electric heating controls – Delta Dore

Electric radiator thermostat

You want to heat your accommodation while saving energy ? The installation of a thermostat on your radiators allows to achieve up to 25% energy, thanks to the possibility of temperature control in your home.

Thermostat for heating device

You want to heat your accommodation while saving energy ? The installation of a thermostat on your radiators allows to achieve up to 25% energy, thanks to the possibility of temperature control in your home.

What is the thermostat for ?

THE Thermostat of a heating device regulates the heat of a part. Just enter the room temperature you want to reach and your radiators will do the rest automatically. If it is colder than desired, your radiators will start but if it is warmer, in this case they will stop.

What are the advantages of a radiator thermostat ?

Adding a thermostat to your radiators offers you more comfortable daily comfort. Indeed, The thermostats allow the radiators to be programmed so that they light up and go out at certain times of the day or night. In this way, you realize Energy savings more easily, without altering the quality of your heating.

What are the different types of thermostats ?

There are two types of thermostats for your radiators:

  • The room thermostat : It allows you to control the temperature on the whole of your home, by adjusting on the creation or redistribution of heat.
  • The programmable thermostat : it comes in addition to the room thermostat. The programmable thermostat allows you to adjust the temperature of the radiators according to the moments of the day or the days of the week.

The thermostat of my radiator no longer works: what to do ?

If your thermostat is damaged, your heating device will no longer be able to start or regulate the temperature correctly. You could then end up with a house either cold or too hot. If you notice temperature problems in terms of your radiators, it is because your thermostat no longer fulfills its functions and it is time to change it.

You have not found a thermostat adapted to your radiators ? Call our team of technicians on 03 88 18 15 15.

Electric heating


Your accommodation is equipped with electric heating ? Convectors, radiant panels, heated floor, Or accumulation heating …, Delta Dore solutions allow you to manage and program your heating according to your lifestyle to save on your electricity bill while preserving comfort in your home. To control your consumption, discover the innovative features of our energy managers ranges, Thermostats and programmers dedicated to electric heating.

Refine by family of products:

  • Modular thermostats & regulators
  • Energy managers
  • Programmers
  • Heating receivers
  • Accessories
  • Lumps
  • Packs
  • Room thermostats and programmable thermostats
  • Temperature probes
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