The yield of photovoltaic solar panels, what is the average production of a solar panel? | 6nergies

What is the average production of a solar panel

For example, if you have a 1 kW solar panel in a place that receives 5 hours of sunshine per day and the yield of your panel is 20%, the production of your panel would be:
Production = 1 kW x 5 hours x 0.20 = 1 kWh

The yield of photovoltaic solar panels

Installing solar panels produces your own electricity at home while respecting the environment and reducing your electricity bill.

The rate of photovoltaic yield indicates the ratio between the production produced and the power of the radiation captured by solar panels. This rate of return is expressed as a percentage. The yield of photovoltaic solar panels varies depending on several factors, but generally, it is between 6 and 20%. It is therefore important to favor high -efficiency panels to maximize the production of photovoltaic energy.

The production of a photovoltaic cell depends on solar radiation. In order to optimize the production of your photovoltaic panels thanks to solar radiation, you must take into account the following factors: the place of your installation, the inclination of your panels on the roof, their orientations and their temperature . The production of photovoltaic electricity therefore depends on several factors, making it difficult to predict.

Unit for measuring your solar panels production: Watt / Watt-Rêce / Watt Time

What is the difference between Watt / Watt-Crête / Watt Time ?

Watt , It is the international unit of energetic power. It corresponds to the production or energy consumption flow.

  • 1 kilowatt = 1000 watts (w)

Watt hour , This is the amount of electricity produced over a period. WH is the reference unit which corresponds to the consumption of an electrical device of a thousand watts for an hour. It is expressed in kWh for the purchase and resale of electricity especially in the case of photovoltaic self -consumption but also to raise the economy generated by the installation.

Watt ridge , It is the unit of measuring the power of a solar module. Each solar panel manufacturer has similar conditions and devices to compare the power of solar panels. We write it: Watt-Crête (WC) or Kilowatt Crête (KWC)

Under the title: the surface yield of a solar panel

All solar panels have a yield calculated under the same conditions called STC (standard test conditions) with the main value sunshine at 1000W/m². The power of the solar panel is therefore compared to this average sunshine value sent to earth. Theoretically a solar panel with an area of ​​1m² and a power of 1000W would have a yield of 100%. The surface yield is directly linked to the surface of the panel and its power but not to its production. In fact, photovoltaic functioning generates losses, that’s why we have no such yields.

Take the example of a 55W monocrystalline Victron Energy solar panel and a 55W back-contact uniteck solar panel. These two solar panels, under similar conditions, should have almost equal production. Yet their yield is different, it is linked to back-contact technology which has a fairly large surface power benefit and therefore an increase in the production of photovoltaic electricity.

This table will allow you to understand the calculation of the yield:

Power [WC] Surface [m²] Surface power [W/m²] Yield [%]
STC reference 1000 1 1000 100%
55W mono Victron Energy solar panel 55 0.36046 152.58 15.26%
55W back-contact uniteck solar panel 55 0.3025 181.82 18.18%

Indeed, the yield value is therefore an indication of the performance of the solar panel according to its surface. A solar panel with high yield will be very advantageous for the projects in which the place is reduced. On the contrary, if you have a substantial place on the roof of a house for example, a high performance should not be your first value to check on a solar panel. Rather compare the power and cost of the latter as well as its quality. This last factor is important to have a sustainable solar panel and guarantee you a return on investment. These settings should help you choose your photovoltaic panels.

The sunshine of your region for better production of photovoltaic energy

There are two methods to calculate production:

  • Sunshine simulation software . You can find that of PVGIS which will give you the sunshine potential of your region and therefore the potential for photovoltaic self -consumption .
  • By calculating yourself: to carry out the calculation you must use the solar radiation data of your region in order to assess your production capacity.

First, it is necessary to determine the amount of energy received every day in your region. This quantity is called daily irradiation, global daily radiation or integrated solar radiation. He speaks in watt hour per square meter per day (Wh/m 2/d) or watt hour per watt-break per day (Wh/wc/d) for a given inclination.

solar panel photovoltaic production capacity

In France, the estimate of the photovoltaic production capacity of solar panel can be divided into 4 zones:

  • Northeast: An annual production of around 800 to 1000 kWh/kWc
  • Diagonal from Brittany to Haute-Savoie: an annual production of around 1000 kWh/kwc
  • Southwest from Rhône-Alpes: an annual production of around 1000 to 1100 kWh/kwc
  • South: An annual production of approximately 1,200 to 1400 kWh/kwc

This estimate makes it possible to quickly carry out an annual production trend which is interesting in the case of an installation connected to the network. For the purchase of an installation it is important to quantify the assessment of the work carried out by a professional and the electricity consumed and sold

The sunshine also varies depending on the season. With a view to designing a solar installation capable of meeting the energy need for an isolated site of the network, independently throughout the year, it is necessary to always take the value of the worst month. In this particular situation, it is essential to use the sunshine simulation software. For temperate areas, we will take the winter month. For tropical and equatorial areas, we select the month corresponding to the rainy season. Hence the importance of knowing photovoltaic functioning .

In addition, the energy production of your installation of photovoltaic solar panels also depends on the orientation and the inclination of your panels.

Orientation and inclination of your photovoltaic solar panels

The angle formed by the sun’s rays with the solar panels is called angle of incidence. The maximum production of your solar kit reaches its optimal capacity when the sun’s rays arrive perpendicular to the surface of the panel at noon solar hour. In order to obtain optimal annual production on fixed inclination/orientation panels, we recommend an inclination around 30 ° and a southern orientation, in mainland France.

As part of an autonomous out -of -network installation for which the production of winter months is essential, we recommend an inclination at 45 ° and a southern orientation in mainland France.

In order to increase this production, it is possible to optimize these parameters over the seasons, that is to say raise the panel to 60 ° in winter, and lower it to 20 ° in summer.

angle D

The temperature of your photovoltaic cells

Unlike the yield which is not directly linked to the production of the solar panel, the operating temperature is a very influential factor. The crest power is given for a temperature of 25 ° C (STC). The temperature of your photovoltaic panels is therefore to be taken into account, if it is greater than 25 ° C, the performance of your panels will be reduced. This is the temperature of your monocrystalline or polycrytalline panels and not room temperature.

Photovoltaic panel manufacturers choose performance loss factors depending on the temperature. These data are important to compare to ensure that the solar panel you choose is of good quality and efficient, because the power in watt-crew is not the only indicator. These coefficients are expressed in %/° C or %/° K. Direct current production intrinsically depends on these factors.

Here are three examples of temperature coefficient for 3 panels:

Example of temperature coefficient 1 Example of temperature coefficient 2Example of temperature coefficient 3

On a temperature difference of 10 ° C compared to the test temperature (STC), the respective power losses are 3.4%, 2.9% and 4.5% on these three different solar panels. This may seem minimal but the temperature of a solar panel may exceed 65 ° C. The losses can therefore be multiplied by 4 in the real case. The system must therefore be ventilated as much as possible on the roof .

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What is the average production of a solar panel ?

Solar energy is an increasingly popular renewable source of energy around the world. Solar panels, also called photovoltaic panels, are used to convert sunlight into electricity.

However, the amount of energy that these panels may produce can vary depending on several factors. In this article, we will explore these factors and determine how they influence the Average energy production of a solar panel.

What factors influence the production of a photovoltaic installation ?

Orientation and inclination

L’Solar panel orientation plays a crucial role in his production. In France, to maximize exposure to the sun, solar panels must be oriented south at an inclination angle of 30 to 35 degrees.

Geographic location

Sunshine varies from one place to another. For example, the south of France receives more solar light than the north, increasing energy production.

The time of day and the season

The sun is higher in the sky to noon and during summer, Which means that the panels produce more electricity during these periods.


If a solar panel is partially shady, Even by a small shadow, it can reduce its production in a significative way.


Solar panels work better at moderate temperatures. A excessive heat can reduce their effectiveness.

Nominal power

This is the amount of electricity that a panel can produce in ideal test conditions.

How to calculate the production of a solar panel in KWH ?

There energy production of a solar panel depends on several factors, but there is a basic formula that you can use to obtain an approximate estimate of the production. It is important to note that the yield can be affected by the factors mentioned above.


There power a solar panel is measured in kilowatts (kW). This measure tells you how much energy the panel can produce in one hour under ideal solar radiation conditions. For example, a 1 kW solar panel can produce 1 kWh of electricity in an hour if the solar radiation is optimal.

Hours of sunshine

THE Hours of sunshine refer to the number of hours during which the sun is high enough in the sky to produce significant energy. This varies depending on geographic location, season and weather conditions. In France, the hours of sunshine generally vary between 3 and 5 hours a day.

Panel yield

THE yield of a solar panel is the percentage of solar energy which can be converted into usable electricity. Modern solar panels generally have a yield of 15% to 20%.

With this information, you can calculate the production of a solar panel in KWH using the following formula:
Production (kWh) = panel power (kW) x hours of sunshine x yield of the panel

For example, if you have a 1 kW solar panel in a place that receives 5 hours of sunshine per day and the yield of your panel is 20%, the production of your panel would be:
Production = 1 kW x 5 hours x 0.20 = 1 kWh

This is a simplified estimate. In reality, the yield may vary depending on the temperature, the orientation of the panel, obstructions such as shade, and other factors.

How much quantity produce solar panels on an average of a year in France ?

A Solar panel with a power of 1 kW can produce on average between 900 and 1200 kWh per year in France. This value can however vary depending on the factors mentioned above.

What is the average production of a solar panel per m² ?

A standard solar panel measures approximately 1.6 m² and has a power of 250 to 300 watts. Consequently, a solar panel can produce on average between 150 to 180 kWh per m² and per year in France.

What is the average production of a solar panel per month and per day ?

In France, a 1 kW solar panel can produce on average between 75 and 100 kWh per month. This is about 2.5 to 3.3 kWh per day. However, these figures are averages over an entire year. In summer, when the days are long and sunny, energy production can be much higher. In winter, however, production can be much lower.

It is also important to note that the energy production of a solar panel Decreased slightly over time. Most solar panel manufacturers guarantee that their panels will produce at least 80 % of their initial production after 25 years. This is called the “degradation of performance” of solar panels.

What is the annual production of solar panel 9kW ?

A 9 kW solar panel system in France would produce on average between 8,100 and 10,800 kWh per year. This is based on the fact that a 1 kW system produced between 900 and 1200 kWh per year.

What is the daily production 400W solar panel ?

A 400W solar panel would produce on average between 1 and 1.3 kWh per day. Once again, this estimate is based on optimal conditions and can vary depending on the weather conditions, the season and other factors.

In an increasingly aware world of environmental issues and the need to move on to renewable energy sources, solar panels are a viable solution. Nevertheless, constant efforts are necessary to improve the efficiency and sustainability of solar panels, as well as to make them accessible to a larger number of people.

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