The UFC-Que Choisir complaints against Back Market for misleading commercial practices �� | Igeneration, all about the contractual guarantee of Back Market (2022)

Back the Back Market guarantee: what you need to know

The Back Market guarantee essentially covers any failure or malfunction affecting your phone, tablet or smartphone. The Back Market guarantee applies in particular in the following cases:

The UFC-Que Choisir complaints against Back Market for misleading commercial practices ��

The UFC-Que Choisir complaints against Back Market for misleading business practices. Several reproaches are made to this giant of the reconditioning of electronic devices: price that can mislead, exaggerated commercial guarantee or even non-compliance with the regulations concerning cookies.

The UFC-Que Choisir denounces, for example, the practice consisting in parallel the price of a reconditioned device and that of a new object. “” The prices displayed are presented as promotions to which consumers are used, by showing a barred price and a reduced price, as well as the corresponding reduction percentage “, Specifies the association. However, these are not promotions: these are two different products that will sometimes not have the same aspect or the same longevity.

Another practice that does not comply with the regulations: Back Market does not include its “service costs” in the object presentation sheet. These are systematically billed to consumers and can rise up to € 5.99. They only appear at the payment stage.

According to the association, Back Market highlights a contractual guarantee of 12 months, where the law imposes a period of 2 years even for the reconditioned devices. In addition, the company ” would suggest to a considerable advantage offered »With this duration, however lower than what the law requires. Finally, the Back Market website does not comply with the legislation in relation to cookies. “” Our team of lawyers found that tracking cookies were deposited even though the user had refused them », Note the association in its press release.

According to the UFC-Que Choisir, this is the first complaint in Europe of a consumer association against Back Market. The practices of the company have already been pinned in the past, for example by the German association VZBV.

Update at 4 p.m Back Market sent us his right of reply. The company defends itself from making promotions believe and recalls that the word ” nine »Is displayed on the product sheet as part of the comparisons. She believes ” logic »To display service costs only in the basket, because these are based on the price of the final order.

For the question of one -year guarantee, Back Market says that this is a ” Additional warranty which is offered by sellers for any purchase on the platform and which is added to compulsory legal guarantees »». The seller mentions the legal warranty on the product page: it is simply less highlighted. Finally, the company defends itself not to respect the choice of users as to the use of cookies.

Back the Back Market guarantee: what you need to know

In recent years, Back Market has become a key player in telephony in France. However, you may know, all the products sold by Back Market are covered by a contractual guarantee.

You bought a reconditioned phone or smartphone, and You wonder how to make the contractual guarantee of Back Market work ?

In this guide, we give you all the useful information on the back market warranty: duration, covered situations, reviews, etc.

  • Back Market’s contractual guarantee: what is ?
  • Our opinion on the guarantee of back market
  • How to make the back market guarantee ?
  • What is the Back Market guarantee covers ?
  • The back market warranty for iPhone: does it work ?
  • Purchase on back market: the battery is guaranteed
  • Does the Back Market guarantee cover a broken screen ?
  • Back Market clarification under the General Conditions of Sale

Back Market’s contractual guarantee: what is ?

When you buy a reconditioned product on Back Market, the company is committed to go further than legal compliance guarantees, who cover the buyer in the event of a lack of compliance of the product or hidden defect.

In fact, Back Market includes an additional contractual guarantee, which covers any breakdown that would affect the phone or smartphone purchased via the site. Thus, the Back Market guarantee is added to the legal guarantees, For a minimum period of 12 months.

Our opinion on the guarantee of back market

According to our opinion, the back market guarantee is A more offered by the company to its customers, and a real commitment to repair or replace a phone that would be affected by a breakdown.

However, our opinion on the back market warranty is also that this is protection that very limited for your smartphone, especially if the purchase price of it is high. that’s why, To complement the Back Market contractual guarantee, we strongly advise you to take out mobile insurance whose covers will be broader.

This is for example the case of Yami mobile insurance, which offers simple formulas covering the breakage and theft of your phone:

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How to make the back market guarantee ?

To make your contractual guarantee Back Market work, You must contact your seller via the company platform. Indeed, it is not possible to use the back market guarantee by other means, whether by phone or other.

From your personal back market space, you can enter a complaint on your warranty. Be sure to provide all the specific elements of what affects your phone, you facilitate the processing of your complaint.

Once your complaint made on Back Market, a seller must answer you within 24 hours, to tell you whether or not the Back Market guarantee may apply to your situation. In the event that your complaint under the Back Market guarantee is considered valid, several possibilities open:

  • A refund of the product concerned can be offered to you by Back Market
  • The purchased product can be exchanged for another device, functional it
  • A repair solution can also be offered by Back Market.

Before having your Back Market contractual warranty works, be sure to verify that your complaint between good in the criteria specified in the CGV of the company (you can consult them at the bottom of this article.

What is the Back Market guarantee covers ?

The Back Market guarantee essentially covers any failure or malfunction affecting your phone, tablet or smartphone. The Back Market guarantee applies in particular in the following cases:

  • Defective battery
  • Keyboard keys that sink
  • Defective touchscreen screen.

Thus, the situations covered by the contractual guarantee of Back Market are limited. Indeed, The Back Market guarantee does not cover ::

  • Telephone oxidation
  • Accidental breakage
  • Theft or loss.

It is important to specify that The Back Market guarantee is not insurance. If you want to know the guarantees included in mobile insurance, consult our dedicated article.

The back market warranty for iPhone: does it work ?

Yes, The Back Market guarantee also applies to iPhone. Indeed, regardless of the brand of the smartphone, the tablet or the phone purchased, the Back Market contractual guarantee applies in the same way for all products.

On the other hand, if you think that the back market warranty for your iPhone is insufficient, we advise you to complete it with more complete mobile insurance.

Note that when you buy an iPhone with back market, you cannot benefit from the Applecare guarantees.

Purchase on back market: the battery is guaranteed

Yes, The Back Market guarantee covers defective batteries, Whether for a phone, a smartphone, a computer or any product distributed by the company. On the other hand, the Back Market guarantee will not cover your battery if you have accidentally lost it or if it has been stolen from you.

Does the Back Market guarantee cover a broken screen ?

No, The Back Market guarantee does not cover broken screens. Indeed, only cases of breakdown and dysfunction of the device are covered by the contractual guarantee of Back Market. So, if you want a guarantee that covers the accidental breakage of your phone, you will have to turn to a more classic mobile insurance formula, like the one offered by Yami for example.

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Back Market clarification under the General Conditions of Sale

For more details on the contractual guarantee of Back Market and its application, you can consult the general conditions of sale of the company, which we offer below in PDF format:

Back Market’s CGV offered in the PDF below are valid for August 31, 2022, and are likely to evolve.

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