The steps to terminate your Internet box – digital, termination of its Internet box: Conditions and procedures

How to terminate your internet box

Note: if the equipment is returned deteriorated, the repair costs (within the limit of the value of the terminal mentioned in the GTC) will be invoiced to the subscriber. Likewise, if one or more accessories are missing, a lump sum of 20 euros will be claimed to you.

Refit your internet box: how to do ?

Successful termination of your internet box can quickly become a headache for some consumers. Indeed, there is not an approach common to all access providers. Each of them has its own termination methods. It is important to know them well in order to avoid any unpleasant surprises. You will find on this page the steps to be taken for the four major operators of the current market, as well as the different parameters to take into account. At the end of your reading, you will know how to terminate your box easily and calmly ! We just have to wish you a good reading … and a good termination !

Guide D

The best Internet boxes of the moment

Removing your internet box comes from a deep reflection, it is not done on a whim. Whatever the reason (bad experience, more competitive offer, …), it is decided: you resound your subscription ! Only this can ask other questions: what are the steps ? There are termination fees ? Are there special conditions ?

To help you, we have written you a complete guide to carry out the termination of your internet box. You can find all the answers you are waiting for.

How to terminate your internet box ?

The steps to be taken to terminate your subscription vary from an access provider to another. We have listed the terms for the four major operators on the market: Orange, Bouygues Telecom, SFR and Free.

– Remove your box at Orange

To put an end to your subscription to Orange, two solutions are available to you: via the online customer area or by phone.

For the first solution, simply go to the “Contract management” section of your customer area and click on “terminate your offer”. Then you will have to follow the instructions displayed on the site. A message or email will be sent to you to confirm your request.

For the second solution, go to the “Contact Orange” section on their site. It is necessary to fill out a form upstream of the call. You must specify your status (“already customer”), the subject of your request (“package and options”), the subject of your request (“terminate an offer or follow a request for termination”), the action to be made (“Terminate an offer”) and its nature (“fixed”). The site will send you either to an online guide or to Orange telephone customer service.

The termination takes effect 10 days following the request made. If you wish to indicate a termination date, you have the opportunity and it will be taken into account by Orange.

– Removing your box at Bouygues Telecom

On the Bouygues Telecom side, two solutions also: via a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt either by phone.

If you opt for the registered letter, be sure not to forget the names and surnames of the line holder, the telephone number and the date on which termination. For the address, these are the following: Bouygues Telecom termination Bbox, TSA 59013, 60643 CHENTILLY CEDEX.

In order to terminate the phone, simply dial 614 from a Bouygues Telecom phone or 1064 from a fixed or smartphone from another operator. An advisor will take your call and tell you about the procedures.

– Remove your box at SFR

At SFR, there is only one method to terminate your internet box: write a letter of termination. Here’s how to proceed:

1 – First, call customer service at 1023. He will note your request and tell you the address to which to send your letter.
2 – Write your letter by showing the names and first names of the line holder, the telephone number (or contract number) and the desired termination date.

– Remove your box at Free

Finally, at Free, this is done in three stages:

1 – You must contact the customer service by phone at 3244 then choose the option “Information on the termination of your subscription”.
2 – The advisor will validate your request and ask you to send a letter to the communicated address.
3 – Return the equipment via a return voucher available on your subscriber space.

For all access providers, termination will be taken into account within 10 days of confirmation of your request. This date can be offset, if you specify in your letter when you want this to take effect. To keep at the top of indicating a realistic date, which takes into account this period of 10 days for access providers.

It is best to opt for a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt. In the event of a problem, this allows you to keep proof of your termination request.

How to terminate your internet box ?

You want to terminate your Internet box after finding a better offer from another supplier ? You are tired of the adsl or fiber rate, cuts, technical problems of your internet operator ? The solution: request the termination to change internet operator ! This guide explains to you how to put an end to your SFR Box, Livebox, Bbox, Freebox, etc. package. Place in addition to a model of termination letter and access all addresses of Internet operators.

Termination letter - Board its offer of Internet boxes

1. Internet package termination by registered letter

A contract subject to the Chatel law

You should know that since June 1, 2008, it is the Chatel law which fixes the rules to be observed to terminate an internet subscription (whether it is a fiber or a ADSL offer)). It is however essential to read the conditions of your contract. But don’t panic, we did it for you !

Terminate your internet subscription

What a termination letter for an internet offer ?

Whatever your operator, you have to Send a termination letter to your recommended internet service provider with acknowledgment of receipt. It must contain your postal details and the fixed line number linked to the Internet subscription, which you will find on your invoices. You will also have to indicate your reason for termination and join proof if you invoke a legitimate reason.

Can we choose the date of termination of its internet offer ?

If you want your box subscription to be stopped on a specific date, you can request it in the termination letter. However, this date must be after the legal period of 10 days. The possibility of choosing the end date of the Internet service yourself is very interesting if you move. Thus, you just have to ask in your termination letter a break the same day of the move.

Attention ! The fixed line number which had been awarded to you when subscribing to the box offer will then be terminated at the same time as your internet subscription. But if you want to keep it, we will see at the end of the guide how to proceed, with portability.

Why use a termination letter model ?

You can write Termination letters via pre-filled letter models directly on our site. L’termination address of your Internet operator will be entered automatically. The letter model will be completed by itself depending on Reason for termination of the box that you will indicate, with the terms which guarantee its validity. Our site implements significant security and follow -up means so that you can terminate your internet box without worry.

Our experts decipher the general conditions (CGV) of Internet access providers (Orange, Free, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, La Poste Mobile, etc.)). Our models of letters are used by many Internet users looking for the document which will guarantee the success of their internet termination.

How to use our interactive sending service ?

OUR Online sending service Allows you to post your letter of termination of a registered internet offer with acknowledgment of receipt, directly from your computer. Your mail will then be supported by post and then handed by the factor to the termination service of your Internet operator.

An example of a letter of termination of an internet offer

You will find below an example of a letter of termination of an internet subscription:

Mail model to terminate its internet subscription due to dysfunction

Registered termination letter with acknowledgment of receipt
Purpose: Package termination and Internet box

By this recommended termination letter with acknowledgment of receipt, I inform you of my wish to terminate my internet package for the telephone line, the number of which is (indicate the fixed number or subscriber number), due to the unavailability of My Internet connection. My calls for telephone assistance of your operator did not resolve the problem.

I therefore note that your commitments are not respected, and that the obligation of result of your company is not respected (in accordance with the judgment of November 8, 2007 of the Court of Cassation). I therefore invoke the non -performance of your contractual obligation to terminate my internet subscription.

Please take into account my termination request upon receipt of this letter, and to reimburse me the sums unjustly collected by your services.

Please accept, madam, sir, the expression of my sincere greetings.

2. How to terminate your internet box without or with commitment ?

How to terminate an internet offer without obligation ?

If you had taken out a box offer without engagement, There is no problem, termination by registered letter can be done to all moment. But the majority of suppliers will charge you Termination Fee (around 50 euros for example if you want to terminate an Orange Livebox Zen Internet offer). Know that there is a good chance that your new operator will reimburse you the costs you will pay to the one you resound !

What are the costs of terminating the Internet offer ?

If you had taken out a box offer with commitment, You can stop your subscription (at no additional cost other than termination costs) when you wish, as soon as your commitment period is over. If you are still in a commitment period, additional costs will be applied (except in certain specific cases which will be listed below).

Some examples: if your commitment is 12 months and you want to terminate after 6 months, you will have to pay the remaining 6 months. If your commitment is 24 months, and you want to terminate after 6 months, you will have to pay the remaining 6 months to finish the first year, and 1/4 of the sum due for the second year. If you want to terminate after 14 months with a 2 -year commitment, you will need to pay the Internet operator that you leave 1/4 of the sum due for the remaining 10 months.

How to save money by terminating your internet box ?

The right plan to terminate: If you like to change the internet offer regularly to have the best value for money, it is therefore preferable to orient yourself towards an internet supplier without obligation, or to switch at the right time.

The smart plan: If you have an internet + mobile offer, know that almost all operators authorize the termination of a single part of your offer. You can therefore juggle Internet and Mobile Packages to get the cheapest prices.

What is the time to withdraw an internet offer ?

The law provides 14 days of withdrawal period For sales online, not in store. To assert this right, you must do the same approach as for a termination, by sending a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt Internet access provider, explaining why you retract.

Our guides on internet termination

  • Termination The SFR box
  • Bbox termination of Bouygues
  • Numericable box termination
  • Freebox termination of Free
  • Orange Livebox termination
  • Other Internet suppliers

3. Termination of Internet boxes at no cost

Legitimate reasons for termination of an internet subscription

There are so -called “legitimate” reasons thanks to which we can Break your internet contract Without paying a euro. The exact conditions to terminate your internet offer are fixed by each operator free of charge. However, the law imposes a set of conditions for them:

  • Your ISP does not provide you with the services you have signed for;
  • Your situation has changed and is part of the list registered in the general conditions of sale or cases of force majeure recognized by case law and the Court of Cassation: long -term hospitalization, unemployment, over -indebtedness, moving abroad or in an area where the service cannot be assured, incarceration;
  • Your operator has changed your initial contract (content, services, price);
  • The operator can not or no longer offer you internet access that complies with the contract;
  • The services that must be provided to you meet failures;
  • The new CGVs in your contract are not suitable for you;
  • For any reason, internet access from your place of residence is no longer possible.

How to invoke a legitimate reason ?

You will not have to pay the requested termination fees. To benefit from this exemption from costs, you must attach proof to the termination letter you send to your Internet access provider. This letter must imperatively be sent by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, to the termination address of the Internet operator.

How to obtain reimbursement of termination fees ?

Given the amount of termination fees, operators offer more and more reimbursement offers called ” Commitment recovery offer »». Their amount can go up to 150 euros, and it will allow you to enter your costs, in exchange for a new subscription to them. This can also be a way to terminate your internet subscription free of charge.

To find out more, see our guide who reveals how to be reimbursed for termination of his internet box !

4. How to return your internet box ?

All you have to do is send your internet box ! To do this, you must follow the approach imposed by your operator to the letter, that this concerns the SFR box, there Bbox from Bouygues, there Orange Livebox or the Freebox of Free.

The return of material at Free

Terminal equipment as well as all their accessories must be returned in full and in good working order to the address indicated on the termination form, in RAR. This return must be effective no later than 15 days of effective termination. Any delay in receipt will inflict compensation. A prepaid return label can be provided in some cases.

Note: if the equipment is returned deteriorated, the repair costs (within the limit of the value of the terminal mentioned in the GTC) will be invoiced to the subscriber. Likewise, if one or more accessories are missing, a lump sum of 20 euros will be claimed to you.

The return of equipment to SFR

You receive an termination confirmation letter with all the instructions to return your old equipment. The Chronopost prepaid transport label or Colissimo is provided to you. You only have to prepare the packaging, paste the return label, place the package according to the chosen formula and recover the proof.

Note: allowances will be invoiced to you in the event of return of damaged or missing equipment.

In all cases, when there is no problem in the return of the equipment, the deposit that you may have paid is returned to you within days of the restitution of the equipment.

Our letters of termination for an internet box

  • Terminate sfr
  • Terminate free
  • Remove Bouygues
  • Terminate Nordnet
  • Terminate orange
  • Terminate numbers
  • Terminate ovh
  • Terminate a DOM Internet offer

5. Termination: how to keep your fixed line number ?

Portability of the fixed phone number

Subscribers can request to keep their fixed line number when changing the internet operator. This procedure called ” fixed phone number portability »». To benefit from it, you have to:

  • Get your Rio code (Operator identity statement) fixed. It is a unique code of 12 characters comprising capital letters, figures and the sign +. To get it, simply compose the 3179 From the fixed line of your home, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (free).
  • You then subscribe to a new internet subscription with a new operator by transmitting your Rio code to your new FAI.
  • If the number portability is confirmed, the new access provider may take care of the termination of your previous contract. You therefore do not have the obligation to send a letter of termination in RAR. But that does not exempt you in any case costs related to termination, and only the termination letter you send to you guarantees that the date of termination will be respected and that you can assert your rights. It justifies your request.

Very important : Number portability can be done until 40 days following the Internet operator change. This means that the operator whose internet contract you can terminate cannot reassign your number to another customer during what is called the “quarantine“”. You can very well send your termination letter to your Internet supplier, and in stride subscribe to your new subscription by communicating the RIO.

In what cases is portability impossible ?

You asked to terminate your internet box with portability ? There are a few cases for which the portability of the number is impossible when closing your internet contract:

  • If a portability request is already underway with the same Rio number;
  • If the request exceeds 40 days after the change of operator;
  • If the Rio code is not provided or wrong;
  • If you move to a different numbering area (ZNE). For example, if you go from Lille to live in the capital, your fixed line number starting with 03 will not be able to follow you in Paris where the numbers start in 01.

Similar guides

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  • How to terminate a mobile package or a Red by SFR Internet box ?
  • Termination of an internet package
  • Orange Internet termination

Send your termination letter by registered mail, without getting around

  • In partnership with La Poste
  • Service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • No more trips, you save time !

Take an internet box in 2 minutes

  • This letter model to send to your ISP contains formulations for all contract closing reasons, and theInternet operators termination address.
  • Update your Internet box termination letter by indicating your personal contact details.
  • Send your mail from your computer recommended. La Poste takes care of printing and handing over Termination service of your Internet supplier.

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Send your termination letter by registered post,

without moving ! in 2min

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