The signs of Voltaire, a free platform to learn sign language – LSF – IDBOOX, learn the French sign language on qioz

Thanks to Qioz, learn online for free French sign language

Voltaire’s signs will evolve over time. From December more than 600 signs will be offered.

In 2023, there will also be a route adapted to dyslexic and visually impaired people.

For trainers and teachers, a dashboard to monitor learners’ learning will also be put online.
This project is supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region as part of its major regional cause 2022, “hearing and deafness”. To start learning the LSF Click here
Read other articles on accessibility and digital theme here

The signs of Voltaire, a free platform to learn sign language – LSF

LSF Generic Signs of Voltaire

“The signs of Voltaire” is a new digital platform allowing everyone, from 11 years old, to learn sign language (LSF).

September 23 is International Sign Languages ​​Day. On this occasion, the Voltaire Foundation and the AEFS launch an interface to learn the Lsf.

Digital inclusion

The objective is to facilitate access to this language which will allow everyone to communicate otherwise, with deaf people but also in all circumstances. This course is an initiation which will eventually allow to know more than 800 signs.

The operation is simple. It is enough 15 to 20 minutes one or twice each week to gradually acquire the LSF bases.
On September 20, the LSF route will also be accessible to nearly 800,000 active users of the Voltaire project via their professional accounts or CPF.

Voltaire signs how it works ?

Each level begins with an introductory video which presents the series of signs to discover in this level.
We then access a series of exercises. The user is invited to recognize this series of signs and their meaning.
Later in the course, we can assemble signs in order to recompose a word or a signed speech, with the two deaf trainers.

Access to Voltaire signs is free. The beta version is available now with 160 signs that allow you to express emotions, thought / judgment, actions, alphabet.

A long -term project for dys also

Voltaire’s signs will evolve over time. From December more than 600 signs will be offered.

In 2023, there will also be a route adapted to dyslexic and visually impaired people.

For trainers and teachers, a dashboard to monitor learners’ learning will also be put online.
This project is supported by the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region as part of its major regional cause 2022, “hearing and deafness”. To start learning the LSF Click here
Read other articles on accessibility and digital theme here


I want to learn LSF, my mom was deaf and dumb and she didn’t want to teach us, she would say it was a world apart, she had been raised by her younger age until her majority in a Deaf Institute.
She had learned a job there. Today at 50, I feel the desire to learn it.

Good morning . I am misunderstanding and I learned the LSF .To revise, I went to the Voltaire site .
The idea is very interesting . The site is well done but from module 2, I have encountered error that can put beginners in difficulty .

Thanks to Qioz, learn online for free French sign language

Qioz, the region’s free tool for learning languages ​​on smartphone or PC, offers to assimilate a 7th language: French sign language (LSF). For Ile -de -France residents, this is the possibility of learning the basics to interact with deaf and hard of hearing. All, with an inclusive and fun approach.

Now 7 languages ​​on qioz

  • English,
  • Spanish,
  • German,
  • Portuguese,
  • Chinese,
  • French as a foreign language (FLE),
  • French sign language (LSF).


Subject still unknown to the general public, the Île-de-France region aims to Visible French sign language.

Standing consequence: it completes the qioz offer, its free language learning tool for all, with 2 new modules that promote sharing and exchange between hearing and hearing impaired.

The launch of these modules also took place at 2 symbolic moments:

  • September 23, 2022, International Sign Language Day,
  • September 24, 2022, World Deaf Day.

The objective is of Allow professionals (tourism, health, catering, social, etc.) and the general public of:

  • Assimilate the bases of the LSF forbe able to interact with deaf and hard of hearing people, especially in the professional environment,
  • Get to know their universe better.

The whole, thanks to An inclusive and fun approach.

The 2 new Qioz modules dedicated to LSF

Here are the 2 Qioz modules devoted to the French sign language:

This module allowsAssimilate the vocabulary specific to the catering, tourism and health professions, Through video interviews, scenarios, video tutorials and video dictionaries. Tailor -made learning that allows you to stick as close as possible to reality.

This module is oriented towards the awareness and initiation to deaf culture through situations of everyday life :: Discovery of the fundamentals of the French sign language and initiation to the main signs in order to enter into a simple dialogue.

It was developed with partners engaged in the promotion of the French sign language such as the French Sign Language Academy (ALSF), the National Institute of Young Deaf (INJS/Infosens). This co -construction was essential to design inclusive and fun content.

Introduction to LSF - Presentation of modules that

Qioz in short

Launched by the Île-de-France region in 2019, Qioz is a free online language learning tool that wants to be fun.

Its originality: it is based on games and extracts from films, TV series or musical clips.

  • Learn or improve his mastery of English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Chinese and even French as a foreign language (FLE),
  • Master the vocabulary of certain languages ​​specific to the professions that recruit the most:BTP, security, bank and insurance, digital communication, sale and commerce, hotel-restaurant, transport.

It is available via:

  • The Qioz website.Fr,
  • The Qioz app, downloadable from App Store and Google Play.

This service, which intends to contribute to making the Île-de-France a “multilingual region”, is free and intended for all Ile-de-France residents from 15 years old.

He has already seduced Over 350.000 users.

French -language French language offered to Ukrainians

Ukrainian qioz

As part of its Ukrainian refugee reception policy, the Île-de-France region has been offering since March 2022, via Qioz, free learning of French from Ukrainian.

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