The R5 will ultimately cost no less than 20,000 euros, RENAULT R5 Electric: price, release date, options, everything

Renault R5 Electric: Price, release date, options, all

The Renault R5 will be eligible for the ecological bonus, if however it still exists under the current conditions. From July 1, 2022, individuals will benefit from an ecological bonus of 5,000 euros (against 6000 euros before) and companies of 3000 euros (5,000 euros until this date).

The electric R5 should cost more than 20,000 euros

Renault management has so far said it wanted to market the electric R5 below 20,000 euros. However, these ambitions now seem to be part of the past. Zoé replacement will finally cost more.

New twist in the electric R5 soap opera ! The diamond brand continues to unveil some information from time to time on its new neo-retro model. It was first question of design, it has become more and more concrete, almost even final with the latest version presented. Renault respected its promise, that of not deviating too much from the concept that had been presented beforehand. It should also be remembered that, shortly after his arrival at the head of the Renault goure in mid-2020, Luca de Meo said he wanted a range of “Lighting and profitable electric vehicles, at an entry price of less than 20,000 euros and manufactured in France”.

And this is precisely this price in question today. The price of 20,000 euros is most likely not unknown to you. Many car manufacturers who want to bet on electric use this figure in order to popularize their electric car, with a price that should, it would seem, challenge any competition.

In the case of the electric R5, the French car manufacturer wants to offer an urban model at an attractive price with the electric R5. A model that will open the way to the R4 scheduled for a year later.

The price of the electric Renault 5 will still remain affordable

This desire to sell a vehicle at the reasonable price is no longer completely topical. Indeed, since the taking of the function of Luca de Meo, the automotive market has been strongly shaken. First there was the pandemic and the consequences that accompany it, but also the war in Ukraine, which notably caused shortages of materials. Thus geopolitical and health contexts have inflated production costs at an unimaginable price, in particular in terms of materials, energy and finally transport.

It is true that the situation has improved somewhat, however, it is not identical to the period before Covid. Renault was able to reduce the price of some of its models such as Clio or Arkana for example. This is unfortunately not the case for electric vehicles. These were penalized by the increase in the price of materials which has mainly reflected in the battery. And this, especially since demand is up sharply.

The future electric R5

The electric R5 will cost more than expected

In an interview carried out by our German Autogazette colleagues, the director general of the Renault brand, Fabrice Cambolive, returned to these famous 20,000 euros. Losange brand employees “Work hard to offer the R5 for less than 30,000 euros”, a price much higher than what had been announced so far. However, it should not be misinterpreted your figures either. He did not specify whether or not the national subsidies for the VEs were included. It is often a communication device that allows us to say that the promise has been respected. We remember in particular the promises of Volkswagen about the price of electric cars. We know the rest.

Now you have to be patient. Renault will unveil the final price in a few weeks or a few months. At the basic price that will be announced, it will be necessary to cut off the aid of the state since the R5 is an electric car. The ecological bonus will therefore be there. The replacement for the Zoé should therefore not be overpriced. No reason to worry about it, but it may well be more expensive than the € 20,000 announced. Especially since electric cars are increasing at the moment, new competitors so while the R5 has not even been released yet. It should even compete with Tesla on its production return.

Renault R5 Electric: Price, release date, options, all

Renault resuscitates its legendary Renault R5 in an electric version combining nostalgia and modernity. Price, release date, options, autonomy: here is everything you need to know about the replacement of the Renault Zoé.

Posted on April 12, 2022 at 6:00 p.m

Renault R5 Electric

What is the release date of the Renault R5 ?

Renault has not yet communicated a precise release date for its R5. Nevertheless, the company counts on this model to give a new momentum to its product plan 2021-2025.

So, The Renault R5 should be available at the current 2023 order And would gradually replace the ZOE whose end of marketing is announced for 2024. Thus, the first Renault R5 should disembark on the roads current 2024.

The Renault R5, at what price ?

Again, Renault remained very discreet during the presentation of his electric city car. Nevertheless, the executives of the company expressed themselves on the price of the vehicle. The Renault R5 will be offered at less than 30,000 euros.

Renault has in any case assured that the R5 would be accessible for a price between 20,000 and 25,000 euros but it is not known if it includes government aid (ecological bonus), if they exist by its marketing.

And in LOA/LLD ?

The Renault R5 will of course be available with rental offers with purchase option (LOA) or long -term rental (LLD). If the prices remain close to those of the ZOE, then we should be able to afford the Renault R5 For around 200 euros per month for a basic model with a small contribution.

Recall that in the case of a LOA, it is possible to acquire the vehicle after the rental. For an LLD, the vehicle is returned to the dealer.

Ecological bonus

The Renault R5 will be eligible for the ecological bonus, if however it still exists under the current conditions. From July 1, 2022, individuals will benefit from an ecological bonus of 5,000 euros (against 6000 euros before) and companies of 3000 euros (5,000 euros until this date).

This discount applies to the price including tax. Beware of the cost of options since this ecological bonus is capped. Only consumers acquire a vehicle worth less than 45,000 euros benefit from this bonus. Beyond that, it is reduced to 2000 euros for individuals and business (for the 45 to 60,000 euro tranche). For electric vehicles of more than 60,000 euros, no bonus applies.

These rules are likely to change according to policies applied by the State.

R5 options

For now, Renault has not detailed the options of its R5. We can still expect classic colors, finishes, rims, tinted windows and other navigation accessories or driving assistance.

The Renault R5 should also be declined in several engines. Some specialists mention a basic model with a 100 kW battery, the equivalent of 136 hp.

Renault R5 design

Renault R5 Design

On January 14, 2021, the CEO of Renault introduced a concept prototype of the Renault 5. This model drew the contours of the expected standard version for 2023/2024.

For this new version of the legendary R5, Renault therefore allied modernity and nostalgia. The neo-retro design of the electric version therefore takes up the lines of the R5 Turbo launched in the 70s and 80s. The dimensions remain compact but, with a length of 4 meters, this new generation is still more massive.

The model presented by Renault is yellow and dresses with a black roof and red border of the most beautiful effect. The charging hatch is positioned on the hood, at the front, at the level of the left amount. An unprecedented positioning.

Among the other originalities we note the logo positioned on the side as well as rear optics straight from the original version.

Renault R5 engine and performance

For the time being, Renault has not given precise information on the Renault R5 motorization. However, the company explained that it would use the basis of the CMB-B EV platform which is an evolution of that of the Clio Hybrid.

Thus, the R5 had to be less greedy in energy than the ZOE while taking on A motorization close to the 100 kW version (136 hp).

What autonomy for the Renault R5 ?

The autonomy of electric cars still presents many challenges. But the developments are encouraging. If Renault remains stingy in information on the autonomy of its R5, the Auto Express site is advancing some interesting figures.

According to its information, the R5 will incorporate a 52 kWh battery in its high -end version. What make him browse 400 km maximum. The more affordable model would incorporate a 42 kWh accumulator. The autonomy would therefore be less, around 300/350 km maximum.

On the recharge side, the electric R5 will have ” roughly “ The same load power as the megane e-tech explains Renault. We will therefore have to count on a maximum power of 130 kW, offered as an option. No information on the basic model has been communicated.

All about the Renault R5 in 5 questions

You have read a little fast ? You were lazy ? We sum up all the information to remember on the Renault R5 in 5 questions.

When the Renault R5 comes out ?

Renault will open the orders for its R5 current 2023. We should see it on the roads from 2024 and will therefore replace the Zoe.

What is the price of the Renault R5 ?

The Renault R5 will be offered at a price less than 30,000 euros has promised the manufacturer. According to experts, it is expected to go out at a rate between 20,000 and 25,000 euros. We do not know if the ecological bonus will be included in these prices announced.

What will be the engine of the Renault R5 ?

The Renault R5 will be equipped with an engine delivering 100 kW of power, the equivalent of 136 hp. Renault will offer several engines.

What will be the autonomy of the Renault R5 ?

According to observers, Renault should offer a high -end model with a 52 kWh accumulator or around 400 km of autonomy. The standard model is expected to carry a smaller 42 kWh battery. What to travel 300 km.

The Renault R5 is eligible for the ecological bonus ?

Insofar as it is offered at less than 30,000 euros, the Renault R5 will be eligible for the ecological bonus. Individuals will be able to benefit from a discount of 5000 euros and companies of 3000 euros. If policies do not change by the release.

Renault: Will the electric R5 be too expensive ?

Shortly after his arrival at the head of the Renault group, mid-2020, Luca de Meo made an enticing promise: “A range of emblematic, profitable electric vehicles, at an entry price of less than 20.000 euros, products in France ”.

A promise that will be partly held. A few months later, the director general formalized the rebirth of the R5, then that of the 4L. These modern versions will be 100 % electric and produced in France. But the target of 20.000 € was lost on the way !

Moreover, since his first announcement, Luca de Meo has been more discreet on the starting price objectives for the R5, which will be the cheapest model of the two. The modern 4L will indeed be positioned above, taking the appearance of a small SUV, while the R5 will be a conventional city car shorter than a clio.

Easy to understand discretion: since taking office, the automotive industry has been jostled by the consequences of COVVID and then of the war in Ukraine. The health and geopolitical context has soar production costs flambé, notably with a surge in materials, energy, transport ..

The situation improves a little, which has also allowed Renault to start deflating the price of certain models, such as the Clio and Arkana. But not yet those of electric models, which are doubly penalized. The increase in materials impacts bodywork and battery !

More affordable than its rivals … but which ?

We then thought that Renault’s goal was to have an R5 which rather starts at 25.000 €. It has clearly become the symbolic bar on the market for versatile electric city cars, since Volkswagen made this promise for its ambitious ID.2, launched in 2025. Citroën also promised an electric C3 within 25.000 € for 2024.

But an interview with Fabrice Cambolive, director of the Renault brand, comes to generate doubt. Our German Autogazette colleagues ask him if the R5 will cost less than 30.000 €. To which Fabrice Cambolive answers: “We work hard to offer the R5 for less than 30.000 € “. So this is an indication that intrigues. Even if the prices of the electric Renault are a little higher in Germany, we must wait here for an R5 whose basic price is ultimately closer to the 30.000 € only 25.000 € ?

During an official presentation of the CMF-BEV platform, the base of the R5, the manufacturer had nevertheless promised a car cheaper than its competitors. But obviously, it all depends on the competition targeted. Does Renault are based on the current offer, with for example a Peugeot E-208 which begins at 34.€ 800 with us, or the one to come ? It looks like this leans towards the first option !

Reference competition will also surely be chosen for equivalent benefits. But we do not yet know the services of the R5, which could have in the starting version a range of approximately 330 km, when Citroën aims 300 km for the Ë-C3. It will also be necessary to compare the endowment, while Citroën and Fiat will tend towards more essential models in Dacia.

The important thing is the rental offer

The R5 seems more “generalist”, to give way to the Dacia Spring, which will be improved in 2024, and whose price of the upper version is 22.300 €. There is therefore a group logic and range to follow in the placement of attack prices, with above the Megane which appears from 38.000 €, which seems already high. Another element that weighs on the price of the R5: it will be made in France, a patriotic choice which causes more important labor costs.

Renault’s goal is first of all to have a cheaper R5 than the Zoé, which is currently starting at 35.100 €. By being under 30.000 €, it will therefore already be 5.000 € less. Above all, as for the Megane, the brand will mainly bet on an aggressive rent, and this is where Renault intends to align with the competition.

It relies on good residual value to lower the rent, undoubtedly the aim of being € 100 per month at entry -level. A way to make you forget a higher entry ticket than certain competitors. Hoping for Renault that customers are not limited to comparing the counting attack prices. Too high a starting rate can be risky.

The Spring cardboard still shows that buyers of a small electric are very sensitive to the price, the Romanian selling herself much better than a more comfortable and more secure Twingo. However, the R5 will have an important asset: its favorite design. And another example of the market proves that this can raise prices, the Fiat 500 electric, which sells very well while it starts at 30.400 € with 190 km of autonomy ! But Fiat is also smart by offering aggressive LLDs !

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