The Patch 2.6.1 D Overwatch 2 will finally arrive on September 7 – Overwatch – Judgehype, why Overwatch 2 is the most hated game on Steam – Numerama

Why Overwatch 2 is the most hated game on Steam

Of the more than 110,000 assessments of the Steam version ofOverwatch 2, About two thirds come from China. The negativity rate is huge: more than 97 %. This historical vehemence is not only linked to the game, but also to the disappearance of the Blizzard Entertainment catalog in China. Since January, players can no longer play titles like World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Warcraft III: Reforged, Overwatch, both Starcraft, Diablo III And Heroes of the Storm, Due to the expiration of a contract with the giant Netease (which ensured the distribution in the rules).

The Patch 2.6.1 from Overwatch 2 will finally arrive on September 7

As Blizzard indicates in a message published last night on the official forums, the patch 2.6.1 D ‘Overwatch 2 will finally arrive on September 7. As a reminder, this one will bring several balancing modifications for the different heroes and heroines as well as the heroic control mode, which will test your skills with Winston, Angel, Reinhardt, Sojourn and Tracer.

Hello Heroes! We’re Getting Ready for Our Next Game Update, Which will include Hero Balance Changes Along with the New Hero Master. Things Are Tooking A Bit Longer Than Expect As We Make Sure The New Update is ready to go, so we will be Rerending the midseason update on thursday, september 7. We look forward to see all of you try the new hero mastery mode then.

Tags: Overwatch

Why Overwatch 2 is the most hated game on Steam

A China versus Blizzard Entertainment // Source: Maxime Claudel for Numerama

Only a few days after its launch on Steam, Overwatch 2 posters more than 90 % negative assessments. The majority comes from Chinese players, who protest against the disappearance of Blizzard Entertainment Games at home.

Blizzard Entertainment certainly expected a better launch for Overwatch 2 On Steam, with the prospect of seeing all or part of its catalog available outside the Battle By going to the game page, available since August 10, 2023, we can see that he has already collected more than 110,000 evaluations, including 90 % negative. These are historical statistics: today, Overwatch 2 is the most hated game on Steam (90.6 %), ahead War of the Three Kingdoms (88 %).

You would have understood it : Overwatch 2 is the victim of a reviewing bombing campaign, a practice used by the players, which consists in voluntarily lowering the note of a game, to criticize a situation. Fans have reasons to protest against Blizzard Entertainment, facing the Business Model and to ambitions revised downwards concerning the solo campaign. But, they seem insufficient to makeOverwatch 2 Steam’s dunce. In reality, it is especially the Chinese public who murdered the competitive game of Blizzard Entertainment, as analyst Daniel Ahmad points out in a tweet published on August 13.

Overwatch 2 assessments on Steam // Source: screenshot

Why Chinese players want Blizzard Entertainment

Of the more than 110,000 assessments of the Steam version ofOverwatch 2, About two thirds come from China. The negativity rate is huge: more than 97 %. This historical vehemence is not only linked to the game, but also to the disappearance of the Blizzard Entertainment catalog in China. Since January, players can no longer play titles like World of Warcraft, Hearthstone, Warcraft III: Reforged, Overwatch, both Starcraft, Diablo III And Heroes of the Storm, Due to the expiration of a contract with the giant Netease (which ensured the distribution in the rules).

The arrival ofOverwatch 2 On Steam represents in theory a boon for the Chinese public, which can take advantage of an international version (without going through a VPN). He prefers to highlight the many problems: no local server, loss of old accounts, disastrous technical performance … To these concerns, is added above all the mismanagement of Blizzard Entertainment concerning the availability of the game in China, where players hope more consideration.

This is not the first time that a video game from the American company has been targeted by a review Bombing. By going to Metacritic, who aggregates the notes of the press, but also those of the players, we can see that Diablo immortal (0.3/10), Warcraft III: Reforged (0.6/10) and… Overwatch 2 (1.4 out of 10) are among the less well rated titles in history. In short, Blizzard Entertainment is a regular.

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