The best applications to manage your budget as a pro, five mobile applications to better manage its budget | Euronews

Five mobile applications to better manage your budget

For this case too, there is an application: Tricout. The app allows you to enter the expenses so collaborative, between different currencies, then check the people affected by the expense.

The best applications to manage your budget as a pro

Budget management is an important task, but not very exciting. Indispensable for many people, like students, she is often forgotten, when she could avoid eating pasta on the 20th of each month. In short, here is our selection of applications to finally manage its budget.

Doing your accounts is a particularly long and tedious task. However, a well -controlled budget is the key that allows you to better distribute your expenses and avoid difficult months. After budgets on great physical binders and then on Excel spreadsheets, we go to accounts 3.0 with mobile applications. Here is our selection of applications to do the accounts, whether for yourself or with friends.

Banks applications

First, remember to install the application of your bank and, a priori, All banks (or almost) offer a. Here, your choice will be mainly determined by the various offers offered. So it’s up to you to see the one that suits you best.

Do not worry, we give you a little help with our ultra -complete banks comparator !

Bankin ’, the essential

Bankin ’is undoubtedly the most famous application among budget management services, and suddenly, it also has the merit of being very pleasant to use. The interface is ultra easy to handle while the platform offers all the essential features to keep an informed eye on its expenses, as long as you have an account in one of the 350 compatible banks, including a good number in France.

Clear graphics, notifications alerting you exceptional expenses or a risk of overdraft, categorization of expenses, calculating savings made at the end of each month when the various tips are all tools that will help you manage your budget. The application is free, but you have to pay for the premium version which unlocks all the options of Bankin ’.

Bankin’- manage his budget and bank accounts

Bankin’- manage his budget and bank accounts

Linxo and Wallet, interesting alternatives

When you think of an alternative to Bankin ’, the name of Linxo returns regularly. Overall, this application offers the same budget management options as its rival while being compatible with more than 320 banks in total. Linxo wants to mark its difference on two important points. The first thing put forward is the safety of the application which prides itself on having such a convincing technology that banks and insurances wanted to invest in.

The other asset acclaimed is the very effective research functionality which allows you to find an expense or a back -to -school year via several research criteria (label, amount or category of the operation). Here too, you will have to pay for the premium version which notably gives access to a forecast of your budget over 30 slippery days.


Let’s not forget the Wallet application which finds its place in this selection thanks to its very beautiful interface. Level features, they keep, on the whole, the same forces as its competitors while also offering a premium version to take advantage of the entire options.

Wallet - Budget follow -up, finance, money

Wallet – Budget follow -up, finance, money.

Tricout for accounts with friends

Tricout is the essential application during your trips with friends. Imagine: one will pay the restaurant, another the museum, while a third member of the group has advanced money for accommodation … difficult to keep in mind who owes money to the end. This is where Tricout comes in.

The concept is very simple: as soon as a member of the group makes an expense, it is enough to note this one in the application by specifying the person who paid, for what and, above all, for whom. Tricout will thus display you in a very simple way the sums that everyone must reimburse or recover from this or that person. To find out more, do not hesitate to read the article that we dedicated a Tricout paper.

In the same vein, you can also use the Splitwise alternative.


Lydia, to reimburse quickly

Knowing who you owe money is good. Refund it quickly, it’s even better. However, this is precisely the interest of Lydia. Enter the sum to pay, inform the recipient and validate the transaction. Hop ! A few seconds later, the latter will receive a notification indicating that you have settled your due and your friendship will be saved forever.

Some will prefer to use the Paypal application for this purpose, but the latter seems less used than Lydia in France.



Cryptocurrencies have existed for a long time, but it was especially in 2017 that everyone began to talk about it. Even if the subject is no longer as burning these days, we have concocted a small introductory guide to this very specific world of cryptocurrencies, as well as a selection of tools on Android to accompany you.

Also, find some sites here to exchange, sell and buy bitcoin, litecoin and other ethereum.

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Five mobile applications to better manage your budget

Getting a point every quarter on your finances allows you to make adjustments depending on inflation

Inflation affects all positions, small pleasures such as essential expenses. Euronews has selected the best apps for you to manage your budget without headache.

Inflation of more than 5% of consumer prices is what INSEE announced last week. While the French government is working on an “anti-inflation” basket, households seek to manage an increasingly tight budget.

“”Keep your little habits when prices are increasing as much, it is at best naive at the worst “suicidal” financially speaking, because it is savings that suffer“, According to Maeva, book author My budget on automatic pilot and behind the Instagram MonbudgetBento account.

However, it is preferable to preserve your savings because the unforeseen events are also more expensive, according to her.

Applications offer us to make our life easier and to spare yourself from hours spent in front of a spreadsheet software. However, on data as sensitive as its finances, it is better to turn to applications approved by the Banque de France or the CNIL.

However, there is no need to scrutinize your expenses daily.

“” “I would advise for modest income to take stock once a quarter, and for people more comfortable, to make it twice a year to make adjustments if necessary,”Explains Maeva.

The simplest: the tool integrated into your banking application

For most people, making a point on your budget is rather low in the perpetual list of things to do. You might as well make your life easier and use the simplest tool, that is to say the tool you already have.

Many banks have a service to view your expenses almost in real time. This option has the advantage of saving time and avoiding oversights since it is directly connected to the means of payment.

Another practical advantage, the banking application also allows you to simply turn money on a Savings account or a booklet.

However, this option will not be enough if your payment methods are dispatched between different banks.

The most official: pilotbudget pilot and pilotdepens

The two applications were developed in collaboration with the Bank of France. Free, without advertisements and storing user data on the phone. Pilotebudget works by calculating the rest to live per week and per month, that is to say the amount available after having entrenched all charges.

Pilotdepens, launched in 2021 following the health crisis, is intended to follow daily expenses.

Simple and effective, these applications also have the advantage of having been developed in partnership with associative actors.

The most popular: Bankin ‘and Linxo

If you are looking for an application with more options, Bankin ‘and Linxo are elbow in the most downloaded in France. They centralize expenses since they list several hundred banks .

They also have the advantage of presenting more pleasant interfaces. Both applications are free in basic version and offer paid options.

A plethora of options, paid or free, are possible such as forecasts for his future expenses or the cashback (that is to say, discounts from partner brands).

Other applications exist, but Bankin and Linxo have the merit of being approved by the Banque de France.

The most mobile: Revolut

More than a budget monitoring application strictly speaking, it is a banking application or neobank. It is possible to transfer money, obtain a free bank card and make transfers.

The application allows you to centralize data from several bank accounts and to view expenses by categories.

One of the greatest advantages of a neobank is to be able to pay in different currencies and in different countries at no cost. It also allows you to keep an eye on your expenses even on a trip, when you tend to spend without counting.

For good accounts that make good friends: Tricout

Whether it is a vacation with friends, a common gift or the tours that follows the bar, the expenses with several can quickly turn to the financial puzzle.

For this case too, there is an application: Tricout. The app allows you to enter the expenses so collaborative, between different currencies, then check the people affected by the expense.

No more long calculations and oversights, Tricout has the nearest penny who owes how much to whom.

And after ?

Once you have a clearer vision of your expenses, you can try to reduce non -essential positions. “”It will be difficult to lower your rent but if you have three or four video subscriptions on demand, it may be time to terminate a game“Explains Maeva.

It is not a question of transforming yourself overnight into “uncle pearls”: “Better to reduce sail than to remove everything and fall back in its old through the following month“”.

9 applications to manage your budget and put money aside more easily

Phone Screen with apps

Need a boost to better manage your budget ? Discover very practical applications for iPhone and Android.

January 09, 2023

Reading time: 9 min

There are many mobile applications, for just about anything (and sometimes anything, we grant you). But who could help you put money aside? And how do they work ? In addition, what are the criteria for choosing the best budget management application ?

Budget management applications are designed to facilitate the management of your money on a daily basis. This article presents the best applications to manage your budget in 2020, all available in French – even if their name is often in English. They should help you keep control over your financial goals.

Budget management applications: how it works ?

Applications to manage your budget can quickly simplify your life and the way you save. They allow access to a global vision of its income and expenses while encouraging users to maintain their savings goals.

Each budget management application is generally specialized around a particular service, to differentiate themselves from competition. Therefore, they can present one or more of the following options:

  • A global financial management system
  • Notifications for any budget exceeding
  • Debts reimbursement assistance programs
  • detailed monitoring of invoices
  • A concise dashboard giving a reliable and real -time overview of our finances
  • A focus on the total sum set aside each month
  • an optimization of every penny spent every month

N26 sub-accounts

Projects ? N26 helps you save more easily with spaces.

Different N26 spaces to save money

What is the best free application to manage your budget for iPhone and Android ?

If you find it difficult to find yourself among all the budget management applications available on the market, but if you manage to define what you need, your choice should become more obvious. The following free apps for iPhone and Android each offer you a whole series of tools to manage your budget. You just have to choose the one that best suits your needs and your lifestyle.

Money Manager Expense & Budget: Perfect to follow your budget simply

Money Manager Expense & Budget is a very popular budget management application for iPhone and Android. Once all your income and expenses registered in the app, it generates various daily, weekly and monthly reports to allow you to follow your transactions easily.

You can also create graphics to control your expenses related to your budgets. This helps you see, at a glance, when you move away from your savings goals and so you can therefore rectify the curve by changing your consumption habits. This application also makes it possible to categorize your expenses. You can extract your data in an Excel table if you want to see the numbers in detail.

Daily Original Budget: to know your day -to -day expenses

One of the strengths of Daily Budget Original, an application also available in French, is its fun side which helps you at the same time to better understand your financial situation. Here too, you must enter information manually. The application then allows you to calculate and categorize your expenses, as well as to define your savings objectives.

The application reminds you every day what amount you must save according to your budget. This is what distinguishes her from her competitors who generally tell you what amount spending monthly, rather than daily.

Wally: a minimalist application to manage your budget

Wally is content to help you manage your budget, without closing to all the additional options offered by other applications. Launched in 2013 and developed in 18 languages, Wally allows you to have a clear overview of your monthly expenses without distraction.

Unlike most other applications presented in this article, Wally extracts your data directly from the bank account with which you associate it to offer you real -time budgets. This means that you no longer need to manually enter your income and expenses: Wally the fact for you. With this application, you can also include photos of your receipts, which is ideal for following your expenses, especially if you work in freelance.

Wallet: decompose its budget in circular diagrams

Founded in 2011 by budgetbakers, this practical and sober application offers you a detailed overview of your expenses. Unlike Wally, the free version of Wallet does not directly extract data from your bank accounts. You must add your expenses and your income yourself manually.

However, if you don’t have time or patience to enter all your data, you can go to the Premium version for € 5 per month and Wallet will do for you. Note that all the application features are available on iPhone and the web version, but that for Android users, only the following options are accessible:

  • detailed financial reports, sorted by account and accompanied by a series of circular diagrams
  • a maximum monitoring of 3 accounts both
  • defined savings objectives and notification in the event of exceeding

1Money: an application to manage its budget for nomads

As with the free version of Wallet, you must enter all your transactions yourself with 1Money. As soon as you start to add your daily expenses, the application creates a graphic that decomposes precisely where your money is going. Thus, you can assign a category with each expense (for example: leisure, races, sport. ), this allows you to better trace your money.

One of the most remarkable features of 1Money is the possibility of changing a currency, which is particularly useful for travel or traveling. You can also define savings objectives and synchronize the application on different devices so that you can keep an eye on your financial situation at any time. If, in addition, you want to learn the basics of the local language during your trip, you can associate 1Money with Babbel, an interactive and fun application to learn languages.

Easy Home Finance: concrete numbers

Easy Home Finance is a flexible application because it can be used in any country. When downloading, the currency is not automatically specified. However, if you prefer concrete numbers, you can select the currency of your choice in the settings. On the other hand, the language is directly defined according to the settings of your phone.

Easy Home Finance is also an application that requires entering data manually. It also offers the following features:

  • A clear interface that gives you an overview of all your expenses
  • multiple accounts
  • The possibility of extracting your data in Excel
  • A detail of your expenses by category

Saymoney: to follow your recurring expenses

Saymoney is a simple budget management application whose particularity is to offer a very intuitive tool to follow your budget. It analyzes all your expenses, filters them, sorts and category in order to better monitor your monthly expenses.

Another advantage: Saymoney controls and manages all your recurring expenses. So you can question the utility of each of your expenses. Some examples of recurring expenses:

  • € 10.99 Netflix subscription
  • € 25.00 telephone subscription
  • € 18.99 of quarterly subscription to a magazine
  • € 45.00 subscription to your gym

Manage your budget

Visualize your daily expenses and savings to better manage your budget.

Spaces in the N26 application

What are the best applications to manage your budget for MacBook and Windows ?

Sometimes, to organize your life, it is easier to expand your overall vision; And your budget is no exception. You can sometimes feel a little outdated when you start to manage your budget. Therefore, having a global overview of your MacBook or your PC can be a great way to get started. Discover some of the best applications for your computer and also accessible from your smartphone.

You need a budget or ynab: to categorize every penny

Based on a zero base budget system, this precise application and results focused on the user to “assign a function to each euro”. Ynab supports the idea that at the end of the month, you should end up with a zero banking balance because you will have assigned a specific task every penny every penny.

Admittedly, the application is not free (€ 11 per month), but it offers a wide range of features, such as access to many resources, including savings advice and workshops. According to Ynab, a new user manages to save € 535 after two months, and more than € 5,360 after a year. Enough to offer you a vacation, or several short weekends by reserving in accommodation at reduced prices like those on

Moneydance: for confirmed savers

For those looking for more elaborate software, Moneydance is an application to manage your compatible budget on Mac, Windows and Linux, as well as on iPhone and Android. For € 54.99, Moneydance is an appreciated tool that allows you to manage your budget with precision, to the nearest penny.

After downloading, Moneydance offers a test version that describes each feature and each tool available while explaining how to use them before buying the application. Moneydance has a clear interface that precisely follows your cash flows thanks to many multicolored graphics. This is the ideal option for those who wish to define a very detailed budget and who are not afraid to be overwhelmed by financial data.

How to manage your liquid money in these applications ?

If you receive species, you may be wondering how to treat cash in budget management applications ? In this case, you can opt for an application such as Money Manager Expense & Budget, Daily Budget Original or Wallet, since they allow you to manually enter your income and expenses.

Bank account n26

Don’t wait any longer to regain control of your money in real time

A raised hand holding a transparent N26 standard card

Choosing an online bank that supports you daily in managing your money

N26 is online bank, which allows you to manage your account from your phone and in real time. It offers all the same features as budget management applications and allows you to manage your money and make all your transactions from a single application.

Thanks to management, your daily income and expenses are automatically categorized. In addition, you receive notifications for each transaction. If you open a premium N26 Smart, N26 You and N26 Metal current account, you can create sub-accounts with spaces to organize your budget and put money aside for your projects. You also have access to shared space functionality. Up to ten participants can share a space and add their savings to a collective kitty.

You don’t have a N26 account ? No problem ! Open your free bank account now or choose one of our premium accounts in a few minutes. Find N26 in your App Store, and let’s go !

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