The 6 best 5G packages without obligation – Bonforfait, 5G packages in 2023: the best offers

Orange, Free, Bouygues, Sosh… Here are the best 5G packages from the start of the school year in September


Good news therefore for consumers who can finally use their mobile in the best network conditions (at least concerning major cities). We have thus selected for you the best offers without commitment at the beginning of September with ever lower prices on this type of packages.

Comparator of 5G packages without obligation

Your new phone is compatible with 5G and you are looking for a package to enjoy the best speeds ? You are in the right place !

Our comparator brings together all 5G packages without obligation offered by operators. Note that for the moment, the coverage is limited to certain large metropolises. See cover cards

Updated September 19, 2023
0 MB 10 GB 100 GB 200 GB
150 GB 5G 21 GB in Europe

Unlimited calls, SMS and MMS

Use the network Bouygues Telecom

SIM card : 1 € only

Non -binding package see the offer

160 GB € 14.99
190 GB € 17.99
220 GB € 20.99

5g Modular: Pay what you consume

Unlimited calls, SMS and MMS
25 GB Internet in Europe

Use the network SFR

SIM card : 10 €

Non -binding package see the offer
130 GB 5G 30 GB in Europe

Unlimited calls, SMS and MMS

Multi-Sim option at 2 €/month

SIM card : 1 € only

Non -binding package see the offer
100 GB 5G France and Europe
15 € 99 /month
During 12 months

Unlimited calls, SMS and MMS

Package € 10.99/month For subscribers to an SFR Box

SIM card : 1 € only

Non -binding package see the offer
150 GB 5G 19 GB in Europe

Unlimited calls, SMS and MMS

Use the network Bouygues Telecom

SIM card : 1 € only

Non -binding package see the offer
250 GB 5G 35 GB in Europe

Unlimited calls, SMS and MMS

Included United States, Canada, Switzerland

Access to application Free Ligue 1

Package € 9.99/month For Freebox Pop or € 15.99/month For other subscribers to a freebox

SIM card : 10 €

Non -binding package see the offer

  • Bouygues
  • Cdiscount
  • Coriolis
  • Free
  • The post office
  • Nrj
  • Orange
  • Prixtel
  • Red
  • Laborer
  • SFR
  • Sosh
  • Syma
  • Youprice

6/25 displayed packages
Show more packages help me choose →
Updated September 19, 2023

Should we take a 5g package ?

There are several points to check before subscribing to a 5G package:

  1. The first thing to know is that it takes have a 5G compatible phone. From 2021 more and more models will offer 5G accounts. If you have to renew your smartphone and keep it for a few years, it’s worth thinking about it.
  2. Having the right phone is not enough, you also have to be in a 5G covered area. The complete coverage of France in 5G will take several years, and it is good to regularly check that its places of life and work are actually covered by 5G to be able to draw the advantages of this technology.
  3. Finally you have to be vigilant at the 5G packages pricing. Deploying a 5G network is extremely expensive and operators seek to make their investments profitable. As a result, 5G packages are now more expensive by around 5 €/month than an equivalent 4G package. The only exception is free which with its emblematic “Free package” offers 5G at the same price as its 4G package, but has also increased the data volume by going from 100 GB to 150 GB. The Free Package is marketed at € 19.99/month (and even € 9.99/month for Freebox Pop subscribers).

Virtual network operators (MVNO) will also gradually offer 5G packages. The most active on this subject is Prixtel which launched its “Le Géant” package, a 5G package that starts at € 14.99/month per 100GB (on promotion for 1 year)

How does 5G work ?

5G is provided to use 3 frequency bands. The 700MHz strip which allows a large range, and a very good penetration in the buildings, but offers a flow of the order of the current 4G. The gang of 3.5GHz allows you to have larger flows, but its scope and its penetration into the buildings is lower. And finally the 26 GHz band allows you to have very high flows, but its scope and its penetration into the buildings are very limited

5G packages were launched commercially in France at the end of 2020. The four operators Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom and Free actively deploy their 5G network and now now offer 5G packages.

A 5G package obviously makes it possible to use the 4G, 3G and 2G network in addition to the 5G network. This is the phone that automatically chooses the best network from which connect according to the place.

For the moment operators have only 700MHz and 3.5 GHz bands. On the 700MHz it is the operator Free who is the most advanced, even if in practice the use of 5G on this frequency will give significantly the same performance as in 4G. For the 3.5 GHz in 2021 the operators are significantly at the same level, but they should be very active during this year 2021.

What is the history of 5G ?

Launched in 1992 the GSM (2G: second generation of mobile networks) allows voice calls, sending SMS. The GPRS mode introduced the transmission of data at very low speed (up to 171 kbit/s), then the Edge mode made it possible to reach a maximum flow of 384 kbit/s

In the early 2000s, third -generation mobile telephony (3G) was deployed in addition to calls and SMS The 3G network allowed the transmission of data to a maximum speed of 2 Mbit/s, 3G then evolved with 3G+ (maximum flow of 14.4 Mbit/s) then H+ (up to 21 Mbit/s). The higher 3G speeds favored the use of the Internet from its smartphone.

4G is the 4th generation mobile network. The first 4G mobile packages were launched in France in 2012, and provides a maximum theoretical speed of 150Mbit/s, developments like 4G+, then 4G ++ allow you to reach maximums of around 500Mbit/s. With the 4G network, new uses of his phone appeared as listening to music, online videos, etc.

Like previous technologies, 5G will improve existing services and promote the development of new services. This network provides higher speeds today, greater reliability and responsiveness, much greater capacity for connecting equipment. New uses will develop in various fields of activity: medicine, automobile, etc.

Orange, Free, Bouygues, Sosh… Here are the best 5G packages from the start of the school year in September

And if you went to 5G at the start of the school year ? We have selected the best offers of the moment so that you can make your choice better.

Despite the years, 5G still keeps this reputation for a dear network and far from being essential. However, its use is gradually starting to democratize and operators do everything to finally have their offers adopted, to the point of sacrificing prices. Besides, Sosh has finally decided to embark on this market by revealing its first package this week after almost three years of waiting. Proof of the maturity of the sector in 2023.

Good news therefore for consumers who can finally use their mobile in the best network conditions (at least concerning major cities). We have thus selected for you the best offers without commitment at the beginning of September with ever lower prices on this type of packages.

The best 5g packages of the moment

  • Orange 170 GB at 22.99 euros per month
  • SOSH 140 GB at 20.99 euros per month
  • B & you 130 GB at 15.99 euros per month
  • Free 250 GB at 19.99 euros per month
  • The 5G packages of Cdiscount mobile from 150 GB of mobile NRJ at 12.99 euros per month

Orange: 170 GB at 22.99 euros per month

Always considered the best network in France, especially in 5g, this 100 GB package cheaper than the first 5G offer of Sosh remains a safe bet.

The 5G package of 170 GB at Orange is offered without commitment, at 22.99 euros per month for a year. The monthly price will then increase to 34.99 euros per month. You have the possibility at any time to end the package before the price switch. Thanks to this comfortable envelope, you can navigate your favorite apps without restrictions with the best average rate possible, according to Arcep figures.

In addition to this beautiful amount of data, the Orange mobile package also includes unlimited calls, SMS and MMS from mainland France, as well as from Europe and the DOM. Besides, the data valid in these regions is also 170 GB, very practical for people with Bougeotte.

The 5G package of 170 GB of orange is offered without obligation at 22.99 euros per month for a year. The monthly price will then increase to 34.99 euros per month. If you do not need as much data, the operator also offers a 5G package without obligation of 100 GB at only 16.99 euros monthly for a year then 31.99 euros per month later.

SOSH: 140 GB at 20.99 euros per month

Sosh finally entered the 5G era after almost 3 years of waiting. We have the right to a 140 GB package, always without commitment. In addition, you will take advantage of orange infrastructure without paying the high price in order to guarantee the best possible speed, whatever your geographic position in France. In addition, 5G speed was probably not restrained in order to take advantage of the maximum of what 5G can offer in mainland France. Side data valid in Europe and Dom, we have the right to a dedicated envelope of 25 GB not deducted from the basic package.

On the communication side, you can call unlimited as well as send SMS and MMS. These conditions are valid in France, but also from Europe and the DOM, practical if you have planned a trip soon.

The new 140 GB SOSH 5G package is available at 20.99 euros per month . As usual, it is without commitment and the price will not increase after a year. You can subscribe to it even as a former customer.

B & You: 130 GB at 15.99 euros per month

This mobile package offered by Bouygues Telecom first makes it possible to take advantage of the advantages of the 5G network, that is to say faster and lower latency on its smartphone. Above all, this package clearly does not skimp on the amount of data: you will be entitled to 130 GB of data. Such an envelope will therefore allow you to navigate the internet as much as you wish, to play online games, to watch streaming content and also to do connection sharing with several of your devices, possibly, in situations where the Wi-Fi connection leaves something to be desired.

And, if you plan to travel abroad, know that you will also be entitled to an additional 30 GB envelope from Europe and the DOM, but in 4G and not in 5G. This will still allow you to continue using your package more than comfortable during your trips. Like most of the non -commitment of the moment, unlimited calls, SMS and MMS from mainland France, as well as from Europe and the French overseas departments.

Currently, the 5G 130 GB mobile package from Bouygues Télécom is available at 15.99 euros per month. A price that does not move, even after the first year.

Free Mobile: 250 GB at 19.99 euros per month

Still in the good strokes on the deals side, Free recently increased the data envelope of its 4G and 5G flagship package by going from 210 GB to 250 GB. Before talking about data, this package is first unlimited communication side. It offers calls to fixeds throughout France and unlimited calls, SMS and MMS to mobiles in metropolitan territory, Europe and the DOM (excluding Mayotte). However, it is not as provided as the 5G package which offers it international destinations included such as Canada, Australia, the USA, China or Israel.

Now on the Data side, Free this time offers the most inflated package in Go on the market with 250 GB. We think directly of extensive use, including video streaming or navigation on social networks and even content download. If you are a freebox pop subscriber, you can also enjoy your TV bouquet on your mobile via the OQEE application. Finally, if necessary, do not hesitate to use the connection sharing of your mobile to share it with those around them.

For Europe and the French overseas departments, Free Mobile has planned a 35 GB envelope so that you can take advantage of data abroad. This envelope is offered in addition and is not deducted from the basic package as in certain operators.

Other 5G packages: 150 GB at Cdiscount and NRJ for 12.99 euros per month

Here are 2 so -called “virtual” operators offering the same offer on their 5G packages: 150 GB for 12.99 euros per month at Cdiscount Mobile and at NRJ Mobile, without commitment and without conditions of duration. It must be said that these brands were bought by Bouygues Telecom, just over 2 years ago and naturally have the network of the historic operator. You are therefore guaranteed to obtain the same experience in terms of network performance as with a B & You package for example. The advantage is mainly in terms of price since it is the 5G packages offering the lowest prices for these types of Go envelopes.

With them, you also have unlimited calls, SMS and MMS from metropolitan France, as well as from Europe and the DOM to a French issue. Please note, however, you should not exceed 3 hours per call, within the limit of 129 recipients per month, including 99 from the EU and DOM.

Currently, the 5G mobile plan of 150 GB of Cdiscount Mobile and that at NRJ Mobile are All available at 12.99 euros per month. Prices that will not move, even after the first year.

Cheap 5G mobile package: the best offers in September 2023

All telephony operators offer 5G mobile plans. Orange, Bouygues Telecom, Free Mobile, Red by SFR / SFR, Cdiscount Mobile, NRJ Mobile and many others. Let’s discover together the best 5G mobile packages in 2023.

Best mobile packages October 5, 2022

All operators now have at least one 5G package and compatible smartphones have been democratized very quickly. The prices of these packages are also increasingly accessible. We now find it easily Under the 20 € mark. Result: more than 8 million French people have already gone to 5G according to a report published by ARCEP in April 2023. If you don’t know which offer to choose, here is Our Guide to the best 5G packages Depending on your budget and the data envelope you need.

Top 3 of the Best Cheap Mobile Packages

Cdiscount Mobile Package

The best 5G packages with more than 100 GB of data

Cdiscount Mobile Package

Bouygues Telecom package
100 GB 5G special series
With 12 months commitment

Bouygues Telecom package

For 12 months then 30.99 € /month

Bouygues Telecom package
With 24 -month commitment
For 12 months then 30.99 € /month

For 12 months then 31.99 € /month

Réglo Mobile Package

The best 5G packages with less than 100 GB of data

Mobile Post Package
SIM 60 GB 5G package

Offered by different operators ?

While 5G packages cost much more than 4G offers to launch the new network, it is now possible to subscribe to reasonable prices. From € 12.99, you have a 150 GB package At Cdiscount Mobile and NRJ Mobile which exploit the antennas of Bouygues Telecom. At Orange which has the most developed 5G network in France, new customers can access a 100 GB package at € 16.99 in the first year. Here is without further detail of the best 5g packages of the moment.

Free Mobile: 250 GB at 19.99 €

Free 5g

Find the 5G Free Mobile Package

The Free Mobile Package formerly 210 GB gives way to a Free 5G package with 250 GB of Internet in 5G and 35 GB of Internet abroad, all for only € 19.99. You can opt directly for 5G from subscription or take advantage of a significant reduction in the first year in 4G/4G+.

The package is indeed the subject of a special series at the moment for a year. New subscribers can subscribe to it at the rate of € 12.99 per month without commitment. The data envelope of this offer is 120 GB in 4G. It is therefore valid for any new subscription, and reserved for people who have not been subscribed to the Free Package in the last 30 days. After the first 12 months, the package returns to the normal price of € 19.99 for 250 GB.

If you are freebox subscribers, you benefit from a € 4 discount, thus passing the price of the package to € 15.99. Freebox Pop subscribers have a reduction of € 10, bringing the price to € 9.99. And in these two cases, The Internet package is unlimited.

Among the services included, we find unlimited calls to mobiles and fixed in metropolitan France, USA, Canada, China, Dom and to the fixes of 100 destinations. Unlimited SMS/MMS are also part. Regarding the Internet envelope, we are entitled to 250 GB in 5G/4G + in mainland France (reduced flow beyond) as well as 35 GB per month from more than 70 destinations, but also calls, SMS, MMS unlimited from Europe, DOM, USA, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, Australia and Israel.

This package offers several advantages such as: ultra fast flow which is up to 3 times faster than 4G. Sure connectivity thanks to intelligent technology for a stable connection even in the event of a crowd. More responsible: transports up to 10 times more data while consuming less energy. Extended coverage since already almost 40% of the population is covered by 5G in France. A 100% free offer: 5G included for no additional cost in this cheap free mobile package and finally, without commitment.

5G orange package from 100 GB to € 16.99

Orange 5g

Find all the 5g orange packages

Orange also offers 5G offers on its mobile packages while waiting for offers on its cheap Sosh packages. The most affordable is that of 100 GB at 16.99 €. Otherwise, there are also 170 GB or 200 GB at € 22.99 and 32.99 respectively but with commitment. We summarize:

  • 100 GB package at € 16.99 for a year then 31.99 € per month, without commitment
  • 170 GB package at € 22.99 for a year then 34.99 € per month, without commitment
  • 200 GB package at € 32.99 For a year then 44.99 € per month, with 24 -month commitment
  • 240 GB package in€ 64.99 per month, with 24 -month commitment

The 100 GB package includes unlimited calls, SMS and MMS in France and from the Europe, DOM, Switzerland/Andorra areas to these areas and France. On the internet mobile side, you have 100 GB (reduced debit beyond) usable in France and also in the Europe, Dom, Switzerland and Andorra areas. You can also benefit from the multi-Sim Internet option which allows you to have a 2nd SIM card on request for a tablet, an airbox or a second phone (activation fees are offered).

100 GB 5G SFR package at € 15.99


Find all the 5G SFR packages

The SFR operator offers a discount of € 15 per month for 12 months for any new subscription to its 100 GB 5G package. In the end, this package costs € 15.99 per month for 12 months then increases to € 30.99 beyond, but it is without commitment. Here is the summary of offers on 5G packages at SFR:

  • 5G 100 GB package at € 15.99 per month for a year then € 30.99 per month, without commitment (€ 10.99, then € 25.99 for SFR box customers)
  • 5G 200 GB package at € 34.99 Without duration limit (€ 14.99 for SFR box customers)
  • 5G 210 GB package + phone at a preferential price at € 31.99 For one year then 44.99 € per month, 24-month commitment (-8 € for boxes box SFR)

Regarding the services included, you have unlimited calls and SMS in mainland France with all packages. A 100 GB envelope to be used from Europe and the DOM is allocated for all 5G packages. Finally, if you are a Customer Box SFR, you benefit from an additional reduction of ten euros for each package.

5G B & You package from 130 GB to € 15.99

B & YOU 5G package

Find all the 5g B & You packages

Through its B & YOU brand, the operator Bouygues Telecom offers a B & you 5g mobile package from 130 GB to € 15.99 per month. This package includes 30 GB of Data usable in roaming in Europe and DOM, but also unlimited calls, SMS and MMS from and to Metropolitan/Dom France.

Note that the operator’s 4G packages all have an option to pass them in 5g. To do this, you must first choose the package in question then add the 5G option to 3 € in the basket.

In addition to having a price that does not increase even after the first year, these B & You packages are also without commitment and therefore leave you free to terminate at any time, SAS additional fresh if you want to turn to another offer. Finally, the SIM Triple Cutouts Compatible All Mobiles is billed 10 euros. It will be dispatched to you postal after your subscription was finalized.

Red by SFR package: 130 GB in 5G at € 15.99

Red by SFR

Find all the Red by SFR packages

At Red by SFR, 5G is accessible at € 15.99 per month for 130 GB of Internet . This offer is without commitment and it also gives you the right to unlimited calls, SMS/MMS and 26 GB of data usable in roaming in the EU/DOM. Finally, it should be noted that the package is blocked beyond the amount of data allocated. But you can recharge 50 GB for an additional € 10 (maximum recharge).

5G Cdiscount Mobile Package from 130 GB to € 12.99

Cdiscount Mobile Package

Find all the 5G Cdiscount Mobile packages

If you are used to shopping on the side of Cdiscount, know that the online brand also offers a cheap 5g package: 130 GB at € 12.99 per month, without. Regarding the services he includes, they are exactly the same as those offered by Bouygues Telecom and his 5G 130 GB package.

The amount of mobile data allocated abroad is 25 GB in 4G at Cdiscount Mobile. The SIM card is also billed 10 euros. For the rest, it is the same offer: unlimited calls, SMS and MMS from and to metropolitan/DOM France as well as an envelope of 130 GB in 5G to be used in mainland France.

5G NRJ Mobile Package from 150 GB to € 12.99

NRJ Mobile Package

Find the 5G NRJ mobile packages

NRJ Mobile offers a package similar to that of Cdiscount Mobile, but this time at € 12.99, and this, without duration of duration of duration of duration. We find the same amount of 150 GB mobile internet and even network coverage provided by Bouygues Telecom. The data envelope usable in 4G abroad is 21 GB (in Europe and in the French overseas departments)). The SIM card is billed 10 euros on order and the traditional calls, SMS and MMS unlimited from and to Metropolitan/DOM France are also in the. An offer without commitment, the price of which is valid for a year.

The Le Géant Package at Prixtel with the 5G option: from € 14.99 for 160 GB

Find the 5g Pricetel packages

For those who prefer customizable packages, we finally offer the Prixtel Le Géant package with the 5G option. The principle of the package is simple: you pay according to the mobile internet that you consume each month. If the Le Géant package is initially presented as a 4G package, Prixtel invites you to take advantage of 5G thanks to the 5G option on request, without commitment. Formerly billed € 5 per month, the 5G option is free at the moment.

The price of the offer therefore depends on your monthly data consumption:

  • If you consume less than 160 GB, you pay € 14.99/month (free 5G option).
  • If you consume between 161 GB and 190 GB, you pay € 17.99/month (free 5G option).
  • If you consume between 191 GB and 220 GB, you pay € 20.99/month (free 5G option).

With the giant at Prixtel, you benefit from the 5G network of SFR and a flexible and non-commitment offer with the services below:

  • 25 GB of data from the European Union and the DOM.
  • Unlimited calls and SMS/MMS in France and from the EU and the DOM.
  • Unlimited calls to the USA, Canada and Fixed in EU and DOM.

Finally, it should be noted for nature lovers that the Prixtel packages are neutral in CO2. The operator indeed compensates for his CO2 emissions by planting trees in France.

��Forfefait Mobile 5G or 4G, what is the best ?

Now that we have seen the best offers on 5G mobile plans, you may be wondering what is the point of preferring it to traditional 4G mobile packages. First, the 5G network offers speeds up to three times faster than the 4G network. Then, 5G is a so -called intelligent technology that promises a more stable connection, even in the event of a strong crowd on the network. Also, if you are concerned about the environment, it is more responsible since it requires up to 10 times less energy to operate.

5G is already widespread in France since it offers wide coverage in France with already 70% of the population covered. However, the conditions on the 5G offers offered by operators to subscribe to a mobile package are less advantageous than those found on a 4G mobile package. Indeed, very often, even if a discount is offered the first year on the said package, the latter is also subject to a commitment, in most cases of one year.

This does not leave you free to terminate when you see fit, unlike the majority of offers on 4G mobile plans. Then the monthly price is higher. Count minimum € 20 per month, against much more competitive prices for 4G mobile offers that we regularly find below 10 euros, or even less than 5 euros. In terms of performance, 5G prevails So logically on 4G. If we talk about value for money, 4G remains to this day, the best alternative – While waiting for 5G to stand out as the standard network deployed in France.

��Comment keep your mobile number ?

You want to apply for portability of your current number ? In case you change mobile operator, you must communicate to your new operator your Rio number. It is then the latter who will take care of the portability of your current number with your former operator.

��What are the best cheap 4g 4G mobile packages of the moment ?

If it is a 4G mobile package that interests you, consult our selections of the best 4G mobile packages, best mobile packages at less than 5 euros and best mobile packages at less than 10 euros, there is a choice for all needs and budgets.

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