The 5 4G boxes without commitment, unlimited 4G box: comparison of 4G boxes (September 2023)

Unlimited 4G box: 4G box comparison (September 2023)

Bouygues Telecom is the first operator to launch a 5G box. Customers can take advantage of the operator’s fixed 5G, an offer reserved for people who are not eligible for fiber in very dense areas or who are eligible for fiber but whose connection could not be made. The Bouygues Telecom 5G box is compatible with WiFi 6, the latest WiFi standard.

Comparison of 4G box without obligation

You are not yet eligible for optical fiber and your ADSL connection is slow ?
You can then opt for a 4G box in order to take advantage of a quality connection.

-26 years
4G Box Unlimited

TV on smartphone and tablet + 70 channels with application B.TV
Amazon premium offered 1 year, then 6 € 99/month
Reserved at least 26 years old

1st month satisfied or refunded

Commissioning: 19 €
Termination: 19 €

-26 years
5g box Unlimited

TV on smartphone and tablet + 70 channels with application B.TV
If 5G not available with 4G (��22 Mb/s �� 3.8 Mb/s)
Amazon premium offered 1 year, then 6 € 99/month
Reserved at least 26 years old

1st month satisfied or refunded

Commissioning: 19 €
Termination: 19 €

4G+ box

4G box+ 250 GB

1st month satisfied or refunded

Commissioning: 19 €
Termination: 29 €

4G+ box

4G box+ 200 GB

Calls to fixed and mobiles in France

1st month satisfied or refunded

Commissioning: 19 €
Termination: 19 €

4G Box

4G Box Unlimited

TV on smartphone and tablet + 70 channels with application B.TV

1st month satisfied or refunded

Commissioning: 19 €
Termination: 19 €

4G Home

Until October 4

4G Home 200 GB

Access to more than 70 channels

1st month satisfied or refunded
Flybox 4G box not included in the price

5g box

5g box Unlimited

TV on smartphone and tablet + 70 channels with application B.TV
If 5G not available with 4G (��22 Mb/s �� 3.8 Mb/s)

1st month satisfied or refunded

Commissioning: 19 €
Termination: 19 €

Updated September 20, 2023

What is a 4G box ?

To access the Internet permanently at your home, you must select from an access provider (ISP), an access offer. Our Internet box comparator allows you to be there among the various offers on the market. These offers are marketed with a “box” which, in addition to internet access, offers telephone access, and often access to TV.

The connection of the home box to its Internet service provider can use the Copper Network (Historic Fixed Telephone Network) It is ADSL (or VDSL2). The maximum theoretical flow rate on ADSL network is around 20 Mb/s (about 80 Mb/s in VDSL2), the problem is that in practice this flow is generally much lower because it decreases according to the distance from the central Telephone (NRA). Thus, above 5 km of removal from the telephone central (which is frequent in rural areas), the flow is around 1 Mb/s or less. Difficult to surf, and impossible to watch videos with such a low speed.

In recent years, this copper network has been replaced by optical fiber, much more efficient. But equipping all of France constitutes a titanic project, and this fiber optics is not yet available throughout the territory. Fiber allows you to reach flows of 1,000 Mb/s, or even 8,000 Mb/s. Something to watch a 4K video without problem.

In order to give high -performance internet access in areas not fiber optics, and located far from a telephone central, the ISP offer a supply of connections with a 4G box.

The 4G box is a box for having internet at home, using the 4G network. A 4G box thus makes it possible to obtain theoretical flows of around 300 Mb/s (in practice approximately 50 Mb/s at 100 Mb/s depending on the network load), enough to have a good quality connection to surf and even Watch videos online.

How to know if I am eligible for a 4G box offer ?

To avoid overloading the 4G cellular network, which is mainly dedicated to the Internet in mobility, ISPs do not open access to 4G boxes to everyone. To be able to subscribe to a 4G box offer the main criteria are linked to the geographic position of the home:

  • No fiber optic offer available
  • Bad internet speed on the ADSL
  • Good 4G coverage

If you meet these conditions, you are probably eligible for a 4G box offer, but you will have to check your eligibility on the ISP website, because it is it which precisely decides zone by zone criteria, and this may vary from a Fa to the other. So if you are in town, these offers are not for you, but if you live in rural areas with a bad ADSL connection and no fiber optics you will probably be eligible.

Which 4G box to choose ?

Our 4G box comparator allows you to find the best 4G box that meets your needs. Your main choice criterion should be the quality of coverage of the 4G network of your home.

If in mobile telephony you find that one of the operators (Orange, SFR, Bouygues Telecom, or Free) is better than the other, it is probably towards this that will be necessary to guide your choice of 4G box, even If its price is not the lowest.

For NRJ Mobile his offer will probably be based on the Bouygues Telecom network, from the acquisition of his parent company (EI Telecom) by Bouygues Telecom.

Most operators offer a trial period indicating a mention “1st month: satisfied or refunded”.

Good to know

4G boxes are eligible for state financial assistance as part of the plan ” France very high speed »». It is your ISP that will tell you if you can benefit from it, and what this financial aid covers (commissioning costs, purchase of the box from Orange, etc.).

���� Learn more about the government’s website →

Installing the 4G box at home

The installation of a 4G box is simple. Just place it in the home in a place allowing good reception of 4G radio waves, and allowing good dissemination of WiFi in user areas. So avoid putting it at the bottom of a closet.

Unlike ADSL or fiber optic internet boxes, the 4G box does not offer unlimited internet access. Like mobile packages, the 4G box includes a quota of monthly data. This 200 GB quota to 250 GB is sufficient for reasonable use of the Internet. Only Bouygues Telecom offers a 4G box with unlimited internet.

To see also estimate your Data consumption Internet with our simulator

Can I take my 4G box on vacation ?

No, unlike a Mobile Package FAI does not allow the use of the 4G box to another place than from your home. This is sometimes called the ” 4G Fixed »». So don’t plan to go on vacation with your 4G box, because it is associated with the 4G relay antenna which covers your home.

Can I use a 4G box for gaming ?

The use of a 4G box for gaming is quite possible and can offer a satisfactory experience, especially if you are in an area where ADSL connections are slow or unstable. Thanks to speeds of up to 50 to 100 Mb/s, the 4G box allows you to play online without too much latency.

But you have to take into account certain elements. First, the stability of your 4G connection is crucial: poor reception can cause interruptions or lags during your game sessions. In addition, online gaming can consume a lot of data. Most 4G box packages have a data limit, you could reach it quickly, especially if you also download games or updates. You should thus favor a 4G box offer with unlimited data. Finally, although 4G is adapted for most online games, professional gamers or those who play games requiring ultra-faible latency could still prefer a wired or fiber optic connection.

The 5G box at Bouygues Télécom

Bouygues Telecom is the first operator to launch a 5G box. Customers can take advantage of the operator’s fixed 5G, an offer reserved for people who are not eligible for fiber in very dense areas or who are eligible for fiber but whose connection could not be made. The Bouygues Telecom 5G box is compatible with WiFi 6, the latest WiFi standard.

Like the operator’s 4G box, the 5G box offers an unlimited amount of data. This is the only operator not to impose a limit on the number of gigas to use.

Alternatives to the 4G box

A 4G box is actually a 4G trade router, personalized by the access provider and in which he inserted a specific SIM card.The advantage of this solution is that it is delivered ready to work.

It is also possible to build up your 4G 4G box, by directly buying a 4G router for just less than € 100 (the main public brands are TP-Link, Huawei, Zyxel, Netgear) and by subscribing a mobile telephone package with an operator. Indeed these are starting to offer packages to more than 200 GB at attractive prices.

To see also see the mobile plans with Over 200 GB

This approach has several advantages:

  • Usable, even if you are not in an area eligible for 4G box offers
  • Mobile solution: you can take it with you, on vacation, on the move
  • Higher choice of 4G router, some of which have a connector to add an external reception antenna greatly improving the quality of the 4G signal, and therefore the flow obtained.

The downside is the need to know it technically to properly configure the 4G router, and not to be able to rely on the ISP in the event of a problem or a router breakdown. You also need a SIM card dedicated to the 4G box. You must therefore either subscribe to a dedicated subscription or use a multi-Sim offer.

To see also see the mobile plans with option Multi-Sim

We can also cite as an alternative solution the use of a smartphone in connection sharing mode. However, this solution is more designed as a troubleshooting solution than daily use. In addition, the reception quality of a 4G box, and the quality of emission of WiFi to redistribute access to the house are generally of much better quality in a 4G box than in a smartphone.

An original alternative at Free

Like all other ISPs, Free has a classic 4G box offer.

But Free also offers Freebox Delta (Delta and Delta S) which are high -end internet boxes. When on an adsl network these freebox delta allow in certain conditions to combine the speed of the ADSL with the speed of 4G. So when the use is low, all transmissions go through the ADSL, but in case of significant need 4G automatically assists the ADSL to increase the available flow.

This ADSL + 4G aggregation allows in case of necessary to obtain a maximum theoretical speed up to 200 Mbit/s. The 4G connection does not require a specific plan because a quota of 250GB/month is included in the subscription price.

Unlimited 4G box: 4G box comparison (September 2023)

Millions of French people suffer from flow problems today, due to an ADSL Internet too slow. To remedy operators, Bouygues Telecom the first, launched in 2017 4G boxes. Unlike traditional internet boxes, 4G boxes are small modems where a SIM card is present, which connect your home devices to the very high speed wireless network. They are reserved for those for whom the Internet by ADSL is low. Please note, a 4G box should not be confused with a 4G key which allows you to benefit from the internet in mobility. A 4G Box case is to be installed at home and works with the 4G antenna closest to your home.

5G BOX BOUYGUES -26 years old

Special offer -26 years old: 5g box and Amazon Prime offered for a year

Very high speed and your favorite series for only € 27.99/month.

  • Without engagement
  • Installation in 2 minutes

Comparison of unlimited 4G internet boxes

Which 4G box to choose ? Discover the different subscriptions available on the market thanks to our 4G box comparison.

4G+ SFR box 5G BOX BOUYGUES 4G free box
Data envelope
200 GB Unlimited 200 GB
4G / 4G+ 4G / 4G+ 4G / 4G+
No TV 70 channels included
On App B.TV
Without engagement Without engagement Without engagement
€ 34.99/month € 40.99/month € 29.99/month
Bonus Satisfied or refunded Satisfied or refunded Satisfied or refunded
Subscription, information See Offer See Offer See Offer

How to choose your 4G box ?

In addition to comparing the 4G Internet box packages by price on our comparison (Orange 4G box, Bouygues 4G box, SFR 4G box, 4G free box and NRJ 4G box), it is important to take into account other criteria for choosing the right its 4G box such as:

  • Mobile coverage and internet speed : All mobile networks are not equal … at your home. Since the 4G Internet boxes use these networks, it is important to compare the coverage and the flows that operators can provide to you. To do this, you can use websites like my arcep mobile network for coverage, and NPERF for flows.
  • The volume of monthly internet data : Each operator offers a more or less substantial data envelope in their 4G box packages. It is very generally 200 GB. On our 4G box comparison, Bouygues Telecom is however more interesting with an unlimited 4G package.
  • Additional services : In addition to the 4G box, operators complete their internet packages with advantages, such as a guarantee of satisfaction (or reimbursement in the opposite case), or even unlimited access to mobile TV at Bouygues Telecom and 4G Box.

Which 4G box offer without obligation to choose ?

On the market, operators Bouygues Telecom, Free, SFR and Orange market 4G box offers without a minimum commitment period. You also benefit with these operators from a 30 -day trial period to test the 4G box internet offer in your home. In summary, if you are not satisfied in the first month, you are reimbursed.

4G box and 5g box offers from € 22.99/month for children under 26

Bouygues 4G box -26 years old

If you have under 26 And that you are looking for a simple way to have wifi at home for cheap, Bouygues Télécom has the solution. Recently, the operator market two special offers 4G Box And 5g box With unlimited internet and Amazon Prime offered.

With 5G box (-26 years old), take advantage of a connection up to 1.1 Gb/s, of Wifi 6, 70 TV channels on smartphone and PC, as well as Amazon free prime for a year, for only € 27.99 per month. It is an offer without commitment and without conditions of duration. The installation of the box is done in less than two minutes, no fiber / ADSL connection is necessary. There is also no go limit: The Internet is unlimited. This is undoubtedly the best internet offer for young people.

Unlimited 5G box

For some addresses where 5G would not be available, and where the ADSL would be too slow, Bouygues Télécom offers 4G box (-26 years old). For € 22.99/month, You benefit from a maximum speed of 220 Mb/s, WiFi 5, TV on mobile and Amazon Prime offered for a year.

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