Telephone repair – Ifixit, repair your phone: everything you need to know!

Repair your phone: everything you need to know

Telecom operators’ stores also sometimes offer it, such as for example Coriolis Telecom From now on.

Telephone repair

Repair tutorials and information for dismantling phones from all manufacturers and service providers, including iPhone and Samsung Galaxy. Find everything you need to repair your phone yourself.

7 categories

Accessory for phones
IPhone repair
Android phone repair
Fixed phone repair
Phone with other bone
Linux phones
Windows Phone



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Phone Black Screen
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Support questions

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Black screen on Samsung Galaxy A52


  • Accessories (14)
  • Adhesive Pads (38)
  • Adhesives (352)
  • Antennas (89)
  • Batteries (215)
  • Boards (40)
  • BRACKETS (6)
  • Buttons (117)
  • Cables (215)
  • Cameras (174)
  • Component Case (356)
  • Charging Coils (3)
  • Daughterboards (4)
  • Display Components (3)
  • Headphone jacks (47)
  • Microphones (6)
  • Microsoldering (39)
  • Motherboards (101)
  • Ports (89)
  • Power Adapters (4)
  • Screen Protectors (13)
  • Screens (305)
  • Screws and Bolts (23)
  • Sensors (28)
  • SIM (66)
  • Speakers (144)
  • Vibrators (41)


Here are some tools commonly used to work on this device. You shouldn’t need all the tools for each procedure.


As technology is progressing, devices using these technologies become smaller and. Today’s mobile phones have more computing power than the first computers who occupied an entire part. Modern mobile devices allow users to keep the world – or at least all of their information, maps and games – in the hollow of their hands.

But as their performance has progressed, telephone repair has become more and more taboo. The manufacturers quickly decided to keep the hand on telephone repair, for the benefit of their own services. Their speeches wanted to be alarming on the risk of possible damage if a user tried a telephone repair himself. However, if the first models were simple to dismantle, at least to change the battery, the most recent smartphones are often equipped with many screws and other difficulties that block a lot of people in the remedy initiative.

Fortunately there are solutions and real telephone repair alternatives to no longer be dependent on manufacturers. Since the 2020s, more and more brands have been playing the game by offering telephone repair services and facilities. But this is not the case for all companies. This is why Ifixit brings together the largest telephone repair community, as well as tutorials made by enthusiasts around the world and the members of our team. Step -by -step tutorials on many models of the biggest brands in order to be able to seriously consider a telephone repair as a refurbishment route.


Identify your mobile phone is already a task alone. Several manufacturers produce many different products. We usually find the name of the manufacturer somewhere on the front of the device and the exact model number at the rear or under the battery (if it is removable). If your device is still lighting, you can also find the model number or IMEI in your settings. However, there is no reliable way to identify each device, and you may have to do some research. This is however a completely crucial preliminary step before any phone repair, because the parts are very little compatible between the devices, even within the same brand. And above all, telephone repair tutorials evolve according to difficulties (or facilities !) devices that come out over the years.

Additional Information

  • IPhone repair
  • Samsung Galaxy phones repair
  • Google Pixel phones repair
  • Motorola phones repair

Repair your phone: everything you need to know !

A problem with your smartphone ? You broke your mobile phone or it does not work properly ? To have your phone repaired, several solutions are available to you !

Repair your phone: everything you need to know!

Yann Daoulas – published on 03/18/2019 at 10:23 am

What are the steps to repair your phone ?

In the event of a breakdown with your mobile phone, it is first advised to contact your mobile operator, the shop where you bought it, or the manufacturer of the latter.

If the malfunction is covered by your warranty, you can have your mobile phone repaired free of charge. If, on the other hand, your mobile does not work properly or if it is damaged as a result of a shock or a fall, the warranty of your mobile does not work for this type of failure.

The repair costs of your phone will therefore be your responsibility, unless you have taken out additional insurance which can cover certain breakdown breakdowns.

Go to a repairer to have your mobile repaired

To have your phone repaired in the event of a breakdown failure (broken screen, damaged photo sensor, oxidation, etc.) you can call a repairer. To preserve your warranty, it is recommended to call on an authorized repairer to carry out these repairs.

Depending on the seniority of your phone or if you cannot find a authorized repairer near you, you can also choose to have your phone repaired by an unauthorized repairer. Intervention times and prices are generally more interesting. However, the guarantee of your mobile will no longer be able to operate if it has been repaired by an independent repairer.

The price of a repair of a mobile

  • Repairs prices differ depending on the model of your mobile phone. Repairing a more recent mobile screen will cost you more than an older phone, especially due to new technologies used.
  • For example, replacing a screen for an iPhone X is billed € 311 while replacing a screen on some models costs only € 50. It is therefore very important to request a quote before having your phone repaired !
  • The cost of a repair also varies according to repairers, it is also important to compare prices and intervention times before choosing your repairer.

To know before having your mobile phone repaired

In addition to requesting a quote and comparing the prices of the various repairers, it is important before having your mobile repaired to make a backup of your data and keep your accessories near you like your SIM card or your memory card.

Repairing your mobile yourself, it’s possible !

If you do not have the budget to have your smartphone repaired or if you love to disassemble and go up components, you can also repair your phone yourself.

On the web, many detailed tutorials or guides help you make repairs on your smartphone. You can also buy on many sites, repair kits at low prices depending on the model of your phone. This solution turns out to be the least expensive for your wallet, but nevertheless the most risky in the event of poor manipulation.

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How and where to repair your phone to save money

How to have your phone repaired at a lower cost and where: in stores, via the Internet or by yourself ? Economic and ecological advice and good deals.

How and where to repair your phone to save money

  • Repair instead of buying a new smartphone
  • Repair at 0 € with the warranty or insurance
  • Have your mobile repaired in stores
  • Smartphone repair websites
  • How to fix your mobile alone

Phones repair

Your screen telephone is cracked or broken ? There battery discharges constantly ? There is a bad contact with the power cable ?

Rather than throwing your phone, it’s time to to repair it. This will often come back to you cheaper, especially if you plan to resell it as part of the acquisition of a new mobile at a low price.

If your phone is still under warranty, You can even have free to be repaired. Then, experienced users will be able to make certain repairs by themselves. But if you do not want to take risks, you now have many repair stores, not to mention your telecom operator or specialized websites.

In any case, as soon as your mobile is given to a third party in repair, remember to remove your data (photos, videos, etc.), delete personal accounts and data. And don’t forget your memory card inside !

Repair instead of buying a new smartphone

If your phone is Outside service, the screen more tactile, the dead battery or a component is defective, rather than put it in a drawer or throw it, have it repaired. After making a diagnosis, preferably by professionals.

Phones repair

Sometimes, for a few tens of euros, your mobile can become completely functional again. This will prevent you from having to buy a new one and thus save several hundred euros.
However, it’s up to you to ask yourself the question about the financial interest of having it repaired or not. Especially if the screen or the rear shell is just damaged, without it really bothering for its use. Spend several tens of euros is it really worth it ?

Pay € 80 in a shop to change a screen on a phone already ‘old’, which at the argus price is only 100 or 150 € has no interest on the side of 100 or 150.

The most common repairs are:

  • Diagnostic : rarely free, often within 20 €
  • Change the screen : count between 70 and 321 € (iPhone X !))
  • Battery : Depending on the model, a few tens of euros
  • Disoxidation, charger connector : in general, between 40 and 70 €

Again, in order to avoid repairing your mobile, remember to invest a few euros in protection and take care of it. You can then resell it used at a more attractive price.

Recycling for unobesed phones

Recycle rather than throw away or keep them

In Effert, a 2016 parliamentary report estimated 100 million the number of mobile phones kept in our drawers and not used. Only 15% of mobile phones are collected. A 2017 study commissioned by Bouygues Telecom in Kantar TNS confirms that 72% of French Keep them too old, broken or used mobile phones. If sometimes it can be used to help out in the event of a breakdown or to give a child, often, it’s just for lack of civility.

If your mobile is definitely out of service or if the repair costs more than its resale value, you can then have it recycled. Many sites, shops or sometimes your operator often offer a recycling service. With the key a label Recycled certified mobile which guarantees quality collection and recycling. They can also sometimes be repaired and rehabilitated to be sold as a reconditioned phone.

Repair at 0 € with the warranty or insurance

Screen, l

Indeed, on a mobile bought new in a store or on a reliable e-commerce site, a manufacturer’s warranty, said of conformity, ensures its proper functioning. If a breakdown turns out to be for no reason, you can logically play this guarantee, to the seller. The manufacturer, or the phone seller must then support his repair, at no cost. This guarantee is generally 24 months, Except on the iPhone (12 months by Apple, but 24 months by the seller logically !)).

Please note, some parts (battery, etc.) may have a less important warranty. Likewise, accessories are not always taken into account. Read CVGs well and guarantee conditions.

In case of falling, involuntary diving in the bath or any other breakdown because of the user, This warranty does not work. It will possibly have to have taken out an additional guarantee to then take advantage of free, or cheaper repairs, on certain parts. Manufacturers like Apple (Applecare+) and Samsung offer their own guarantees, but also telecom and store operators from which you buy your mobile.

The monthly payments of this guarantee generally depend on the value of the covered phone and the guarantees that are affected (flight, screen break, oxidation, etc.).

Have your mobile repaired in stores

If you have finally decided to have your phone repaired, many shops and shops propose to do so. It is generally more practical, because you can for example leave your mobile for a screen repair before going shopping. An hour later, you will recover it in perfect working order.

Screen, l

Again, it generally starts with a diagnosis. If the store does not have the spare parts, it can offer you to come back the search a few days later. The advantage with this type of solution comes from confidence with a physical presence and therefore a better guarantee on repair.

Think about request a quote and an invoice, for proof of repairs made in the event of a subsequent problem. A guarantee, generally 12 months is applied to the repair if the service provider is serious. Also be careful, some guarantees may jump if you are not repaired by your phone in a brand store or approved by the manufacturer.

Telecom operators’ stores also sometimes offer it, such as for example Coriolis Telecom From now on.

Allo PSM

Mobile Service Point thus has 200 shops throughout France, especially to repair your smartphone broken in 40 minutes (in 82% of cases). If your smartphone is broken or oxidized, PSM supports your repair on site. In the event of immobilization of your device, PSM lends a mobile (subject to stock available) and if your smartphone is broken down and under warranty (less than one year), PSM can make a standard exchange of your smartphone.

Smartphone repair websites

There are also very many sites which offer you repairs, with a system for sending and recovery of the defective phone. Remember to check the seriousness of the site, in particular by consulting the opinions on the Internet. You will have to pay particular attention to all costs, especially if your phone returns by still not repaired. Difficult to prove it, not to mention the discs of losses or thefts during transport.

Preferably, go through one of the major sites in the sector, recognized for their seriousness and which offer a well -established diagnostic process, care, secure payment and guarantee on repair. We can cite in particular: Save, Irep, Sosav and his Captain Repair, Mobile Aid, Mister Minit … but also Fnac or Auchan Services.

How to fix your mobile alone

Finally, for the bravest and the DIY enthusiasts, know that you can Make most repairs by yourself. Many sites and stores offer repair kits (precision tools, magnifying glass), with all the parts rather well referenced by brand, model ..

The price is then much lower to restore your mobile, since you will not pay the workforce.

To help you, you can find videos (on youtube in particular) describing precisely the procedure to follow. In case of false manipulation, if the phone is definitely out of service, you can only take it to yourself !

Also, don’t forget that an apparent breakdown of a smartphone can come from a simple removable battery to change. Or due to software problems: applications to be uninstalling or operating system to be updated. Sometimes it will be enough to delete applications, clean the spy software from your smartphone or simply reset everything (factory formatting).

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