Telemedicine: advantages and disadvantages | LIVI, LIVI Connect – Notes, Notes, Price and Subscriptions – Capturera France 2023

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In addition, the French are now more than half (51%) to consider that teleconsultation has the same value as a classic consultation in a medical office Against 42% in January 2020, and 36% in January 2019.

Advantages and disadvantages of telemedicine according to the French

Telemedicine according to the French

For the third consecutive year, we asked for the opinion of the French about medical teleconsultation during a survey organized by Harris Interactive, in partnership with the French Digital Health Society.

What is telemedicine ?

Telemedicine allows patients to consult a doctor via an application, on video, a doctor in a few minutes. The video then allows the doctor to examine a throat, swelling, button or any other symptom for establishing a diagnosis. The patient will also be able to chat with his doctor, ask him for a medical advice and obtain, if necessary, a prescription.

Barely a few months after the second barometer, the third wave of this study highlights a significant progression concerning all indicators, in particular that in relation to the knowledge of teleconsultation.

To date, the barometer reveals that 83% of French people know what the medical teleconsultation, an increase of 15 points in less than a year. The health crisis has contributed enormously to this clear progression by accompanying better recognition and communication of the advantages of this practice. The practical aspect and the ease of access are among the most cited advantages.

In addition, the French are now more than half (51%) to consider that teleconsultation has the same value as a classic consultation in a medical office Against 42% in January 2020, and 36% in January 2019.

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The advantages of telemedicine

Medical teleconsultation takes place in the same way as a classic consultation in a office. This new practice gives rise to many advantages.

Improving quality of care

Telemedicine imposes the same requirements and the same rigor in terms of quality of care and advice and becomes a way of treating full full. People who require regular care for chronic diseases can consult their doctor with more ease. The less envisaged reasons before (health problem which seems serious, sick child or followed by chronic pathology, for example), if they are still logically minority, appear more and more open to teleconsultation.

53% of French people could use it for a sick child, or +10 points compared to January 2019.

A response to mobility difficulties

People who do not have the opportunity to get around can now obtain medical advice, especially people who live in rural regions. These are mostly affected by the lack of doctor and the difficulty of making an appointment quickly with a specialist. With online medical consultation, each Frenchman can have access to care.

Reduction of time spent in the waiting room

No need to wait in a doctor’s waiting room where viruses can circulate. Teleconsultation allows you to see a doctor in the comfort of your home. Teleconsultation is perceived as an effective means of reducing the risk of contamination in the waiting rooms of practitioners.

Get medical advice quickly

Many people call a doctor for medical advice, even if the health problem seems not very serious. Many people also wish to obtain a prescription for screening or simply to carry out a renewal. The French are more and more numerous to use medical teleconsultation for patterns like:

  • Renew a medical prescription 83% (+5 points compared to January 2020).
  • Request medical advice (79%).
  • When they are far from their home (77%, +3 points).
  • A health problem that seems not very serious (76%, +6 points).
  • When their attending physician is not available (75%, +4 points).

“The French are now in Confidence with teleconsultation. We must continue our approach and give them ever stronger and quality wages of quality. The fact that they are 79% to consider teleconsultation to request a medical advice indicates that it is essential to develop it for new reasons for taking
charge. This is what we have done with psychiatry for a few months, or with the health of women. We will continue in this direction in 2021 because it seems to us that it is now a new key step to take to meet the expectations of patients, “underlines Maxime Cauterman.

Less risk of contamination

The crisis highlighted the complementary response that teleconsultation brings, and its consistency with face -to -face consultations. In the particular context of health crisis, it is a effective means to reduce the risk of contamination in practitioners’ waiting rooms and therefore reduce the risks for patients and doctors.

And indeed, the use of teleconsultation exploded during the health crisis. 16% of French people questioned indicate that they used this solution for the first time for a reason linked to COVVI-19 and those who tried it for the first time are declared themselves satisfied with their experience for 87% of them and 75% indicate that they could now use it again.

The drawbacks of telemedicine

Not all French people are equipped for this practice

If the French now know what teleconsultation is, for some of them, it is difficult to have access to it. Indeed, the elderly not having a smartphone, a tablet or a computer must use a third person. However, online consultation can also be carried out in a health center, or a pharmacy equipped with the necessary equipment.

Does teleconsultation dehumanize medicine ?

At first glance, teleconsultation may appear as a dehumanizing solution: relationships with patients and caregivers are modified and medical practices are more limited. The relationship that a patient can have with his doctor is important. This is a relationship of confidence sometimes built over several years. It is not unusual to have a family doctor, who follows parents like children. These are all reasons why telemedicine can put off certain patients. However, it is possible to consult your doctor at Livi or to consult the same doctor several times.

What about data protection ?

Each doctor is bound by medical confidentiality: whether the consultation takes place in a office or on the Internet, the healthcare professional must imperatively ensure the confidentiality of your exchanges. In addition, the platform or the teleconsultation application at LIVI offers an optimal level of security. The encrypted connections, as well as the security certificates also ensure the confidentiality of the information and the exchanges which will take place during the medical appointment.

French opinions on telemedicine

The surveys of the previous barometers revealed medical teleconsultation as a Complementary and efficient solution Faced with the various problems of the French health system. This year, the Covid crisis has confirmed this hypothesis to the point that 70% of French people consider that teleconsultation makes it possible to evolve towards a more efficient health system (+7 points), in particular:

  • To fight against medical deserts (78%) (stable).
  • To unclog hospital emergency services (80%, +3 points).
  • To consult a doctor more easily (85%) (+2 points).

To conclude, the French are generally more likely to have tried teleconsultation, and more numerous to want to adopt it at the end of 2020. The crisis therefore had a positive impact on practice, which has proven its relevance during a key period while bringing out lasting confidence. It is in this sense that 74% of French people declare themselves favorable to its development in France, Or + 6 points compared to January and + 13 points in total compared to January 2019. However, it remains more supported by the youngest French, from wealthy, urban circles, and by parents.

Digital Medical Supply France, SARL with a capital of 15,000 euros, 52 rue de la Verrerie, 75004, Paris, RCS Paris 830 543 088, LIVI belongs to the Swedish company KRY INTERNATIONAL AB (556967-0820). Secure health data, subject to medical confidentiality.

Livi Connect

Livi Connect

Livi offers health professionals a solution to practice telemedicine. It includes online billing and electronic prescription.

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