Subscribe to friends – Spotify, how to get a premium Spotify account: 5 steps

How to get a Spotify Premium account

You can prevent other people from seeing your activity on Spotify.

Get to friends

Subscribe to your friends to see what they listen to in your friends activity.

Otherwise, ask your friends to share a link to their profile with you.

Select your device to find out how to search for friends and subscribe to it.

Mobile and tablet


You can’t find your friends ?

Your Spotify account must be associated with Facebook to search for your friends in the list FIND FRIENDS.

If your Spotify account is connected to Facebook, but you still can’t find your friends, check on Facebook if your friends list is shared with Spotify:

  1. In a web browser, access Facebook.Com/Settings.
  2. Access Applications and websites.
  3. Select Spotify.

Your list of friends is shared with Spotify ?

Your list of friends is not shared with Spotify ?

Discover your subscribers

You will find your Subscribers On your profile page.

Block someone

You can prevent other people from seeing your activity on Spotify.

When you block someone, this person:

  • Can no longer subscribe to you or your playlists;
  • Can no longer see your listening profile or activity.

Select your device to find out how to block or unlock a person:

Mobile and tablet


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How to get a Spotify Premium account

This article was written with the collaboration of our publishers and qualified researchers to guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the content.

The Wikihow content management team carefully examines the work of the editorial team in order to ensure that each item is in accordance with our high quality standards.

This article was consulted 129,619 times.

To subscribe to the Spotify Premium paid service, you must have a Spotify account and go to the Spotify website.

Image entitled Be Politically Correct Step 2

  • If you don’t have a Spotify account yet, you can create one on the registration page.

Image entitled Get Spotify Premium Step 17

  • If you have already used Spotify Premium in the past, you will not be able to benefit from a free trial again. Instead, click see packages .

Select a payment method. Choose how you want to pay in the drop -down menu. Depending on your region, payment options may change, but options Bank card And Paypal are available everywhere.

Image entitled Get Spotify Premium Step 21

  • If you choose Paypal, click Start my premium subscription . We will invite you to connect to your Paypal account and allow Spotify payments.
  • The subscription will be billed to you every month until you annul your subscription.
  • You can use Spotify Premium on any computer, smartphone or tablet to which your Spotify account is connected even if it is not the device on which you have subscribed to your Spotify Premium subscription.
  • If you try to hack spotify to get premium functions without paying, it is very likely that Spotify will suspend your account. By paying, you support the artists who produce your favorite songs.

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About this Wikihow

Wikihow editors

This article was written with the collaboration of our publishers and qualified researchers to guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the content.

The Wikihow content management team carefully examines the work of the editorial team in order to ensure that each item is in accordance with our high quality standards. This article was consulted 129,619 times.

How to subscribe to Spotify Premium ?

That’s it, you now know how to manage a Spotify account to perfection and want to go up a gear ? The different premium offers of Spotify (Android Windows) can be particularly attractive for users tired of the limits of the free version. Here is a mini-guide to discover the main assets of Spotify Premium and subscribe to the individual offer.

The advantages of the PREMIUM SUBSCRIPTION

L’Spotify premium offer is recommended for frequent users because its monthly price is not trivial. It allows you to put an end to limitations rather embarrassing the free version.

Thus, by being straightening to the Spotify Premium offer it becomes possible to listen to the songs you want in the order you want (listening in random mode is no longer compulsory), Synchronize music and podcasts To enjoy it in mode offline, to opt for a Higher audio quality and above all to say goodbye to Advertising cuts annoying. All without commitment.

The advantage of no longer having to inflict on advertising, alone makes the premium version very attractive. In order to give you a taste of its offer, the platform offers a 1 month free trial period. This is only available for users who have never had access to Spotify Premium.

How to subscribe to Spotify Premium

If your decision is made and you want to go to the premium version, just join the registration page from your Web browser.

With one click on the button “To start“You will have directly access to a summary page and can enter your information from payment (credit card or debit and paypal are accepted). These are essential to be able to access the test version.

A confirmation message later, and Spotify Premium will finally open your arms to you ! Be careful, if the trial period is not to your liking and you want end your Spotify accountor your subscription, Do not forget to do it before the anniversary of the first month.

Read also:

  • All our tutorials on Spotify
  • How to manage your Spotify account ?
  • How to use Spotify ?
  • How to connect Spotify to other devices ?
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