Spotify or Deezer: which offers the best service?, Comparison, what better service between Spotify and Deezer? | Sharit’s blog

Comparison, what better service between Spotify and Deezer

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Spotify or Deezer: which offers the best service ?

Spotify is the service par excellence when we talk about music streaming. With more than 155 million users, this is one of the essential references. Essential, but not unbeatable, because Deezer, although having a smaller user base is just as efficient. Offering similar features, the difference between the two services is minimal. For those who are therefore looking for an efficient streaming service to listen to music, we compared these two giants.

Which services should you choose and why ? Do not trust the popularity of Spotify and its large number of subscribers. Deezer also has a lot of interesting things to offer. Let us discover which of these two streaming services is worth the detour.

Spotify vs Deezer: interface and features

On the interface side, the two platforms are largely equal and the difference is above all aesthetic. Deezer’s interface is brighter, colorful and uniform. As for the classic Spotify interface, it is darker with a theme that is no longer present. It should be noted that the two interfaces are equal and that it is mainly a matter of taste. The interface will certainly not be what will make you opt for one service or the other. The features offered allow you to organize and listen to your favorite artists in a few clicks.

Deezer’s welcome gives you access to different sections. Your favorite artists, recommended or popular readings, music classified by gender and personalized selection. Spotify offers almost the same options, the difference being mainly in the way of using them. On both services, you can spend songs, like, add to the reading list, choose the reading mode. These are classic functions we expect in any good reader.

Spotify offers the “Behind the Lyrics” option thanks to its partnership with Genius. This option provides an explanation of certain parts of the songs according to what the artist said about this. Deezer’s service for its part allows you to read the lyrics of a song you listen to. The two services allow you to remove songs from their suggestions if you do not like them. You can either remove the song or the artist. The suggestion algorithm will no longer offer them to you.

For those who like to listen to offline music, it is possible to download titles to listen to them. This option is not available for free offers from the two services. In addition, the songs you like are added to a reading list, this on the two services. Deezer’s “Favorites” tab contains all saved, downloaded or uploaded songs. What’s more, all your personal playlists are recorded in this tab. For Spotify, it is rather the “my bookstore” tab that plays this role.

In terms of functionality and interface, the two services are equal. It is not yet at this level that the difference will be. Perhaps it is the functions of suggestions that will decide between them ?

The verdict

In terms of interface and functionalities, the two services are equal. 1 – 1 So for the moment for these two streaming platforms

Spotify vs Deezer: musical discovery

One of the main reasons to subscribe to a streaming service is to discover new content. Spotify and Deezer both offer interesting features at this level. Spotify offers Discover Weekly functionality. A very popular reading list that is updated every Monday. The service algorithm chooses songs that you may like according to your listening list. Deezer’s UI is more perforating than that of Spotify at this level.

The “release radar” contains the new songs of the artists you follow. To top it all, “Daily Mixs”, lists of readings generated from your preferences. It should be noted that Spotify continues to recommend songs and titles to you according to your listening history. It goes without saying that service is a real mine of user playlists. They are classified by gender, activity, year, culture and especially according to the opinions of other subscribers. It is therefore perfect service to not only listen to your favorite titles, but also discover many others.

Deezer is not outdone on the plan of musical discovery. With its option “Made for You”, the service offers several mix per day. The Deezer algorithm offers you readings according to your preferences and your history. You are also entitled to listening recommendations, whether it be playlists or stations.

These suggestions are based on mood, which is popular, and your tastes. Deezer’s main asset is the “Flow” feature. This is a continuous reading list that never stops. You can modify it during reading by adding or removing artists, titles. Of course, like Spotify, Deezer also offers daily, weekly recommendations for new titles, popular titles, etc.

The verdict

In absolute terms, the two services are very similar on this point. But it should be noted that if they are similar, and that the two streaming services to be excellent, Deezer’s IU is better. To discover new things to listen to, both Deezer and Spotify, offers an efficient algorithm. The possibility of editing the proposed reading lists is a significant plus. Therefore to Deezer in terms of discovery. Score: 2 – 1 in favor of Deezer.

Spotify vs Deezer: content

What may influence the choice of one service or another is the amount of content available. It must be said that as for all streaming services, the content available is vital. Nothing is more disappointing than not being able to listen to your favorite artists on your streaming platform. It must be said that at this level the two platforms are exceptional.

With each more than 60 million songs, they have something to satisfy even the most demanding. Apart from the titles of popular artists, it is also possible to find songs of more obscure artists. The two sites authorize artists without contract to publish their music and create their reading list. These are two streaming services where you can access all the music you want.

It should be noted that Deezer is available on the other hand in many more countries than Spotify. It is possible with the two services once you have subscribed to a subscription to download music. You can therefore listen to your favorite offline titles on one or the other of the services. You can also add your own music to listen to it in one of the multiple interfaces. Indeed, the services are available on most platforms. Android, iOS, windows, mac, chrome, the list is long and there is not really a difference at this level.

What really differentiates the two services in terms of the available content is the podcasts. Indeed, Spotify offers more podcasts than the majority of other streaming services. Although Deezer continues to add emissions to his catalog, his competitor has many more options for the moment. But the Deezer interface allows you to choose the emissions according to their duration. This is an interesting option that Spotify did not.

The verdict

It will be necessary to remember that the two services offer interesting and fairly rich content. If you are more like listening to podcasts, Spotify is the right option. If not, the two services will be able to meet your needs for musical titles. The point goes to Spotify for more extensive content. Score: 2 – 2.

Spotify vs Deezer: quality

This is one of the things that has always made it possible to separate the two services. But this is no longer the case since Spotify announced the launch of its Hifi level. Deezer already offers this audio quality in its Deezer Hifi offer. Regarding audio quality, the two services offer fairly similar options.

Spotify allows you to listen in its free offer the titles at 160 kB/s and 320 kb/s in its premium offer. For its part, Deezer offers 128 kb/s in free mode and 320 kb/s for the premium offer. It is possible for the two services to adjust the listening quality for the titles downloaded in the options. The two services make it possible to configure the options of the equalizer which is quite practical.

It is not the criterion of audio quality that will allow the two services to decide between. Indeed, it offers the same options and there is not really a difference between the available options.

The verdict

The two services offer roughly the same audio quality and the announcement of the Spotify HiFi level makes them similar in terms of quality. Score: 3 – 3

The next comparison criterion is one of the most important. This is the price and it will surely help you to lean for one or the other of the services.

Spotify vs Deezer: prices

It must first be emphasized that the two services offer a free option with advertisements. They also allow you to test their free offers for a certain time. This will surely allow you to test the services to see the one that suits you.

Spotify and Deezer have both a third student who costs $ 4.99 per month. You can listen to music without interruption because of advertisements. It is also possible to download the titles to listen to them offline. Deezer’s premium level costs $ 9.99 per month. Its competitor offers the same price for its premium offer. The next level of Spotify is the premium duo level. It allows you to benefit from two different premium accounts and costs $ 12.99 per month.

Deezer Family and Spotify Family are offered at $ 14.99 Both. The options are the same and it is possible to connect up to 6 devices simultaneously. It should be noted that the premium offers of the two services are free for 30 days at the start. Deezer also offers a higher level, Deezer Hifi which costs the same price as its family offer.

The real difference in offers is the presence of Deezer Hifi and Spotify Duo. One of the advantages of Deezer is that there is a reduction of two months if you decide to pay the year. So you can save your money with Deezer’s annual offer, which is not the case with Spotify.

The verdict

In terms of pricing, Deezer is essential thanks to his reduction offers for annual subscriptions. You have to admit, two whole months of savings, it’s quite tempting. The point is therefore going to Deezer on this plan. Score: 4 – 3 for Deezer.

Spotify vs Deezer: the other criteria

The two services allow you to link a Facebook account to find the profiles of your friends. You will be able to consult their reading lists and the artists that they often listen to. On Spotify you can even see live what your friends listen to. In addition, the “collaborative reading list” function allows you to create a playlist that you can share with other users. So you can publish the reading list together.

Deezer does not offer the option to follow the live activity of your friends or create collaborative lists. On this level, it must be admitted that Spotify is simply more popular than Deezer. So you will find more friends.

Deezer has a function similar to Shazam, Songcatcher. You can identify a song that goes on another device easily. Spotify offers the Crossface option which deletes breaks between the titles. The two services offer car and Android Auto reading options. However Spotify can be associated with Google Maps and Waze. So you can control your reader without leaving the card application.

The two services offer listening statistics which is interesting. You can see the artists you listened to during the year, the frequency and other details. These are small differences that can allow you to opt for one service or the other.

The verdict

In terms of other features, the two services are equal. They both offer interesting options to enrich the user experience. Score: 5 – 4 in favor of Deezer.

Spotify vs Deezer: the verdict

Deezer stands out as the best platform with a 5 – 4 scode at the end of our comparison. The services are quite close in terms of performance and content offered. Deezer already offers a Hifi option but if you are not very interested, it will not make the difference. If you are more the type to listen to a lot of podcasts, Spotify is indicated given its richer catalog. On the other hand, if you are looking to save money, Deezer offers a reduction of two months on its annual offer. And for those who wish to easily share music with their friends, Spotify is the first choice.

You will understand, Deezer and Spotify are fairly similar services. It is therefore difficult to make a decided choice. Everything will depend on your preferences and what you are looking for in a streaming service. It remains undeniable that these are two of the best audio streaming services of the moment.

Comparison, what better service between Spotify and Deezer ?

Comparison, what better service between Spotify and Deezer?

If you try to find out what is the best musical streaming platform, you are in the right place. Deezer and Spotify are two of the most popular on the market, but what are their differences ? We will compare their subscriptions, their audio quality, their music catalog, their recommendations and their features to help you decide which one is the best for you. So, ready to know which of these two musical streaming platforms is the most suitable for your needs ? Let’s go there !




Web, mobile (iOS and Android), computer (windows and mac)

Web, mobile (iOS and Android), computer (windows and mac), game consoles

Premium (€ 10.99/month), family (€ 17.99/month), student (€ 5.99/month)

Premium (€ 9.99/month), family (€ 15.99/month), student (€ 4.99/month), duo (€ 12.99/month)

Yes (with advertisements)

Yes (with advertisements)

Up to 320 kbps (Premium subscription) or up to 1,441 kbps (Hi-Fi subscription)

Up to 320 kbps (Premium subscription)

Yes (Premium subscription only)

Yes (Premium subscription only)

More than 90 million titles

More than 70 million titles

Yes (based on listening history and user preferences)

Yes (based on listening history and user preferences)

Flow (a personalized mix), podcasts, videos

Daily Mix (personalized playlists), podcasts, videos

It is important to note that these characteristics may vary depending on the region and the chosen subscription plan. It is recommended to check the details of each offer before subscribing a subscription.

Here are the appreciated strengths of the editorial staff concerning Deezer and Spotify


  • Flow: This unique functionality in Deezer allows you to create a personalized mix according to listening history and user preferences.
  • Audio quality: Deezer offers audio quality up to 1,441 kbps with its Hi-Fi subscription.
  • Student subscription: Deezer offers a subscription specially designed for students with a reduced rate of € 5.99/month.


  • Catalog: with more than 70 million titles, Spotify offers one of the most complete catalogs on the market.
  • Daily Mix: This feature allows you to create personalized playlists according to listening history and user preferences.
  • Compatible with many platforms: in addition to its web and mobile versions, Spotify is also available on many game consoles.

In summary, Spotify and Deezer are two very popular musical streaming platforms which both offer a large catalog of music and recommendation features based on listening history and user preferences. However, there are some notable differences between the two platforms.

Deezer offers the unique function of Flow, which allows you to create a personalized mix, as well as audio quality up to 1,441 kbps with the Hi-Fi subscription. In addition, he offers a student subscription with a reduced rate. Spotify, on the other hand, has one of the most complete catalogs on the market with more than 70 million titles, and offers the Daily Mix function to create personalized playlists. It is also available on many platforms, including game consoles.

In the end, the choice between Spotify and Deezer will depend on your personal preferences and your musical streaming needs. It is recommended to test the two platforms before taking out a subscription to determine the one that best suits your needs.

Thanks to the subscription sharing, benefits from Spotify from € 2.70 per month and Deezer from € 3.00 per month.

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