Sponsorship N26 Promotion Code 15 € of credit offered, sponsorship N26: Amount, operation and sponsorship code

Sponsorship N26: Amount, operation and sponsorship code

But you can also make transfers in 19 different currencies thanks to TransferWise.

Sponsorship promo code Bank N26

Latest announcements published by the sponsors for Bank N26

1270 Sponsor (s)

Published on 25-09-2023

35 € offered = the best offer on 1 sponsorship.com I am currently the most generous sponsor since I offer € 35 of my premium in addition to the possible premium that you receive (I believe that at the moment N26 does not give . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

*** Antoninb4268 = 15 € at the opening of an account *** Hello, to benefit from € 15 at the opening of an account, use the following link: https: // n26.com/R/Antoninb4268, or the code: Antoninb4268 The bank has no F . Read more

1270 Sponsor (s)

Published on 25-09-2023

30 € offered directly after opening your account using the following link: https: // n26.com/R/Emiliec7058 Your premium will be paid after your first card, physical or virtual transaction if you have already initiated . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

Good morning ! Open your N26 account in 8 minutes and start managing your money in real time. Right now up to € 20 offered for bank account opening. Guaranteed without hidden and paperwork. Here is my sponsorship code: Cedricr . Read more

1270 Sponsor (s)

Published on 25-09-2023

* * * // Unbeatable offer on N26 ! 150.00 € // * * [Update of Monday September 25, 2023: I still have 7 places available. ] Hello, with my sponsorship link below: HTTP . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

[Code → Jeromed1974] to finalize your account opening request and benefit from a reward. Or follow this [link → https: // n26.com/r/jeromed1974] to start your account opening request in this super bank . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

15 + 10 € just for you . Sponsor code: Bartheld3922 or follow the following link: https: // n26.com/R/Bartheld3922 n26, it’s at all free! No bank charges, no monthly contribution, no account holding fees, no commission on your purchases abroad ! Travel in all T . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

10 € of reversion from me hello ! Open your N26 account in 8 minutes and start managing your money in real time. Guaranteed without hidden and paperwork. Here is my sponsorship code: Damienm2970. Link: https: // n26.Com/R/Dami . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

Discover the best online bank 100% free ! Open your N26 account in 5 minutes and discovers the mobile bank, guaranteed without hidden and without paperwork. To be sponsored, use my sponsorship code: Brettdad4767 Sponsorship conditions . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

Hello, Sponsorship code: Raoulgea2563 To benefit from the sponsorship, please enter the following sponsor code when registering: Raoulgea2563 or use the following sponsorship link: https: // n26.com/r/raoulgea2563 well cordially, Raoul . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

* * * € 11 of my donated premium * * Serious and ultra reactive godfather (see the opinions of my godchildren on my profile) not yet convinced (e)? You want to see proof of repayment of my sponsorship premiums? No problem, do not hesitate . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

♥ 15 € offered as soon as an N26 account is opened, from the first purchase of minimum € 15 made. Bank N26 allows you to open an account in 8 minutes, without paperwork or hidden costs. I use it for my business , . Read more

Published on 25-09-2023

30 € offered as soon as your account is opened by going through this link: https: // n26.com/r/quentina7352 or by entering my code ‘quentina7352’ during registration. Once your account is opened, make a simple payment (by virtual or physical card) e . Read more

Terms of the promo offer

N26 is an online bank that allows you to consult your account and follow all your operations in real time, from your phone or computer.

On the Bank N26 you only need 8 minutes to open an account for free, no need for a ton of paper or minimum deposit.

What is proposed by the N26 application compared to a traditional bank ?

From the simple current account, in black and metal accounts via the N26 Business or Business Black, the choice offered by your online bank is very wide.
The current account is ideal for your daily life but also for your travels. Your MasterCard card allows you to settle abroad without commission.

By opening a current “N26 the mobile bank” current account you can control your account at any time from the application and follow all transactions (card payment, withdrawal, transfer. ) in real time thanks to notifications.
From the application or even from your computer, you can block your card if you lose it, download your RIB directly from the web app, make transfers in real time thanks to Moneybeam to any account, you just need the phone number.

But you can also make transfers in 19 different currencies thanks to TransferWise.

The N26 Black Premium account is ideal for travelers. It allows you during your trips abroad to pay by card and to withdraw money without exchange costs.
In addition, you have insurance that covers you for your medical expenses, in the event of a delayed flight, loss of your luggage, theft of your phone and in the event of assault.
The N26 Metal card with a unique design offers you contactless payments.
With N26, travel in peace thanks to the many insurance included.
This metal appearance card allows you to enjoy many advantages, such as free days at WeWork, offers for your online purchases at Home24 or Outfittery, but also ZipJet.

These exclusive partnerships accompany you in your daily life.
Finally the new N26 Business Black card is reserved for self-entrepreneurs who travel.
Your professional trips are covered by a set of insurance.
No exchange fees is applied even to withdrawals from foreign currencies.
And to better manage your professional expenses, you can create up to 10 sub-accounts.

At Banque N26, your customer service is available on Twitter, Facebook and LiveChat from Monday to Saturday.

Don’t delay ! Open an online account now to make your life easier.

How does the offer sponsorship ?

The sponsors disseminate their advertisement on 1arial to take advantage of the N26 sponsorship bonuses. They highlight the reviews on N26, the qualities of the service such as the benefits of the bank card.
By default, the PROMO N26 PROMOTE CODE offer offers only a profit at the sponsor with 15 € offered. There is no reduction code offered to the godson normally, only a sponsorship bonus for the godfather, customer N26.
Thanks to 1 sponsorship, some sponsors offer to pay you some of their cashback premium if you go through them.
To avoid any unpleasant surprises it is recommended to choose your godfather based on the opinions for your N26 account opening. These opinions are the subject of a moderation on the part of the 1 -party site and are therefore a mark of confidence to be taken into account, in particular if the godfather proposes to donate part of his premium.

To activate the sponsorship offer, the godchild must use the code or sponsorship link indicated by the sponsor when registering. It will then be possible to download the N26 mobile application to take advantage of the service.

Proposal for discovery 1::
If you are interested in innovative and effective investment formulas, 1arious recommends you to benefit from a Lendermarket promo code giving you the right to 1% cashback on the investment made or a Binance sponsorship To take advantage of costs offered during your Cryptos exchanges.

If you appreciate this sponsorship promo for N26, we suggest you also consult the Revolut sponsorship

And if you are in a precarious situation, possibly unarmed, be aware that you can get a payment card with a Nickel sponsorship advantage 5 € offered when subscribing. Nickel is a payment account without discovery right proposed with a bank card and a RIB, which allows you to set up withdrawals to pay your rent or your various invoices, receive transfers and make your purchases at Plus 500,000 merchants around the world

Average notes for Bank N26: 9.6/10 via 476 notice

Sponsorship N26: Amount, operation and sponsorship code

The N26 sponsorship is a great opportunity to win an attractive premium for any opening of a bank account. In full, the N26 sponsorship premium can reach up to € 1,500 ! N26 sponsorship code, eligibility conditions, amount of the premium. Follow our guide to understand everything about procedures.

  • Up to € 1,500 for the godfather
  • 0 € for the godson

Accessible in the customer area or the N26 mobile application

  • N26 Standard
  • N26 Smart
  • N26 you
  • N26 Metal
  • To be of age
  • Reside in one of the countries where N26 is present
  • For the godfather: have a N26 account
  • For the godson: to be a new customer N26

�� How does sponsorship work N26 ?

With N26, the sponsorship of a loved one or anyone interested in a bank account opening at the mobile bank is a lucrative operation !

The principle is simple: a “current customer” N26 sponsor receives a bonus whenever a “new customer” godson opens an N26: N26 Standard, N26 Smart, N26 You or N26 Metal account.

What is the amount of sponsorship n26 ?

Between € 15 and € 1,500 for the godfather

Currently, the amount of sponsorship N26 granted to the sponsor may be € 15 per godson, and can reach 50 € or even 70 €.

A customer, says the “godfather”, discovers the amount of the N26 sponsorship premium on its online customer area or mobile application.

L’advantage of the sponsorship premium N26 Do not stop there, since in accumulation it can represent for the godfather up to € 1,500 maximum for all validated sponsorships !

0 € for the godson of N26 sponsorship

THE Amount of the sponsorship premium N26 is 0 € for the godson. Nevertheless by becoming customer N26, the godson can participate in turn in the loyalty program of the mobile bank.

The godson transmits his N26 sponsorship code and win a surprise bonus to discover on your N26 space.

How to participate in sponsorship N26 ?

The N26 sponsorship program is very simple to set up for the godfather and the godson:

  • The sponsor transmits a sponsorship code or sends a sponsorship link to a new customer “the godson”;
  • When opening the bank account of its choice, the godchild indicates the N26 sponsorship code received, or it can directly subscribe to the N26 account via the sponsorship link N26;
  • The godson activates its N26 card by making a purchase of an amount greater than or equal to the amount of the sponsorship premium N26. The N26 card used can be the physical mastercard bank card or the N26 virtual card;
  • And voila ! Sponsor and godson validate their participation in the N26 sponsorship program.

When N26 takes the payment of the sponsorship premium ?

The mobile bank announces proceeding to Payment of the sponsorship bonus N26 in a 60 days.

In addition to the procedures for participating in sponsorship N26, the godfather and the godson must respect eligibility conditions (see following).

Validity duration of the code There is no expiration date for the N26 sponsorship code or the sponsorship link N26. On the other hand, any invitation or code sent must be validated within 1 year. After this period, it will be necessary to renew your request for code sponsorship N26.

�� What are the conditions of sponsorship n26 ?

To have the chance to Participate in the N26 sponsorship offer, It is essential to fulfill certain eligibility conditions.

  • To be of age
  • Hold an account and a N26 card
  • To be of age
  • Reside in one of the countries where neobank N26 is present: 24 countries including France, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Italy, Spain, etc.
  • Be new customer N26
  • Transmit the N26 sponsorship code of its sponsor to the opening of an account
  • Activate your N26 card during a transaction of a minimum amount of 15 euros

�� Where to find a n26 sponsorship code ?

You too want to benefit a loved one or a person around you from the program sponsorship n26 ?

Follow the following steps to Obtain a N26 sponsorship code quickly :

  • Connect to your customer area or its N26 mobile application;
  • Click on the “Discover” tab then on the “gift” icon;
  • Select the N26 sponsorship code assigned by the mobile bank;
  • Click on “Inviting friends”;
  • Send a sponsorship link to a new customer “the godson” or transmit the sponsorship code directly to the godson.

�� FAQ: your questions about sponsorship n26

�� How many people can I sponsor per year ?

There is no annual limit to participate in the N26 sponsorship program. The final amount of N26 sponsorship bonuses must not exceed € 1,500 maximum. Beyond, a customer can no longer send a N26 sponsorship code.

�� What are the advantages of sponsorship n26 ?

For the godfather, the N26 sponsorship is a beautiful boon since it can bring big: up to € 1,500 maximum on all successful sponsorships.

For the godson: as soon as its N26 card is activated, the new customer can sponsor a loved one or a person interested in an account at the neobanque. It is enough for him toSend a sponsorship code N26 And to make its earnings grow with the most sponsorship (limit of € 1,500).

❌ What is the welcome offer at N26 ?

None. On the other hand, he can now earn up to € 1,500 by participating in the turn in the N26 sponsorship program.

�� The offers of the moment ��


up to 120 € offered

Balance Bank

€ 100 offered with the BRS100 code

Fortuneo logo

€ 230 offered with the FTN0923 code

An advisor to your service

From Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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