Sosh Panne – All errors, incidents & problems, orange breakdowns and network problems reported today

Orange breakdowns and network problems today

You have subscribed to an orange mobile plan, yet you have a lot of trouble capturing the internet, making calls or sending SMS because the mobile network is often bad. To change mobile operator, nothing could be simpler. To find out which best operator at home, take a mobile network test then subscribe to an offer from the operator to the most efficient network (calls, SMS, 4G and 5G) near you.

Sosh breakdown?

Currently encounter problems or errors?

  • What are your problems?
  • ➔ Internet
  • ➔ Telephone
  • ➔ SMS
  • ➔ Network
  • ➔ something else

All Sosh reports of the last 24 hours

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Comments on Sosh

Inform others of your problems with SOSH: Write a comment

Sanchez 6 days ago
No internet network since 08/16 in Clermont Ferrand 63000. What do you do sosh !?

Delannoy 1 week ago
51450 Betheny network cut since July 31. Sosh is unable to give reason. Sosh sends an SMS every 10 days saying that they meet a more complex breakdown and that the standard has been postponed to … and since that date I have no more internet and my package continues to be taken

Fab 4 weeks ago
With 4G no phone call receipt with 2G it works

Stefg 2 months ago
77360 full of missing channels including 1 2 3 etc

Chpapou 2 months ago
59240 Dunkirk I confirm lots of channels are missing including TF1, France 2, France 5.

Chpapou 2 months ago
59240 Dunkirk

Mimi 2 months ago
Good evening I do not receive all the channels on the Sosh box (31400 Toulouse) This is the case for other people ? THANKS

Jlb 2 months ago
MAZERES 09270 Not the possibility of issuing or receiving a call since that noon 02/07/2023

CAP 2 months ago
03360 SAINT BONNET TRONCAIS More channels available via the SOSH TV box tonight – It worked until 4 p.m

The Piouff 3 months ago
44000 more outgoing calls since 5 p.m

Dom29 3 months ago
Impossible to make an outgoing call from the mobile since 5 p.m. 29190 Pleyben Finistère

Emmanuelle 3 months ago
More phone since 5 p.m. in Anse – 69480

Ot 3 months ago
In Rennes, it is impossible to make and receive calls that day since 4:30 p.m

Lemoine Daniel 7 months ago
Subscription Since 02/22 CPT Internet 756356734 Line 0490550972 Ref.Mail Rach01536 ? Since that day I can no longer consult my TV channels than No. 16 and I no longer have the ocs channels thank you for looking at as soon as possible

Cabioch 10 months ago
HS fiber in Léognan. CP: 33850

Biscay 10 months ago
64130 Mauleon soule Impossible to reach 0637448189 very very urgent please thank you

Chris 1 year ago
Breaking the internet fiber since this morning 30110 La Grand Combe thank you

David 1 year ago
More telephone network, more 4G boxes, the total on 34380 Saint-Martin-de-Londres

Roger 1 year ago
Labastide Saint Pierre 82370 Enormation of problems in General Aves Orange. But since August 29, 2022, lamentable impossible to receive messages and impossible to call or receive calls. Fortunately, I have a double card (free) to compensate for all these disadvantages . It confirms that Orange is shit

Hardy Dominique 1 year ago
92100 boulogne it’s been 5 months since I have internet. No technician moves I am told that it depends on the passage of another speaker.

About Sosh

Sosh is a brand launched in 2011 by operator Orange, it represents the low cost of mobile telephony. Its low prices offers is mainly intended for the young computerized generation, also called “digital native”. His image with the public is community and young. SOSH offers its offers only without commitment and accessible only from the Internet. Assistance to SOSH customers is done via a community support forum or by a chat where customers can communicate directly with SOSH advisers. The offers do not count the mobile phone which is only offered at full price with cash payment option or by monthly payments. Nor is there a loyalty program through mobile phones. It is from 2013 that Sosh offers internet access offers with Livebox.

Regional availability

The number of subscribers in Sosh drops from 28,000 at the end of 2011 to 3,550,000 at the end of 2017. The evolution is fast and considerable, as much as the offers are attractive. Regarding its coverage on French territory, Sosh not being an operator but a commercial mark belonging to Orange, there is therefore no difference in network between Sosh and Orange. Thus, 99% of the population can benefit from the network via SOSH offers and take advantage of the same customer service as that of Orange subscribers.

Network problems/breakdowns

If you notice a problem or network failure via your SOSH offer, you can consult this site which will indicate the any incidents noted in the sector that you will have first indicated. The problems and breakdowns observed in Sosh are not different or more numerous than in other operators. In addition, given that it is an orange brand, you will be entitled to rapid and efficient customer service, orange technicians being required to intervene as soon as possible with their customers.

Troubleshooting, assistance

SOSH offers several possibilities to contact customer service or to resolve any problems and failures encountered on the network. You may need customer service for different reasons: lost password, box breakdown, termination of a package, etc. SOSH customer service can be contacted by post, by phone, by live chat and even by a mobile application. You can also find help via a support forum accessible from the Sosh site. The difference with Orange customers is that there is no SOSH store, and that all contacts with customer service are done remotely or directly by internet. The forum community is very reactive and provides solid mutual aid, quick and effective responses, even when customer service is closed. For the most common breakdowns, you can directly reach customer service by phone at 3976, Free from an orange/sosh line.

Orange breakdowns and network problems today

In the last 24 hours, Orange recorded 19 mobile breakdowns and 57 internet breakdowns on its fixed network throughout the territory.

Report an orange breakdown

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Mobile and fixed orange breakdowns

19 breakdowns

on the mobile network

57 breakdowns

on the fixed network

Number of orange breakdowns over the last 15 days

Follow the number of mobile and fixed orange breakdowns over the last 15 days.

Distribution of orange breakdowns over the last 15 days

Find the distribution of orange breakdowns reported today in France by type (mobile or fixed).

Over the last 15 days, 3083 Orange, Fixed and Mobile breakdowns combined, have been reported on the operator’s network: 24% of them concern mobile (a total of 726 Orange mobile breakdowns) and 76% concern the Fixed orange network (or 2357 fixed breakdowns). As a reminder, the fixed breakdowns include fiber and orange adsl breakdowns. As for the mobile breakdowns, these are the breakdowns linked to 4G/5G, calls and SMS.

Orange mobile network problems

Number of orange mobile breakdowns over the last 15 days

Follow the number of orange mobile breakdowns over the last 15 days.

Check the 4G and 5G orange mobile cover near you

You have the impression that your connection speed is highly limited ? A breakdown is not necessarily the cause of this. Orange 4G/5G coverage may simply be insufficient around your home. To make sure, go to our 4G and 5G orange coverage card and get maximum information relating to the operator’s coverage.

Map of France Widget

What is the mobile orange coverage in your city ?

Change mobile package to avoid 4G/5G network problems

You are having difficulty consulting your SMS, receiving your calls or navigating the Internet from your smartphone ? It is likely that these connection problems come from the poor mobile coverage of your current operator. In this case, we recommend that you consult the mobile offers from other operators and choose the one that will be best suited to your needs. Your speed problems could then be resolved by choosing an internet supplier with better mobile coverage at your address.

Lyca Mobile 5G 80 GB
The 120 GB mobile post
Free Mobile 120 GB series

Is the orange mobile network broken down ?

You have subscribed to Orange and you encounter connection problems, to go on the internet, make calls or send SMS, from your mobile phone today ? Discover here when entering your postal address if the Orange operator has reported or not a mobile network failure near you. You can locate on the interactive map the Orange mobile relay antennas concerned and see the details of the breakdown.

What to do in the event of an orange mobile network failure ?

You have seen that a mobile breakdown has been reported by Orange today. You must wait for the operator to solve this problem to take advantage of all the connectivity qualities of your mobile phone. When the Orange mobile network is recovered near you ? To find out, we recommend that you turn to Orange by contacting its customer service, which will provide you with all the land information you need in real time.

No orange breakdown is reported, why I don’t have a mobile network ?

Other factors may explain a problem of connection to the orange mobile network, whether for internet, calls or SMS. It may be poor network coverage at the address you are, a configuration problem of your phone or a defective SIM card. To solve this connection problem, we invite you to read our guide dedicated to mobile network failures.

I have a bad mobile network with Orange, how to change operator ?

You have subscribed to an orange mobile plan, yet you have a lot of trouble capturing the internet, making calls or sending SMS because the mobile network is often bad. To change mobile operator, nothing could be simpler. To find out which best operator at home, take a mobile network test then subscribe to an offer from the operator to the most efficient network (calls, SMS, 4G and 5G) near you.

The orange mobile network is broken, can I receive compensation ?

According to the article of the Consumer Code L 121-20-3, “operators have an obligation of result and must then have to compensate their subscribers for the damage that the failure caused them.”Depending on your situation, you therefore undoubtedly have the right to receive compensation due to extended orange network failures. To find out more, we advise you to reach Orange customer service.

Give a mobile orange debit test and boost your flow in the event of a breakdown

The orange network seems less efficient these days ? These slowdown in connection speed may be explained by the presence of a Orange network failure. By passing an orange mobile flow test, you can check if an incident takes place. You will also find tips for improving your internet debit.

123.40 Mb/s Download
20.30 Mb/s upload
Orange mobile flow in France in 2022
And you, what is your flow ? Do the Orange mobile flow test. Debit

Orange ADSL and fiber incidents

Number of fiber and orange adsl breakdowns over the last 15 days

Follow the evolution of the number of fiber and orange adsl breakdowns recorded in the past 15 days.

Distribution of fiber breakdowns and orange adsl over the last 15 days

Orange fixed breakdowns can concern fiber breakdowns or adsl breakdowns. Find below the distribution of fixed full breakdown types at Orange.

What is the orange fiber cover near your accommodation ?

You want to know if the orange coverage is really good at your address or if you better change your orange fiber box to avoid repeated internet breakdowns ? Our orange fiber coverage barometer will allow you to know the details of your fiber eligibility at Orange.

Map of France Widget

What is the orange fiber cover in your city ?

Identify orange fiber box offers available from your accommodation

Thanks to the fiber eligibility test, you will be able to know if your home is eligible for the operator’s optical fiber, simply by entering your postal address. You will also be able to discover all the fiber box offers available at your home.

Fiber -eligible housing rate
Are you eligible for fiber ?

Is an orange network breakdown today ?

You are currently experiencing internet problems on the fixed orange network ? An orange incident may be underway near you. At first, disconnect and reconnect your internet box to be sure that it is not just a bad connection. If your internet box still does not work, your network problem may be due to an orange breakdown. To find out, enter your postal address in our breakdown tool and find out if an orange fixed antenna has been reported near you recently. If this is the case, you have no other solution than to wait until the operator himself solves this orange problem.

My livebox no longer captures orange fiber, what to do ?

If you no longer capture the orange fiber network at home, you may meet an orange fiber failure. Our breakdown tool will confirm to you whether or not it is an orange network failure. If this is the case, you have no other solution than to wait until the operator resolves the situation. An orange incident can quickly be resolved. You are not sure that this is an orange network problem ? Do not hesitate to disconnect and reconnect your orange box to make sure that this is not a connection problem. It is often also advisable to turn off and then turn back on the internet box. You can also contact Orange customer service (3900) to have more information. These tips are identical if you encounter an orange network problem in ADSL.

You encounter an orange TV problem ?

An orange network incident can alter your access to the operator’s TV. In case you cannot capture TV channels from your box check if an Orange TV problem has been reported by the operator near you. To do this, use our online breakdown tool. Find out your postal address, click and you will know if an orange failure takes place near your accommodation. This can be the cause of the orange TV problem that you currently encounter. Very often, an orange incident is resolved in a few hours, while the operator acts in the field. Sometimes the orange failure can last several days. Our tool will give you an estimate of the average time to solve an orange network problem.

Your fiber or orange adsl connection quality is bad ? Change operator

If you regularly encounter connection problems on the orange network, it is probably not just a matter of fixed orange network failure but indeed a bad capture of the adsl or orange fiber network. To remedy it, we advise you to change the internet operator. Orange is probably not the best operator at your address. To take advantage of the best fixed network at your address, and identify the best operator, we recommend that you carry out a fiber and ADSL eligibility test. You will be able to compare all the internet offers from other SFR operators, Bouygues and free eligible at home.

Measure your Orange Internet flow

Breakdowns do not explain all network problems. The cause is sometimes just a bad internet speed. Thanks to the orange debit test, you will be able to discover in detail (Download, Upload, Ping debit) What is the real speed of your connection, in ADSL and/ or fiber, within your accommodation.

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