Sosh consumption monitoring: how to access it?, Know your data consumption on its Sosh package
Know your data consumption on its Sosh package
Like your Sosh consumption monitoring, You can access your invoices at any time from your customer area, which allows you to better manage your communications, and Understand why you don’t always pay the price provided by your subscription in particular thanks to the detail of your communications outside the package.
Sosh consumption monitoring: how to access it ?
If you have a SOSH subscriber, to a mobile offer without obligation or an internet box, you benefit from a consumption monitoring service, in the same way as at any operator. But what exactly is the Sosh consumption follow -up ? And what are the means to access it ? Here is the main information.
You want to take out a Sosh Mobile offer ?
- The essential :
- THE Sosh consumption monitoring Allows you to follow your mobile and/or box consumption.
- Thanks to Sosh consumption monitoring, You are able to better manage your consumption and verify that your mobile or internet package is adapted to your needs.
- You can consult theSosh consumer info Via your customer area, the Mysosh mobile application, or by phone by composing # 123 # (only for mobile customers).
- For Sosh mobile customers, an alert is sent to you when you reach 80% of your Internet data.
Why consult the Sosh consumption monitoring ?
Despite the abundance of unlimited mobile plans, which are developing more and more today, the Sosh consumption monitoring is always essential for holders of a mobile line and/or an internet subscription.
Indeed, thanks to Sosh consumption monitoring, You are safe from a possible unpleasant surprise on your bill, and you know exactly what you will pay on your monthly bill, even if your calls and SMS are unlimited, as is the case in 4 of the 6 mobile packages offered by Sosh. In short, you are able to better manage your consumption and adapt them if necessary.
On the other hand, being able to consult your Sosh consumption monitoring Not only allows you to avoid off -package but also to access a large number of information about using your line (or lines) each month. THE Sosh consumption monitoring You also offer the possibility of being able to keep your hand on your telephone uses, and to find solutions to avoid a possible exceeding your package when you approach the fateful date for the end of your telephone package or your data envelope.
THE Sosh consumption monitoring presents even more interest if you have opted for the package at € 5.99 per month, which contains only 2 hours of calls and 100MB of the Internet and therefore can run a little faster, or the blocked plan which is at the same price. Indeed, the blocked package implies that once the 100MB and the 2 hours of calls are sold, your communications are completely blocking (it will be necessary to buy a recharge to continue to use it). Consult your Sosh consumption monitoring Allows you to be able to anticipate this automatic cut.
SOSH followed consumer: what are its functions ?
Follow your mobile consumption
Thanks to Sosh consumption monitoring, You are able to follow your mobile and internet consumption, of any device, whether you are on your smartphone, tablet or even a desktop computer.
To allow you to anticipate the end of your package, Sosh sends you a Sms informing you When you arrive at 80% of your Internet consumption mobile. In case you still need your data, you can recharge in your Sosh customer area to allow you to hold until the end of the month.
Namely: if you exhaust your quantity of data regularly, it may be that Your package is not adapted to your needs. In this case, it would be advisable to find out about the other packages available on the market, which contain a more advantageous data envelope for an accessible price. Do not hesitate to call 09 87 67 37 78 for free to be guided by an advisor (Monday-vendredi 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Be quickly informed in the event of a non -package
SOSH consumption monitoring allows you to be informed in the event of a non -package. You will be able to see at any time if you are going beyond your package, via The MySosh application Or on Your customer area. You keep a total mastery of your Sosh Mobile package.
Recharge your package as you wish
A Sms You are sent before you have reached the predefined quota of your mobile consumption. For Recharge your mobile plan, You can subscribe to Options or pass, directly from your customer area. You will continue to benefit from your optimal mobile plan. These options or pass will be invoiced in your monthly invoice, with your package.
How to access the Sosh consumer info ?
Note that you are a mobile customer or customer of the SOSH box with an Internet box package, the procedures are practically the same to access your SOSH CONSO monitoring.
Consult Sosh consumption monitoring from your customer area
The Sosh customer area is a space dedicated to managing your Sosh line. Among other things, it allows you Follow your mobile consumption, of manage your bills, of take out options and of Manage your equipment.
To follow your mobile consumption or internet box, here is the procedure to follow:
- Access your customer area.
- Identify Depending on your offer, with your Sosh mobile number or your email address @ orange.Fr.
- Once on the home page of your contract, click on “See consumption monitoring»».
Note: if you forget your password, it is possible to reset it in just a few minutes, by clicking on a link and following the steps which will be indicated to you.
Follow your consumption from the MySosh application
Beforehand, you must have downloaded the MySOSH app on your mobile or tablet. It is possible to download this application directly from your customer area, or to the store you use on your smartphone (Apple Store, Android store, Google Store). Then follow these steps:
- If this is the first time that you have used the MySOSH application, once the application is installed, launch the.
- Identify If you are asked with your Sosh mobile number or your email address @ orange.Fr (these identifiers are identical to those that allow you to connect to your customer area).
- From the home page of your contract, click on “See consumption monitoring»To access the details of your communications.
Access the Sosh consumption monitoring by phone from #123 #
To access the Sosh consumption monitoring By phone, simply compose # 123 # from your mobile, then follow these steps:
- Once in the menu, type the number corresponding to the choice “Consumer monitoring detail»».
- Your Sosh consumption monitoring Then appears on your screen.
- Then select the details of the consumption of your choice, depending on the offer you have subscribed.
Namely # 123 # works exclusively to follow the consumption of mobile lines, It will not be possible to access your consumption box monitoring via this number.
Complete your Sosh consumption monitoring: how to understand your invoice ?
You wish to take out an unlimited SOSH package ?
Understand your invoices to better manage your subscription
Like your Sosh consumption monitoring, You can access your invoices at any time from your customer area, which allows you to better manage your communications, and Understand why you don’t always pay the price provided by your subscription in particular thanks to the detail of your communications outside the package.
To consult your invoices, once in your Client area, Simply select the desired contract, and then click on the “Invoices»».
Details of your invoice, available from the second page, begins with what is billed with Orange. The total amount of this section corresponds to the sum of your subscriptions, your not included communications and any purchases or costs that have been billed by and for Orange.
The subscription to your package is billed in advance for the period whose dates are displayed just above.
Obtain information on the content of your offer
If you want more information on the content of your offer, a short description appears in the header of each pages of your invoice. You can also go to your Client area, Then in the section “Offer and options»».
Your options are billed for the same period as your offer.
If you want more information about your offer or options, or if you want to modify it, you just have to go to your customer area and select “Offer and options»».
A second section “Subscriptions, packages and options»Can appear. In this case, she relates to the past monthly period. If necessary, this means that you have subscribed to an option during the past month. This option is then billed from its activation until the end of the period.
Understand the details of your communications
Three sections may appear on your invoice to signify the calls made on the past period:
- Below “communications includedThe number and total duration of calls made as part of your package (s) are displayed are displayed. This assessment also allows you to make sure that your packages are suitable for your consumption, if you have opted for a too high package compared to your needs, or the reverse. Regarding communications which are included in your package, no amount is to be paid, hence the mention “inclusive” on each line.
- Below “Communications in exceeding», You will find your calls made beyond the time credit of your package (for example if you have 50 SMS shipments to the international and send 60 SMS, 10 SMS are invoiced to you to exceed your package).
- Finally, under “Off Package Communications», You will find your calls (or Internet connections) made to a destination not included in your package (example: calls to special services increased or to a destination not included in a price option or your package).
If you want to better control your consumption and get the details of your communications before they appear on your bill, go to your Client area To access your Sosh consumption monitoring (see above).
The “subscriptions” sections or “your ad hoc purchases or services” bring together the Billing of products or services that are not part of your Sosh subscription. These services may be issued by other suppliers than Orange, your invoice can present the “Purchasing or occasional services” section several times:
In the Total to Orange, You can see for example:
- Some purchases of multimedia or SMS+ services issued by Orange.
- Some discounts.
- Your purchases related to the change in mobile program, ..
In the total to other suppliers, You find:
- The service cost of some of your calls to special numbers or SMS+.
- Some multimedia purchases or subscriptions issued by other suppliers, etc
In the sums collected on behalf of third parties, you find :
- Your possible purchases for other suppliers such as Googleplay.
- Red Cross donations.
- NFC payments,…
A difference is made on your invoice between certain purchases or occasional services for other suppliers and on behalf of third parties, but there is no significant difference in the nature of the services concerned. The difference, accountant, is based on the following principle:
- In the case of other suppliers, Orange manages the billing of the transaction from start to finish, including VAT.
- In the case of the third party account, Orange only adds to the invoice a transaction which may have already been the subject of an invoice (depending on the amount), possibly transmitted by the service provider. On this invoice appears in particular the VAT applied to this transaction.
What if you have a problem with your Sosh consumer monitoring ?
In order to contact a SOSH advisor, you can call 3976, or go through e-chat. To do this, you must go to the Sosh assistance website (assistance.sosh.Fr).
Then you just have to enter the search bar the object of your request, to select the section which corresponds, then to select the package concerned and finally to click on Chat with an advisor, Available below on the displayed page. Advisers are available Monday to Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
In addition, SOSH advisers are also available on Twitter and Facebook.
Updated on 08/04/2023
Magali joined Selectra in 2020 as a freelance editor. It mainly takes care of articles on subjects linked to mobile and internet themes.
Know your data consumption on its Sosh package
Having joined the operator Sosh a week ago, I noticed the absence of the functionality “Conso Data” . This is very practical because it allows you to know where you are in terms of internet use on your smartphone. The operator has corrected the shooting by publishing an update of its MySosh application.
SOSH, Data consumption monitoring finally available
Mysosh – Iphone Application Download
Access to data consumption monitoring is very simple. After downloading Mysosh on the blind of your device, launch the Applicatio then go to Follow my consumption. You can now see how much you have on your data package and you can adapt the use of your smartphone to your remaining consumption, for example using the MoDem function less often, or by watching videos on youtube in standard quality.
This function that was missing is now available for everyone ! In addition, I want to specify that I will give my opinion on Sosh, which could be useful to you if you want to change operator but that you do not yet know which you turn to turn.