Solar tiles: Tesla increases prices and links their sale to the purchase of a powerwall – digital, domestic battery: info, advantages and prices (full guide 2023)

Domestic battery: full guide 2023

A domestic battery allows you to store the surplus electricity generated by your photovoltaic solar panels, instead of injecting it into the electricity network. You can then use this energy when you need it most. Here you will find all the latest information on the domestic battery: its advantages, the different types of models, the manufacturers, as well as indicative prices.

Solar tiles: Tesla increases prices and links their sale to the purchase of a powerwall

Tesla has increased the prices of its solar roofs, partly because of the complexity of installation of certain photovoltaic roofs. The company takes the opportunity to link the sale of these solutions to that of a PowerWall domestic battery.

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At the end of March, Tesla decided to suddenly increase the price of its solar roofs, made up of photovoltaic tiles. His configurator – which makes it possible to estimate the price of his project – is final: the evaluation of the cost of a 12.3 kW system had gone from $ 55,000 to $ 70,000 in a few days. An increase which therefore concerns new orders, but not only. Indeed, customers who have already ordered their roof, but whose work has not yet started, were surprised to receive an email informing them of a revaluation-upwards-of their invoice.

A player fromArs Technica thus saw the invoice of his project go from 66,000 to $ 87,000, when another customer explained to The Verge Having seen your project go from $ 35,000 to tiles and $ 30,000 for batteries at $ 75,000 – or 114 % increase – for tiles and $ 35,000.

The company explains that it had to revise its prices upwards after learning, in practice, that all the roof repair projects with its solar tiles do not have the same complexity. A criterion for evaluating the complexity of the sites has also been added to the configuration tool in the meantime, to avoid possible disappointments. Of course, the customers concerned can, if they wish, cancel their order.

Still, it is a disappointment which is added to the lack of reliability of the realization deadlines announced by Tesla. From their launch in 2017, the solar roofs of the company have continued to accumulate the missteps, with delivery difficulties despite sales volumes deemed quite low in the early days. In 2019, the company had also greatly reduced the price of its solution to attract consumers, which had been rather effective since solar roof facilities tripled during the year 2020. Indeed, in the previous prices, these installations – in addition to being aesthetic – were very competitive compared to traditional photovoltaic panels.

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Which brings us to a new official announcement of the brand which has just binded the sale of these solar tiles to buy a powerwall, the big domestic battery that Tesla also sells. “From next week, the solar panels and the Tesla solar roof will only be sold as an integrated product with the Tesla Powerwall battery (…) Solar energy will exclusively feed PowerWall. The PowerWall will only be connected to the public service counter and the house circuit breaker panel of the house, which will allow a very simple installation and flawless resilience from the whole house in the event of a breakdown of the public service “, Tweeted Elon Musk.

He also announced a software update for PowerWall, thanks to which these batteries would be able to deliver up to 50 % additional power. From 5 kW continuously (and 7 kW in peak), the updated powerwall could thus start to deliver up to 10 kW continuously and probably double in favorable circumstances. What reassure those for whom the power of the Powerwall was a brake on the equipment. It remains to be seen what impact will have these modifications on the Tesla order book which installed the equivalent of 86 MW of solar electrical infrastructure in the fourth quarter 2020, which represents an increase of 60 % over a year.

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Domestic battery: full guide 2023

A domestic battery allows you to store the surplus electricity generated by your photovoltaic solar panels, instead of injecting it into the electricity network. You can then use this energy when you need it most. Here you will find all the latest information on the domestic battery: its advantages, the different types of models, the manufacturers, as well as indicative prices.

Summary :

What is a domestic battery ?

The domestic battery is used to store electricity, and it is practically always used in combination with solar panels. Indeed, your photovoltaic installation generates electricity during the day, while you mainly use electricity in the evening.

The battery therefore makes it possible to reuse solar energy, free and renewable, when you really need it, rather than using the electricity of the.

On average, a domestic battery has a storage capacity of 7 to 10 kWh. Since an average cleaning consumes 9.6 kWh per day, you can provide approximately a day in electricity.

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Home battery

Operation of a domestic battery

The principle of a domestic battery is simple: it stores the excess energy produced by your solar panels during the day. It is possible thanks to a smart inverter, which measures the amount of solar energy produced by your panels. It automatically determines when you have to send the energy to the battery, and when your devices must use the energy of the battery rather than that of the network.

Regarding the battery itself, the vast majority of models are of the lithium-ion type. But there are also salt water batteries (sodium-ion), as well as lead batteries.

Domestic battery inverter

Like solar panels, the domestic battery works with direct current. However, your home devices use alternating current. This is why your photovoltaic installation already includes a inverter which transforms the direct current into alternating current.

Therefore, if you already have solar panels, you will have to:

  • either install a second inverter specifically dedicated to your domestic battery (note that some battery models are equipped with an integrated inverter);
  • either replace your existing inverter with a hybrid inverter. This is a good option if your existing inverter is at the end of life (over 8 years).

If you do not have solar panels yet and want to install a domestic battery at the same time (or if you think you can do it one day), you can directly install a hybrid inverter.

How much is a domestic battery in 2023 ?

On average, the price of a domestic battery oscillates Between 4,000 and 10,000 € (HTVA, installation and comprehension including). The exact cost depends on several factors: the storage capacity is obviously decisive, but the type of battery and the brand also play a role.

For example, a 7 kWh’s Powerwall Powerwall battery costs between 5,000 and 10,000 €, while a 3.6 kWh Samsung domestic battery will cost you around € 6,500.

Here is a price table depending on the storage capacity:

Battery storage capacity Average price
(HTVA, installation and undulating included)
3 kWh domestic battery € 4,000
8 kWh domestic battery 5,000 to 8,000 €
14 kWh domestic battery € 10,000

Do you want a tailor-made price for a domestic battery ? Ask for quotes via this page, it’s free and it doesn’t commit you to anything.

Can you benefit from a premium for your domestic battery ?

Currently, Only the Flemish region grants a bonus for installing a domestic battery. There is therefore no bonus for the battery in Wallonia or Brussels yet.

You will find all the information on the amount, the conditions of access and the procedure in the article “Domestic battery bonus”.

domestic battery

Advantages of a domestic battery

Store solar energy to use it later has many advantages:

  • You increase your self -consumption : self-consumption, that is to say the energy produced by your solar panels that you consume directly, is on average 30 %. With a domestic battery, you can go up to 70 % self -consumption. You therefore become less dependent on the electricity of the network.
  • … and you benefit from a more advantageous prosumer price : concretely, what is the use of self -consumption ? One of the greatest advantages is that you will pay less for the prosumer price. If you have a double flow counter, you pay exactly what you take from the network. And with a domestic battery, you take considerably less.
  • No more problem during current failures : electricity stored in your battery can also be used in the event of a power failure. So you no longer have to fear the cuts.
  • Easy and quick installation : a domestic battery like that of Tesla is easily installed, requires no maintenance and is completely automated. The battery can take up a lot of space (depending on the desired capacity), but as it works at temperatures ranging from -20 to 50 ° C, you can install it outside.

What about the disadvantages ? The biggest is that the domestic battery still costs very expensive today. That said, prices tend to democratize and the investment is worth it when the project is properly studied. Do not hesitate to ask a specialized installer for advice.

Is the domestic battery profitable ?

Given the importance of investment, it is natural to wonder if the game is really worth the candle. Is it interesting to invest in a domestic battery ? It depends first where you live:

Brussels and Flanders

In Brussels and Flanders, with the pricing systems in force, The answer is yes : the domestic battery is profitable. Especially in Flanders, where you can benefit from a bonus until 2024.


In Wallonia, the counter system that turns upside down is always valid. This system means that if you produce more electricity than you consume, you pay nothing … or that was the case before the arrival of Prosumer price. From now on, you must pay a capacity rate (based on the power of your installation) if you still have a traditional counter, which turns backwards.

If you have a double flow counter, you pay more proportional price, calculated on the basis of what you really take from the network. With a domestic battery, you increase your self -consumption, and You therefore benefit from a more advantageous prosumer price.

Currently and until the end of 2023, the Prosumer price is still partially offset by the Walloon Region. But from 2024, there will be no more compensation. The domestic battery will therefore become all the more interesting.

Battery types

There are several types of batteries, which each have their way of storing electricity. The most common are the lithium-ion battery, the salt water battery and the lead battery:

1. Lithium-ion battery

Lithium-ion battery is by far the most common among domestic battery models. It is a light and compact battery that has a long lifespan and a good yield. The downside is that it can lose storage capacity after a full load-upload cycle.

2. Salt water battery (sodium-ion)

The salt water battery, or sodium-ion, is based on recent technology. It is an ecological alternative, because it is made up of materials which have a low impact on the environment and which are recyclable. In addition, it does not have the problem of loss of capacity of the lithium-ion battery. That said, this is a heavy and imposing battery, so you have to have enough space.

3. Lead battery

Lead battery is not recent technology. This is the type of battery found in thermal cars. This is undoubtedly the most affordable way to store electricity, but the lead battery, in addition to being heavy and imposing, has a fairly short lifespan. It is also not recommended to unload it deeply, and its components are polluting.

Tesla Powerwall and other manufacturers

There are already many manufacturers of domestic batteries. Tesla has already been present on the market since 2015. Their most recent model, the Powerwall 3, has a capacity of 13.5 kWh. Samsung also embarked on the race, with a 3.6 kWh battery with integrated inverter.

Since then, many other manufacturers have joined them. We can cite LG, Huawei, Solax, Solarwatt, Mercedes or Ikea. You will find a comparison of domestic battery brands in this article.

Ask for quotes: domestic battery

Use your solar panels optimally by storing the energy they produce using a domestic battery. You can request free quotes and without obligation via the form below.

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