Socratic: the application that makes the homework in place of the students!, Socratic, the magic app that makes your homework for you.

Socratic, the magic app that makes your homework for you (or almost)

The goal is to get them to revise, to learn to end up doing without the Socratic application. Only downside for the moment, Socratic works in English. You will have to translate your statements into English so.

Socratic: the application that makes the homework instead of the students !

Socratic is an application that may well be talked about for a very long time. Available for the moment on iOS and on a website (the Android application is coming soon), Socratic offers to do homework instead of students. And in addition to doing the work for them, she makes them revise so that one day they no longer need it.

Socratic Application Duties

Originally, Socratic is a certainly known website of certain clever little ones. His goal is roughly do homework instead of students. Today, Socratic arrives in an application for iOS and very soon on Android (under development).

You remember Photomath, the application that solved mathematics problems ? Well Socratic is extended to all subjects that students are in college, high school and even university. We can therefore find materials such as biology, chemistry, math, psychology, history, astronomy, anatomy, geography and many others.

Socratic also works in an extremely simple way. Just take a picture of the subject’s sheet And the application solves the problem immediately, with the steps to achieve the result. In addition to the solution, students and students can access different resources of a simple finger shift: videos, courses, explanations, etc.

The goal is to get them to revise, to learn to end up doing without the Socratic application. Only downside for the moment, Socratic works in English. You will have to translate your statements into English so.

So unless you have a nice English teacher to translate all your subjects, you will have to master Shakespeare’s language a little. While waiting for the arrival of a French version and other languages.

Bac 2015 Best Applications Revise

The first 2018 bac tests are fast approaching. To accompany you, here is a selection of the best Android applications to revise well.

As explained above, No Android version is available at the moment But you can access the Socratic to be able to use the service. In the meantime, it can always be used no ?

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Socratic, the magic app that makes your homework for you (or almost)

Socratic Application

Homework, for a very large majority of people, is a wound. Who has never dreamed of being able to do them in a few seconds, rather than spending long evenings ? There is a mobile application that takes care of it for you.

Ah the joy of homework. These hours spent the head in their hands trying to understand how to resolve this unfortunate story of vectors. Not everyone is born Math genius. To say that everything could have been different if, at the time, the smartphone had existed.

Socratic, the app that solves the problems

We are not going to lie, the best memories that we keep for high school years, for those who have left it for a long time, it is certainly not the duties. There is now a smartphone application that can do some homework for you.

The principle of Socratic is very simple. Just take a photo of your problem and send it to the application. A computer program then deciphers the information and solves the problem for you. The application then gives you the solution to the problem and takes place the resolution process.

A homework help app ?

Do not get on your big horses, Socratic is not an application dedicated to cheating. Well not that. The program solves your problems and makes your homework, certainly. But he also shows you How to achieve the right solution.

The app thus develops the course of operations carried out to reach the right result. Socratic also recalls the learning bases necessary to solve the problem, offers small tips, and even delivers Video lessons. The designers of the app therefore see it rather as a virtual tutor.

The future of homework and cheating ?

Socratic works with mathematics and scientific materials, but not only. She also offers homework help in history-geo, in languages, and in the human sciences and can deliver aid to the dissertation plan. Be careful however, for the moment, the American application only works in English. For math it’s okay, but for the rest, it’s very questionable.

The Magic Socratic application is free and available on iOS and Android. If it can help you do your homework so much the better. But do not forget that in class facing your copy, your smartphone will be a priori prohibited.

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