Société Générale: offers, prices, opinion – all information!, Société Générale job offers: CDI, internships, alternation

Work at Société Générale and its subsidiaries

�� Instant transfer: 0.80 €/Transfer

Société Générale and Professional Société Génaux & Prices

Founded in 1864, Société Générale blends into the landscape as one of the pillars of the banking sector. The bicentennial establishment does not allow itself to be ahead and offers a 100% online offer, Kapsul, which allows it to compete with online banks. Selectra takes stock of Société Générale’s offers.

Google Play: ⭐ 4.6/5
Apple Store: ⭐ 4.7/5

✔️ Personalized service in agency
✔️ CB insurance available
✔️ card without income condition
✔️ Decreased prices for the youngest
✔️ Optional services: cryptocurrency, international ..

❌ High contribution
❌ No Google Pay mobile payment
❌ High foreign costs

Updated data September 2023

Société Générale’s current accounts

At Société Générale Partacles, the customer has the choice between two bank account offers:

  • Kapsul, the low-cost and 100% digital offer
  • Sobrio, the complete banking offer, with access to Société Générale agencies

Sobrio: Société Générale’s main current account offer

With The customizable Sobrio offer, The customer benefits from a complete offer of which:

  • An Evolution bank card, Visa Classic, first or infinite;
  • Options such as: the Cashback Société Générale, Apple Pay and Paylib.
  • Of the Guarantees and insurance : Insurance of means of payment, Premium insurance, extension guaranteed manufacturer.

Visa Classic Sobrio card

Sobrio Classic
€ 7.90/month

Also available: standard mastercard

☑️ Current costs:

�� Account holding costs: ✔️ Included

�� Inactive account holding costs: �� NC

☑️ Fraits abroad:

�� Withdrawal in euro zone: ✔️ 3 free withdrawals/month excluding Dab SOGE beyond 1 €/withdrawal

�� Withdrawal outside the euro zone: 3 € + 2.70%

✈️ Payments abroad: 1 € + 2.70%

☑️ Fees on payment incidents:

��️ Intervention committee: 8 €/operation – max 80 €/month

�� Authorized discovered: ✔️ Available on request

�� Unauthorized discovered: ✔️ Subject to the bank’s acceptance

☑️ Fresh on transfers:

�� Instant transfer: 0.80 €/Transfer

�� SEPA transfer: ✔️ Free

�� International transfer: from 9 €

☑️ Insurance guarantees:

  • �� Death / Disability Guarantee

☑️ Assistance guarantees:

  • �� Medical repatriation
  • �� Hospitalization abroad
  • �� Replacement driver
  • �� Too bad or theft of the rental vehicle
  • ⚖️ Legal aid abroad

☑️ Other services:

Visa Premier Sobrio card

Sobrio Premier
€ 14.90/month

Make this card
Also available: Mastercard Gold

☑️ Current costs:

�� Account holding costs: ✔️ Included

�� Inactive account holding costs: �� NC

☑️ Fraits abroad:

�� Withdrawal in euro zone: ✔️ Free and unlimited

�� Withdrawal outside the euro zone: 3 € + 2.70%

✈️ Payments abroad: 1 € + 2.70%

☑️ Fees on payment incidents:

��️ Intervention committee: 8 €/operation – max 80 €/month

�� Authorized discovered: ✔️ Available on request

�� Unauthorized discovered: ✔️ Subject to the bank’s acceptance

☑️ Fresh on transfers:

�� Instant transfer: 0.80 €/Transfer

�� SEPA transfer: ✔️ Free

�� International transfer: from 9 €

☑️ Insurance guarantees:

  • �� Death / Disability Guarantee
  • �� Transport delay guarantee
  • �� Luggage delay guarantee
  • �� Loss or Luggage Luggage Guarantee
  • �� Civil liability guarantee abroad
  • �� Rental vehicle warranty
  • ��️ Interruption/travel cancellation guarantee
  • ❄️ Snow and mountain guarantee

☑️ Assistance guarantees:

  • �� Medical repatriation
  • �� Hospitalization abroad
  • �� Replacement driver
  • �� Too bad or theft of the rental vehicle
  • ⚖️ Legal aid abroad

☑️ Other services:

  • �� Cashback
  • �� Average payment insurance and personal effects
  • ��️ Purchasing insurance
  • �� Ticket protection

Sobrio Infinite
€ 29.50/month

Also available: Mastercard Elite

☑️ Current costs:

�� Account holding costs: ✔️ Included

�� Inactive account holding costs: �� NC

☑️ Fraits abroad:

�� Withdrawal in euro zone: ✔️ Free and unlimited

�� Withdrawal outside the euro zone: 3 € + 2%

✈️ Payments abroad: 1 € + 2%

☑️ Fees on payment incidents:

��️ Intervention committee: 8 €/operation – max 80 €/month

�� Authorized discovered: ✔️ Available on request

�� Unauthorized discovered: ✔️ Subject to the bank’s acceptance

☑️ Fresh on transfers:

�� Instant transfer: 0.80 €/Transfer

�� SEPA transfer: ✔️ Free

�� International transfer: from 9 €

☑️ Insurance guarantees:

  • �� Death / Disability Guarantee
  • �� Transport delay guarantee
  • �� Luggage delay guarantee
  • �� Loss or Luggage Luggage Guarantee
  • �� Civil liability guarantee abroad
  • �� Rental vehicle warranty
  • ��️ Interruption/travel cancellation guarantee
  • ❄️ Snow and mountain guarantee

☑️ Assistance guarantees:

  • �� Medical repatriation
  • �� Hospitalization abroad
  • �� Replacement driver
  • �� Too bad or theft of the rental vehicle
  • ⚖️ Legal aid abroad

☑️ Other services:

  • �� Smart Delay
  • �� Concierge service
  • �� Infinite Visa Club Advantages
  • �� Average payment insurance and personal effects

Updated data September 2023

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Kapsul: Société Générale low-cost card

Kapsul is the news Société Générale 100% digital offer.

Inexpensive, theKapsul offer is aimed at the youngest to whom she offers a unique formula + account.

With a Systematic authorization card, restricted ceilings and no authorized overdraft, the offer Kapsul is ideal for those who want to keep their hands on their budget.

Unlike Sobrio, the Kapsul offer does not allow access to agency services, damage to an offer from a traditional bank.

Kapsul Société Générale card

Kapsul card
2 €/month

☑️ Current costs:

�� Account holding costs: ✔️ Included

�� Inactive account holding costs: �� NC

☑️ Fraits abroad:

�� Withdrawal in euro zone: ✔️ € 1/withdrawal excluding DAB SOGE

�� Withdrawal outside the euro zone: 3 € + 2.70% of withdrawal

✈️ Payments abroad: up to 1 € + 2.70% of the purchase

☑️ Fees on payment incidents:

��️ Intervention committee: 8 €/operation – max 80 €/month

�� Authorized discovered: ❌ No authorized overdraft

�� Unauthorized discovered: ❌ No authorized overdraft

☑️ Fresh on transfers:

�� Instant transfer: 0.80 €/Transfer

�� SEPA transfer: ✔️ Free

�� International transfer: from 9 €

Updated data in September 2023

Free bank cards Several banking establishments offer free bank cards, from the classic card to the high-end Visa Premier or Mastercard Gold. Consult our free bank card guide.

✔️ No income condition
✔️ Cashback
✔️ Chat available 24/7
✔️ no account holding fees

❌ Bank card with paid systematic authorization
❌ Without authorized overdraft
❌ Banking consulting service not included
❌ High foreign costs
❌ No insurance
❌ Limited payment and withdrawal ceilings

Updated data in September 2023

Open a private account in Société Générale

The steps to open an online general society account

Steps Details
1. Fill out the online pre -registration form Fill out the form concerning his personal informations (name, firstname, adress…)
2. Provide the requested supporting documents Scan or photograph them vouchers requested and perform a Dynamic selfie, to confirm your identity.
3. Perform a videoconferencing with an advisor Meet your adviser at a distance Immediately or by making an appointment from the application.
4. Electronically sign its new account agreement Validate itOpening of your Société Générale account by signing your account agreement electronically and remotely.
�� Learn more Open a General Society Account

Updated data in September 2023

Société Générale offers its future customers two options : Open an online bank account or go directly to an agency. It is also possible to initiate the online account opening and then finalize it in agency and vice versa. First, customers must meet certain conditions:

Updated data in September 2023

Société Générale’s annexed banking

Savings to Société Générale

Société Générale Partacles offers savings booklets to finance a project or protect its savings.

Rate : 3%

Ceilings : 22,950 €

1st deposit : 10 €

Rate : 3%

Ceilings : € 12,000

1st deposit : 10 €

Rate : 6.10%

Ceilings : 7,700 €

1st deposit : 30 €

Rate : 2 %

Ceilings : € 1,600

1st deposit : 10 €

Rate : 0.05%

Ceilings : none

1st deposit : 10 €

Rate : 0.05%

Ceilings : none

1st deposit : 10 €

Updated data September 2023

Société Générale: life insurance

Société Générale for individuals offers life insurance to build capital and enhance it in an attractive tax framework. It’s a medium/long -term savings solution To carry out one or more projects: financing of children’s studies, preparation for retirement … It is also a means of transmitting capital to your loved ones.

It offers different formulas, including:

  • Essential : to build up savings from € 25 per month;
  • Sequoia : for guaranteed capital available at any time;
  • Ebony : the Prestige contract;
  • PERP spruce : to prepare for retirement today by benefiting from tax advantages.

Investing on the stock market with Société Générale

Société Générale offers its private customers to invest in the financial markets and to diversify the savings of its customers. The basic formulas are as follows:

  • SG essential formula : the potential of financial markets by limiting risks;
  • SG Actions France : to invest in the main French actions;
  • SG OPCIMMO : to invest in corporate real estate;
  • Flexible SG : to seek a sustainable performance on the markets;
  • SG Actions Europe ISR : to access the most responsible companies;
  • SG Solidarity : to invest in a solidarity fund accessible in life insurance.

The bank also proposes to study tailor -made products with financial investments, real estate investments, wealth management, etc

Société Générale Societe Private Society and Customer Service

  • Facebook + Messenger
  • Twitter
  • Instagram

Updated data September 2023

What is Société Générale’s phone number ?

01 42 14 31 69 Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. or the 3955 and say “”Societe Generale“”.

Address of Société Générale Privaters

Societe Generale
Customer relations service
75886 Paris Cedex 18

Société Générale in a few dates

Société Générale was created under the Second Empire. It is one of the oldest French banks. In the non -mutual banking industry, it represents one of the three pillars with Crédit Lyonnais and BNP Paribas, nicknamed “The three old people”.

  • 1864 : Date of creation of Société Générale. The bank was founded on May 4, 1864 by a group of manufacturers including Paulin Talabot, his first director, and the Rothschild family. Its primary goal is to promote the development of trade and industry in France. The bank is developing in France with customers as many individuals as SMEs.
  • 1871 : she is already present in London, first stage of her expansion abroad.
  • 1894 : the bank embarks on short -term operating credits, concerning merchants and industrialists.
  • In the 20’s : Société Générale won the title of first French bank. Its network on the territory is experiencing a strong increase. However, she experienced a sharp drop in activity just before the Second World War.
  • 1945: French banking rules are reorganized in and Société Générale is one of the four major nationalized banks with CNEP, BNCI and Crédit Lyonnais.
  • July 29, 1987 : the bank is privatized.
  • 1997 : she acquires the credit of the North to strengthen her retail bank center.
  • 2008 : With the subprime crisis in then the Kerviel affair, Société Générale is experiencing a complicated start of the century and loses a lot of money. At the end of 2008, it benefited from a state loan of 1.7 billion euros

From 2010, Société Générale resumes its role as market leader. Nevertheless, the bank continues to remove positions and sell; In 2016 alone, a reorganization project provides for the abolition of 550 jobs over 5 years. Société Générale also distinguished itself by making decisions for the planet: in December 2017, at the One Planet Summit, for the Climate Finance Day, Société Générale announces the end of the financing of oil production coming from Bitumeux sands.

FAQ – Société Générale

How to access my Société Générale account ?

To connect to their personal space, the customer must go to his personal account with Customer Code and Secret Code.

How to benefit from Paylib to Société Générale ?

To benefit from Paylib, the customer must follow very simple steps:

  • Go to the payment section
  • Click on Paylib
  • Follow the indications that appear

Paylib is a mobile payment solution created by three French banks: BNP Paribas, La Banque Postale as well as Société Générale. This solution is easy to use and free.

Where to download the Société Générale application ?

The application is available on the App Store and Google Play.

Work at Société Générale and its subsidiaries

Rugby World Cup 2023
Société Générale is a major partner of the 2023 Rugby World Cup which will take place in France from 8/09 to 28/10 2023.

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