Société Générale Individuals: Bank, Insurance, Savings and again, Banque Société Générale for individuals: the Complete Guide – CIIP

Société Générale for individuals: the complete guide


You can find Sobot directly in your application, on the gauge page by clicking on the ” Contact »». You can also find it on the Société Générale des Individuals site to the right of your screen. Just click on the Sobot logo.

Société Générale: The Bank of Particularies

Qualified as one of the largest banking groups in France, the Societe Generale Be part, with Crédit Lyonnais and BNP Paribas of the oldest banking establishments in France because Société Générale was created in 1864. To this end, market players do not hesitate to talk about them by calling them “the 3 old”. If this nickname is not really flattering, it does not tarnish the image of Société Générale its many customers.

As a general bank, it indeed offers all the financial services and products including an individual, but also a professional can dream. Via its private website.Societe, it offers a set of Banking and financial solutions easily accessible to its customers. Will this be enough to make Société Générale your new bank ? Result at the end of this complete guide.

What does Société Générale offer for the individual ?


A bank is above all there to allow the opening of a current account. It is of course, the first prerogative of Société Générale. Depending on the customer’s profile, but also of their expectations or income, it is possible to Choose between several formulas including the Digital Kapsul offer. It is an entry -level formula that allows the basic banking services, as well as a Visa bank card. This on the other hand, does not allow the overdraft.

But it is also possible to opt for a more complete formula with Sobrio. With it, the overdraft is authorized and the ceilings of transfers or authorized withdrawals are higher than with the previous formula. Since the COVID-19 crisis, the banks had to make a 180 ° turn to digitize. Société Générale is also present online with direct agency. Whether you need to open an account, access financial products or interact with an advisor, it is quite possible, by going from a physical agency.

As we will detail below, Société Générale presents several financial products such as consumer loan, mortgage, mortgage repurchase but also various savings products.

Société Générale financial products for individuals

Each retail bank offers relatively similar products. However, banking establishments all apply a different internal policy. Even if they follow reference indices, they are free to propose the interest rate that seems to them the most conducive to them.

They may also have a risk consideration which will differ from that of other banks according to the profiles of individuals; Whether households, project leaders or business leaders. It is therefore advisable to compare the offers, before carrying your choice on a bank rather than another. To the Societe Generale, You will be able to subscribe to the following products:


Simulation Credit Immo

Buying property to have enjoyment; That is to say, living in it; or drawing income (rental investment) often involves taking out a mortgage. This is only possible with a banking establishment. There are different kinds of loans Who meet very specific needs, such as the relay loan, for example when you buy a good while the old is not yet sold, the loan in fine etc ..

We can also prefer to borrow with a fixed interest rate ; which assumes that it will be identical for the duration of the reimbursement or rather variable. In this regard, it is good to note that an interest rate can change depending on the applicant’s profile but also the loan reimbursement time.

To find the most attractive rate, going through a comparator can be useful. But it is also possible to solicit Personalized support to a mortgage broker. Purchase in the old often involves having to carry out work there. The government’s desire to make less energy -consuming property available to individuals goes in this direction. However, carrying out renovations requires a cost. Why not look if you are eligible for PTZ, the famous zero rate loan ?

Employees can also get closer to their employer, with a real estate purchase project To see if he contributes to housing action, what was formerly called 1% housing or 1% employer.

Borrower insurance or mortgage loan guarantee

Correlated to the mortgage, borrower insurance is a guarantee that each bank takes to ensure that, whatever happens, She will be reimbursed for the money she lends. Indeed, if the examination of the applicant’s financial file seems correct to him, he only reflects a situation at some point. A life accident, a death can happen. It is to respond to these extreme situations that borrower insurance is required by the bank, Even without legal obligation.

Each bank offers its own contract. Depending on your profile, it may not be the best choice. There Bank mutualizes risks By requesting the same amount of contributions from all subscribers; which may seem unfair, but in any case explains their greater cost. Be careful because recently, the price of this monthly contribution is recognized in the calculation of the debt.

On this position there are therefore savings to be achieved perhaps, using the insurance delegation. The customer indeed is not obliged to take out the bank’s offer But can compare prices to external insurance firms. A broker, again, may prove good advice to make the right choice. The bank cannot refuse this solution if the contract presents the same level of guarantees as what it proposed itself.

Consumer credit

Quickly need a sum of money to go on vacation, buy a new car or to improve your home ? No doubt, you need consumer credit. Société Générale provides you A free tool to simulate your request And see if your current debt rate allows you to add this new monthly payment.

Depending on your project, You can take out a work or car loan ; which are generally affected loans; for which supporting documents must be present; or a personal loan. Banks prefer sectorizing this type of loan. Thus, you can subscribe to a student loan or request the implementation of a revolving credit which allows you to always have a sum of money available to respond to the imponderable.

Recovery of mortgage

After having taken out a mortgage in another bank, we can realize some time after Société Générale offers a really more attractive interest rate. When you reimburse a mortgage over an average of 20 years, It can make a difference of several thousand euros. Sometimes the bank in which the loan was subscribed does not want to line up and takes the risk of losing a customer. We must then get closer to Société Générale and see if she wishes to buy the mortgage.

So that the credit repurchase is an operation is interesting, it is recommended that there is a gap between the two proposals. It should not be forgotten that this change will generate costs and that we will have to take a new borrower insurance. Having aged between the first subscription and this one, is it wise ? A calculation is essential, before deciding.

Ensuring his particular property, it is possible with the General Society

We tend to think that insurance contracts are the prerogative of insurance firms. But there again banks can play a role. Even if it is not their core business, they offer insurance for vehicles (motorcycle or car), health insurance but of course home insurance. In some cases, legally, it is not compulsory, but no one wants to take the risk of losing everything because of a disaster.

As with conventional insurance firms, the Société Générale offers several formulas, different warranty levels and therefore very different prices. But all have a basic base with guarantees against the most common risks namely theft, fire, water damage and broken ice. One of the tips to reduce the amount of his contributions is to accept a deductible; That is to say a dependent remains; greater in the event of a claim.

As with loans, insurance contracts can weigh heavy in a budget. Again, a comparison is to be done to see if Société Générale, with equal benefits, offers the most attractive prices in this area.

Other investment financial products dedicated to individuals

After banking services, various loans and insurance, Société Générale is also A choice of savings interlocutor. Here again, this is available in very different products to choose (or to accumulate) according to its possibilities and its profile.

Regulated booklets

Some savings products are regulated by the State. It is therefore necessary to accreditation to distribute them to individuals. As such, you will find the Société Générale the booklets The best known like the booklet A, The LDDS (Sustainable and Solidarity Development Booklet), the youth booklet or the LEP (Popular Savings Booklet). Like some of its competitors, Société Générale has created its own booklet: the Savings Plus Booklet.

It has certain advantages compared to others, such as the fact that there is no ceiling in terms of sums deposited or that putting money on it for more than 6 months without touching it supposes a slightly more dynamic rate.

Real estate project: dedicated savings products

You plan to buy a property or do work in a good that you already have ? Rather than taking out a consumer credit, many people choose to take out dedicated savings contracts such as the PEL (Housing Savings Plan) or the CEL (Savings Housing Count).

THE PEL can be used as a personal contribution When requesting a loan whether to Société Générale or elsewhere, if the financial situation allows this type of project. Like booklets; These are products that are regulated by the State and therefore with guaranteed capital. Banks cannot adjust them to their goodwill and are required to Respect certain rules such as a given ceiling. It is not possible, for example, to put more than 61,200 euros on a PEL. The sum on a CEL is less important: 15,300 euros.

Savings: products that may interest you

D products

However, it is not that the booklet A to compose savings and so much the better. Even if its rate was revalued at the start of 2022, it is only 1%. We may prefer products with unmarried capital, But generally more profitable as life insurance, a PEA (Savings Plan in equity), a PEA-PME (same operation but which makes it possible to invest in SMEs with high potential), a secure account, per ( Retirement Savings Plans).

Depending on the product chosen, the subscriber must choose between a monosupport contract with a euro fund or turn to the multi -support contract; a little more risky, but displaying a more attractive rate of return. In this case, financial instruments are diverse (SPCI, OPCI etc …). Société Générale’s banking advisor may prove to be good advice to choose the best product according to the investor profile (prudent, daring etc …).

Société Générale for individuals: the complete guide

Société Générale Banque and Special Insurance. Societegeneral

Characterized by its red and black square logo, the Société Générale bank is one of the largest French banks. Created in 1864, it builds up a clientele of SMEs and individuals thanks to its network. She was privatized in 1987. Today, society is diversifying its activities in the bank, insurance, there finance and the advice. The bank offers many online services for its users through their customer area. In addition, Société Générale has developed its online bank to offer many tools for its customers without them having to move. Close -up on Société Générale, its customer area and its online services.

How to access my online customer account ?

Today, your customer area is your largest ally to Manage your account. It is on the internet that you will find the answer to most of your answers. You can check the balance of your bank account, check your account statements, but also make transfers from your personal space. Find out how to access this available space 24 hours a day for you.

Obtain your customer code and secret code

The access to ” Société Générale my account »Is done in a very secure with two codes : your customer code and your secret code. These two codes exist, whether you are an individual or a professional. You can recover these codes from the opening of your bank account. Your customer code is Registered on your contract “Société Générale distance bank”. You will receive your secret code In mail Shortly after, in general a week.

Forgotten connection code

If you have forgotten or lost your identifier, you can go directly in agency To ask them to give them to you. Just contact a reception agent. After verifying your identity, it should be able to send you a document with your connection codes. You can also Contact your bank advisor To obtain these codes, either by email or by mobile. Another solution to recover your identifiers is to call client service so that it communicates your identification codes to your online staff. You will be online with a television that will answer all your questions and send you your codes by post. You can to call Société Générale customer service at 3933 or free number 01 42 14 31 69.

Reset the secret code

Finally, you can also directly Reset your password On the general security site by clicking on the bubble “forgotten secret code” at the top right of the home page of the bank’s site. You will then be asked for your customer code, your age and the answer to a question among 3 choices. These questions revolve around your IBAN, your mobile number and the postal code of your banking agency. They are used to check your identity.

Connect to your online personal space

Now that you have your personal codes, you want to have access to your account and to the services of Your online space. The first step is to go to the official Société Générale website. To find it, you can enter different keywords such as “Société Générale Individuals” or “Société Générale my Account” on your search engine.

Once on the home page of the bank, click on the ” Client area »At the top right of the page. A window will open so that you can tap your two codes. Once the two codes are tested using the digital keyboard, you will be automatically directed to your customer area.

Don’t forget to keep these access codes strictly personal. Preserving them preciously will avoid any risk of fraud. Also remember to keep your personal data up to date. This will allow you to be alerted in an emergency, add more security to your operations, but also to facilitate the recovery of your identifiers if you lose them.

The online services of my remote bank

Société Générale offers many services for its customers who are accessible from the “my account” Internet space or directly in the application. These are grouped in several areas : Management of your account, your bank cards, your payments, your transfers and samples or your projects. Discover some.

Manage your accounts

The main advantage of remote bank is to allow you to access quickly and everywhere at your account. You can consult your accounts in all circumstances in configuring alerts from the application. You will receive notifications, emails or SMS. This customer area also allows you to converse quickly and effectively with your advisor thanks to a secure messaging available directly in the app. Your advisor can answer your questions directly or you can make an appointment with him via messaging.

Société Générale Particular (Android and Apple) application

You can download applications for Société Générale individuals on Android blinds and the Apple App Store:

  • Iphone application – App Store
  • Android application – Google Play

Your transfers

THE transfers are also an aspect of the classic bank that we find in the remote bank. You can Program your transfers When it suits you. Adding a new beneficiary is also very quickly directly on the app. Finally, you can also decide Type of transfer to do : classic, instant Or Paylib with friends. The instant transfer makes it possible to make a transfer very quickly (in 10 seconds) to one of your beneficiaries. Paylib with friends pushes the function even further: no need for Rib, only a phone number allows you to make a transfer quickly.

Your online bank card

You can now Bank card directly from your mobile application. Several fast actions are available:

  • Increase temporarily the ceiling of your card
  • Temporary locking bank card
  • Activation Or deactivation of your online payments or your withdrawal withdrawals

Your online bank also allows you to pay without contact with or without a card. This latest feature allows your mobile to replace your bank card. You can pay with your smartphone, either with Apple Pay, or in Paylib with friends. These applications create you an e-card, an electronic card.

Sobot, the distance advisor

Société Générale sets up, in its mobile application, A virtual assistant Available 24 hours a day to instantly answer your questions. It is therefore much easier for you to know the balance of your account, the amount of an electricity bill or to find your RIB. You no longer need to look for several minutes to find this information.

You can find Sobot directly in your application, on the gauge page by clicking on the ” Contact »». You can also find it on the Société Générale des Individuals site to the right of your screen. Just click on the Sobot logo.


Among the main activities of Société Générale, we find financial investments And insurance. Find out what Société Générale offers for these two services.

Société Générale investments

Société Générale offers you Three types of financial investments. These investments are in the form of three ” formulas »: SG France 80 Plus 7, SG Actions France and SG Flexible. Bank advisers are there to guide you, according to your income and needs, to the most suitable financial placement.

Placement SG France 80 Plus n ° 7 is a placement done in a selection of French companies. Société Générale undertakes to reimburse you at least 80 % of the capital invested at the end of the placement in addition to the benefits generated. This refund does not take into account the costs. The bank advises to place your capital for 6 years.

SG Actions France is an investment in French development companies. This share portfolio is diversified to minimize the risks. The duration of this placement must be more than 5 years.

The placement Flexible SG is an investment invested in equity, bonds and monetary supports. This placement is “flexible” because the composition of its portfolio is regularly reviewed to deal with financial market changes. The recommended placement duration is minimum 3 years.

Insurance offered by Société Générale

Société Générale does not offer, however, only financial investments. She also has A wide range of insurance Arranged in 5 categories:

What insurance is compulsory? | The 5th

  • Vehicles : auto insurance and motorcycle and scooter insurance
  • Dwelling : Home insurance, student home and owner insurance non -occupying and donors
  • Daily risks and hazards : life accident insurance, my mobile insurance and salary guarantee
  • Death and dependence : Genea death insurance, Senior autonomy guarantee and autonomy warranty helping
  • Health : Complementary Health

Bank accounts offered by Société Générale

The Société Générale bank offers many bank accounts which all have a specificity. Indeed, some are adapted to couples, others to children and adolescents and others to students and young workers.

Among these bank accounts, Société Générale proposes two classic accounts : THE individual bank account and the Joint bank account. The latter allows two people to share a bank account. In addition to these two accounts, the company offers the Bank account BFM Advantages which allows you to take advantage of the advantages of the French Mutualist Bank. This means two banks for the price of one and secure savings for your future projects.

The bank then offers two conventional options: the Children’s bank account Allows a parent to put money aside for his child. THE Banxup bank account is a bank account for adolescents, while remaining piloted by parents. This bank card does not authorize any overdraft and you can follow the evolution of the account balance on your own Société Générale Customer area.

Finally, Société Générale offers two types of card for students and young workers. THE student bank account Allows students to open an account for only € 3/month while offering them insurance and an international option for their trip. Only students between 18 and 25 are eligible for this bank account. The last bank account is a Young active account Valid for young people between 18 and 29 years old. In addition to the bank card and insurance, you have exempt from account holding up to your 25th birthday and benefit from an advantageous rate thanks to an active young loan.

Contact an advisor-appointment or emergency

Whether it is an emergency or simply to make an appointment, you have many ways to contact With your Société Générale bank. Your main interlocutor remains you Advisor that you can reach directly on Its fixed line Or by messaging Through the application.

Société Générale also hires remote banking advisers that you can reach at 3933 and which are available 24 hours a day. This number is not free And will cost you 30 cents per minute in addition to the price of a call. These advisers are mainly there to help you when you lose or have your payment method stolen. If you are looking for a technical assistance, Contact 01 42 14 58 58. You can also contact the company through their different social networks : Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Finally, if you have a claim, You will have to send it, firstly, to your advisor or to the manager of your agency. If the answer provided is not enough for you or do not convince you, you have the opportunity to contact customer relations directly. You can call them on 01 42 14 31 69 or send them a letter to the following address:

Societe Generale
Customer relations service
75886 Paris Cedex 18

How to contact Société Générale customer service for individuals if you need assistance ?

You can contact this service via the number: 3933. They are available Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m., and Saturday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. You can also contact them via their official website. You will find a contact form where you can submit your concerns.

What are the security measures implemented by Société Générale to protect the account of an individual ?

Société Générale implements a solid governance and control policy as well as risk control tools to prevent fraud, detect suspicious activities as well as secure transactions.

How does the online management of a bank account work at Société Générale ?

Customers can connect via their personal identifiers. Once connected, they can see the available sales, and operations history. Société Générale also offers the possibility of mobilizing alerts by email or SMS to follow the movements on the account.

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