Societe Generale

Société Générale wishes to remain the main shareholder of ALD, with 53% of the capital at the end of the acquisition.


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  • Opening 23.0500
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  • Last exchange 25.09.23/10:05:41
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    19-09 20-09 21-09 22-09 25-09
    Last. 23.135 23.830 23.490 23.120 23.110
    Var. -0.62% 3.00% -1.43% -1.58% -0.04%
    Ouvre. 22.725 23.135 23.405 23.330 23.050
    +High 23.235 24.005 23.670 23.405 23.285
    +Down 22.510 23.115 23.125 22.970 22.975
    Flight. 9,072,000 8,247,826 6 406 242 4,688,266 286 104

    Variation on 5 days: -0.73%

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    30-40 Pupil

    40+ Severe

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    ESG risk assessment is intended to measure the risk incurred by a company on environmental, social, societal and governance issues. This assessment results in a two -dimensional structured notation which associates the assessment of the exposure of a company with material risks linked to a specific sector of activity and the evaluation of the management of these risks by the company. The final rating measures the risk not managed on an absolute scale between 0 and 100. The lowest rating indicates the best managed ESG risk. This data is provided by Morningstar / Sustainalytics.

    Tons of co₂ issued by million euros in revenue generated: 2.29

    Controversy level: Significant

    Implications in activities with a positive impact: 0/12

    Implications in activities with a negative impact: 0/23

    Analysts’ consensus at 23/09/23*

    Cours 3 months’ lens: 31.25 EUR – Potential: 34.47%

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    Latest messages on the Societe Genrale forum
    by Rouveli2 • Sept 21. • 16:12
    by Usvineyard • Sep 23. • 08:44

    I think they will not like.
    But have the choice ?

    by RTHV • Sep 25. • 09:24
    Jacques_clouseau • 09:50

    The Commission of the new CEO had the same effect as when there was no Comm . it does not work "teasing" . What idea to do this .
    Casting error can be .

    by CA-PET • Sep 25. • 09:16
    by Nightsea • Sep 25. • 09:08

    Attention article from

    https: // www.challenges.FR/Economy/why-the-Societe-Gen &n BSP;
    Eralder-de-Frederic-Oudea-Apparait-a-Prie-Pour-d-Ketres-Banques-Europeenn ES_516476

    By exlibbre • Sep 24. • 09:48
    by RTHV • Sep 25. • 08:57
    by Nightsea • Sep 25. • 08:55

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    * List of analyst firms that have followed the value at least once a year: AlphaValue, Banco Sabadell, Banco Santander, Berenberg, CIC Market Solutions (ESN Partnership), Credit Switzerland, Deutsche Bank Research, Jefferies, Keefe Bruyette & Woods, Mediobanca, Oddo BHF Corporates & Markets, RBC Capital Markets, Redburn (Europe) Redburn Atlantic
    NB: Some analysis offices wanted to keep anonymous

    A consensus is an average or a median of forecasts or recommendations made by financial analysts. Factst JCF recommends the use of the median estimates rather than the average. The average presents the disadvantage of being sensitive to the extreme estimates of a sample, disadvantage from which the median escapes. The median is therefore the most generally retained estimate by the financial center.

    This consensus is provided by the company FactstSet Research Systems Inc and results by nature from the dissemination of several analysts’ opinions. It is recalled that in no way Boursorama has participated in its development, nor exercised discretion as to the selection of financial analysts. For all useful purposes, the opinions of each financial analyst having participated in the creation of this consensus are available and accessible via analyst offices.

    Societe Generale

    CAC 40: The Paris Stock Exchange takes up hope

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    Tried too cautious, the strategic plan of Société Générale disappoints the markets

    Decryption – Slawomir Krupa, the new Managing Director, wants to simplify activities and reduce costs by 2026.

    English, outspokenness and speed: the “Krupa method” shakes Société Générale Générale

    Story – In recent months, the new boss has implemented new working methods.

    The strategic plan of Société Générale is severely welcomed on the stock market

    The course of Société Générale’s action dropped by more than 7% on Monday in the first exchanges at…

    Société Générale wants to reduce its exposure to hydrocarbon production by 50% by 2025

    Until now, the group’s ambitions consisted of a reduction of 20% in terms of outstanding its exposure to the oil production sector by 2025 compared to 2019.

    Rugby: the World Cup will not fill the FFR boxes

    Figaro info – The new management team of the federation is to face one more disappointment. The financial benefits of the World Cup, announced consequent, will be almost nonexistent. To compensate for this shortfall, the sponsorship of the XV of France, by the Altrad group, is clearly revised upwards.

    Fines for BNP Paribas and Société Générale linked to electronic messages in the United States

    The US Financial Product Regulatory Authority (CFTC) announced on Tuesday in a statement that the two French banks were going to pay $ 75 million.

    French banks fall back from the African continent

    Société Générale will sell four of its subsidiaries in Africa. BNP Paribas or BPCE went further.

    CAC 40: Paris still declining marked

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    Birth of an Auto leasing giant: Société Générale finalizes the acquisition of Leaseplan

    ALD, a subsidiary of Société Générale specializing in long -term rental of vehicles, announced on Monday…

    How Slawomir Krupa prepared to relaunch Société Générale

    NARRATIVE – This finance veteran succeeded Tuesday in Frédéric Oudéa at the head of the bank. The market expert with an international and direct profile has many challenges to meet.

    Société Générale has transferred all of its Crédit Nord customers to “SG”, its new bank

    The Société Générale group, engaged in the merger of its two retail bank networks in France…

    The investment bank and the international support Société Générale in the first quarter

    Société Générale announced Friday a net profit up 5.7% over a year in the first quarter…

    CAC 40: Paris is struggling to find a direction

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    Former Société Générale and Carrefour, which is the new president of the Federation of Shopping Centers?

    PORTRAIT – The Federation of Trade actors in the territories, formerly the National Council of Commercial Centers, continues its transformation by appointing Marie Cheval at her head.

    Société Générale condemned on appeal for union discrimination

    Société Générale was sentenced Wednesday by the Paris Court of Appeal to pay 600.000 euros to an old one ..

    Action Advice – Worldline: a future alliance in France praised by the market

    The group has just got into exclusive negotiations with Crédit Agricole to create a joint venture specialized in dematerialized payments in France.

    CAC 40: Place de Paris makes resistance

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    Searches in progress in 5 French banks following suspicions of tax fraud

    “Extremely solid” European banks, assures the Patron of Société Générale

    The director general of Société Générale Frédéric Oudéa said on BFM Business on Saturday that banks ..

    CAC 40: Cold stroke on the Paris Stock Exchange

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    European scholarships fall again, Historic Point for Credit Suisse

    SVB bankruptcy: what are the risks for European markets?

    Decryption – The massive intervention of the American authorities was not enough to completely reassure investors. European places sting from the nose this Monday.

    Former Minister of Health Brigitte Bourguignon takes over the presidency of the CIDJ

    Brigitte Bourguignon will direct the Youth Information and Documentation Center (CIDJ) for a three -year term.

    Société Générale: The future boss constitutes his staff

    Slawomir Krupa, who will take office in May, will present his new strategy in September.

    Société Générale: The future CEO constitutes its staff

    The French Bank Société Générale has chosen a new team to build up the Executive Committee…

    Mentoring, anonymous CV. The tools of large groups to feminize

    Hist – some rethink their practices so that women access more on management positions.

    Banks powered by the rise in stock market rates

    ANALYSIS – Deeply transformed by repeated crises, the sector finds the favors of investors.

    Hauts-de-Seine: the fire that has declared itself in the Defense business district is over

    The Hauts-de-Seine prefecture announced the end of the fire after rapid intervention by firefighters.

    Defense: a fire declares itself in front of one of the towers in the neighborhood

    Sébastien Proto will leave Société Générale

    Since the appointment of Slawomir Krupa, several leaders have left the bank. And others could follow.

    BNP Paribas, Société Générale and Crédit Mutuel-CIC will pool their distributors of tickets at the end of 2023

    BNP Paribas, Société Générale and Crédit Mutuel-CIC will pool their ticket distributors at the end of the year

    In all, 15.000 distributors are affected throughout France.

    The Société Générale and Credit du Nord merger draws bank prices downwards in France

    The main French banking rates remained stable or decreased at the start of the year, according to…

    Frédéric Oudéa leaves a general society in working order

    Analysis – The Managing Director will spend the Flambleau at the end of May to Slawomir Krupa.

    Société Générale: turnover up 8.8% in 2022 but net profit divided by three

    Without the precipitated transfer of its Russian subsidiary Rosbank, the bank’s net profit would have maintained at the record level of 2021.

    Société Générale: Frédéric Oudéa appointed to the board of directors of the ALD car rental company

    A designation which aims to prepare the rapprochement of the car rental company with leaseplan. ALD should ultimately have a fleet of 3.5 million vehicles.

    The private debt market for SMEs and ETIs have indifferent to individuals

    The financing of small and medium -sized enterprises, so far largely reserved for institutional investors, is modernized, with ever more innovative solutions for individuals.

    CAC 40: No big gap in Paris

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    The choices of managers for 2023 on the equity markets

    ANALYSIS – Professionals favor defensive sectors and well -armed decorated companies in the face of recession.

    In Toulouse, Société Générale absorbs the Courtois Bank

    With the reorganization of the group’s network of agencies, the oldest French bank loses its independence.

    CAC 40: Bank return to the Paris Stock Exchange

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    Car rental: ALD increases its capital by 1.2 billion euros to acquire Leaseplan

    Société Générale wishes to remain the main shareholder of ALD, with 53% of the capital at the end of the acquisition.

    Société Générale hampered by its retail bank in the third quarter

    Despite decrease profits, the bank continued to advance its turnover. A situation that allows the action to jump 5% to the Paris Stock Exchange.

    Société Générale strengthens its objectives for the climate

    The Société Générale banking group announced on Monday a strengthening of its climatic objectives for ..

    Société Générale strengthens its management committee, after the appointment of the new boss

    Société Générale designates three new people in its management committee. Le Figaro takes stock of the movements of decision -makers in companies.

    A former Meetic integrates the management of Bayard Jeunesse

    Héloïse des Monstiers was appointed deputy director of the press group. Le Figaro takes stock of the movements of decision -makers in companies.

    The many challenges of Slawomir Krupa, new leader of Société Générale

    Decryption – Designated to succeed Frédéric Oudéa to the Bank’s general management, he will notably have to continue his reorganization and straighten the stock market course.

    Lorenzo Bini Smaghi (Société Générale): “Slawomir Krupa will be responsible for improving profitability”

    INTERVIEW – The chairman of the board of directors of Société Générale returns to the appointment of Slawomir Krupa to the post of Managing Director, after Frédéric Oudéa.

    Slawomir Krupa, new boss of Société Générale

    Info Le Figaro – It was the market man within the bank who won the race for the succession of Frédéric Oudéa.

    CAC 40: Black Week on the Paris Stock Exchange

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    CAC 40: Despite everything, Paris opts for the rise

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    Frédéric Oudéa, future president of Sanofi

    The Director General of Société Générale is expected to succeed Serge Weinberg in May 2023.

    Air Liquide gives up its activities in Russia

    The French Air Liquide Gas Gase Group announced its desire to disengage from Russia on Friday…

    The Standard Paris Stock Exchange in the face of geopolitical tensions

    The Paris Stock Exchange was evolving at a level close to balance (+0.03%) Wednesday, waiting to know ..

    Société Générale sets ambitious objectives for 2025

    Thanks to the increase in rates and an industrial reorganization, the bank intends to grow its revenues by 3% per year.

    Online banks’ losses have been dug in 2020 (ACPR)

    The cumulative losses of the 15 main players in the online bank in France have widened in 2020…

    CAC 40: The return index under 6,000 points

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    E. Leclerc, Bouygues Telecom, Sephora. Find the appointments of the day

    Le Figaro takes stock of the movements of decision -makers in companies.

    Action Advice – Banks: why increase in rates is a boon?

    Strangled for years by low rates, the margins of banking establishments should benefit from the increase in the rent of money.

    The Neobanque Shine will make the deposit of species possible for professionals

    The young shoot specializing in banking services for the self -employed and small ..

    New record in sight for world dividends this year

    The amounts paid by large multinationals increased by 11% to more than $ 300 billion over the first three months of the year and should exceed 1500 billion over the year.

    “Big Business” n ° 90: Société Générale, the strange exit of Frédéric Oudéa

    Exclusive subscriber letter – Announced one year before the deadline, the departure of the director general of the bank creates a floating and uncertainty on the succession process led by the Board of Directors.

    Société Générale: Frédéric Oudéa will leave in 2023

    The director general of the bank remains in place for a year.

    Société Générale: Frédéric Oudéa announces that he will not be a candidate for his succession in 2023

    The manager arrived at the head of Société Générale in 2008 at the time of the financial crisis and the Kerviel affair.

    The clouds accumulate on French banks

    Decryption – Their activities have resisted in the first quarter, but they will be affected by the economic slowdown.

    Société Générale saves his first quarter despite his presence in Russia

    Société Générale announced Thursday a net profit from January to March slightly increased, after a first ..

    CAC 40: A market always without management

    Every Thursday, the editorial staff of the Figaro Stock Exchange and Placements returns to the key trends of the CAC 40 during the past week.

    Société Générale renames its retail bank SG

    This is a new stage in the merger with the Crédit du Nord network.

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