Slow or nonexistent internet connection: what to do?, SFR breakdowns and network problems reported today
SFR breakdowns and network problems today
It is essential to take advantage of good coverage in your town to benefit from all the advantages of SFR fiber offers. Otherwise, you may have difficulty sailing on the internet. Consult your fiber eligibility at SFR to find out if your Internet connection problems are due to poor fiber coverage at SFR.
My internet connection is slow or non -existent: what to do ?
- of your SFR box (NB4, NB6, Plus, very high speed or SFR Box 8),
- connected equipment (computer, mobile or tablet) to carry out tests.
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My situation
I have no internet connection
I check the LEDs of my SFR boxes
Check the condition of the LEDs @ Or S (for box 7 and box more), Pon Or INTERNET (for box 8 and 8x box)
- If these are extinguished, Contact an SFR customer service advisor by phone at 1023 or on the SFR & me application.
- If they are on : Go to the next step.
I connect again to my network
If you benefit from a Ethernet connection, Try to connect your equipment with another cable.
If you benefit from a WIFI connection, Check that your equipment is well connected to the WiFi network of your box.
- If it is not connected, try to connect it again.
- If it is connected, disconnect it then reconnect it.
My wifi connection is slow
I restart my equipment
- If you notice a slow connection to a single equipment, Restart it then check if the connection returned to normal.
- If you notice a slow connection on several equipment, Restart your box then check if the connection returned to normal.
To know
To know
Your box emits a wifi signal on two frequency strips.
- The band5 GHz is faster than the 2.4 GHz band, it is the recommended strip for compatible device.
- The band2.4 GHz : Connect your device to the band 2.4GHz if it is not compatible with the 5 GHz band.
I test my connection speed
- Evaluate the speed of your connection via the SFR SFR.
Your downward speed (reception) indicates the volume of data you receive. Your upright debit (shipment) corresponds to the ones you send when you use your emails, add photos and videos on social networks, etc.
- And depending on the results, Contact customer service or SFR advisor onThe technical cat.
SFR identifier and/or forgotten password (s) to access the cat ? Find it here.
My Ethernet connection is slow
- Try to connect your equipment with another cable, then restart it.
- And if the problem persists, test the other Ethernet ports.
To note
To note
If several devices are affected, test them with another cable and restart your box.
Tips & Tips
Check and trouble your box with the SFR & me app or on your SFR customer area*
Download the application for free SFR & me. The diagnostic functionality allows you to resolve many situations in the event of a boxing of your box. From the menu Help, Start your equipment analysis by pressing the button Diagnosis of my box. Depending on the results, you can be put in touch immediately with a technical advisor.
* It is also possible to make a diagnosis from your SFR customer area, sections Incidents and troubleshooting> Diagnosis of my box.
To find out more about the SFR & me application, click here
For further
And if you visited the SFR community.
Did you know ? The SFR community is a wealth of information. The members of this mutual aid space share all their tips and tricks to allow you to use your box well, and even to help it out. And To consult the answers, no registration is necessary. Unless you also want to share your knowledge or ask a question.
Discover the “Loss of connection” section of the SFR community
SFR breakdowns and network problems today
In the last 24 hours, SFR recorded 32 Mobile breakdowns and 277 Internet breakdowns on its fixed network throughout the territory.
Report a SFR failure
Find the breakdowns around you
Click to load the card
Mobile and fixed SFR breakdowns
32 breakdowns
on the mobile network
277 breakdowns
on the fixed network
Number of SFR faults over the last 15 days
Follow the number of mobile and fixed SFR breakdowns over the last 15 days.
Distribution of SFR breakdowns over the last 15 days
Find the distribution of SFR breakdowns reported today in France by type (mobile or fixed).
10440 SFR, mobile and fixed breakdowns combined, have been recorded in France for the past 15 days, a distribution of 14% of mobile breakdowns (1504 mobile breakdowns in total) and 86% fixed breakdowns (8936). The recent breakdowns of SFR were able to receive different fields (mobile internet, calls, SMS, fiber or ADSL). These breakdowns can be occasional or repeated.
SFR problems mobile network
Number of SFR mobile breakdowns over the last 15 days
Follow the number of SFR mobile breakdowns over the last 15 days.
Is the SFR mobile coverage sufficient around you ?
The slowness of the connection speed of your phone is not necessarily due to a SFR network failure. It can simply be the fact that the operator has insufficient mobile coverage around your accommodation. Access our 4G and 5G SFR cover card to check this.
What is the SFR mobile coverage in your city ?
Avoid new network breakdowns by changing mobile package
You encounter difficulties in calling, sending sms or surfing the internet from your smartphone ? Your SFR operator may not be the most efficient around you. Another internet supplier, such as Bouygues Telecom or Free, can probably provide you with better mobile coverage. From our mobile package comparator, you can sort the offers to find the one that would suit you best.
Lyca Mobile 5G 80 GB
The 120 GB mobile post
Free Mobile 120 GB series
Has an SFR mobile breakdown reported near my home ?
To find out if a breakdown on the SFR mobile network has been reported today near you, you just have to enter a postal address and then launch the search. On the map, you will be able to see what are the relay antennas affected, their location compared to your accommodation and especially what type of breakdown it is (internet, calls, SMS). You will also have access to the history and the list of SFR mobile breakdowns.
The SFR mobile network has broken down near my home, what to do ?
In the event of a breakdown on the SFR mobile network at your address, you must contact the operator if you want to have real -time information from the field on the field. Resolution of a breakdown can take a few hours as several days. Unfortunately, you will only be able to wait until the SFR mobile network signal recovery.
No SFR mobile network, yet no breakdown is reported ?
It happens that you have problems connection to the SFR mobile network. You checked it, no breakdown was reported by SFR. The problem is therefore elsewhere. It can come from a configuration of your phone to make, a defective SIM card, or even poor coverage at your address. To get out of this situation, discover the items to check in our guide dedicated to mobile connection problems.
I hardly capture the SFR mobile network, how to change operator ?
You are not satisfied with the quality of the mobile network of your SFR operator ? To find the most efficient operator, the first step to do is to carry out a mobile network test. Thanks to this test, you will know which mobile operator is the most efficient in calls, SMS and 4G and 5G at your address. Then just access the mobile offers from this operator and make your choice. Nothing’s easier.
SFR reported a mobile network failure, I am entitled to compensation ?
“The operators have an obligation of result and will then have to compensate for their subscribers for the damage that the failure caused them”, this is what is specified by article L121-20-3 of the Consumer Code. To find out if you can benefit from compensation or compensation, we invite you to turn to SFR customer service to ask them.
You meet a SFR network failure ? Make a mobile speed test
SFR mobile network problems can be explained by SFR network breakdowns which arise temporarily. Give our SFR mobile debit test and learn more about your internet debit at the moment t. Also access the advice of our experts to have a better speed.
73.98 Mb/s Download
15.80 Mb/s upload
SFR mobile flow in France in 2022
And you, what is your flow ? Do the SFR mobile debit test. Debit
SFR ADSL and fiber incidents
Number of fiber and ADSL SFR breakdowns over the last 15 days
Follow the evolution of the number of fiber and ADSL SFR breakdowns recorded in the past 15 days.
Distribution of fiber and ADSL SFR breakdowns over the last 15 days
SFR fixed breakdowns can concern fiber breakdowns or adsl breakdowns. Find below the distribution of the fixed breakdowns in progress at SFR.
Fiber coverage at SFR is responsible for your connection problems ?
It is essential to take advantage of good coverage in your town to benefit from all the advantages of SFR fiber offers. Otherwise, you may have difficulty sailing on the internet. Consult your fiber eligibility at SFR to find out if your Internet connection problems are due to poor fiber coverage at SFR.
What is the sfr fiber cover in your city ?
What fiber internet boxes are available from you ?
In addition to verifying that you are well eligible for fiber at your home, our test allows you to access the list of fiber box offers available at your address. You just have to browse the SFR fiber offers and choose the one that best suits your needs and respect your budget.
Fiber -eligible housing rate
Are you eligible for fiber ?
Is there an SFR fiber breakdown today or on the ADSL network ?
To find out if a breakdown or a SFR problem has been reported near your accommodation today on the fiber or ADSL network, we invite you to use our online road tools. List of SFR breakdowns, location of affected antennas, type of breakdowns, you will find all the essential information. You will know if an SFR fiber failure is currently underway or if an incident on the ADSL SFR network is currently taking place. No SFR breakdown was recently reported near your home ? Note an SFR problem yourself by clicking on the “Report a breakdown” button. Your SFR network failure will be automatically taken into account and this will be useful to all those, like you, meet a SFR breakdown in this place.
You encounter a SFR Internet box problem ?
An SFR Internet problem can prevent the proper functioning of your box. The first reflex to adopt is to check that your internet box is well connected, both in terms of the housing and on the power supply. If this is the case, we invite you to restart it. You have revived your SFR box and the latter still does not work ? It can be a fixed SFR network problem. To identify the SFR breakdowns near you, enter your address in our SFR breakdown tool. You will know with one click if an SFR failure is currently taking place near you, touching the fiber network and/ or ADSL.
My SFR fixed phone no longer works, what to do ?
You can no longer make or receive calls from your SFR fixed phone ? The first thing to do is make sure that the connections are correct. It may be a simple problem with poorly trendy cables. Everything seems correct ? We invite you to relaunch your internet box. If after restarting your SFR internet housing, your fixed telephony line is not restored, this may be due to a fixed SFR network problem. Identify all SFR breakdowns on the fixed network from our online tool located at the top of this page. Enter your address, launch the search and discover if an SFR internet failure takes place around your accommodation.
You have a bad internet connection SFR ? Change operator !
Slow, bad, even nonexistent SFR connection to your home ? It is time to change the internet operator if you regularly meet SFR failures on the fiber and/ or ADSL network. To find out which operator offers you the best fixed internet connection to your address, take our free fiber and adsl eligibility test. By passing this test, you will know which technology (fiber or ADSL) your accommodation has access to and which offers are available at your postal address. We also offer a free online fixed flow test which allows you to measure the condition of your current flow.
What is your sfr internet debit ?
Knowing your flow is essential since it allows you to estimate the quality of your internet connection. Worse than a temporary breakdown, a bad flow can be unwelcome daily. Access the SFR speed test. The latter will allow you to know your rate in upload, download and your ping, ADSL and/ or fiber optics.