SFR increase: how to explain it and can we avoid it?, Telecoms: towards an increase in packages in 2023, why?

Telecoms: towards an increase in packages in 2023, why

Again, free delight and its customers can keep smiling. The operator is formal and is good for the moment: no increase is planned. Free brings the news through The Parisian to whom he explains that he made “the commitment not to touch the price of these packages for the next five years and [he is] the only operator not to increase the price of [his] packages”.

SFR increase: how to explain it and can we avoid it ?

You are a customer at SFR and the price of your offer has just increased ? Several situations can explain this SFR increase. Find all the possibilities and how to avoid them in this article.

You want to change your mobile SFR offer ?

You want to change your mobile SFR offer ?

  • The essential :
  • SFR often offers discounts on its offers for the 1st year of subscription. One year after your subscription, The price of your offer can therefore increase.
  • The rate of your SFR offer may also increase because you have consumed services not included in your SFR offer. We call this an off-form.
  • Finally, SFR can increase the price of your offer by deciding to add a new service. According to Consumer code, the operator must notify you one month before the entry into force of the new price. For Avoid this SFR rate increase, You can terminate your offer.

SFR increase: what are the different possible cases ?

You subscribe to SFR, for a box or mobile offer, and you have noticed an increase in your prices ? Do not panic. SFR cannot increase the price of your Internet or Mobile offer without justification or reason. You are probably in one of the situations below:

  1. You come from exceed 12 months of subscription at SFR And the price of your offer has therefore increased.
  2. You have consumed services not included in your offer and it has caused an off-form on your bill.
  3. SFR decided to add an additional service in your offer and the price of it has therefore evolved.

Before contacting SFR customer service for Understand where the increase in your SFR prices comes from, Make sure you are not in one of the above situations. To help you see more clearly, we have detailed each of these possibilities in this article.

The increase in SFR prices after the 1st year of subscription

SFR increase after the 1st year: what is it ?

Like many operators, SFR offers promotions for its new customers. So when you subscribe to an SFR Box or SFR Mobile offer, you benefit froma preferential price for a year.

This means that during the first 12 months of your subscription (which generally correspond to your commitment period), you pay for your cheaper offer and that after the 1st year, The price of your offer is readjusted. After 1 year of subscription, you finally pay the same price as all other SFR customers.

Although this readjustment can be experienced as a price increase, It is therefore not strictly speaking the case. This is the price that you pay for the 1st year that corresponds to a promotion. In addition, note that the price of your offer after 1 year of subscription is specified to you from your subscription. It is not supposed to be a surprise.

Note at SFR, the discounts on the price of your subscription the 1st year are substantial and can go up to € 20 discount per month.

Can we avoid this increase in the SFR rate ?

If you have benefited from a preferential price On your SFR Mobile or SFR Box offer during your 1st year of subscription, once it has passed, You cannot avoid increasing the SFR rate of your offer. As said before, the increase in the SFR rate after a year of subscription is not unusual, it is even the operation of most of the SFR Mobile and SFR Box offers for new customers.

Note that if your budget does not allow you to keep your offer with this new price, You can terminate your SFR contract. Please note, if you change your offer by staying at SFR, you will not benefit from the preferential prices of the 1st year. They are reserved for new SFR customers.

However, you can terminate your SFR offer and take out an offer from another operator. If you have subscribed for more than a year at SFR, it generally means that Your SFR engagement period is lifted and that you can terminate your offer at free cost.

Before terminating your SFR offer, remember to check the end date of your commitment period. Most offers are accompanied by a one -year commitment, but You may be engaged for longer, Especially if you bought a smartphone with your package. If you win your offer when you are still incurred, you will have to pay SFR termination fees.

Compare the cheapest SFR packages !

The increase in SFR prices following out-of-the-range consumption

SFR increase: what is a consumption off-format ?

When you subscribe to an offer at SFR, or at any operator, you benefit from Several services included in your offer, Like unlimited calls from your mobile in mainland France in certain SFR Mobile offers or several TV channels in SFR Box offers.

As long as you just use the services included in your offer, you pay the usual rate announced by SFR. However, if you consume a service not included in your offer, You will be debited from an additional cost on your invoice at the end of the month. This is what we call An “out-of-comfer”.

For example, Imagine that you have subscribed to an SFR Box 7 in ADSL/fiber/THD. You then have access to unlimited calls to fixed ones in France. If You call a mobile phone with your SFR fixed phone, You will have to pay at the end of the month an outpatient corresponding to the amount of your communication.

Be careful today, it is possible to pay more and more things in daily life with its mobile plan, Like a bus ticket for example. An outpatient can therefore happen faster than you think and without anyone realizing it.

How to be sure that the increase in SFR prices comes from an outpatient ?

To find out if the increase in your SFR invoice is due to an outpatient, you can follow Advice below.

  1. Consult your SFR invoice : the fastest way to know if you have consumed an outpatient is to consult your last SFR invoice. To do this :
    • Connect to your SFR customer area or your SFR & me application.
    • Go to the “Info Conso” section.
    • Click on the “Invoices” tab, then on “my invoice” to download your latest SFR invoice.

    All you have to do is watch the details of your bill to see if you have consumed an out-of-the-day. In particular, consult the “your telephone communications” and “your other operator/third -party products” sections “.

  2. Wait until the following month : If you do not have access to your latest SFR invoice, there is a very simple way to know if your SFR rate increase is due to an outpatient. Just wait for the following month. If the price of your offer has returned to normal, this means that the increase was indeed due to an outpatient. If the increase in the SFR rate continues the following month, then it is probably not an outpatient.

How to avoid out-of-trafting consumption ?


To avoid off-formals, the easiest way is to monitor your consumption. To do this, SFR puts two free services at your disposal:

  1. The Info Conso : Thanks to this service, you can follow your consumption live and thus make sure that you do not exceed your package. It is accessible in France, but also abroad. For Access your SFR CONSO monitoring, You have several solutions. You can :
    • Go to SFR Customer Espace, at the “Info Conso” section.
    • Call 950 with your SFR mobile.
    • Go to your SFR & me application, to the “Conso” section.
  2. The consumer alert option : Thanks to this option, you no longer need to monitor your communication time (in the event of a package that does not include unlimited calls). By activating the consumer alert option, SFR sends you:
    • A first SMS when the end of time included in your offer approach.
    • A second reminder sms 48 hours after sending it to the first.

    For Activate the CONSO alert option, Just go to your SFR customer area.

These two services are free and accessible for all SFR Mobile customers.

If You are often subject to out-of-forms with your mobile, You can either:

  • Subscribe the 2h 100MB SFR package with blocking option if you prefer limit your budget to the maximum.
  • Subscribe a mobile SFR offer with a large envelope of mobile data and many services included. It is, in fact, sometimes more economical to take out a high -end package rather than paying a surplus each month on your SFR invoice.

Reduce your invoice with an offer adapted to your needs ! Contact our advisers to find the SFR offer that suits you:

The increase in prices for its box or mobile offer decided by SFR

SFR increase rate: In which cases can the operator increase the prices of your offer ?

If you are not in any of the situations mentioned above and you have observed an increase in your SFR Mobile or SFR Box offer, SFR may have decided toIncrease the price of your offer.

Like other operators, it sometimes happens that SFR decides to add a service to your offer, like more data in your mobile plan, and that an increase in prices of a few euros per month follows. This price increase is legal according to the consumer code And can meet without you having asked for the addition of the service in question, even if the price of the offer you have taken out was “guaranteed for life”.

This increase in prices generally occurs for customers who have subscribed to an SFR offer a long time ago. According to SFR, “this increase applies to The cheapest ranges, which have not experienced any increase for several years “. The operator also specifies that “this movement is part of the overall of the market prices”.

SFR increase: changes in SFR mobile offers

If your package is not suitable for your actual consumption or if you want to avoid a price increase, you can Change package for another SFR mobile offer that suits you to your needs.

Discover in detail below all the SFR mobile plans currently offered by the operator. Know that if you take out a SFR box and mobile offer, You benefit from a reduction of up to € 15 per month According to the chosen package.

SFR box and package increase: how to avoid them ?

SFR regularly offers its customers to develop their current offer to take advantage of additional services which implies an increase in the initial rate. To avoid it, you can click on this type of link received by email https // C.SFR.FR/Evolutionoffre5g , You then land on the page of the offer in question from which you can click on “Return to my previous offer”.

The increases in operators’ offers are increased governed by the Consumer Code. According to this, you cannot refuse the increase in your SFR offer. You can however terminate your offer If this new price does not suit you and you do not want to take advantage of the service added by SFR.

According to article L.224-33 of the Consumer Code, SFR must notify you a minimum month before increasing the price of your offer. If you do not wish to take advantage of this offer at the increased rate, you then have 4 months (from the entry into force of the modification) to express your refusal to the operator, which will result in the termination of your offer. This termination is then without penalty and without the right to compensation.

In the absence of a response on your part for the 4 months following the entry into force of the modification of your offer, SFR starts from the principle that you consent to this price change and You no longer have any recourse. You can always terminate your offer, but if you are still incurred with SFR, you will pay termination fees.

Good SFR box plan ::
SFR fiber is only 20 €/month The first year with the box SFR Starter. Test your eligibility for the offer !

Good SFR box plan

SFR fiber is only 20 €/month The first year with the box SFR Starter. Test your eligibility for the offer !

Telecoms: towards an increase in packages in 2023, why ?

As with other products, telecoms will see prices increase in the year 2023. Almost all operators plan to develop their prices, and not in the right direction. Thousands of French people will be affected by the new telecoms prizes.

The arcep has announced for several months now reports that prices have not been reduced, and according to the regulator, the year 2022 has an average increase of 1.9 %. By taking a step back on the context, in particular that of the COVVI-19, the increases have been felt since 2020. First because of the health crisis and the increase in telework, then by the resumption of world activity which led to a rupture of raw materials. Finally, the declaration of war to Ukraine and the energy crisis have signed the situation a little more. You will understand, the different levers of this inflationary period force telecoms to change their pricing grids.

In addition, the migration of customers to fiber, in the context of the very high speed plan supports this trend, because the optimization of networks and infrastructure maintenance has a significant cost.

How will these telecom increases be ?

A few euros will slip on your telecom bill, and sometimes make the difference. Here is a summary of the increases provided by operator.

Orange and Sosh increase their telecom prices because of those of energy

Orange intends to review its prices for all of its offers, including those offered by its low-cost operator Sosh.

In the project, mobile plans will undergo an increase in one monthly euro, compared to two euros for customers of Open (box and mobile) offers).

SOSH offers, for their part, fixed telecoms like mobile offers, will have an increase in one euro per month.

Telecom increases concerning Orange will be set up in March 2023 according to The gallery. The operator justifies these increases by exploding costs on the exploitation of raw materials and energy. He started communication on the subject by warning his customers by email.

However, Orange wishes to specify that not all customers are affected. Indeed, the operator ensures that customers who have subscribed to an engaging offer over 24 months, or those who benefit from social offers as a boost or the Let’s Go offer will not be impacted by telecom increases.

Bouygues provides increases between 1 and 3 €

Orange intends to review its prices for all of its offers. This applies the same for the offers offered by its low-cost operator Sosh.

Thus, for Orange, the mobile plans will undergo an increase in one euro, monthly. Open offers will increase by two euros (box and mobile).

SOSH offers, for their part, fixed telecoms like mobile offers, will have an increase in one euro per month.

Telecom increases concerning Orange will be set up in March 2023 according to The gallery. The operator justifies these increases by exploding costs on the exploitation of raw materials and energy. He started communication on the subject by warning his customers by email.

However, Orange wishes to specify that not all customers are affected. Indeed, the operator ensures that customers who have subscribed to an engaging offer over 24 months will not be impacted by telecom increases. The same goes for those who benefit from social offers as a boost or the Let’s Go offer.

SFR is on an increase in telecom prices of € 1

At SFR, we announce an increase in a maximum euro. That is to say that all offers will be subject to telecom increases, from the most competitive to the most expensive. On the other hand, the increases should be between 0.69 € and 0.99. This will be implemented in January 2023. SFR explains that “the widespread increase in the cost of the price and the service”. Obviously, it therefore takes into account electronic components, logistics or raw materials.

Free resistance

Again, free delight and its customers can keep smiling. The operator is formal and is good for the moment: no increase is planned. Free brings the news through The Parisian to whom he explains that he made “the commitment not to touch the price of these packages for the next five years and [he is] the only operator not to increase the price of [his] packages”.

Indeed, since its beginnings, the brand has offered a € 2 package (free for freebox subscribers) and a formula at 19.99 € with, again, a discount for its box customers.

What to do to overcome these telecom increases ?

During increases provided for by telecom operators, the Consumer Code provides in its article L224-3 with no cost from the user on the part of the user. Thus, within four months of receipt of the mail (or email) of the information note of his operator, the Customer can benefit from this contractual modification to terminate his offer without having to pay the remaining monthly payments , as part of a engaging offer.

If some operators leave their customers a possibility to refuse a supply development, it is unlikely that this increase in prices will be negotiable. On the other hand, do not hesitate to compare to find the cheapest offer. An offer that meets your needs, your expectations, and your wallet. To do this, nothing simpler. A free call to an expert Jechange advisor who will go around the offers with you !

Jacket economy

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