RIB or bank identity statement | N26 Customer Service, Guide to learn all about bank details – N26

Guide to learn all about bank details

Mobile banks have the advantage of offering Simplified, fast and secure procedures For the opening of your online account. Account opening form, sending and verification of supporting documents, contract signature: your 100 % mobile bank account request is made in a few clicks and without paperwork from your phone, tablet or computer. Once open, your online account allows you to manage your money where and when you wish and to make mobile payments in real time from your phone.

Bank details

What is the bank identity statement, or RIB ?

The bank identity statement, also called Rib, is a document that confirms that your account is registered by your name. It contains your name and surname, your address, IBAN and BIC of your account and the opening date of your account.

At the same time, you can request a certificate of banking domiciliation which may contain, on request, the balance of your N26 account and the contact details of your active cards, which will be half hidden by asterisks for security reasons.

How to get a rib ?

  • From the N26 online customer area (in PDF format): Click the download icon

    To obtain a Bank identity statement containing the balance of your account and your card number: Click the download icon

(new tab) and go to the bank certificate section. If you want the document to include your current account balance and/or the number of your active cards, check each of the options, then click on request . You will receive the PDF in the N26 messages section

    To obtain your official RIB according to the regulations of the Banque de France, click on the download icon

Guide to learn all about bank details

How to find yourself among the different types of bank details ? Follow our guide to learn all about bank details.

Reading time: 7 min

Banking contact details: what is it ?

THE Banking contact details designate all the information allowingIdentify a bank account. They include in particular:

  • the name of the account holder;
  • the domiciliation of the banking establishment that hosts the account (that is to say the name of the agency and the city);
  • account number;
  • IBAN (“International Bank Account Number” or international bank account number)
  • The BIC code (“Bank Identifier Code” or an international identifier of an establishment)

These elements appear on the bank identity statement (RIB) available on checkbook, on most account statements, and on your online customer area.

The various bank details

In France, the RIB often acts as a reference document In terms of bank details. Nevertheless, since the establishment of the single payment space in euros (“single Euro Payments Area” or SEPA) in 2014, only your IBAN and BIC codes are essential to make banking transactions (transfers or samples) in the European space.

Good to know : The SEPA zone includes the 27 member countries of the European Union, the countries of the European Free Trade Association (AELE), as well as the Principality of Andorra, the Principality of Monaco, the United Kingdom, Saint-Marin and the city of the Vatican.

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The Rib

THE Bank details(Rib)) is a document specific to France which lists most of your bank details. It is automatically allocated to you when opening an account and is used to communicate these bank details to third parties to receive transfers and/or pay invoices. It’s sort of your Banking identity card.

The RIB details the national identifiers of your account:

  • Identity of the account holder: surname and first name (s) or social reason;
  • Account contact details: Bank code, window code, account number, RIB key;
  • Title of the establishment and the counter holding the account: acronym of the establishment, locality, agency.

But also its international identifiers:

  • The IBAN code (“International Bank Account Number”) composed of a series of figures and letters which takes up the Bank code, the window code and the account number;
  • The BIC code (“Bank Identifier Code”) characterized by a series of 11 or 8 letters.

Depending on banking establishments, other optional information may appear on your RIB (such as the account holder or contact details of the bank window).

Good to know : Since January 2008, the use of IBAN and BIC is gradually replacing that of the RIB for automated transfer or levy operations, in France and abroad.


LEBANON(“ International Bank Account Number ”) is an alphanumeric identifier, specific to each bank account. It allows you to rapid national and international banking transactions.

An IBAN has up to 34 letters and numbers. Each character block corresponds to specific information. The first two letters refer to the country’s code where the account is domiciled (for example, “FR” for France). The following two figures correspond to a security element specific to your bank: the control key. The latest figures take up the national identifiers of your account: Bank code, window code, account number, RIB key.

Good to know : The length of Iban varies depending on the country. In France, an IBAN is made up of 27 characters.

The BIC code

THE BIC code “Bank Identify Code” corresponds to the international identification code of your bank. Sometimes also called Swift code for “Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication” (organization responsible for the allocation of BIC numbers), it allows to Check the identity of financial institutions Involved when you perform an international banking transaction.

A BIC code includes between 8 (BIC 8) and 11 (BIC 11) characters that provide specific information, such as the bank, the country of origin or the agency.The first four letters correspond to the initials of the name of your bank. The following two represent the international code of the country (“FR” for France) in which the banking establishment is located. The latest characters refer to the location of the bank. Three optional figures sometimes complement the “BIC8” code. They refer, if necessary, to the agency or the subsidiary with which your bank account is associated.

Once the bank is authenticated thanks to the BIC code, it is possible to make a safe international transfer in complete.

Good to know : your BIC code generally appears on all of your documents or bank statements (RIB, statements of your online account, etc.)). Online BIC code search tools allow you, moreover, to find your BIC code in a few clicks, by entering the country of domiciliation and the name of your bank.

How to obtain bank details ?

It is imperative to have an account in a financial institution to obtain bank details.

I already hold a bank account

If you have a deposit account or another type of account in a bank, you will easily find your bank details by consulting your RIB. You can get your RIB:

  • when opening your bank account;
  • in your checkbook;
  • on your account statements;
  • at an automatic counter of the establishment that hosts your account;
  • By accessing your personal space on your bank’s website (if you have subscribed to the online service).

I do not yet have a bank account

If you are not yet a clean bank account, You must first open an account from a financial institution to obtain bank details.

The bank from A to Z

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Open a bank account with an online bank

Mobile banks have the advantage of offering Simplified, fast and secure procedures For the opening of your online account. Account opening form, sending and verification of supporting documents, contract signature: your 100 % mobile bank account request is made in a few clicks and without paperwork from your phone, tablet or computer. Once open, your online account allows you to manage your money where and when you wish and to make mobile payments in real time from your phone.

Open a deposit account in a traditional bank

It is also possible to open a current account or savings account in a conventional banking establishment. To do this, you can make an appointment with an advisor, go to the agency concerned and provide the required supporting documents (valid official identity document, proof (s) of domicile, proof (s) (s) activity as well as other documents, depending on the establishment chosen, your personal situation and your profession).

When to use bank details ?

The use of banking contact details (RIB, IBAN, BIC) is essential in many situations of daily life. They will notably be requested by third parties (employers, service providers, etc.) For :

  • perceive yoursalary on your current account;
  • make invoicesby direct debit (ex. : rent, electricity, gas, subscriptions, telephone operators, internet access providers, taxes, insurance, etc.)).

How to give your bank details ?

Communicating your RIB, bank account number or IBAN code to a third person presents, in itself, no risk. Indeed, this information does not allow the account concerned, but only to credit it.

It is however recommended to Limit the dissemination of bank details to people, companies and trusted organizations.

How to do in the event of a change of account and bank details ?

You have recently changed account and/or banking establishment ? Inform without waiting for the various interlocutors concerned (employer and companies or organizations with which you have transfers or automatic samples in progress) to avoid any risk of transaction or prosecution rejection.

Your new bank details (RIB, IBAN and/or BIC) may be transmitted to them by postal mail or by secure electronic means. Many companies or organizations (institutions, public services) also offer the possibility of registering your new bank details directly on their website, through your personal space.

Good to know : some banks offer a automatic banking domiciliation service. In this case, they can do the procedures for you for you. This service nevertheless concerns only the deposit accounts held in France by individuals.

Bank account n26

Don’t wait any longer to regain control of your money in real time

A raised hand holding a transparent N26 standard card

Don’t wait any longer to discover the bank of tomorrow

N26 is the online bank that facilitates the management of your daily money. The account opening is done in a few minutes, and your account is immediately usable to perform all your transactions. You can immediately start making purchases with your virtual card, after fueling your account. From your application, you also master all the parameters of your account (PIN code, ceilings, blocking/unlocking your card), you follow your balance in real time and you can consult and share your IBAN in the blink of an eye.

In addition, N26 is also transparent prices, no costs on your card payments worldwide, à la carte insurance … To find out more, go to our website.

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