Revolut account: foreign or local? Declaration and guide explained – Wise, Revolut, N26, Bunq: how to declare your account on a neobank at taxes? Numerama

Revolut, n26, bunq: how to declare your account on a neobank at taxes 

In theory, that does not change much: the costs remain zero since transactions in euros and in SEPA zone have the same characteristics as a local transfer (in application of European regulations).

Revolut account: foreign or local ? Declaration and guide explained

Is you a revolut account is a foreign account ? If so, should we declare it ? But above all, how to do ? Explanation.

Before going further, you should know that unlike the majority of banks, the Wise payment solution applies the real exchange rate of the market to money transfers with a currency change (week and weekend).

I have to declare my foreign account ? ¹

Declaration obligation

Not only should you declare your Revolut account, but you must declare all of your accounts detained abroad. Some precisions :

  • All foreign accounts, even backed by a French account, must be declared
  • The accounts on which you have proxy are affected by this obligation
  • Only accounts whose total amount of purchases and receipts are greater than 10,000 euros are affected
  • This declaration includes the open, detained, used and/or closed bank accounts during the taxation year (example: year 2022 for a declaration in 2023)

No declaration obligation

You do not need to declare your foreign bank account if the cumulative conditions below are met.

  • Your foreign bank account is backed by an account opened in France
  • This account allows you to pay purchases or receive money for the sale of goods
  • The total amount of transactions is less than 10.000 euros per year

Conclusion : if you have a revolut account (or another account like Paypal) in 2022 on which you conceded less than 10.000 euros per year, you are not subject to any obligation to declare in 2023.

Revolut: French or foreign account ?

You do not have a declaration obligation if your revolut account is French.

This has been possible since May 18, 2022, when Revolut joined French Ibans.

To obtain it, just have the Lithuanian account migrate – previously offered to Europeans – to the French account.

The reporting obligations below are valid if the amount of your purchases / receipts is greater than 10.000 euros (reminder).

-If you created an account prior to May 2022, it was necessarily foreign. You must therefore declare it in 2023 because during the months of January, February and March 2022, the account was foreign.

– Ditto if you have kept the Lithuanian account without doing the migration after May 2022: you must also declare the account.

– Finally, if you have still not migrated in 2023, you will have to declare your account in the same way in 2024.

Attention : you have no obligation to migrate. This is only an option offered by Revolut. On the other hand, you have the obligation to declare as soon as your account is foreign and meet the aforementioned conditions.

For international transactions, Wise (week of which weekends) like Revolut (weekly weekly) apply the actual rate of the market.

The difference resides in account management fees: monthly contribution for revolut (ten euros) / only time 50 euros for a multi -currency account Wise and free for a multi -currency account and / or dedicated to your activity professional.

How to declare my revolut account to the taxman ?

The declaration of accounts held abroad must be made during the declaration on income. It is a question of making the declarations by completing the annexes 3916 and 3916 bis.

Note that declarations 3916 and 3916 bis are likely to be pre-cocheted by the tax administration. You must select and supplement the required information if it would miss.

Note: the declaration of your income can be made online.

When to declare your Revolut account ?

Insofar as the declaration of foreign bank accounts must be made at the same time as the Declaration on income (IR) in France, the time of your account declaration depends on the tax calendar.

Example for the year 2023.²

You can make your declaration from April 13, 2023 until:

  • May 25, 2023 (departments 1 to 19 and non-residents)
  • June 1, 2023 (departments 20 to 54)
  • June 8, 2023 (Department 55 to 974/976)

FAQ: Revolut account declaration

Where my revolut account is domiciled ?

The domiciliation of your Revolut account is indicated on your IBAN. Until May 2022, the IBAN address was located in Lithuania.

Since May 2022, holders of a revolut account have the possibility of migrating their Lithuanian account to a French account.

The difference: your Iban becomes French.

What an impact of the migration of a French Iban to a Lithuanian Iban ?

In theory, that does not change much: the costs remain zero since transactions in euros and in SEPA zone have the same characteristics as a local transfer (in application of European regulations).

  • France transfer to Lithuania
  • Lithuania transfer to France

The above transactions being denominated in euros and located in the SEPA zone, they are required to be free of charge !

In other words: no difference.

In practice, French Iban sometimes tends to reassure customers.

But most companies now know that transactions for Ibans located in the SEPA zone are free of charge / without risk.

With Wise Le Iban is Belgian: the obligation to declare therefore meets the same requirements.

How to find my tax number ?³

The tax number is at the top left of the following documents:

  • Tax notice

Another method: on your particular access page, you must go on “where to find my tax number” before clicking on the link “Receive your tax number by email”.

  • Enter your email
  • Specify your date of birth
  • Copy the characters of the image
  • Enter the code received by message

Your tax number is then sent by email.

If you are having a problem, you can contact your public finance center by phone.

What bank account must be declared to taxes ?

Any bank account opened abroad (whose Iban is not French) must be declared to taxes.

Even for a foreign account backed by a French account, it is an obligation.

Such an obligation is only valid for accounts whose amount of payments and receipts is greater than 10.000 euros per year.

What an alternative to Revolut ?

Like Revolut, Wise applies the real rate of the money transfer market for people with a multi -currency account. Here are the differences:

  • The actual rate applies the week and the weekend for the Wise solution
  • The payment solution does not apply a monthly contribution
  • Professionals must pay 50 euros a single time
  • Individuals and holders of a multi -currency account dedicated to professional activity had nothing to pay (free opening)

In addition, Wise undertakes to offer rates as transparent as possible. Its objective: to remain up to 7 times cheaper than a classic bank while guaranteeing transactions safety !

�� You can get up to 10 account numbers in currency with Wise.
  1. FAQ French Government Taxes.
  2. Taxes -Declaration of income 2022: Deadline on June 8 for the last departments (n ° 55 to 974/976) | Public service.Fr.
  3. I lost the connection identifiers to my particular space, how can I get them ? | taxes.gouv.Fr

Check for the last time on May 21, 2023.

This publication is provided for general information only and does not aim to cover all aspects of the subjects it deals with. This is not the only source of advice on which you should rely. You must obtain professional or specialized advice before taking, or to abstain, to make any decision on the basis of the content of this publication. The information contained in this publication does not constitute legal, tax advice or other professional advice from Wise Payments Limited or its affiliated companies. Past results do not guarantee a similar result. We do not make any declaration, guaranteed, express or implicit, that the content of the publication is exact, complete or up to date.

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Revolut, n26, bunq: how to declare your account on a neobank at taxes ?

Revolut // Source: Revolut

The declaration of her income is never easy, and she can be even more complicated when there is accounts on neobancs. They must be declared if they are on foreign banks.

Spring is also the tax season. And if you have an account in a neobank, it may mean that you have more information to be completed during your tax declaration. A large part of these online banks are indeed based abroad, however, France obliges its citizens holding accounts in other countries to declare them in order to fight tax fraud. You must therefore declare your account in a neobank like a account abroad. And, beware: forgetting to declare your account is punished with a fine of 1,500 euros.

The approach can sometimes seem complicated to follow and the endless steps. That’s all you need to know about the declaration of your accounts for the Revolut, Lydia, N26 and Bunq neobancs.

How to declare your bank account in a foreign neobank ?

Your declaration will go to several steps. You must declare your account abroad each year, not only that of its creation, by filling out form n ° 3916 (or appendix 3916). You will also need to provide information, such as your identity, the neobank, the account number, its nature, its date of creation, and the address of the bank. This information is not always easy to find, and how to access it differs for each bank. We detail all the steps to achieve this in this article.

To declare your N26 account, follow the guide // Source: N26

The steps to follow for your declaration are as follows, as summarized by the N26 help page:

  • During step 3 of your declaration, when you have to complete the information relating to your “income and charges”, you must go to the “various” section. You have to check The 8uu box.
  • An “annexed declarations” window appears, and it will be necessary to check the box which corresponds to form n ° 3916-3916 bis, “declaration by a resident of an open, detained, used or closed account abroad”.
  • You can access the form by clicking on ” Annex n ° 3916-3916 bis », Top left of the page.

From there, there are two options.

  • If your declaration is already pre -filled : you just have to check the information already informed. If they are all exact and you always hold the account, press the “Report” button.
  • If your declaration is not already pre -filled : you must enter the information by hand. You must first specify how many accounts abroad you hold. It will be necessary to indicate, for each account, several information: date of creation, account number, etc. Once this information is completed, it’s over ! Your bank accounts in neobanques are declared.

What are the accounts to declare ?

All the accounts you have in strange banks or in neobanques are to be declared. If you have 1 revolut account and an account at Bunq, you must both declare them. Same if you have an account in a Spanish bank and another in the neobank N26: you must declare both to the tax service.

How to declare your Revolut Taxes account ?

To declare your Revolut account, you will have to follow the steps indicated above. However, you will need specific information. Here’s how to find them.

This is how to find information on your Revolut // Source account: Revolut

To find your Revolut account number: Your Revolut account number is made up of the last ten digits of your IBAN. To find the latter, you need to go to the Bank’s mobile application, then click on the European Union flag, located next to the euro balance displayed on the home page. You will then get your IBAN and your account number.

To find the date of creation of your Revolut account: There is no direct way to find the creation date. There is nevertheless a tip: to activate your account, you had to make a first payment of 10 euros. To find the date of creating your account, you just need to find this first transfer. To do this, open the Revolut application, then on the home screen, press “Display everything”, next to “transactions”. Then scroll the least to find the oldest transactions, and the date of the first transfer.

The information to provide on Revolut:

  • Designation of the Account Manager organization: Revolut Payments UAB / Revolut Bank UAB
  • Address: Konstitucijos Ave. 21B, LT-08130, Vilnius, Lithuania

How to declare your N26 account to taxes ?

To declare your N26 account, follow the steps described in the first part of this article. To obtain the information specific to your neobank and your account, this is how to find it.

To find your N26 account number : your account number corresponds to the last 10 digits of your IBAN N26. You can recover it from your online customer area, from the Bank website, or from your application.

How to have access to your N26 account information? // Source: N26

  • From the site, connect to your account, and go to the ” My account “, In which a section is dedicated to IBAN. Just click on the icon at the top right of the box to have access to your account information and copy them. You can also access it from the “Downloads” section (which has an icon in the shape of an arrow down), located next to the “Send” button. In this section, you can access your account statement, where your data appears at the bottom of each page.
  • From the application, go to the home page of your account. Click on the icon with your initials, which is at the top right of the screen, and on “account detail”. Press the icon to the right of the box to copy your account information. From the home page, you can also press the icon with three lines at the top right, next to the “My Account” section, then on the “Release” option. You can have access to an account statement and download it. Again, your account information appears at the bottom of each page.

To find the date of creation of your N26 account : there are two solutions.

  • You can go through your customer area. To do this, connect, press the “download” symbol on your account, and scroll your account statements up to the bottom, to access your very first N26 account statement. You will find the opening date of your account.
  • You can go through your mailbox. N26 sent you a welcome email when registering: you just have to find it to have the date of creating your account.

The information to be provided on N26 ::

  • Designation of the account management body: N26 Bank AG
  • Address: Voltairestrasse 8, 10179 Berlin, Germany

How to declare your BUNQ account to taxes ?

To declare your BUNQ account, you must follow the detailed steps in the first part of the article. Once this is done, you will need certain specific information on your account: this is how to get it.

This is how to find your information on your BUNQ // Source account: BUNQ

To find your BUNQ account number: Your BUNQ account number is made up of the last ten digits of your IBAN. To find it, open the neobank app, and go to the home screen. Select the account you want to get the IBAN, and the latter will appear in the middle of the screen.

To find the date of creation of your BUNQ account : When you open your account, you had to receive a welcome email from Bunq. You must find it in order to have the date of creating your account.

The information to be provided on BUNQ ::

  • Designation of the account manager of the account: BUNQ B.V.
  • Address: Naritaweg 131-133, 1043 BS, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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