Reset Bbox: how to perform a Bbox reset step by step?, How to reset the Bbox?

How to reset the Bbox

Outside the replacement of batteries, the remote control can also be a problem, especially during a Bbox TV or Internet reset. Remember, during the very first installation, a message on your TV invited you to Synchronize the remote control, so that the remote control is piloting the decoder well.

Reset Bbox: how to perform a Bbox reset step by step ?

The Bboxes sometimes have small mood swings and we can then say that a reset would eliminate small “bugs” and overall improve its operation. In what cases is it really useful ? How to proceed ? We explain to you in detail, step by step.

You want to change your bbox ? Discover the offers available currently on promotion and let yourself be guided in order to take advantage of the partner offer most suited to your needs.

  • The essential
  • All BBOX models (Internet boxes and TV decoder) can be reset in a very simple way.
  • For what Reset Bbox or reset Bbox TV ? Because many bugs can be resolved by resetting Bbox or TV decoder.
  • A simple Bbox restart is also recommended in the face of dysfunctions such as momentary network loss.
  • Reset your Bbox is the first thing to do in case of concern, before trying to reach Bouygues Telecom customer service.

Reset Bbox in case of blocking: how to do ?

Bbox reset: a simple solution to many problems

Reset Bbox

Sometimes encounter connection problems ? Do you happen to you that your TV screen remains “frozen” in an image stop, just at the crucial moment of your favorite series or a football match at high stake ? In these two cases, as in many others, the simplest and often the most effective solution is to Reset your Bbox. It does not take more than a few minutes and requires no special knowledge.

On the other hand, it is not always simple, because the internet boxes and TV decoders are often without switches and the small “reset” button which allows you to restart is not always very accessible. The easiest way is often to use theOn/off switch When there is one and this is the case on all the available Bboxes (except the mini).

We can also disconnect, for example using a multiple socket itself equipped with a switch. Indeed, a simple reset is similar to a simple restart of “on/off” type. This already makes it possible to eliminate all the small digital files accumulated during previous uses, to “clean” the hard drive and especially to restart applications. This procedure could not be simpler has every chance of unlocking (or “beginning”) your Bbox for an operation without reproach.

A Pushed Bbox Reset (“Hard reboot” in digital jargon) goes even further by restaurants the original boxes of the box. After the Bbox reset, it then becomes necessary to reconfigure the WPA security code in order to use the WiFi wireless link.

Find the Reset button on the Bbox modem

Before resetting a Bouygues box, it is necessary to disconnect the TV decoder. Then you can simply disconnect your bbox from the sector. If this socket is inaccessible, you will need to press the small button ” Reset »Who is on the back of the internet housing (we are not talking about the TV decoder here). It turns out that :

  • On Bbox Sensation (black box) and Bbox Miami, The reset button is on the left side, between the coaxial port for fiber and the two USB sockets.
  • On the white box of offers Bbox Fit, BBOX Must And Bbox Ultym, The Reset button is also on the left side between the coaxial port and the USB sockets.

How to reset your Bbox ?

To reset the Bbox, the procedure is quite simple:

Reset Box Bouygues

  1. Press for a few seconds On the Reset button using a pointed and fine end object (toothpick, pen, trombone. )).
  2. When the Box seers will turn off, This will mean that it enters the reset phase and dies succinctly. Release the button at this moment.
  3. There Reset takes a few minutes And when all the lights have returned to normal, we can reconnect the TV connection cable.

For the Bbox Miami And Sensation, It is then necessary to reconfigure the WPA security code for its WiFi network, from its box interface and by going to Advanced configuration, Then Wi-Fi Plus configuration and in the tab Security, Enter the desired WPA key in or generate a.

Do not forget to turn on the TV decoder thatAfter completely resetting The Internet box.

Restart Bbox: another quick solution

Perform a Bbox reboot on site

Unlike a complete reset, a simple restart or Bbox reboot can be useful when faced with a minor operating problem of the modem. Here, no need to make a new configuration of the parameters. Just:

  • Turn off your bbox with the ON/OFF button Located at the back of the case.
  • Disconnect the electrical outlet of the Bbox for a minute then reconnect it.
  • There turn on Then and wait for it to reconnect gradually.

When the ADSL indicator (or showing in shape @ for a fiber box) is on, it means that it works again. It should be ensured that Everything is functional After doing the Bbox reboot. Otherwise, reset the BBOX is the more advanced step to continue.

Restart Bbox remotely: the method

If you are outside and for a reason like any other, a problem is noted on the Bbox or that you want to restart it, it is possible to distance. It is necessary to access the BBOX management interface and have previously activated theDistance access option To administer the modem from any device connected to the Internet.

From the address http: // Mabbox.Bytel.Fr (or by entering the IP address of its box in the navigation bar), a White round button must be visible in the interface home menu. Click on it allows you to restart remotely from the BBOX.

It is also possible to contact Bouygues customer service at 1064 so that an advisor makes a remote restart of the modem. It will be necessary to communicate its access identifiers to the phone.

How to reset your Bbox Miami or 4K TV decoder ?

You don’t need to unplug your internet box for Reset your TV decoder.

  • If it is the TV decoder Bbox Miami, You will find the Reset button on the left of the rear side (left of the Ethernet connection). You can also try the on/off button on the remote control: if the Bbox is not completely blocked, a window will appear on the screen and the restart is gradually carried out. The Bbox TV reset will then be finished.
  • If it is a Bbox 4K or 4K HDR TV decoder, As we saw above, no reset button but a real switch, located to the right of the rear panel, next to the 12 -volt sector outlet, to reset the BBOX decoder. You can then simply use the switch to cut the power supply for ten seconds, before turning back the Bbox.

How to reset the Bbox remote control ?

Outside the replacement of batteries, the remote control can also be a problem, especially during a Bbox TV or Internet reset. Remember, during the very first installation, a message on your TV invited you to Synchronize the remote control, so that the remote control is piloting the decoder well.

Then press the “Bbox TV” key at the top left of the remote control and wait a few seconds. If the BBOX light lights up, everything works normally. Then press simultaneously on the “Home” and “Pause” keys at the bottom of the remote control, until a confirmation screen appears. Synchronization is confirmed once you have pressed the OK key and the two devices now work together.

The different models of Bbox

The three Bbox models currently available

With the new offers, two boxes have appeared: a new Internet Bbox (white case) and a new version of the TV decoder (black case) called Bbox 4K 4K. THE Bbox Miami decoder is no longer proposed to subscribe for future subscribers. Here are the boxes currently offered to subscribers according to the offer chosen:

  • In the Bbox Fit offer, there is only the new entry -level box at Bouygues. Recognizable by a relatively small white box, it allows a Internet access ADSL or VDSL and the Unlimited fixed telephony. On the other hand, it does not include TV access and no multimedia decoder is delivered with it: this offer therefore suits those who already have their own access with Apple TV Android TV or other.
  • In the Bbox Must offer, the equipment depends on the eligibility of the customer. In ADSL, we find the Bbox TV decoder in addition to the white internet bbox of the Fit offer. These two boxes allow access to fixed and unlimited mobile telephony, at theHigh speed internet et al’TV offer. BBOX Must allows you to receive more than 180 channels, including around fifty in HD, to which are added 32 replay services and a VOD service. With fiber, the BBOX 4K decoder is provided.
  • Finally, the Bbox Ultym offers access to Internet in fiber or ADSL, there Fixed and mobile unlimited telephony, as well as Enriched TV With the new BBOX 4K HDR (fiber) Derivated Bbox 4K basic. Like the Bbox Must offer, this offer includes a white box and a small black TV decoder (exactly the same as the Miami Bbox. )).

These three Bouygues Telecom offers are, like the previous ones, subject to a 12 -month commitment.

Three “historical” models which are no longer available


Difficult to conclude this article without a reminder of Different Bbox models Available today. Indeed, Bbox has existed since October 2008, date of the launch of the first commercial offer “Triple Play” in ADSL, after the buyout of the Internet club by Bouygues Telecom. The mobile operator then officially became FAI (Internet service provider). According to its January 2021 figures on the fourth quarter of 2020, the Bbox offers have conquered more than 4.2 million customers in DSL or fiber, including 1.6 million subscribers in FTTH.

In April 2018, the range was renewed with 3 new offers named Bbox Fit, Bbox Must and Bbox Ultym. With these offers are provided new boxes (see below), with the exception of the Bbox Must offer in DSL which keeps the Bbox Miami TV decoder.

Nevertheless, it can therefore remain in activity, among Bouygues or B & You, recently withdrawn models from the market. These are two:

  • There Entry -level adsl bbox which was marketed by B & You, the “Low Cost” brand by Bouygues. This is an internet box only.
  • There Bbox Sensation, which existed in ADSL (two boxes) or fiber version (only one case for internet and TV)

BBOX Sensation THD offers are no longer active following theTotal FTTLA technology stop By Bouygues, subscribers still subscribed to the Bbox Sensation THD offer are invited to migrate to the Bbox Must ADSL or fiber offer from the operator, depending on their eligibility, by contacting Bouygues customer service.

Updated on 03/13/2023

Hervé is a experienced freelance editor who writes on all subjects related to telecoms

How to reset the Bbox ?

If your Bouygues Telecom Internet connection encounters a problem, one of the most effective solutions is often to reset your Bbox, or just restart it. Where is the reset button on the BBOX ? How to reset or restart the Bbox ? We tell you everything !

  • The essential
  • Bouygues Telecom allows Reset Bbox and TV decoders.
  • For Reset your Bbox or decoder, Just press the Reset button Present on equipment.
  • Each equipment has different reset procedures.

Where is the reset button on the BBOX ?

To reset your modem, it is necessary to Disconnect the TV decoder, If you have one, box. For that it will be necessary Press the Reset button of your modem.

  • On a White Bbox Fit, must and ultym offers: the Bbox reset button is located at theBox rear.
  • On a Black Bbox Sensation and Miami offers: the Reset button is also at the back of the box.

Reset a Bbox: how to proceed ?

Whatever the Bbox model you have (Bbox Fit, Bbox Must, Bbox Ultym, Bbox Miami, Bbox Miami+, Bbox Sensation Fiber), reset allows solve a connection problem.

Now that you have found the reset button on your Bbox, here are the steps to reset:

  1. Press and hold the Reset button for a few seconds with a trombone;
  2. Release the button when the boxes of the box go out;
  3. Wait a few minutes for the box to reconnect.

When the internet light of your Bbox ADSL or the LED @ of your Bbox Fiber remains on, your Bbox is again functional !

Following the reset of the Miami Bbox and Sensation, it is necessary reconfigure the WPA security code, For Wi-Fi.

  1. Meeting on http: // managementbox.lan From your web browser;
  2. Click on Wi-Fi configuration on the page Advanced configuration ;
  3. Click on the tab Security ;
  4. Enter the desired WPA key (the key must contain between 10 and 63 alphanumeric characters) or click on Generate a key to obtain a new key in a random manner;
  5. Finally click validate.

How to reset the Bbox TV decoder without remote control ?

In case of TV decoder problem, or if you do not have access to certain channels, however included in your subscription, you can try to Reset your Bbox TV decoder.

If you have a Bbox Miami decoder, The reset button is on the rear side, left. While if you have a Bbox 4K or 4K HDR TV decoder, There is no reset button, but a Rear switch modem.

To reset your decoder, you can Press the button or switch, according to modem

Please note, by resetting the TV decoder with its factory settings, You will automatically erase the contents of this one.

How to make a reset of its Bbox TV decoder with a remote control ?

In addition to the button and switch method, it is also possible to perform the Reset from your TV with your remote control.

  1. Turn on your TV and choose a TV channel;
  2. Go to the section Menu ;
  3. Click on the small gear, present at the top right;
  4. Select Storage and reset in category Maintenance ;
  5. Validate by clicking on Reset.

How to restart your Bbox without resetting ?

To avoid having to reconfigure your modem, you can Make a simple restart or reboot bbox, Before resetting.

The approach is simple since it is enough to:

  1. Press the ON/OFF button To turn off the Bbox. This button is at the back of the modem;
  2. Wait a few seconds before restarting it;
  3. You have to wait a few minutes for it to gradually reconnect.

How to reset your Bbox ?

What if your Bbox or your Bouygues TV decoder does not work properly ? Before contacting Bouygues after -sales service, it is always recommended to try a Bbox reset to solve the problem. We explain in this guide how to reset the Bbox or the TV decoder, step by step.

You want to take out a Bouygues Internet offer ?

  • The essential
  • Bbox reset allows Restore default parameters of its internet box. It’s important to Disconnect the connection with the TV decoder before you start.
  • Reset your Bbox is different from simply restarting it. The restart can also make it possible to solve network problems but if they persist, a reset can then be necessary.
  • It is also possible to reset your BBOX decoder in the event of a BBOX TV problem.

Why reset your Bbox ?

Box question

Reset your Bbox is a maneuver that often solves a connection problem. Bbox reset restores the original parameters, also called factory parameters, which can often allow Resolve network dysfunction.

The BBOX generally indicates a connection problem when the internet light of the Bbox ADSL or the “@” indicator of a fiber bbox is off. Before embarking on a Bbox reset, A restart of this may sometimes be enough to solve a connection problem.

To do this, just turn off the Bbox using the ON/Off button located at the back of the case and unplug the power cord. Wait a minute Before reconnecting it and turning it on to find out if this manipulation solved the problem encountered.

If this is not the case, it is then time to try the Bbox reset To restore the default parameters of the Internet box. Be careful however, resetting your BBOX involves having to configure the Wi-Fi connection and password again (encryption key). All modified parameters via the BBOX management interface are indeed deleted during reset Bbox.

The different steps to reset your Bbox

The Bbox Reset button

In order to reset, it is essential to locate the button Reset Bbox. This reset button is not necessarily the most obvious to find since it is a small button that activates elsewhere thanks to an tapered and pointed object. A pen, toothpick or a pin in Nourrice for example can often do the trick.

Whether for old Bouygues customers who still have Bbox Sensation or more recent customers Bbox Fit, Must or Ultym, the Bbox Reset button is located on the left side between the USB ports and the coaxial port.

Bbox reset

Once the Reset Bbox button is located, it’s time to reset the box proper. Before you start, make sure that This is no longer connected to the TV decoder.

To launch it Resetting the Bbox, Just press the Reset button on a few seconds with a sharp object. You have to make sure you get a little click for this manipulation to work. Press the reset button must be maintained Until the BBOX lights are died out.

It will then be necessary to wait a few minutes before the BBOX modem restart. Once this one is functioning again, reconnect the TV decoder to it. As mentioned before, if the reset of the BBOX is a success, it will then be necessary to go to the BBOX interface for reconfigure your password or any other internet connection parameter previously configured.

How to reset the Bbox TV ?

TV decoder problem

It is also possible that Bbox reset is carried out to resolve a Bbox TV problem. In this case, it is indeed always recommended to start with a Bbox reset (with the disconnected decoder of the Bbox modem) to find out if that is enough to resolve the malfunction.

Otherwise, it is also possible to Reset the Bbox decoder By following the steps below:

  1. Light her Bouygues TV by choosing a random chain.
  2. Then quickly press the “Home” key (logo of a blue house) and the keys 1 and 3.
  3. When the “Technical Support” window appears, it is necessary to press successively on the keys 0,5,0,9.0 and 8.
  4. Finally choose using the arrows of the “Reset Factory” remote control and press “OK” on the “Maintenance” page.

It is necessary to wait a few minutes before you can check that the Reset Bbox TV be complete. Note that it is possible to Reset the Bbox Miami In this way but also the BBOX 4K as a function of the Bouygues offer held.

You wish to subscribe to a BBOX subscription with TV decoder ?

What to do if BBOX reset does not work ?

If Bbox reset or that of the Bouygues TV decoder does not work, several solutions are possible with the operator. The first option is to contact Bouygues customer service so that the operator’s advisers can assist you.

The Bouygues after -sales service can then take over and assist you in the event of a technical failure on Bbox devices. There is also a Bbox online diagnostic tool available 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. This Bouygues assistance tool performs BBOX equipment tests and asks you to answer questions to find a solution to the problem encountered. If the assistant does not find the source of the problem, he then offers to Create an incident.

Whether after a call to customer service or from the Bbox wizard, the incidents created can then be consulted from the customer area in the “Ma Box” section and “followed by my Bbox incidents”. It will then be possible to Consult the history of the incident and the next actions planned to resolve it.

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