Renault Megane E -Tech 220 hp 60 kWh – Detailed test – A sobriety record for an almost sportsman, Renault Megane e -tech test: a week while driving

Renault Megane e-tech test: one week behind the wheel of the electric star

Not all of them take care of direct payment by bank card. And that is not to mention the faulty terminals, those who load less quickly than expected, or the queues at the stations. A disaster.

Renault Megane E -Tech 220 hp 60 kWh – Detailed test – A sobriety record for almost sports

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricSo here is the surprising Renault Megane e-tech. Surprising is the first word that comes to mind, because in front of the car, if we know black, gray or chrome bumper on the old ones, this anodized gold finish is for us a first. It is good for a new model to surprise, especially that we waited for this second electrical Renault. Yes, the second because if we put aside the Twizy which is not a car, and the kangoo which is a utility, this megane e-tech is the second real electric car of the brand with diamond. More than 9 years after the Zoé. Then you have to write that this is not a new Zoé. It had been said for a time, that this second model would be the replacement for the Zoé, but no. This car is too different, much larger, higher. It’s something else, it’s a megane ! Although she does not remind us of the preceding megane. She is a Megane as the last space was a space, that is to say that if he had the name, and that he was still a family vehicle, because he was no longer a minivan, he n ‘had the minds of ancient models more. Or can we perhaps forget the Megane III and Megane IV ? This new electric megane seems to us closer to the Megane II. We see a parentage between Megane II and this Megane e-tech, which cannot be seen with the Megane IV. Speech is therefore motorists, and it will be necessary to see if many current owners of Megane Essence or Diesel remain faithful to Renault, and are won over by this electric version.
Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricRenault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricSo what is this megane e-tech, if it is neither a zoé nor a megane, she is a kind of compact crossover. In the kind of a Mercedes eqa, or a DS4, in a little more compact. That is to say a tailgate sedan with a high belt line, as it is currently fashionable. We can write without puncture that it is a trendy car. And even more in the finish in 3 colors of our test car. This Renault Megane e-tech is then, and this is more a surprise, a small car. Compared to a Renault Captur, this Megane is 3 cm shorter. We are then almost surprised to learn that she shares her platform with the Nissan Ariya, which is much more massive, on a higher segment. But we will appreciate the aesthetics of the ultra-short backward, truncated net, like the first Twingo, almost 30 years ago.


Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricRenault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricThe great advantage of this compactness is in the mass, very reasonable for an electric, 1513 kg for the basic version with a battery with a capacity of 40 kWh, and only 1636 kg for our test car with the big 60 kWh battery. It is more than 150 kg less than a Volkswagen ID.3 with a comparable battery. Like all Renault sedans for 50 years, this Megane is a front traction, therefore electric with the battery housed in the floor, and this accumulator is distinguished by its very low height. Only 10 cm. In France, there are 2 possible engines, 130 or 220 hp, and 2 batteries: capacity of 40 or 60 kWh. But in the United Kingdom or Norway, only the large engine and large battery combination is available. We have the choice in France, but the most powerful engine is only available with the largest battery, which is all logical. The first price is € 35,200 (small engine, small battery), and the megane e-tech 220 hp battery 60 kWh begins at € 40,200 (bonus not deduced). To locate, a Megane IV 160 hp Essence RS Line is € 35,050, while a Zoé R135 is € 36,900. We could say that the Megane e-tech is expensive, or that it is not, but its prices are logical with those of the other models of the manufacturer.

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electric

For the eternal dissatisfied that I am, I would have liked a version of an intermediate power of 175 hp, a battery of 70 kWh too, but already we must be happy that the minimum power of this new Renault Electric is 130 hp. More than the Megane Diesel which only exists in a single version of 115 hp, while only 18 months ago, the Kangoo II Ze was satisfied with 60 hp. We can never thank Tesla enough for having been the first to offer electrics who did not drag on the right line. It is the progress to have of the reserve under the right foot. With the small battery, the WLTP autonomy is 300 km, it varies from 450 to 470 km with the big. We will be very careful with the recharging, since on the basic version, there is no possibility of fast recharging. The maximum accepted current is only 22 kW. It therefore takes more than 2 hours for a full recharging, except checking the DC charging option, up to 85 kW, which will allow recharge in an hour and quarter. It will last the same time for the Megane with the big battery, which accepts a current up to 130 kW.

Interior and equipment

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricRenault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricThe first contact is not too positive, since it is made with the Renault card. It is not a key, but a plastic rectangle format credit card, 5 mm thick. Renault had invented this about twenty years ago, and it still remains as impractical. It is difficult to add to the keychain that we will continue to have for a long time in our pockets, and it is too big for the wallet. It must be kept separately. But we forget it by settling on board, where we can write frankly that it throws it. Two large super luminous screens, it’s the party, and it is sure that it will impress any passenger, otherwise the one who descends from a Mercedes EQS whose screens make the whole width of the dashboard. It is considerable progress compared to electricity as the BMW i3, the Vokswagen ID.3 or even the Ford Mustang Mach e which only face the driver’s eyes that a small rikiki screen.

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electric

The colors and the data are largely parametable, we are still happy that Renault has kept classic buttons for setting air conditioning. Renault says it in its advertisements, the car is delivered with Google Inside (Android 10), which is not a reason to rejoice. I was able to find in the car all the destinations already returned to the navigation system, and I did not find how to erase them. They are also copied on Google servers. Aside, I can explain that on my Android smartphone, the day I bought it, I deactivated the contacts, duo, Drive, Gmail, Maps and all other Google applications, and that my smartphone works very well since then. It will not be possible here, since Renault says in its documentation that it takes a Google account, and a Myrenault account to access all the functions. In the car, I found an adjustment “Share your position with Google”, I checked “No”, And after navigation no longer worked. While on a smartphone, it is possible to download free cards from all over Europe, and even remove the SIM card (or cut mobile data), navigation will always work, just without info.

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricRenault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricIt was Tesla who showed the example, the American manufacturer makes statistics on the websites most consulted aboard its cars, its customers submit and make a cross on their life. We hope that European manufacturers will not be as disrespectful, but it’s off to. To return to the Megane, it is possible to reply the display of your smartphone on the central screen, so it must be possible to have a non -Google navigation, and to remain master of your data. Phew ! Passing in the back, there is less room than in a VW ID.3 But the habitability remains satisfactory, as long as those of the front are less than 1.85 m. The difficulty, if there is one, will be to settle there, because the pavilion line is rather low, and with a floor a little high, you have to bend a lot and lower your head to enter the car. The trunk behind, is very satisfactory volume, and it is well thought out with a compartmentalized space to store the charging cable, but its threshold is rather high. There remains a defect, rear visibility. She is already archi-mauaise on the megane petrol, she is even more so on this electric version. I propose that we enclose the Renault designers for 3 days in a Renault 8 or 12, because the cars of 50 years ago were considerably better on this plan. But now that camera feedback systems have become compulsory, no doubt that designers will escape any conviction.

Performance and handling

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricRenault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricTaking the car, if I know where I am going, in the sense that I do not need navigation, I program it all the same to know where the battery will be with the course I planned. 100 %battery, autonomy according to the 406 km dashboard, but that tells me that my destination is 279 km, and that when I have reached it, the battery will be 0 %. Gosh ! Fortunately, I don’t go a km further ! I had always thought that we had to avoid deep discharges, but if the car tells me that it can do it, it must go. Though. After doing 130 km, I am forced to think that there is something weird, when the on -board computer tells me that arriving at my destination, the battery will be discharged – 2 %. I didn’t know that one could unload a battery at – 2 % ? Without forgetting that knowing the road, I know that I am only a handful of km of an Ionity terminal, but the car does not have the idea of ​​suggesting me to make a stop to recharge. It was Mr. Gougueulmapsse who browses, I had already found that he made me do detours, this incident convinces me that he is a big draw. Choosing not to recharge so as not to be late, I leave the highway, I check my course in 2 dimensions with here on my unconnected smartphone, and to me the departmental. I will arrive at destination with 11 % battery.

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electric

This choice was a great decision, because this is where the Renault Megane e-tech revealed itself. I had already noticed that the management was very direct, I now see the very great precision of the front axle. And I am amazed by the handling of this car. It completely eclits the Nissan Leaf competition, MG ZS EV, Hyundai Kona EV or Kia Niro EV. I even dare to write that this electric megane provides a real driving pleasure. If I look back, my last tests, in the cars at less than € 50,000, the most fun car I tried for engine was the Ford Fiesta St, and this megane comes just behind. She is even more friendly to lead than Volkswagen ID.3, despite the fact that the German has the asset of being a propulsion (but the French is lighter). It is a good surprise, because until this day, I had resigned myself to believe (like many) that the pleasure in an electric could only come from strong accelerations. This Megane reminds us that if a car holds well, the pleasure is there.

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricRenault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricAccelerations are of a good level, with 0 to 100 km/h in 7.4 seconds, this represents a huge progress compared to the Megane IV DCI 90 that I tried 6 years ago. Another good surprise, the car turned out to be comfortable despite its very large, and useless, 20 -inch rims. The tires are 215/45 r 20 (good year), it may be good for the look, but they consume more. They are also a little ridiculous when looking through the rims, the brake discs seem very small compared. It is then regrettable that the most beautiful finish imposes these large rims, we should be able to stay with 18 -inch rims as on the basic version, even if possibly with others of a more beautiful design. I would also have liked the front/rear walking command behind the steering wheel (this gives off the central console), as on an old one, but it should be more ergonomic, with the parking position behind the reversal switch , not by pressing a button. The lever could also be positioned a little higher. 2 times, wanting to reverse, I activated the wipers. Mention well also for the steering wheel, with a slight flat at the top as below, which turned out to be pleasant.

Consumption, energy efficiency

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricRenault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricIt must be said immediately, I broke a record. It was badly gone, with the on -board computer that told me that I was going to unload the battery 100 % on a 279 km trip, but the thing was all wrong. On the highway, for the first time with an electric, I consumed less than 20 kWh/100 km. 19.9 kWh/100 km at 126.5 km/h on average. A regret is that I could not use the cruise control, because it is too intelligent, and that it is annoying. I took it for a while, and when there was work on the highway, the car in front of me slowed down at some 100 km/h. The Megane regulator being adaptive, the car is setting on the speed of the front car, until it sees a speed panel limited to 60 km/h. This panel was not well placed, the car saw it at the last moment, but immediately it reacted, braking suddenly at 60 km/h, while the front car continued to drive at 100 km/h. This far too violent braking dissuaded me from ever tacking the regulator, or can we unravel its functioning from the reading of the traffic signs ?

Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricRenault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricWith a battery with a capacity of 60 kWh, we therefore have almost 300 km of motorway autonomy, very few electrics can say the same. But because this car is a megane, I cannot think that in an old Megane Diesel 10 years ago, there was a 60 -liter reservoir, and that everyone was more than 1000 km between 2 full. No old driver of Megane will have forgotten. On the small road and in peri-urban, I easily went down within 13 kWh/100 km. Ma Megane e-tech with the Iconic finish is given for a range of 450 km, a very reasonable driver can make up to 475. To recharge, on a 230V/32A wall box, which can be described as standard, the complete recharging will last 9:15, it will be 1h15 on a quick terminal on the highway, with the power of 130 kW, with which we can also satisfy a recharge of 10 to 80 % in 30 minutes.


Renault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricRenault Megane e-tech 220 hp 60 kWh electricA car pleasant to drive, and with which I set a consumption record. It is an understatement to say that my test was positive. At a time when Chinese competition is becoming more and more sharp, it is delightful to see that a French car is at this excellent level. For having driven quietly on departmental, I must also testify to the very great silence of the car. Even for an electric, all the rolling noises are very well mastered. This megane e-tech is therefore a very good electric car, but because it is a megane, the question I ask myself is whether to the disappearance of the megane petrol and diesel (planned in 2 years), it will convince the customers who used to have a range of 1000 km.

Renault Megane e-tech test: one week behind the wheel of the electric star

It was one of the most anticipated electric cars of the year. The Megane E-Tech, New Star of Renault, is the first big part of the brand’s “Renaulution”. Is it up to expectations ? We tried it for a week.

Posted on August 7, 2022 at 12:00 p.m

Megane e TECH

It is the one that embodies the first stage of the “Renaulution” (Electric Revolution at Renault). She is too The best -selling electric car in France in July 202222, in front of the Peugeot E-208. It bears the name of an iconic model. She is the new megane e-tech.

For a week, we swapped our thermal vehicle against the highest-end version of the Megane e-tech. In town, on country roads, on the highway, we have traveled thousands of kilometers. Because, yes, we wanted to push the star of Renault into his entrenchments by making him travel an round trip Amiens-Baux de Provence (rich in emotions).

SO What is the famous megane e-tech worth ? Answer after a week’s test.

Price and availability of the Megane e-tech

The Megane e-tech is offered to start at 35,200 euros (excluding ecological bonus of 5,000 euros) is barely more than the Zoé when it was released. But as often with cars, the Megane e-tech is available in several versions and Renault multiplies options.

The megane e-tech is first divided into two main categories corresponding to the two battery sizes. The EV40 has a 40 kWh battery, the EV60 is based on a 60 kWh battery.

The EV40 has a 96 kW engine or 130 horsepower, 250 Nm of torque and a 0 to 100 km/h in 10 seconds. The most premium EV60 (the one we test here) has a 160 kW engine or 220 horsepower and a 0 to 100 in 7.4 seconds.

The EV40 is available in two large models: the 130 standard load load, sold 35,200 euros, is not compatible with any fast load. We therefore recommend it for urban or peri -urban use with the possibility of recharging it at home every day.

The Boost Charge version is compatible with fast load up to 85 kW and has a 22 kW on -board charger. This option is billed at 2,000 euros, this version starts at 37,200 euros.

Megane Tech Design Nose Essay

The EV60 is offered in four versions: two with a power of 130 horsepower and two with 220 horsepower under the hood. Each version also has an additional small asset:

  • The EV60 130 CH Superchart is sold 41,200 euros. It has a quick load up to 130 kW or a 10 to 80% in 37 minutes announces Renault
  • The EV60 130 hp Optimum Load has only one more thing: a charger embarks 22 kW supporting a three -phase diet. Its price: 42,700 euros.
  • The EV60 220 hp Super load has the same characteristics as the 130 hp version but displays better performance thanks to its engine. Price: 40,200 euros.
  • Finally, The EV60 220 hp Optimum Load is the top of the top of the megane e-tech. Sold from 41,700 euros, this version has the best engine but also the best charging systems

Obviously, Renault offers several levels of finish as well as some small more options. Our test model is the megane e-tech 220 hp optimum load with a few options. Price of our test model: 43,570 euros (with Nocturnal blue color option / shale roof).

A megane that is not a megane

Megane e tech details test

Forget the nice and shy megane of past years, The new Megane asserts itself with a new look. Higher, it is too packed to be a SUV but too slender to be a sedan. Most of the people who saw her qualified her as “little SUV”. It seems rather correct to us.

This mix, associated with new more aggressive lines, make this megane e-tech a “stylish” car. Yes, Renault has revolutionized the design of one of its most popular vehicles, at the risk of disappointing some.

Slightly shorter than the old Megane but also lower than Captur, the Megane e-tech is perched on 20-inch rims. Its plunging roof, its small windows, its short nose and its right back make it a tired vehicle, stocky.

Megane e tech designer rear

The Megane e-tech does not leave the passers-by indifferent. People turn around and wonder about the passage of this car struck with diamond and yet so elegant (it is quite rare to emphasize it).

While Renault had accustomed us to a little old-fashioned designs, with more rounded lines, the Megane e-tech blows a wind of modernity, almost futuristic. Its elongated optics, its door handles that hide in the body, its side scopes letting air pass or its new logo are all elements marking the “rebirth”.

The Megane e-tech is a beautiful car, balanced, elegant and modern. A frank success.

Well equipped and comfortable


On our test version, Renault does not skimp on equipment and finishes. In view of its price, we could expect a mid -range cabin, it is not. Renault puts small dishes in large and opts for quality materials: Alcantara leather on doors, recycled mesh fabric on the whole dashboard, aluminum (chrome or not) everywhere. Rare are the black plastic parts, and we will not complain about it.

At the driving position, we are amazed by the level of equipment. Two screens dress the dashboard. The first, central, the most imposing, displays a diagonal of 12 ’’ and is positioned vertically. He overlooks a series of buttons to manage air conditioning as well as accommodation to recharge his wireless smartphone.


On the touch screen we can access different settings but especially to Google Maps (directly integrated) with a personalization of the interface to take into account the charging stations on your journeys.

Megane e tech tests TPS recharges

Below, we have a large storage space since Renault has chosen to position the gearbox in a commodo (driving, like the Americans). This choice also allows more space to a large armrest.

Always in his search for comfort, Renault joined a second screen behind the steering wheel. It displays driving information as well as other deported data from the on -board computer.

Oh, There is actually a third screen : that of the interior mirror which, if you want to save energy, can be transformed into a “normal” retro of a simple gesture.

Megane e Test Ech Retro Camera

If the comfort is good at the front, We feel a little cramped at the back. Nothing to do with the available space, the position of the seats and the flat floor allowing the greatest templates to feel comfortable.

It is rather a question here of feeling locked up, the fault of a little small windows leaving little light. Renault does not offer a panoramic roof (even optional) which would have made it possible to give an impression of space with incoming light.


At night, all the elements light up without the screens overcoming our retinas. Renault has integrated LED games (for example a beautiful blue border on the doors) making the whole very elegant. We feel pilot aboard his flagship. Finally, if we have kept a child’s soul.


The interior of the megane e-tech is therefore just as attractive as its exterior design. Renault perfectly combines modernity and comfort. Wow effect guaranteed as soon as the doors open.

Megane e tech trial size trunk

For the rest, The Megane E-Tech has only one and only 389-liter trunk (given the template of the vehicle we would have hoped for a little more space), the space at the front being reserved for the engine. Also note that the tailgate is not electric on our model sold nearly 45,000 euros. A small saving of candle that makes task, especially since the level of general equipment pleasantly surprised us.

Driving pleasure

Megane e Tech Driving Mode test

To fully appreciate the potential of the megane e-tech you must of course take the wheel. In town, on roads or on the highway, the “little SUV” of Renault detonates.

In urban circles, its very small turning radius (with regard to its size) allows you to maneuver without incident. We have the feeling of driving an extremely light vehicle, almost a city dweller. The oldest would say that the megane e-tech is driving on the verge of fingers.

But it is especially on the road that the new Renault star impresses. Mounted on her 20 -inch wheels, she marries the curves with ease. On country roads, sport mode (there are four in all, sport, comfort, eco, personalized) allows you to enjoy a more flexible steering and a more sensitive accelerator pedal.

Well helped by its 300 Nm couple and 220 horsepower, the Megane e-tech would almost look like Megane RS version Light (its chassis was designed with Renault Sport teams). Capable of going from 0 to 100 km/h in just over 7 seconds, she will also be able to seduce “rhythmic” driving lovers.

Camped on its supports thanks to batteries positioned on the basis of the chassis, The Megane E-Tech offers good driving sensations, Never fear the road exit even when you have a little fun (too much).

Megane e tech tent palette brakes

The regenerative braking system (which can be adjusted on three levels thanks to paddles behind the wheel) makes it possible to curb very rarely. At the maximum level, we almost never touch the brake. What have fun without exhausting the battery.

On the highway, We can count on a driving aid system. If driving without hands is still prohibited in France, the technology of maintaining the trajectory associated with the cruise control makes it possible to chain the kilometers without feeling it.

All in a cathedral silence, Renault having opted for high -end insulation and reinforced glazing. Add to this an ability to keep a good recovery between 80 and 100 km/h, and double becomes a children’s game.

On the other hand, Automatic reading of panels is sometimes problematic. When you take an outing, the car brakes at the last moment, up to the panel. Too dangerous.

It is not uncommon either that the cameras read an output panel and reduce our speed while we are on the right line or even on the central strip (on three ways). The driver can quickly be annoyed, the passengers always very surprised by this sudden slowdown.

Perfect in everyday life, galley on a trip

Megane e tech design before

Be careful, this is so dreaded: can the megane e-tech replace your thermal car ? Like most vehicles, yes for everyday life, no for long journeys.

Our test model had the load at 22 kW (available as an option for 1,500 euros) almost essential. It makes it possible to fully recharge the Megane E-Tech in just under 3:15 am against 6:30 am for the 11 kW and 30 hours on a traditional outlet (2.3 kW).

For everyday life, the autonomy of the Megane e-tech is more than enough. If Renault announces 400 km with a full load, we are rather around 350 km depending on the roads. Starting from the principle that a Frenchman travels on average 54 km day for his home-work-Domicile journeys and that a night of load allows you to recover nearly 200 km of autonomy, we are wide.

On the other hand, thelong journeys quickly become a hassle. We crossed France twice (Amiens-baux de Provence round trip), in the middle of summer, not without difficulties.

Megane e tech test Recharge

If the Megane e-tech is not the only responsible for this disastrous adventure, it is not completely innocent either. By its Wealthy autonomy and very slow recharge times, She complicated our task very much.

If Renault promises a load of 10 to 80% in 37 minutes on a DC terminal up to 130 W (like certain Ionity terminals for example), this represents a travel cost almost less profitable than in thermal car. On such a fast ionity terminal (invoicing per minute), we go from 20 to 80% for around 40 euros, before returning to the cash register 250 km further. A total of 120 euros for 750 km. A good thermal road goes further for cheaper, even with the liter of petrol at 2 euros.

Long trips are therefore untenable financially but also in terms of timing. Our return journey, which happened without any particular difficulties, required so many stops that our journey lasted more than 15 hours, against the 11 hours announced. We are not even talking about the first leg which lasted almost 8 pm, the fault of crowded stations and terminals that did not work. Suffice to say that it is better not to have an appointment during the day.


These difficulties do not only incumbent up on Renault but to a charging network, let’s say it,. If Renault offers a movable card giving access to certain terminals and some universal cards facilitate the task, the too many suppliers requires installing a dozen different applications.

Not all of them take care of direct payment by bank card. And that is not to mention the faulty terminals, those who load less quickly than expected, or the queues at the stations. A disaster.

Proof if Renault must be aware of the problem, The manufacturer offers for your long journeys to rent a megane… thermal prices at advantageous prices. This is not a joke.

Our opinion on the Megane e-tech

After a week of testing, can we recommend the Megane e-tech ? In the version we have tested (one of the best equipped), certainly. From its new look to its level of equipment through its comfort and driving pleasure, the Megane e-tech perfectly fulfills the contract.

The fact remains that Renault – however larger seller of electric cars for years alongside Tesla – fails to make an impeccable copy. Main defect of this megane e-tech: its autonomy a bit weak but above all its recharge far too slow to hold long journeys without it turning to the puzzle (not to say in the nightmare).

The Megane e-tech will therefore be the almost perfect vehicle for daily use (house-boulot-germ trips, races etc.) or even in the second vehicle. A little just for a car sold between 35,000 and more than 45,000 euros, excluding ecological bonus.

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