Remove your Bbox | Procedure & costs | How to do?, How to terminate a Bouygues Telecom Internet subscription?

How to terminate a Bouygues Telecom Internet subscription

If you want to leave Bouygues for another operator, while keeping your number, it is rather not recommended to proceed otherwise. Above all, you must first terminate your Bbox subscription, then choose a new supplier, at the risk of undergoing an internet cut at the time of the rocking. The best is therefore to choose a new subscription – our comparison of the best internet offers can help you – then let your new supplier take care of the termination.

Terminate your Bouygues Telecom Internet box: the procedure

You hold a Bouygues Télécom internet package and you wish to cancel without further delay ? We explain here everything you need to know about Bbox termination. What you should specify in the termination letter, the methods of restitution of equipment, and how to stop your Bbox subscription without paying additional costs. However, you can keep your Bouygues mobile plan. If you want Change internet supplier Serenely, here is how to terminate your Bouygues Telecom box.

Refit its Bouygues Telecom Internet box

The different internet termination procedures Bouygues Telecom

Whatever reason that encourages you to terminate your BBOX (job loss, moving, subscription to a new operator, etc.), you can cancel your subscription at any time, while keeping your mobile plan.

This procedure cannot be carried out in a shop of the operator. You have to send a letter of termination recommended with acknowledgment of receipt. The other solution is to Contact Customer Service Bouygues Telecom By phone at 1064 (from a fixed line or from your mobile). This call is free if unlimited calls are included in your Bouygues mobile package.

The letter of termination in detail

Here is the Bouygues termination letter model to download that will be used in the Bouygues termination procedure by mail. This only concerns your internet subscription and not your mobile package. If you want to send your Bouygues termination letter from home, use our online service available here.

Termination letter sending

Bouygues Telecom
Bbox termination
TSA 59013
60643 Chantilly Cedex

If you want to subscribe to a new operator, you can keep the same number for your landline line. Then ask your Rio (Operator identity statement) comprising 12 characters and transmit it to your new supplier. Please note, the approach here is still different.

By communicating your RIO to your future supplier, it will take care of the transfer your line and termination with Bouygues. So you don’t need to send mail.

To get your rio ::

Connect to your Bouygues Telecom customer area or dial 3179 from your fixed line to access your identity statement operator.

The procedure for restoring equipment

Remove your Bbox Bouygues subscription. Box Box

You must of course return Bbox equipment to the operator when the termination is effective. To do this, you have a 30 days from Bbox termination. Here is the address :

Equipment address

Bouygues Telecom
TSA customer service 59013
60643 Chantilly Cedex

Here is the list of the material to be returned:

  • The modem;
  • BBOX TV decoder;
  • The remote control ;
  • Cables ;
  • Power supply.

You have the possibility of returning the Bouygues equipment for free. Just download a free return slip to your customer area.

The reimbursement of your security deposit will take place within 10 days after the restitution of the equipment. If this is not the case, you are entitled to make an increase request corresponding to 50 % of your security deposit. For example, for a deposit of € 49, you should receive a refund of € 73.50. Do not hesitate to contact the consumer service to assert your rights.

The termination of your BBOX subscription

You have to count a 10 working days Based on taking into account your BBOX termination letter from Bouygues to stop your internet subscription is effective. You also have the possibility of requesting subsequent termination of up to 60 days maximum.

You will receive confirmation of your request by SMS and email when the termination will be scheduled.

The termination costs of a Bbox subscription

If the Chatel law has made it possible to simplify the approaches to termination of the Internet box, to find it in the costs is not so obvious. Explanation.

Termination conditions at no cost

If you cannot let your new operator manage the termination and have no costs, you can be exempt in case of:

  • Movement outside the coverage area or abroad;
  • Job loss resulting in unemployment accessibility;
  • Death ;
  • Disease requiring long -lasting hospitalization;
  • Over -indebtedness, compulsory liquidation or recovery, loss of a permanent contract;
  • Imprisonment;
  • Number portability failure;
  • Handicap leading to the impossibility of using the service;
  • Tutorship;
  • Other cases of force majeure defined by justice.

Thanks to the Chatel law, you can Anly subscribe to your subscription After the agreed commitment period, you will not have any costs to pay.

Termination costs according to your current commitment

The flat -rate termination costs of your BBOX are added to your last invoice. They amount to 59 €, as stipulated in the general conditions of sale of Bouygues Telecom.

12 -month commitment

When you win your subscription before the end of the commitment period, you will have to reimburse all monthly payments until the end of the twelfth month. This is valid only for short engagement periods, over 12 months.

24 -month commitment

During a 24 -month commitment period, you must first pay all monthly payments until the twelfth month, then a quarter of the monthly payments due between the 13th and the 24th month. In summary, you are liable in full in the first 12 months, then a quarter of the monthly payments for the second year of engagement.

How to terminate my bbox bouygues at no cost ?

Any termination of the contract normally incurs costs, even if you are no longer under commitment. However, certain conditions make it possible not to pay the termination fees. If you change operator, you can get your fees reimbursed by your new operator who will therefore cover your termination. If you move, you can avoid terminating and simply carrying out a line transfer. In this case, no fees are applied. Other exceptions exist and are provided for in your contract. Here is the list: unemployment following a dismissal, death of the subscriber, moving outside the coverage area, subscriber put into detention or imprisoned, person under guardianship, hospitalization or disability, placement in retirement homes, sinister, recovery, liquidation or over -indebtedness.

What are the termination costs at Bouygues ?

The termination of your box subscription at Bouygues Telecom is possible at any time. The termination fees are around € 60.

How to terminate 4G Box Bouygues ?

Removing your subscription to its Bouygues Telecom 4G box is the same procedure as for a conventional internet bbox. Termination fees are also to be incurred.

How to terminate a Bouygues Telecom Internet subscription ?

Terminate a Box Bouygues Telecom subscription is extremely simple. There are nevertheless a few rules to respect and some tips to know to avoid termination costs.

How to terminate a Bouygues Telecom Internet subscription?

  • Bouygues termination: two ways to stop your Bbox contract.
  • . and three ways to terminate
  • How not to pay the termination fees at Bouygues Telecom ?
  • BBOX restitution: how to make your equipment in Bouygues ?
  • How to keep your Bouygues email address after termination ?

You will terminate your Bouygues internet subscription ? Often synonymous with chore, the operation is however relatively simple with regard to the termination of a Bbox. And even child’s play if you end your contract to change supplier. We will therefore explain to you in this guide the different ways of stopping your Bouygues Internet contract, and the steps to be completed to make your equipment. But also to take stock of what it costs to terminate a BBOX, with some good plans to pay nothing.

Bouygues termination: two ways to stop your Bbox contract

To terminate its Bouygues Telecom internet subscription, there are two solutions: a simple and a very simple. Let’s start with the latter: if you leave Bouygues to take out an offer from another operator, keeping your fixed phone number, you will have nothing to do. The new supplier will take care of everything, in fact, as we explain in our guide on the change of internet operator with portability of the number.

If you want to leave Bouygues for another operator, while keeping your number, it is rather not recommended to proceed otherwise. Above all, you must first terminate your Bbox subscription, then choose a new supplier, at the risk of undergoing an internet cut at the time of the rocking. The best is therefore to choose a new subscription – our comparison of the best internet offers can help you – then let your new supplier take care of the termination.

You will have no approach to undertake with Bouygues Telecom in this case. But beware, as we will see afterwards, that does not mean that you will have nothing else to do. In particular, it will be a question of examining the termination costs and especially the means of not paying them. Or to make your Bbox and other equipment to their owner.

So much for the very simple solution. In all other cases, you will need to terminate your Bouygues internet box yourself . But don’t panic, we promised you, put an end to his Bbox contract is not rocket science.

. and three ways to terminate

If you want to terminate your BBOX contract purely and simply, Bouygues Telecom gives you several possibilities.

  • You can request the termination of your fixed offer to the operator via your customer area, in the section, “my offer and my options”. Or, alternative, on the Bouygues Telecom application for smartphone and tablet: the Bbox termination service will then be accessible in the “My lines” sections.
  • Second possibility: send your request by email, to the termination [email protected], specifying your contact details and the reason for termination
  • Finally, if you are not comfortable with online termination, you can also contact the operator directly to ask him to stop your contract. This must be done by recommended letter with acknowledgment of receipt, to be sent to the following address: Bouygues Telecom
    Bouygues Telecom customer service,
    TSA 59013
    60643 Chantilly Cedex

To save time, you can also go through an online termination service like or This will allow you to send a pre-filled mail to the operator, without leaving your home !

You have the right to terminate your BOX Bouygues Telecom contract at any time, but it takes a minimum period of 10 days, from the receipt of your request. And a maximum delay of 60 days if you already know the date on which you will no longer need your fixed line.

Once Bouygues Télécom has recorded your request, the operator will send you an SMS and an email to confirm that your request has been taken into account. Finally, be aware that if you change your mind and finally want to cancel your termination request, it is also possible.

How not to pay the termination fees at Bouygues Telecom ?

The termination may be simple at Bouygues, it is not free of them. In all cases – change of supplier or simple termination – you will indeed have lignable closing costs to pay. These amount to 59 euros (except in the event of subscription before March 23, 2015: 49 euros).

There are also possible penalties to take into account. They will apply if you stop your Bbox contract Before the end of the commitment period ::

  • In the case of a 12 -month commitment, penalties will be equal to all monthly payments that remained to pay until the end of the 12th month.
  • In the case of a 24 -month commitment, you will have to pay all the monthly payment until the end of the 12th month, more 25% of the remaining monthly payments until the end of the 24th month.

A very important point here: for three years, at Bouygues Telecom, the termination has made the profits of promotions lose. Consequence: if you have subscribed to your offer after 05/28/2018, the calculation of the monthly payments remaining will therefore be based on the price excluding promotion, and not the reduced price from which we usually benefit from the first 12 months of Bbox subscription. All these costs will be summarized in your fence invoice.

However, you can escape termination costs (line closure and possible penalties) if you have a legitimate reason to terminate your Bouygues Telecom internet subscription . These cases are specified under the general conditions of sale of BBOX offers. You will be able to end your contract at no cost in the following cases:

  • Ladge of the portability procedure for your phone number due to Bouygues Telecom, within 12 days of this failure
  • Absence of fixed services for 30 days following receipt of the subscription confirmation mail or the installation of the fixed equipment
  • Move to an area in mainland France where the service is inaccessible from its new home, or for a long time, outside the metropolitan territory
  • Handicap or illness making it impossible to use services, or death
  • Placement under supervision of the contract holder
  • Subscription by a minor
  • Notification of admissibility in individuals’ over -indebtedness committee
  • Unemployment following a dismissal of a permanent contract which you became aware of during the offer of the offer (the contractual termination is not accepted)
  • Detention, for a minimum duration of 3 months, in a penitentiary establishment
  • Claim preventing the use of the service, or other cases of force majeure as defined by the French courts
  • Non-compliance with the operator’s commitments or modification of the general conditions of sale

In all these cases, your request for termination at Bouygues Telecom must be justified by a document attesting to your situation. This must be attached to your termination letter or, transmitted online via your customer area, in the “My requests” section, once your termination request has been recorded.

Tip to terminate at no cost at Bouygues Telecom: Line sale. In the case of a move, you can indeed offer the person who succeeds you in the accommodation to resume your Bbox subscription. This will exempt you from paying the 59 euros in termination costs, but beware: not the possible monthly payments due to the end of your commitment.

And another tip: if you leave Bouygues Telecom for a new fixed internet supplier, the latter can reimburse you with the expenses related to termination . And this time, line closing costs and monthly payments remaining, within the limit of 100, or even 150 euros ! We explain to you how to take advantage of the windfall in our file on the reimbursement of internet termination costs.

How to make your bbox and decoder in Bouygues Telecom ?

The termination of your Bouygues Internet offer is made, but between you and the operator, everything is not (completely) finished. You still need to return your Bbox, that is to say the white modem, or possibly the Wi-Fi 6 Bbox if you have an ultym offer. You will also have to make the TV decoder in Bouygues, usually the small Miami or 4K boxes, depending on the offers.

And to restore your equipment to the operator, it will not be necessary to hang out: you will have 45 days, from the effective date of the termination of your subscription at Bouygues Telecom. And you should not forget anything either: the boxes therefore, but also the remote controls, cables, hard discs, 4G key, Wi-Fi repeater or any other equipment made available by the access provider. Hard disk. A step during which the rigor is in order: in the event of delay or dismissal of incomplete or defective equipment, you will have to pay penalties. Note that there too, the operator is betting on simplicity, here is how to proceed:

1 -Download the QR Code Bouygues Telecom

When your BBOX termination request is recorded by Bouygues, the operator sends you by email or SMS a QR code, to be kept preciously: it will serve you later.

2 – Wrap your Bouygues Telecom equipment (complete)

Once your Bouygues line is actually cut, you can put all your Bouygues equipment in a box. By making sure not to forget anything: everything that has been made available to you by your now ex-supplier must be returned, including cables or power blocks. And in good condition, it goes without saying, otherwise the penalties will be:

Bouygues Telecom equipment Non-return penalty (€) Other equipment Non-return penalty (€)
Bbox 70 4G key 59.90
Bbox Wi-Fi 6 99 Fiber housing for Wi-Fi 6 69
Bbox TV decoder 180 Wi-Fi repeater 80
Fiber housing 40 128 GB storage (SD or USB) 60
4G Box 150 Micro-SD card (with 4K Bbox) 59.9
CPL (Multi-TV option) 99 Power supply / remote control 20
Bbox Sensation FTTH/THD 320

3 – Return your equipment to Bouygues Telecom

Once all packaged, you have three solutions to return your equipment to Bouygues Telecom. As we will see, the first two are more interesting than the third.

  • Return to relay point: you only have to present the QR code in the relay point, where we will take care of affixing the return label for you. And it’s free.
  • In Bouygues store: it costs 10 €
  • By post, on the other hand, the return is at your expense: if you have no other solution, you will then have to send your Bouygues equipment to the following address: Electronics cord, Hub byt – 11 rue du Nouette, Zi de Quévert, 22103, Dinan

How to keep your Bouygues Telecom email address after termination ?

You have taken all the procedures for terminating your Bouygues Telecom Internet offer, but it may not be completely finished. Indeed, with your subscription, you had an email address @Bbox.Fr . If you don’t use it, you have nothing to do with particular. But if you would regularly recover the Bouygues messaging to communicate, you will need to intervene to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Indeed, once your internet subscription is terminated, operators have legally the right to delete the associated mailbox. Their only obligation: let you access it for six months. At Bouygues, once your BBOX contract has been terminated, you can therefore always receive and consult your messages during a semester. But you will no longer be able to send it: you will therefore need to use another mailbox as soon as the end of your subscription is effective in order to continue to communicate.

But it will also be a question of preparing the migration to your new email address . You can in particular transfer the emails you want to keep from your @Bbox address to your new email address. You can also transfer your contacts to your new messaging box by going to the “Address book” section of the Bouygues mailbox, then selecting “Import: Export”. You have six months to carry out these operations after terminating your BBOX, but it is better not to wait for the last moment !

BOX BOX termination: the main thing in 3 questions

How to terminate your Bouygues Telecom Internet subscription ?

To terminate your BBOX contract, you can simply change your internet supplier by requesting the number of the number. Otherwise, you will have to notify Bouygues Telecom, who will be able to stop your contract within 10 days.

How much is the Bbox termination ?

Bouygues Telecom invoices 59 euros in line closing technical fees, to which can be added the monthly payments remaining due in the event of termination before the end of the commitment. There are nevertheless several tips to escape termination costs at Bouygues.

How to restore your Bbox and your TV decoder to Bouygues Telecom ?

The operator gives you 45 days to make the equipment made available, once the BBOX contract is completed. A delay that it is better not to exceed.

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