Refit your TCL subscription: how to do by phone?, Termination of a TCL subscription

How to terminate a TCL subscription

Early terminations are made in an agency or by mail. Excluding exceptional cases, the process will be accepted. However, No refund will be in proportion.

Remove your subscription to TCL

You must move to Lyon regularly ? Nothing like a TCL subscription. The latter allows you to use the tram, metro or the entire city bus network. As is the case for Tan Nantes or RTM Marseille, subscriptions take several forms: weekly, monthly, annual, school pass, with or without direct debit. Public transport is a major issue to develop cities. Each has its particularities. In Lyon, for example, the city has put a lot of means to Better accommodate its customers with reduced mobility. For more information, watch the video below. For the time being, discover if it is possible to terminate your TCL subscription, and how to proceed.

Conditions to terminate TCL

There is two cases, which each require a different approach. Indeed, the conditions of termination are not the same depending on if you have subscribed A subscription with or without commitment.

Termination of a TCL subscription with commitment

Know that all TCL subscriptions cannot be terminated. Indeed, some operate on the basis of a direct debit and others not. Then these are tacit renewal contracts. Excluding legitimate reason proven, You have to pay the period on which you have committed. To stop this type of contract, you must send a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt and respect a notice, to which we return later.

Those who do not benefit from this levy can however terminate at any time, simply by not renewing said subscription.

Termination of a TCL subscription without commitment

Only school subscriptions can be terminated in advance. For the others, those who are not tacit renewal, it suffices toWait for the subscription deadline and not to renew. If you want to terminate earlier, you will have to claim a valid excuse, like:

  • Moving,
  • A sale of professional activity (dismissal or retirement),
  • A situation of over -indebtedness,
  • The death of the beneficiary,
  • Hospitalization or detention of more than three months.

Think of prove what you are advancing, by means of official documents.

An eco -responsible green bus S

Procedures to terminate with TCL

Again, there are several solutions to terminate TCL. You can invoke several laws and have some of your rights recognize. Here they are.

TCL termination on the due date

To terminate your subscription, you must go to one of the five TCL agencies, all located in the town of Lyon.

If your termination concerns an annual pass, then you must simply bring your Técély card: the termination will only take place annual maturity. Think about Send your request before the 25th of the month. Otherwise, you should repay an additional period.

For early termination

Early terminations are made in an agency or by mail. Excluding exceptional cases, the process will be accepted. However, No refund will be in proportion.

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Summon the legitimate reasons mentioned above. Otherwise, you can also look if your situation places you As part of the Chatel law. The latter obliges companies that issue tacit renewal contracts to prevent their customers from the occurrence of the deadline for said contract. If they don’t, you can terminate free of charge, with immediate effect.

Obligations to terminate your TCL subscription

In both cases, your termination must respect a certain notice of five days before your subscription. This corresponds to the processing time of your TCL termination. The subscriptions end most of the time on the last day of the month. So you have to send the mail before 25. Be careful, it is the mail cachet that makes.

Contact and address to terminate TCL

Sending a registered letter to one of the agencies is the essential step so that your termination is taken into account. Here are the addresses.

Here is the TCL customer service phone number: 04 26 10 12 12. A team receives your requests and answers your questions every day of the week, From Monday to Sunday as well as public holidays, between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. Do not hesitate to use this issue in case of doubt about the termination procedure or for any other problem.

Finally, you can also use this online contact form to reach TCL.

How to terminate a TCL subscription ?

Attractive and dynamic city, Lyon has an extended public transport network. Tramway, metros, bus, shuttles, funiculars and full moon lines serve the many stops in the metropolis. Rather than buying tickets, regular Lyonnais public transport users (TCL) can opt for the Técély card. This gives access to the entire network and the relay car parks. It is nominative and to validate on each climb. You can no longer use transport ? Or you have changed your travel habits ? Find out how to terminate your TCL subscription with this guide.

Refit his TCL subscription

1. The subscriptions offered by TCL

The Técély card can be loaded with different formulas, depending on your trips and your age and your profile (student, retired, etc.). Three types of subscriptions are available to travel on the TCL network:

  • Annual subscriptions: they are reserved for subscribers aged 4 to 25;
  • The monthly subscriptions: open to all ages and all profiles, they allow to recharge only if necessary;
  • Unlimited monthly subscriptions with direct debit: open to everyone (with the exception of students 26-27 years), these subscriptions are tacitly renewed from one month to the other.

2. When, why and at what price terminate your TCL subscription ?

When to unsubscribe from TCL ?

Termination letter for a TCL card

Monthly packages cannot be terminated during the period. The subscription will end the last day of the month. Thus, for the judgment to be effective at the end of the month, it is necessary to Make the request before the 20th of the same month if you send a letter of termination or an email. If you prefer to go to an agency, move Before the 25th of the month.

Only the annual subscription can be stopped in the 12 months only in case of force majeure. Otherwise, it will be enough not to renew the subscription the following year.

It is also possible to suspend the package temporarily.

Small specificity: TCL users can load their subscription by direct debit on the ilera card in order to combine various transport from the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region. In this situation, the subscription can only be terminated in TCL agency. And not just any agency, only the one where the package was bought.

The patterns to stop its tecély formula

TCL can accept your request Termination during the annual formula In the event of a move, change of school in the year … a proof will be required.

For the Unlimited monthly and monthly packages, you do not have No need to justify your decision, simply solve when matched or do not proceed to the renewal.

How much is a TCL termination ?

Cancel your TCL subscription is free. No fees will be billed to you.

Reimbursement after unsubscription

In exceptional cases (long illness, user death, etc.), the month (s) unused may be refunded. There Request for this refund must be made at the same time as the termination request.

Namely, Folder fees of € 5 will be deducted from the reimbursement.

3. TCL termination letter

Our letter model to stop a TCL subscription

In order to simplify the procedures, we offer you an example of mail for a due -term termination.

By clicking on “Customize this letter”, you can choose the reason corresponding to your situation.

TCL card termination letter

recommended letter with receipt note

Subject: Request for termination of a TCL subscription

I inform you by this present letter sent by registered mail wanting to end my subscription subscribed to your TCL company, under the subscriber number ………………….. (Indicate your subscriber number).

My commitment period being completed, I do not wish to renew my subscription to your public transport network. Please terminate this subscription upon receipt and send me back a letter confirming the term of my contract.

Please accept, madam, sir, my distinguished greetings.

Do not forget to formulate your refund request in the letter if the conditions are met.

The +

Thanks to our service, personalize many examples of letters To make the unsubscribe of TCL. You can then send them by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt directly online. La Poste will print and will distribute them to your recipient. In your space, find your follow -up, as well as the accused.

  • You no longer need to travel to the post office;
  • You personalize and send your termination letter when and where you wish;
  • The service is secure and fast.

4. What to do with the Técély card after the unsubscribe ?

When you have terminated the TCL subscription, you have Possibility to keep the Técély card since it is Valid 5 years. You just have to charge a new subscription if the need appears. This card is also used for bicycle’v packages.

5. 3 questions around the termination of a TCL subscription

What are the means to terminate TCL ?

You can send a registered letter, an email or go to a TCL sales agency.

Is there a right of withdrawal ?

There does not seem to be a right of withdrawal for the Técély card. You can end the subscription at the end of the chosen period (month or year).

Can I terminate TCL during subscription ?

No, you have to wait for the monthly or annual deadline. Legitimate reasons, however, make it possible to stop the annual package before exposure (moving, death, etc.).

Terminate your other contracts in Lyon

  • EXII of the BLUELY LYON self-sharing
  • Terminate self-sharing Citiz Lyon LPA
  • Terminate the Lyonnaise des Eaux

Send your termination letter by registered mail, without getting around

  • In partnership with La Poste
  • Service available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • No more trips, you save time !

Take your TCL subscription in 2 minutes

  • The letter model displays the formulation for the reasons and the subscription termination address for public transport in Lyon.
  • Personalize your letter of termination intended for TCL.
  • Ship your letter by registered mail from home. It will be printed by post and handed over to your company recipient.

In partnership with

Send your termination letter by registered post,

without moving ! in 2min

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