Recharge duration and cost | Electric rides, load your electric car, more expensive than full of gasoline?

Is the electric car penalized by the rise in electricity prices

Rolling electric, it’s cheaper. Even using public recharge occasionally.

Recharge duration and cost

Rolling electric is practical. Find out how much electricity costs 20,000 km in electric vehicle and compare with the cost of gasoline for the same distance. See also the factors that influence the duration and the recharge speed.


How long is necessary to recharge a vehicle ? In reality, we are only very rarely concerned, since recharge almost always happens at home. Loading your car when you get home is as simple and quick as loading your phone or computer.

Factors that influence the duration and recharge speed

The charging speed corresponds to the number of kilometers added to the vehicle autonomy for each recharge hour.

The factors that influence the recharge speed are:

  • The power of the terminal used;
  • Battery load level;
  • Battery temperature;
  • The power of the on -board charger (component of the vehicle which receives the alternating current (AC) from the charging station and converts it into DC (DC) to recharge the battery).

Recharge contexts


Here are some examples of charging time for some rechargeable vehicle models.


Depending on the size of the battery and the power of the on -board charger of the vehicle, here are some examples of recharging time for each type of terminal.

Recharge duration table

Recharge cost

Rolling electric, it’s cheaper. Even using public recharge occasionally.

Compare the costs to drive 20,000 kilometers depending on the consumption of the vehicle and the price of energy (petrol or electricity).

Is the electric car penalized by the rise in electricity prices ?

Recharge of an electric car

Putting on the fuel which increases to 10 cents in mid-November will increase the cost of full gasoline, which will increase the ditch with the cost of the electric recharge. This remains – by far – the cheapest energy for a car, despite the increase in the price of electricity.

Even if an electric car is often more expensive to buy than a petrol or diesel car, its cost of use is however much lower than these. This irrefutable fact has been shaken up by the energy crisis and today 61% of French people think that full of an electric car costs the same price as a full of petrol. Wrongly.

By threatening to close the gas and oil taps that feed the continent, Russia has agitated the fear of a harsh winter for Europeans and fuel prices have gone upwards. The crisis has also exploded the prices of electricity on the market, as these are indexed to the production price of power plants operating on gas.

France champion of fossil fuel financing

The increases have been largely contained by the price shield on regulated electricity and fuel prices. Many European countries have chosen to artificially keep the price of petrol and diesel after the invasion of Ukraine and the disorder it caused on the energy markets. In France, these aids represent 7.5 billion euros of public money in 2022, which makes our country the champion of fossil fuel financing. The pump has reached 30 cents per liter from September to mid-November. This policy has led fuel prices to be below their pre-crisis level with € 1.57/L in September, a level never seen since July 2021. Conversely, the average electricity prices for households reached their highest level in September at 0.28 €/kWh.

For some, the history of electricity prices and the semblance of return to normal for fuel prices calls into question that recharging your electric car would be cheaper than refueling. And some wonder even if it will not stop the transition to electric mobility. Let’s look at the facts.

Filling up with your petrol vehicle costs two to three times more than loading your electric car

We have compared the cost of a 100 km journey between an electric Peugeot 208 and its petrol counterpart, because these are the best -selling electrical and thermal models in 2022 in France. We took into account the average evolution of electricity prices from April to September 2022, and the evolution of the price of fuels.

Cost D

T & e shows that when it is a slow recharge at home – which represents the overwhelming majority of uses -, The cost of a 100 km journey with an electric car amounts to an average of € 4 Between April and September 2022. Over the same period, the same gas vehicle route costs 11.5 €, almost triple. In September, the gap is reduced due to the delivery to the pump of 30 cents, but it remains largely to the advantage of the electric (€ 4.4 vs € 9.7).

In total, over a year, the use of a new electric vehicle rather than thermal represents a significant purchasing power gain of more than 1,000 euros (€ 700/year for electric recharge against € 1,900/year for full of thermal) [1].

In 2023, a gap that increased in favor of electricity

The future tax changes will consolidate this economic advantage of electricity. On the one hand, the regulated electricity rate – they benefit most of the households – will increase by 15 % in 2023, and will therefore go from € 0.18/kWh to around € 0.21/kWh (which remains below the average prices observed in recent years). On the other hand, the drop and then the abolition of the price shield on the fuel will result in an increase in the price at the pump. T & e compared the impact of the two phenomena and shows that for the electric, the additional cost will be € 0.4 per 100 km. For thermal, the additional cost in 2023 will be € 1.9 per 100 km, almost five times more !

There is only one scenario where the recharging of an electric is as expensive as a full of fuel: when this recharge is made via a quick terminal, located for example on a highway area. However, for households, this scenario is rare and linked to exceptional trips, such as vacation departures. The European Commission also stresses that 90 % of the recharge is made at home or at the workplace. In addition, Emmanuel Macron recently announced that all charging stations – including those located on roads or in condominiums – would be integrated into the price shield, which will contain the prices of the recharge in any situation.

Despite the subsidies still granted to thermal vehicles and the increase in the price of electricity – to the excessive EU dependence on fossil fuels – The electric car is currently the best economic choice for use. It is urgent to accelerate the transition to the electric vehicle, not only in the name of the climate but also in the name of the portfolio of French motorists.


[1]: for a first -hand vehicle, on the basis of 16,500 km per year, according to a UFC study that Choosing on the Vehicle holding cost . The consumption of vehicles in real condition: EV-Database For the Peugeot E-208 and Spritmonitor For the Peugeot 208 petrol.

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