Real Instagram: understand everything about their use (Complete 2023 guide), presentation of reels on Instagram

Presentation of Reels on Instagram

If you press only once, the real will be saved without being categorized. On the other hand, if you want to create a collection and record reality in a very specific category, you can stay lean on the icon to create a collection.

Real Instagram: understand everything about their use (complete guide 2023)

Real format is a very special type of publication on Instagram, initially launched to compete with Tiktok. Do you know everything about this format ? Do you know why you might really need it for your business ? Do you know how to create it ? Do not panic, we explain everything in detail in this article !

Real Instagram

Quick access (summary):

Instagram real in #Short

  • What is this ? A short video (less than 90 seconds) that allows you to combine photos, videos, text, music and animations.
  • What’s the point ? Share different content – let your creativity speak – create more dynamic content
  • How companies can use it ?
    • Get more visibility
    • Get in touch with her audience
    • Appear modern
    • Be more highlighted by Instagram (the algorithm highlights the reals to promote their use)
    • Touching an audience that may not have been interested in other publications
    • Offer more creative content
    • Stand out from your competitors
    • Garnier
    • Apple
    • Nike
    • Share behind the scenes of a product development and production
    • Organize contests
    • Make your customers live a day in the shoes of an employee of the company
    • Publish tips and tips on using your products
    • Present the team
    • Create a teaser around the release of a new product or the organization of an event
    1. Open Instagram
    2. Click on the creation button
    3. Select the real format
    4. Import a video already mounted from your gallery or create a video directly on the creation interface
    5. Add the desired effects
    6. Complete the parameters of reality
    7. Click on “Share”
    • Publish content without integrating it into your digital strategy
    • Do not select the trends you reproduce
    • Do not arouse the curiosity of your audience
    • Do not be interested in statistics
    • Try to understand all your real data

    What is a real Instagram ?

    A Real Instagram is a Video publication format Launched in 2020 by the platform in order to diversify its content and compete with Tiktok, the emerging social media.

    The real is a short video (less than 90 seconds) which allows you to combine photos, videos, text, music and animations.

    The presentation of the reals made by Instagram is as follows:

    Reels allows you to create fun videos to share with your friends or with any person on Instagram. You can save and modify multi-clip videos of 15 seconds with sound, effects, and using new creation tools.


    Instagram real advice

    What is the utility of reality ?

    Although Instagram is initially known to offer only photographic content, the platform had to diversify so as not to disappear in favor of Tiktok, which experienced a strong boom in 2020 in France.

    The real allows Instagram users to Share dynamic and creative content. Thanks to the many personalization options offered by the social network, it is possible to create video content that will allow you to stand out.

    The particularity of reality is that it allows Mix both photos and videos, which offers even more creation options.

    For simplicity, the real makes it possible to diversify its content, by making it more creative and more dynamic.

    How can companies use the real Instagram format ?

    And if you, as a professional, could take advantage of this type of Instagram publication ? It’s possible ! But how ?

    1. The real allows you toGet more visibility.
    2. The real allows you toget in touch with your audience.
    3. The real allows you to appear modern.
    4. The real allows you tobe put forward by Instagram (the algorithm highlights the reals to promote their use).
    5. The real allows you to reach an audience who might not have been interested in your other publications.
    6. The real allows you to offer more creative content.
    7. The real allows you to stand out from your competitors.
    8. The real allows you to ..

    If you are still not convinced, we do not know what you need more ! The real is a great asset for the communication strategy of your company.

    Creation interface of

    How to create a real from the mobile application

    1. Open the Instagram application
    2. Launch the creation of a new publication:
      • Either: by clicking on the symbol + at the top of the screen
      • Either: by dragging the home page to the right with your finger
    3. Choose the “real” publication format by scrolling the different options at the bottom of the screen
    4. You can create a video directly from this interface if you want to share spontaneous content, which does not require too much video editing
    5. Or you can import a video from the gallery of your device by clicking on the square icon at the bottom left of your screen
    6. Once the video is selected, click “Next”
    7. Add the desired effects: music, filter, text, drawing, etc.
    8. Click on “Next”
    9. Enter the different parameters of reality: legend, identification, cover photo, place, interaction options ..
    10. Click on “Share”
    11. And there you go, your real is online on your profile !

    And if you prefer visual explanations, we leave you with this video.

    The mistakes not to be made when making your real

    When you create your real, you have to keep in mind that some things are really to be avoided if you want your content to work. Here are 5:

    1. Publish content without integrating it into your digital strategy : Even if this type of content is more interactive, less formal, more playful, it should not be taken lightly and you must absolutely reallit the content of your real, and integrate them into your digital strategy.
    2. Do not select the trends you reproduce : reproducing trends, it is effective, because it is a type of content that is intended to buzz and make very good figures. On the other hand, this does not mean that you must reproduce all the trends you see passing on social networks. Take the time to sort out to identify those that are suitable for your editorial line and those suitable for Instagram.
    3. Do not arouse the curiosity of your audience : if the beginning of your real is not interesting, or that it does not arouse curiosity in your spectator, there is very little chance that he is watching it entirely, especially that it is not always possible to advance further in the video on Instagram. Work the first seconds of your real to give people the desire to look at the rest.
    4. Do not be interested in statistics : If you do not analyze your statistics, you will not be able to understand what works and what does not work, so you will not be able to improve your next content. It’s that simple.
    5. Try to understand all your real data : analyze statistics is good, it’s even important. But don’t take your mind trying to understand everything, it is not possible ! There is too much of uncertainty and chance linked to algorithm.

    FAQ on Instagram real

    Who can see my real Instagram ?

    It all depends on the confidentiality parameters chosen by me.

    If you have a public account, anyone with an Instagram account and internet access can see your profile, your publications and therefore your real.

    On the other hand, if you have opted for a private account, only the people you have accepted in your followers will be able to see your profile, your content, and therefore your real.

    It’s that simple !

    Can we post a real Instagram story on his feed ?

    Yes, because Instagram has been offering you a new option for some time: transforming your stories into real in a few clicks.

    1. Open the Instagram mobile application
    2. Click on your profile (the photo at the bottom right)
    3. Go to your archives: 3 horizontal bars -> Archive -> Stories archives
    4. Click on the story you want to transform into real
    5. Press the “Create” icon at the bottom of your screen
    6. Follow the steps offered by Instagram

    How to do the video editing for a real Instagram ?

    To make the video editing of your Instagram real, you can use many tools, so some free.

    We have prepared a dedicated article to you, where we have made a list of the best video editing software. Do not hesitate to consult it.

    Can we know who has seen a real on Instagram ?

    Not really. On the other hand, you can know how many people have seen it, and how many people liked it. To see this data, you just have to click on your real, then on the number of I like that you harvested. You will then see:

    • The number of readings of your real
    • The number and names of the people what have put an i love on your real

    For how long the real is visible on my Instagram profile ?

    Real Instagram is a type of publication. On Instagram, all publications remain visible for an indefinite period (until you archiviate them or delete them if you no longer want to see them) on your profile.

    Keep in mind that only stories are ephemeral on Instagram. Everything else is intended to remain “forever”.

    Is it possible to record a real on Instagram ?

    Yes, you can record publications (including real) and create collections so that you can keep them on hand if you want to see them again again.

    To save a real, simply view it, then click on the icon located at the bottom right of the video (flag -shaped).

    If you press only once, the real will be saved without being categorized. On the other hand, if you want to create a collection and record reality in a very specific category, you can stay lean on the icon to create a collection.

    To find your recorded publications, simply go to your profile, click on the three horizontal lines at the top right, then click on “saved”.

    What is the type of content that works best on Instagram ?

    To make the most of an Instagram account, it is important to publish content that speaks to your target audience.

    Visual content works better on Instagram, images and videos being the most engaging posts.

    To be highlighted, the photos must be of high quality and relatively aesthetic, while the videos must be fairly short and considered to be entertaining by the platform.

    In order for your content to work well, the legends must also be written with care.

    Users tend to react well to stories, behind -the -scenes, humor, quotes, tutorials and the previews of products or services to come.

    When you want to publish on Instagram, keep in mind that the least is often the best: favor quality rather than quantity for your content.

    Before leaving ..

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    Presentation of Reels on Instagram

    We present to you today Reels on Instagram: a new way of creating and discovering short and entertaining videos on this platform.

    Reels allows you to create fun videos to share with your friends or with any person on Instagram. You can save and modify multi-clip videos of 15 seconds with sound, effects, and using new creation tools. You can share reels with your subscribers on the wire, and if you have a public account, broadcast them more widely with the whole Instagram community thanks to a new space in Explorer. Reels in Explorer allow everyone to turn into a creator on Instagram and touch new audiences around the world.

    How it works

    Create reels

    Select Reels at the bottom in the Instagram camera. On the left side of your screen, you will see different advertising content modification tools that will help you create your real, for example:

    Audio: Look for a song in the Instagram music library. You can also use your own audio content, just saving it at the same time as your real. When you share a real with an original soundtrack, this audio content will be awarded to you, and if you have a public account, other users will be able to create reels with your audio by selecting Use audio content from your reel.

    AR effects: Select one of the many effects offered in our effects gallery, created by Instagram and by creators around the world, in order to record several clips with different effects.

    Timer and countdown: Program the timer to record your clips in hands -free mode. By pressing record, you will see a 3-2-1 countdown displayed, indicating the start of the recording for the duration of your choice.

    Align: Align the objects of your previous clip before saving the next. You can create fluid transitions when you need to change your hold or add new friends to your real.

    Speed ​​: Choose to accelerate or slow down certain video or audio sections of your choice. This allows you to stick to the pace or film videos in slow motion.

    Reels can be created via a series of clips (one by one), in one plug or important videos of your gallery. Save the first clip by holding the recording button. You will see a progress indicator at the top of the screen during recording. To finish each clip, stop the recording.


    Real allows you to communicate with your subscribers, but Also to make yourself known to explore with the vast and great diversity community.

    If you have a public account: You can share your real in a dedicated space in Explorer, where the whole Instagram community can discover it. You can also share your real with your subscribers by publishing it on your thread. When you share reels including certain songs, hashtags or effects, they can also appear on dedicated pages when someone clicks on the song, the hashtag or the effect in question.

    If you have a private account: Reels functionality uses the same confidentiality parameters as Instagram. If you share the reals in the wire, only your subscribers will be able to see them. No one can use the original audio of your reals, and no one can share your reals with people who do not follow you.

    When your real is ready, go to the sharing screen, from which you can save a draft of your real, change the cover image, add a legend and hashtags, but also identify your friends. Once your real is shared, it will be kept in the separate real tab on your profile, in which it is possible to discover the reals you have shared. If you also share your real in the wire, it will be displayed in the main grid of your profile, with the possibility of deleting it.

    Whether your account is public or private, you can share your real in your story, with your close friends or in a direct message. In this case, your real will then work as a normal story: it will not be shared in the Reels section of exploring, it will not appear on your profile and it will disappear after 24 hours.

    Watch reels

    The Reels to Explorer section offers the best of what is popular on Instagram. Discover an entertaining selection of reels created by any Instagram, in a personalized vertical thread. If you like a real, you can easily love it, comment or share it with your friends.

    Some real realities will be displayed with the “One” label. If your real is in the front page, you will receive a notification. Reels to the front page are a selection of public reels made by Instagram specialists to help you discover original content which, we hope, will entertain you or inspire you.

    Reals offer Internet users new ways to express themselves and discover more content than they like on Instagram and help all those who want to become creators to put themselves in the scene.

    To find out more about Reels, see our help pages .

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